Scope & Sequence FUNCTION
WELCOME L1 p.4 Talking about one’s last vacation. L2 p.6
Vacation activities.
Question words Past simple: I went + vacation activities
Descriptive sentences: It’s fattening; It tastes good.
Present simple There to be Question formation using: is, are, do & does.
Past simple (aff.) Time expressions: last month, two days ago. Past simple – irreg. verbs (neg.)
Extreme sports
Past simple (aff.)
Extreme sports Multi-word verbs
Past time expressions
Asking & answering questions to guess the names of things. Asking & answering questions about one’s family.
UNIT 1 L1 p.8
Talking about past experiences.
L2 p.10
Talking about past experiences.
L3 p.12
Talking about what happened to oneself. Narrating mishaps.
Reflexive pronouns
Sports equipment
Past simple (aff. & neg.)
L4 p.14
Narrating past events within a chronological sequence. Reading and writing biographies.
Time expressions: a few years later…, when he was…
Chunks: to be born, set up a company
Prepositions of time
When things get out of hand
Review Lesson Unit 1 (p.16)
World Issues Magazine - WI1: Teens on the road
Joining hands
L1 p.18
Narrating connected past events.
Narrative: when + Past simple
Gestures & expressions
Present simple Past simple (aff. & neg.)
L2 p.20
Describing a scene in the past.
Past continuous (aff. & neg.)
Chunks: make a donation, raise money
Action verbs
L3 p.22
Connecting events in the past. Asking & answering about events in the past.
Past continuous (int. & short answers) Charity related words Conjunction: while
L4 p.24
Contrasting completed actions with actions in progress in the past. Reporting a funny or tragic event in the past.
Past continuous vs. Past simple
Review Lesson Unit 2 (p.26)
Action words & Prom related words
Present simple Past simple Past continuous
World Issues Magazine - WI2: Holding hands
On one hand… on the other hand
L1 p.28
Describing animals. Talking about one’s life.
Animals & adjectives
L2 p.30
Comparing animals. Giving opinion about different animals.
Comparatives I: more + adjective + than
Animals & adjectives to describe Present simple them
L3 p.32
Comparing different cities. Expressing opinion.
Comparatives II: -er + than
Chunks: asking & giving opinions
Spelling Comparatives I
L4 p.34
Comparing different realities. Expressing opinion.
Irregular comparatives: good & bad
Adjective-noun collocations
Comparatives I & II Adjectives (L2 & L3)
Review Lesson Unit 3 (p.36)
UNIT 4 L1 p.38
Present simple Past simple
World Issues Magazine - WI3: Here, there and everywhere & Song
Hat in hand Talking about the most dangerous animals in the world.
Superlatives I: the most + adjective
Animals & creatures
Animals & adjectives
L2 p.40
Talking about the world’s natural wonders.
Superlatives II: the adjective + -est
Geographical features
L3 p.42
Talking about rules.
Can’t for prohibition
The new seven wonders of the world
L4 p.44
Talking about responsibilities towards pets.
Obligation & no obligation: have to, don’t have to & don’t need to
Review Lesson Unit 4 (p.46)
002-003_scope_LOG3-out/09.indd 2
Pet care related words Adjectives Irregular plurals How often…? Once, twice…
Adjectives Superlatives
World Issues Magazine - WI4: Guiness World Records
16/10/2009 04:05:59 PM
UNIT 5 L1 p.48
Making predictions about the future.
Future simple: will (aff. & neg.)
Collocations: facts of life Adjectives
L2 p.50
Asking questions about one’s future.
Future simple: will (int.)
Parts of the hand & types of line Future simple: will (aff. & neg.) Collocations: facts of life
L3 p.52
Talking about the possibility of something happening. Discussing cloning. Making predictions about the future.
May & Might (aff. & neg.)
Science related words
L4 p.54
Talking about endangered species.
