8 minute read
Changing Concepts of the Universe
from Explore with Me 6
by Edco Ireland
First published 2022 The Educational Company of Ireland Ballymount Road Walkinstown Dublin 12 www.edco.ie
A member of the Smurfit Kappa Group plc
© Fiona Gaule, Alice Manning, Mary Mulryan, 2022
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ISBN 978-1-80230-009-3
Design and layout: Design Image Illustrations: Barry Ablett, Ray and Corinne Burrows, Gergely Fórizs, David Hurtado, Adam Linley, Andrew Pagram, Dusan Pavlic, Mike Phillips Copy editor: Donna Garvin
Acknowledgement Thanks to Lisa Lacey for her contribution to Explore With Me. Web references in this book are intended as a guide for teachers. At the time of going to press, all web addresses were active and contained information relevant to the topics in this book. However, The Educational Company of Ireland and the authors do not accept responsibility for the views or information contained on these websites. Content and addresses may change beyond our control and pupils should be supervised when investigating websites. Copyright acknowledgements While every care has been taken to trace and acknowledge copyright, the publishers tend their apologies for any accidental infringement where copyright has proved untraceable. They would be pleased to come to a suitable arrangement with the rightful owner in each case.©The Educational Company of Ireland
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Chapter number Chapter
Your Guide to Explore With Me Timeline Strand: Strand Unit Page
History Skills: Working as a Historian
Geography Skills: Working as a Geographer 16
Science Skills: Working as a Scientist 18
September: Our Solar System
1 Planet Earth in Space Natural environments: Planet Earth in space 20
2 Changing Concepts of the Universe
Story: Stories from the lives of people in the past 24 3 Light Energy and forces: Light 28 4 Roman Planetary Gods Story: Myths and legends 34
October: Ireland’s Changing Landscape
5 Modern Ireland Eras of change and conflict: Modern Ireland 38 6 Wind Farms Environmental awareness and care; Energy and forces: Environmental awareness; Forces 42 7 From Agriculture to IT Human environments: People living and working in the local area; People living and working in a contrasting part of Ireland 46 8 Northern Ireland Politics, conflict and society: Northern Ireland 51
November: The Importance of Air
9 The Air We Breathe Living things; Materials; Environmental awareness and care: Human life; Properties and the characteristics of materials; Science and the environment 56 10 Aerodynamics Energy and forces; Materials: Forces; Properties and the characteristics of materials; Materials and change 60 11 Atmosphere and Climate Natural environments: Weather, climate and atmosphere 64 12 Taking to the Skies Continuity and change over time; Story: Transport; Stories from the lives of people in the past 68
December A: Ancient and Modern Greece
Europe Map 74
Greece Map 75 13 The Ancient Greeks Early peoples and ancient societies: Greeks 76 14 Greece Today Natural environments; Human environments: Physical features of Europe and the world; People and other lands
82©The Educational Company of Ireland
Chapter number Chapter
December B: Materials and Change
15 Building Bridges Strand: Strand Unit Page
Materials: Properties and characteristics of materials; Materials and change 86
16 Materials and Change Materials: Materials and change 90
January: Exploring Terrain
World Map 94
17 Types of Terrain Around the World
Natural environments; Environmental awareness and care: Physical features of Europe and the world; Caring for the environment 96 18 Amazing Animals Living things: Plant and animal life 100
Counties of Ireland Map 106
Mountains, Lakes and Rivers of Ireland Map 107 19 The Landscape of Ireland Natural environments: Land, rivers and seas of Ireland; The local natural environment 108 20 Nomads Throughout Time Continuity and change over time: Nomadism 112
February: Cycles of Life
21 The Sun and the Seasons Natural environments: Planet Earth in space 116 22 Food Chains and Life Cycles Living Things: Plant and animal life 120 23 The Firebird Story: Myths and legends 125 24 The Pencil: A Global Story Human environments: Trade and development issues 130
March: Celebrating Diversity
25 Appreciating People Human environments: People living and working in the local area; People living and working in a contrasting part of Ireland 134
26 Feasts, Festivals and Games of the World
Local studies: Feasts and festivals in the past; Games and pastimes in the past 138
27 Changes for Irish Women in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Eras of change and conflict; Changing roles of women in the 19th and 20th centuries 142
28 Celebrating Local Plants and Animals
Environmental awareness and care: Environmental awareness; Caring for the environment