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012 Editor’s Note 014 Masthead 016 Contributors

A S O C I A L A F FA I R 018 Catholic Charities Spring Fling Over 125 guests gathered to raise money for this local non-profit.

020 CV Luxury Summer Release Party On May 23 guests took to FIVE Restaurant to celebrate the release of the May/June Summer Edition.

022 The Sixth Annual PINC Party More than 300 people attended this year’s fundraiser, which paid homage to the glamour of old Hollywood.


025 The Luxury Awards Coming this September. Who will be this year’s Top 10?


FA S H I O N & F E AT U R E S 029 High Profile Ann T. Sullivan Whitehurst sits down with Dr. Carl Askren for a little “face” time.

031 Exclusive with Clinton Kelly Fashion’s resident guru and television personality sits down with CV Luxury to discuss the dos and don’ts of fashion.

035 Man In The Mirror An interview with Gilbert Soliz.

038 The Forcast — Plus One Attire

066 044

Fashion forward summer trends. A rich pastel palate sets the stage for this year’s wedding season.

043 Streams

On The Cover:


058 PEOPL E A RE TA L K I N G A B O U T 044 Cover Story

072 Blushing Bride

Taylor Armstrong Uncensored: The reality star talks candidly about marriage, life and her best-selling book.

Hair-raising trends to make a big impression on your special day.

053 The Vow Factor Etiquette for your upcoming nuptials is a must. Social style maven Mary C. Araujo tells you how to plan a flawless affair with flair.

058 Bridal Buzz

YO U R H O M E A DVA NTA GE 081 Married To Style Find aesthetic harmony when you and your partner blend two households.

Alexandra Marie Harris and Douglas Carl Brunner tie the knot in lavish style in stunning Carmel, California.

086 Haute Mama

064 In the Honeymoon Bag

088 Necessary Luxury

The big day. Bouncing baby Campbell is ready for his long-awaited debut.

Honeymoon style essentials.

066 The Great Escape Situated in the picturesque town of Big Sur, one of California’s best kept secrets.




In this special bridal edition of C V Luxur y, we celebrate one

vows. They covered ever y thing from the recent nuptials, her

of life’s most significant milestones: weddings. Within these

best-selling book and, of course, all the realit y television we

pages, we address all your bridal questions, from fashion to

have come to love and associate her with. I was lucky enough

etiquette, to help make your life and your big day a bit easier.

to be on set when we shot t he cover a nd fou nd Taylor to

A personal favorite in this issue is our inter view with Clinton Kel ly ( pg. 31) . We peer i nside t he m i nd of a ma n who is notoriously k now n for his impecca ble eye for st yle. Donna K aczma rsk i, ou r resident Creat ive Director, sat M r. Kelly dow n for t his ca ndid inter v iew when he made a n appea r-

be simply enchanting. I am pleased to announce that Taylor w ill be coming to Fresno this October a nd w ill be sha r ing her stor y at the Marjaree Mason Center’s Top 10 Professional Women and Business Awards. For more information regarding this event visit w w

a nce at Fresno’s Fashion Fa ir Ma ll. More t ha n 4 0 0 people

For a ll of our reg ula r readers out t here, t he wa it is f ina lly

took part in this event and learned dos and don’ts from the

over! We welcome columnist Cortney Snapp’s bouncing baby

fashion guru himself.

boy Ca mpbell to t he world. Cong rat ulat ions, Cor t ney a nd

When select ing t his mont h ’s cover feat ure ( pg. 4 4 ) , I was i n st a nt ly d r aw n t o t he f u n ny, ch a r m i n g a nd ch a r ism at-

Chad ! For more fun mom my facts, check out t his edit ion’s Haute Mama (pg. 8 6 ).

ic Taylor A r mst rong. She recent ly ma r r ied her husba nd,

So, celebr at e l i fe’s most momentous occa sions i n lu x u r i-

John Bluher, at t he Bel A ir Bay Club in Pacif ic Pa lisades,

ous st yle. A nd may you have the happily ever after you have

Ca lifor nia. Fashion Editor, Lauren K .T. Wilson, sat dow n

always dreamed of. Cheers and enjoy.

w it h Taylor a lit t le over a mont h a f ter t he t wo excha nged

David Manning 012 / CVLUX VOL.I ISS.4





DAVID MANNING Editor-in-Chief Creative Director DONNA KACZMARSKI Art Director FERNANDO X. GOMEZ


Art Director of Photography EDDIE MELIKIAN Contributing Photographers DOUG MORGAN, JESUS SEPULVEDA and LOUIZA VICK


West Coast Division Supervising Director KIMBERLY BLOOM Public Relations GONTORWON BORH