First conditional: If + Present simple + Endangered species related will words
It’s all in our hands
Review Lesson Unit 5 (p.56)
UNIT 6 L1 p.58
Present simple Reflexive pronoun
Future simple: will
Future simple: will
World Issues Magazine - WI5: Amazing deeds
Lending a helping hand Making predictions about the future.
There will / may / might be…
Technology related words Occupations
Future simple: will
L2 p.60
Talking about health problems. Listening to the doctor’s recommendations.
Must / Mustn’t + infinitive for obligations
L3 p.62
Expressing the idea of excess.
Too + adjective
L4 p.64
Giving advice. Expressing concern about a friend. Discussing eating disorders.
Mustn’t vs. don’t have / need to
Health problems Chunk: What’s the matter with you? Parts of the body Adjectives to describe parts of the body Eating disorder related words
Review Lesson Unit 6 (p.66)
UNIT 7 L1 p.68
Why…? / Because… Can’t for prohibition Parts of the body Why…? / Because… Present simple
Should / shouldn’t
World Issues Magazine - WI6: Sleepy head
First hand experience Talking about the new generation of video games.
not + adjective + enough
Video game related words
Too + adjective Adjectives
L2 p.70
Giving instructions for a video game.
Prepositions of movement
Action verbs
L3 p.72
Asking & giving directions.
Prepositions of place & movement
Places in town
L4 p.74
Discussing multitasking.
Adjectives ending in -ed & -ing
Action words
Review Lesson Unit 7 (p.76)
UNIT 8 L1 p.78
Should & shouldn’t Must & mustn’t (don’t) have to First conditional
Gerunds Adjectives
World Issues Magazine - WI7: Virtual spaces & Song
A handful of options Talking about eating habits in different countries.
a lot of, a few & a little
L2 p.80
Asking & answering about eating habits.
How much vs. how many
L3 p.82
Talking about future plans.
to be + going to + infinitive for future Camping equipment plans (aff. + neg.)
L4 p.84
Asking & answering about future plans.
to be + going to + infinitive for future Chunk: Gee! It’s your call… plans (int.)
Review Lesson Unit 8 (p.86)
Food items & spices Collocations Types of food Containers
Countable & uncountable nouns Food items Countries Countable & uncountable nouns Food items
Should & shouldn’t
World Issues Magazine - WI8: To cook or not to cook - that is the question
LEARNER’S LOG (p.88) GRAMMAR LOG (p.89) WORd LOG (p.98) VERb LIST (p.103) WORkbOOk (p.105)
1-L3_Scope_AF5.indd 3
5/6/09 8:31:07 AM
On one hand‌ on the other hand
Lesson 1
animals & adjectives
Look at the animals which are available for adoption at this Australian Zoo. What are they? Complete the words.
You can help! Adopt an animal today
Sid, the baby r ng
Oscar, the
Samu, the e
Orlie, the i o ro
Zorba, the e
l More animals here
Read these short descriptions and match them with the animals in #1. Write their names. 1
has strong jaws and big sharp teeth. He loves lying in the water, but be careful – he can be dangerous.
is cute and cuddly! He has lovely soft fur and he loves sleeping in the trees.
is great company. He has beautiful green feathers and he loves talking to you!
has cute ears and a long tail. He is very friendly, but he likes boxing, so watch out!
is still young and so he is very playful. Playing in the mud is one of his favorite activities.
Read the descriptions in #2 and circle the adjectives. With the help of your teacher or a dictionary, check the meaning of any new words.
Which animal in #2 would YOU like to adopt? Why?
028-037_U3_LOG3-jan2011.indd 28
12/17/10 4:45:10 PM
Playing in the mud is one of his favorite activities. Fighting with crocodiles is dangerous. with sharks was part of his life. with snakes is very exciting. We form the gerund by adding –ing to the base form of the verb.
Vocabulary Box Spelling One vowel + one consonant = double the consonant Example: run = running Consonant + e = - e + ing Example: make = making
Read this magazine article about Steve Irwin. Then find out who the facts are about and write the people’s names.
GO GET IT a stingray
Read the Language Login and complete the examples with gerunds. Look at the text in #5 if necessary.
PRACTICE Steve Irwin was an Australian wildlife expert and television personality. He became famous for his TV program The Crocodile Hunter, an international animal series presented with his wife Terri Irwin. He also owned and operated Australia Zoo, founded by his parents in Queensland. Steve grew up with all types of animals and his father Bob taught him everything about reptiles even how to jump in the water and catch crocodiles in the rivers of North Queensland. Irwin was a hero to children and adults. Swimming with sharks, fighting with crocs and dancing with snakes were part of his life. He also showed great concern for wildlife preservation and worked to bring international attention to environmental problems. Steve died in 2006 at the age of 44. He was killed by a stingray while he was filming on the Great Barrier Reef. Steve and Terri had two children and their daughter Bindi is following in her parents’ footsteps. She now has her own TV program.
Who…? 1 first set up Australia Zoo? 2 hosted the TV program The Crocodile Hunter? 3 swam with sharks? 4 taught Steve how to catch crocs? 5 are concerned about wildlife preservation?
Write about Steve Irwin and his interests. Complete his quotations with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses. Killing
1 2
wild animals is a crime. (kill) wildlife should be a major
concern to everyone. (protect) 3
with animals is very special, but my family is more important. (be)
the lives of endangered species is my mission. (save)
Complete these sentences using expressions with verbs in the gerund to make true sentences about YOU. Then compare your sentences with a partner. 1 I think that 2 I think
is easy. is fun.
is dangerous.
is important in my life.
Want more? Go to Grammar Log – G7 (p. 92)
028-037_U3_LOG3-jan2011.indd 29
12/17/10 4:45:20 PM
Lesson 2
Make sure YOU know the meaning of these adjectives. Get help from your teacher or a dictionary if necessary. Then mark the stressed syllable as in the first example. Listen and check your answers. active
Which THREE adjectives in #1 do YOU associate with monkeys? Copy them below.
squirrel monkey
Dr. Morris is a zoologist. He spends a lot of time working with monkeys. He was interviewed for a radio program. Listen and check (✓) FIVE adjectives in #1 that he uses to describe monkeys.
Read the sentences. Then listen to the interview again and check (✓) the correct option. 1 Dr. Morris thinks monkeys are more fascinating than 2
Apes Monkeys
3 Chimpanzees
apes. other animals.
don’t have tails. can can’t
learn to add and spell.
4 Dr. Morris says chimpanzees can be more
intelligent sociable
than humans.
05_L3_U3_AF5.indd 30
5/6/09 11:01:25 AM
Comparatives I: more + adjective + than
more + adjective + than
We usually use more + adjective + than with adjectives that have two or more syllables.
Look at #4 again. Then read the Language Login and complete the example sentences.
In Dr. Morris’s opinion, monkeys are
We agree that monkeys are
more intelligent than
He says monkeys can be
Dr. Morris thinks chimpanzees are
more playful than
other animals. other animals.
humans. humans.
Write sentences comparing these animals. Follow the model. 1 lizards – snakes (dangerous) Snakes are more dangerous than lizards.
2 turtles – monkeys (patient) 3 dogs – cats (sociable) 4 dolphins – elephants (intelligent) 5 kangaroos – koalas (active)
Writing. Give YOUR opinion about the different animals you see in the pictures. In your notebook, write sentences comparing them. Use some of the adjectives below. Compare your answers with a partner and see if you agree. gentle
guinea pig
028-037_U3_LOG3-out/09.indd 31
16/10/2009 05:18:21 PM
VOCABULARY WORK adjectives (opposites)
Form pairs of opposites. Use the adjectives from the box. dangerous expensive
hot quiet
slow clean
Stratford-upon-Avon is bigger than L.A.
There is more public transportation in Stratfordupon-Avon than in L.A.
2 fast 3 safe
Lesson 3
There are more taxis in L.A. than in Stratfordupon-Avon.
1 noisy
L.A. is colder than Stratford-upon-Avon.
Stratford-upon-Avon is quieter than L.A.
Want more?
4 dirty
Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of the famous English poet and playwright William Shakespeare. More at: Los Angeles is internationally famous for producing popular entertainment such as motion pictures, television, video games and recorded music. More at:
5 cold 6 cheap
Look at #2 and check (✓) the correct statements about Stratford-upon-Avon and Los Angeles (L.A.).
Read the information about the two cities below. In your notebook, write TWO sentences to describe the cities. Use the adjectives from #1.
Where would YOU prefer to live: in Stratford or in L.A.? Why?
Stratford-upon-Avon – UK
Los Angeles – The USA
Area Average temperature
979 km 6ºC (winter) / 13ºC (summer)
1,214.9 km2 14ºC (winter) / 25ºC (summer)
Public transportation
buses, taxis
buses, subway, light rail, taxis
Schools / Universities
51 schools, 2 universities
475 public and 391 private schools, 15 universities
tourism and small industries
commerce, entertainment, tourism
05_L3_U3_AF5.indd 32
5/6/09 11:01:50 AM
LANGUAGE LOGIN Comparatives II: adjective + -er than Adjectives of two-syllables ending in y adjective - y + -ier than dirty ➜ Big cities are usually dirtier than small cities.
Adjectives of one syllable adjective + -er than quiet ➜ Stratford is quieter than L.A. cold ➜ Stratford is
noisy ➜ L.A. is
Adjectives ending in e adjective + r than cute ➜ Small cities are cuter than big cities.
Adjectives ending in vowel + consonant x2 the consonant + -er than big ➜ L.A. is bigger than Stratford.
safe ➜ Stratford is
hot ➜ Rio de Janeiro is
There is / are + more + noun than… In Los Angeles there are more schools than in Stratford. There is more traffic too. There are
universities in L.A.
in Stratford.
adjective + -er than
asking & giving opinions
Look at the Language Login. Go back to #3 and underline the examples of comparatives. Then complete the sentences in the Language Login using the correct spelling rules.
Here are some ways of asking for and expressing opinion. Complete the phrases below using words from the box.
do you think
Use the prompts to write sentences comparing the cities below. Follow the model.
1 I 2 In my
1 Los Angeles / noisy / Stratford-upon-Avon / .
3 I’m
4 What
5 Yes, I
6 No, I
Los Angeles is noisier than Stratford-upon-Avon.
2 The traffic / heavy / in / L.A. / Stratford / in / .
3 Stratford / safe / L.A. / . 4 temperature / hot / in / Fortaleza / in / Montreal / . 5 pollution / in / São Paulo / in / Recife / . There is 6 cars / in / Los Angeles / in / Maceió / . There are
Practice with a classmate. How do you think YOUR hometown compares to Los Angeles and Stratford-upon-Avon? Use adjectives from #1. A I think Rio de Janeiro is more beautiful than Stratford-upon-Avon. B I don’t agree. I think Stratford is more beautiful. I like small towns. And I am sure that Stratford is safer than Rio!
028-037_U3_LOG3-out/09.indd 33
16/10/2009 05:22:45 PM
Last year I moved to Los Angeles. My hometown, Black Mountain, is a small town in North Carolina. My parents have always lived there and my grandparents too. I love it there, but I decided it would be a good idea to move because there are better job opportunities in Los Angeles, particularly in my area, video game design. At first I didn’t like Los Angeles because it’s very different from Black Mountain. Black Mountain has a population of only 10,000 people. There are about 4 million people in Los Angeles and so it wasn’t easy to adapt to the very different lifestyle. The traffic is heavier and the streets are much noisier. Also life in a big city is more dangerous than in small towns. I was worried about crime and violence at first. I missed the fresh air and quiet streets. However, I soon discovered that living in a big city has lots of advantages. There are more things for young people to do. There are lots of movie theaters, night clubs, malls and sport centers. I have lots of friends here and I can’t imagine going back to live in a small city now. It is difficult to say if life in the big city is better or worse than life in a small town, but for me I know I did the right thing. I’m now working for Riot Games and I recommend Los Angeles for any young person interested in working in the area of technology and entertainment.
Lesson 4
Simon is a young computer game designer. Last year he moved to Los Angeles. Read and listen to the text he posted on his blog. Does Simon like living in Los Angeles?
Read the text again. Write T for true, F for false or ? for I don’t know. Then correct the wrong statements. 1 [ T ] Simon grew up in Black Mountain. 2 [
3 [
] Simon moved to Los Angeles because he wanted to study there. ] Simon didn’t like Los Angeles at first.
GO GET IT irregular comparatives
3 4 [
5 [
] The people are friendlier in Los Angeles than in Black Mountain. ] Simon plans to move back to Black Mountain.
Look at the Language Login on p. 35 and check (✓) the correct sentence. 1
You make the comparative form of all adjectives using adjective + -er.
Good and bad are adjectives that don’t follow the adjective + -er rule.
05_L3_U3_AF5.indd 34
5/6/09 11:01:54 AM
Irregular comparatives
Complete with YOUR opinions and ideas. Use than when appropriate. Here are some adjectives you can use. healthy interesting boring quiet bad intelligent crazy
good ➜ I think living in a big city is better than living in a small city. bad ➜ Job opportunities in Black Mountain are worse than in Los Angeles.
polluted good big friendly noisy calm
1 I think schools are usually
in big cities.
2 People are usually
in small towns.
3 The air is
in big cities.
4 Going to the movies is
going to the mall.
VOCABULARY WORK adjective-noun collocations
Look at the pictures. Match the nouns in the box to the adjectives to make possible combinations to talk about these places. air
buildings people
lifestyle street
nightlife traffic
1 busy 2 exciting 3 friendly 4 healthy 5 heavy 6 modern 7 noisy 8 polluted
In your notebook, write one sentence about each picture in #5. Use the combinations above.
Writing. Read this ad from an online magazine. In your notebook, write an article in reply. Remember to compare different aspects of life in a big city to life in a small city. You can refer to the text in #1 for ideas if needed.
We want to hear your opinion. stion: Write a short article to answer this que
is better? Life in big or small cities: which on this We will choose three articles to publish site next month.
Example: In my opinion living in a big city is… than living in a small town. This is because… However, there are disadvantages / advantages. For example…
Want more? Go to Grammar Log – G8 (p. 92)
05_L3_U3_AF5.indd 35
5/6/09 11:02:03 AM
Read this text from a travel book about Brasília. Fill in the gaps with words from the box. modern
but Brasília is the capital of Brazil, in the Distrito Federal. It was planned and developed in 1956 and it became Brazil’s national capital in 1960. The city and the district are located in the Central-West region of the country, along a plateau known as Planalto Central. It has a population of about 2,455,903, making it
only [1]
than Rio de Janeiro
and São Paulo. Until today, the city’s architecture and design is a reference for urban planning around the world. Brasília offers [2]
and comfortable
hotels, [3]
it also has modest
inns and hostels. In terms of gastronomy, Brasília is a world capital. [4] a city that receives visitors from the whole of Brazil and the world, it offers a good network of restaurants with great diversity of food. [5]
out is
one of the best things to do at night.
What do YOU think? Compare Brasília to your own city or to other cities you know using the adjectives below. Follow the model. 1 (popular) Brasília is more popular than Boa Vista.
2 (noisy) 3 (big) 4 (good shopping facilities) 5 (number of restaurants) 6 (modern)
05_L3_U3_AF5.indd 36
5/6/09 11:02:09 AM
Check (✓) the FIVE adjectives that best describe YOU. friendly
Now, compare YOURSELF to people in your family. Use the FIVE adjectives you chose in #3. Follow the model. Example: I’m younger than my cousin Marcella. 1 2 3 4 5
Complete the following sentences using the verbs in the gerund. play
1 Young people usually like 2 I think 3
going out
do with their friends.
English is really fun. with the housework is boring.
4 In my opinion,
go out
computer games is better than
Use the expressions from the box to respond to the sentences in #5. Give YOUR opinion. I think… In my opinion… I’m sure that… Yes, I agree… No, I disagree… 1 2 3 4
Want more? Go to Word Log (pp. 98 & 99)
05_L3_U3_AF5.indd 37
5/6/09 11:02:13 AM
I feel :-D
Superlatives II
dangerous ➜ the most dangerous frightening ➜ the most frightening perfect ➜ the most perfect
high dirty hot big
➜ the highest ➜ the dirtiest ➜ the hottest ➜ the biggest
:-) Irregular Superlatives
good ➜ the best bad ➜ the worst
Look at the G9 boxes. Use the prompts below to write sentences about YOU, your family and friends. Follow the example. Example: intelligent person / family The most intelligent person in my family is me! 1 tall person / family
2 good teacher / at school
3 bad computer game / I know
Unit 4
Superlatives I
Superlatives I, II & irregular
Grammar log
4 In my opinion / dangerous sport
5 funny student / in my classroom
Prohibition, obligation & no obligation
I feel :-D
No Obligation
You can’t eat here. They can’t play ball there.
She has to go to school on Saturdays. We have to wake up early every day.
I don’t have to wear a uniform. He doesn’t have to play with us. You don’t need to use a pen.
Look at the G10 box. Think about Cinderella’s story. What is her life like? Complete the sentences about her. Follow the example. Example: clean the house Cinderella has to clean the house. 1 wash the dishes She 2 go to the ball 3 sleep in her step sisters’ bedroom 4 be back home before 10 p.m. 5 be back home before midnight
089-097_gammar_LOG3-abr2011.indd 93
11.04.11 10:50:39
Word log
Extreme sports BMX biking go-karting horseback riding hot air ballooning kayaking mountain biking paintball parasailing rock climbing waterskiing whitewater rafting
p. 9 p. 8 p. 8 p. 8 p. 10 p. 8 p. 8 p. 8 p. 10 p. 10 p. 8
eq f sp su
d al
p. 10 p. 10 p. 10 p. 10
Sports equipment
p. 12
nt n ine ion er
Adjectives amazing brilliant careful exciting fab (fabulous) horrible pretty rare scary silly
Extreme sports related words ac a ad co da
p. 10 p. 10 p. 10 p. 10 p. 10
p. 10 p. 13 p. 12 p. 8 p. 9 p. 12 p. 12 p. 8 p. 9 p. 12
Life events
p. 14
Chunks As you know… Don’t worry, Mom. We’ll be fine. I remember it well. Oh, no. Definitely not. That’s amazing! Well, lots of things… What happened? Which ones? Who knows? Wow. That’s a lot. Yeah, that’s right. You remember everything.
p. 10 p. 12 p. 10 p. 10 p. 10 p. 10 p. 13 p. 13 p. 9 p. 10 p. 10 p. 10
long dress necklace tuxedo
p. 24 p. 24 p. 24
UNIT 2 Gestures & expressions bow give a high-five hug kiss on the cheek shake hands smile wave
p. 18 p. 18 p. 18 p. 18 p. 18 p. 18 p. 18
p. 21 p. 22 p. 21 p. 22 p. 21 p. 21 p. 22 p. 21
Adjectives identical unforgettable
p. 22 p. 22
p. 24 p. 24
Chunks Prom related words
Charity related words & expressions bazaars campaign
collect / raise / donate money community do sponsored walks fundraising events help the poor make a donation money participate in the campaign
corsage high heel shoes limousine (limo)
p. 24 p. 24 p. 24
I had a great time! It was awful. Ouch! What a night!
p. 19 p. 27 p. 24 p. 27
l on z rds squ t r ng t
p. 28 p. 31 p. 31 p. 31 p. 30
UNIT 3 Animals
nt ch cr d
mp c lph
nz dile ns
p. 31 p. 30 p. 28 p. 31
g g h k
ph bb r pp ng
nt n
s r
p. 28 p. 30 p. 30 p. 31 p. 28
k l l m
>> 98
098-102_word log_LOG3-abr2011.indd 98
18.04.11 16:55:39
ache (my leg) adapt (to the very different lifestyle) announce (the winners) appear (at the party) arrive (at the prom) attack (her, sharks) beat (you) become (close, extinct, very weak) behave (properly) bow (when you meet someone in Japan) break (my leg) bring (extinct species back to life, valuables) brush (my hair, their fur) camp (at the Machu Picchu ruins) carry (all those bags) catch (crocodiles) cause (the death of rivers) clone (human cells, successfully) come back (from the supermarket) compare (your sick child to other people) concentrate (in school) concern (about wildlife preservation) connect (through the Internet) create (clones) cure (all illnesses) cut (my finger) dance (with snakes) design (the poster) despair (of ever getting a good grade in math) develop (a new software) disappear (the bamboo forest) dive (into the river) dye (their hair red) examine (you) exercise (all the time) explore (the area) fail (science) fall (all the time, in love, all the way down)
feed (the animals) fill (your plate with a lot of vegetables) film (on the Great Barrier Reef) focus (on her school work) follow (her parents’ footsteps) get back (from school) get up (early) go on (writing books, helping kids) grab (me, the pen) graduate (from university) greet (people in your country) grow up (fast) hear (about Tahoe Extreme summer camp) hit (a rock) hope (for the best night of my life) host (the TV program) hug (the person, relatives and parents) hunt (a lion) hurt (ourselves) ignore (your friend’s problem) inject (a tiny submarine into your vein) investigate (the impact of multitasking) involve (with any kind of campaign, some kind of physical activity) join (a skateboarding club) jump (in the water) keep (your child away) kiss (on the cheek, each other) laugh (out loud, at a joke) lend (a helping hand) lie (in the water) lose (consciousness, their habitat, weight) move (to England) observe (silence) offer (to go to a doctor with her / him some money) participate (in activities, in the campaign) pass (through all your body) pay (for the lessons)
pollute (the rivers) post (some comments) practice (any extreme sports) predict (the future) prefer (a nice bag of chips) preserve (the forest) produce (deformed humans / animals) promote (tourism) provide (physical exercise) raise (money) recycle (our waste, paper, bottles) refuse (to go out with him) run (in the park, the marathon, along the corridor, towards the cave, through the forest) set up (a company) shake (hands) share (lots of characteristics with humans) smoke (a cigarette) spread (deadly diseases) start (with meetings, to get quite good, a business) suffer (from anorexia and bulimia) take (me to Aspen next year, lots of pictures, the tent) take care (of dogs) touch (a sharp bit of coral, the exhibits) trade (places, jokes) trip (and fall, over the cable) turn (right into Pasadena High) turn off (your cell phone) turn out (to watch the game, to be a good student) understand (the teacher) wave (at her, your arms) win (a competition, a gold medal) wish (lots of luck) worry (about his friend)
Verb list
Verb list
Irregular verbs INFINITIVE
be born break build buy cut eat fall find forget get get back get up
was / were born broke built bought cut ate fell found forgot got got back got up
give up grow up have hear hit hurt know leave lend may meet ring
gave up grew up had heard hit hurt knew left lent might met rang
say send set up spend take take part teach tell win write
said sent set up spent took took part taught told won wrote
14-L3_verb list_AF5.indd 103
5/18/09 2:39:27 PM
Read Brianna’s diary. Fill in the gaps using the verbs in parentheses in the Past simple or Past Continuous.
Unit 2 - lesson 4
My sweet sixteen
Dear diary, Yesterday was my sixteenth birthday party and the day was a big event! I woke up quite late because I only needed to be at the hairdresser’s (have) breakfast when Mom after lunch. I [1] (call) me and asked me to meet her at the mall for [2] (arrive) there she a surprise. Great! When I [3] (give) me a beautiful small box – with the most [4] beautiful necklace inside! Mom is really cool. Then we went to a (eat) lunch and talking about the restaurant. We [5] (ring). It was Carrie, the party when my cell phone [6] hairdresser. She was in hospital because of a car accident. I got really (cry) a lot when Mom [8] worried! I [7] (tell) me she could do my hair and make-up. Again, she saved the day. We went home and at 6 p.m. When my boyfriend (arrive) at our door, I was ready and [9]
Brianna’s boyfriend, Patrick, picked her up and they went to a nice restaurant before going to the party. Complete the sentences from Brianna’s diary with when or while and find out more about her Sweet Sixteen party. 1 We were having our dessert 2 I was reading the card he gave me 3
Patrick gave me a lovely card. he was having his coffee.
we finally left the restaurant, it was raining a lot.
4 Everything was ready and beautiful
we arrived at the party.
5 The band played my favorite songs
I was waiting for the guests.
we were singing “Happy Birthday”, my Mom was crying.
I cut the cake, I felt like I was the happiest person in the world.
Use YOUR imagination and finish the sentences below. 1 When I arrived home yesterday, 2 Last night I was talking on the phone while
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Australia Zoo has an animal adoption program. Read about some of the animals you can adopt.
Get Involved!
Australia Zoo receives no government funding nowadays, so your donations and animal sponsorships play an important role in our ongoing fight for wildlife conservation. We know it is difficult to resist these beautiful animals and choose only one! COOKIE is a large female crocodile that surprises everyone because she is really sweet and friendly, even at lunch time! A great delight for visitors, who can even try feeding her! SIAM is the largest of the three elephants in the zoo and her name means “Thailand”. She is very independent and playful – always playing around with other animals. When she is hungry she gets pretty determined – nothing stands in her way!
LENO is a 4-year-old male koala with an adorable personality. He is very soft and cuddly and loves a hug. If you want to see him awake, you should visit him in the morning. WARREGO is the loudest member of the free flight bird show team. He is also quite active and very beautiful. It is great to see him flying around. The noise he makes is not so nice though. So, whenever you are around, come and visit our great animals and get Australia Zoo is lucky enough to have involved! some special members such as IVORY, Visit https://secure.australiazoo. a cute young kangaroo that has a rare she is white. That makes animal/ for more information. it easy to find her even though she’s never in the same place! The next
Unit 3 - lesson 1
time you visit the zoo, come say hello to this active and friendly kangaroo!
Adapted from (accessed March 2008)
Now, based on the descriptions above, match the columns. Then write other sentences. Follow the model. 1 2 3 4 5
Cookie Siam Ivory Leno Warrego
[ ] runs and jumps around. [ ] sleeps in the afternoons. [ ] makes a lot of noise and loves to fly. [ ] plays with other animals. [ 1 ] eats from your hand.
1 Eating from your hand is something Cookie does a lot.
is Siam’s favorite free-time activity.
with other kangaroos is what Ivory does all day.
is Leno’s idea of a perfect day.
are very exciting activities for Warrego.
What about YOU? Write true sentences using the verbs in the gerund. play occer s
talk no het hone p
up ea rly
speak nglish E
Example: Playing soccer is my favorite free time activity. I think dancing is… I think In my opinion,
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