Business Accounting Director DEE ANN LINKER Account Executive WILLIAM SULLIVAN WHITEHURST L e t t e r s To T h e E d i t o r : W e w a n t t o h e a r f r o m y o u . P l e a s e s u b m i t l e t t e r s t o : C V L u x u r y, 51 3 2 N o r t h P a l m A v e n u e #74 , Fre s n o , C A , 93 70 4 o r e - m a i l to i n fo @ c v l u x . com. Let ters must be signed and deemed appropriate for our readership to be co n s i d e re d fo r p u b l i s h i n g . Le t te r s a re s u b j e c t to e d i t i n g a n d m ay b e cu t fo r l e n g t h . S t o r y Q u e r i e s : A r e y o u a w r i t e r? P l e a s e s e n d s t o r y q u e r i e s t o i n f o @ c v l u x . c o m . Please allow six to eight weeks for a response. CV Luxur y is not responsible for u n s o l i c i te d m a te r i a l . C V L u x u r y i s p u b l i s h e d b i - m o n t h l y b y M o d e r n L i v i n g P u b l i s h i n g L LC , 51 3 2 N o r t h P a l m Ave n u e #74 , Fre s n o, C A , 93 70 4 . Co p y r i g h t 2014 b y M o d e r n L i v i n g P u b l i s h i n g


L LC . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . Ev e r y e f f o r t h a s b e e n m a d e t o e n s u r e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n within this publication is complete and accurate at the time of publication. CV L u x u r y d o e s n o t w a r r a n t s u c h a cc u r a c y o r t h e c l a i m s o f i t s a d v e r t i s e r s . A l l m a te r i a l s , a r t i c l e s , r e p o r t s , o r i g i n a l a r t w o r k a n d p h o to s p u b l i s h e d i n t h i s m a g a z i n e a r e t h e p ro p e r t y o f M o d e r n L i v i n g P u b l i s h i n g L LC a n d c a n n o t b e u s e d o r re p ro d u ce d w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n i n w r i t i n g . M o d e r n L i v i n g P u b l i s h i n g L LC i s n o t re s p o n s i b l e fo r the opinions expressed within the publication. Prices quoted in adver tisement s a re s u b j e c t to c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i ce .



(559) 43 4 -5553 Call for a reservation. ( yes , we’re that good! ) FIVE Restaurant


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Genelle is the executive director of

Ann T. Sullivan Whitehurst is a Valley

Kelly’s fashion and editorial career began

Theresa’s curiosity about life and her

Marjaree Mason Center, which continues

legend. She has performed in 10 produc-

in 2007 at Shape and Allure in New York

love of people allow her to put others at

her lifelong dedication to the empow-

tions of the Fresno Opera and three with

City; however her love of observing and

ease, whether she is interviewing or pho-

erment of others – especially women.

the Fresno Philharmonic. Her talents

writing, as well as her interest in fashion,

tographing them. Raised in Fresno as the

Prior to the Center, Kumpe served as

go beyond the stage. She started the St.

beauty, and lifestyle began while growing

daughter of well-respected photographer,

associate director of the Lyles Center

Agnes public relations and communica-

up in the Central Valley. As her first time

John Ficarra, Theresa is passionate about

for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

tions program in 1980, helping to raise

contributing to CV Luxury, she is happy,

photography and takes immense pleasure

at California State University, Fresno

money and awareness for the hospital’s

excited and inspired to share the beauty

in capturing moments that will please her

(CSUF), where she led more than a dozen

foundations department. In 1990, Ann

and style found right in your backyard.

clients. Her work includes family portraits,

programs promoting innovation and

founded WSW Associates – an advertis-

Check out her profile of a local bride’s

commercial, real estate aerials, and small

entrepreneurship, nationally and inter-

ing, PR and communications agency. Ann

beautiful and breathtaking Carmel wed-

weddings and events. Theresa also loves

nationally. She received her bachelor’s in

keeps herself busy with her family: her

ding, as well as an edit of essentials and

food and is committed to living a healthy

Business Administration from CSUF and

three sons William, Winston and Warren

luxury items to pack for your honeymoon

lifestyle that includes organic foods and

is a certified entrepreneurship teacher.

Whitehurst, and her beloved dog, Mr.

getaway. Dedicated to creating a life she


Kumpe is a founding member of the La

Chips. Recently she started contributing

loves and possibly to guide and inspire

Visionaria Guild and member in the La

to CV Luxury Magazine, heading up the

you to create the life you love, she began

Feliz Guild, both of which are non-profit

High Profile column. She loves being

her lifestyle website/blog, A Lovely Life.

organizations whose mission is to raise

out and about, and is never without a full

funds, advocate for children, and pro-

plate on her hands.

mote goodwill for Children’s Hospital Central California. She has also served on California’s State Leadership Team for the Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education. She is a wife, mother, and entrepreneur. Kumpe is a partner in a local restaurant and at Blown Away, Blow Dry Lounge in River Park.


FERNANDO X. GOMEZ Fernando is a freelance print and web designer who would like to someday be known as a really, really nice guy. Fernando can be described as a mindful, fast-learning generalist with a passion for living in a world where good design is the default setting. Fernando has worked with ad agencies and businesses of all shapes and sizes. He’s loved every minute. He has two wonderful kids, Mika and Tai, and one lovely wife, Renee. Life is good.

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Todd and Christi Wilson, Nick and Kathryn Marzilinao | Alex Cetti, Alice Bragg | Kevin, Monica, and Robert O’ Rourke | Terri Amerine, Deene Conner | Brad and Samantha Bender | Kelly Lilles, Rachel Hill | Sandy Cetti, Hillary Bell, Lisa Smittcamp, Gina Cuttone, Kelley Lilles | Mike Jr and Melissa Der Manouel | Brandon and Summer Bradford | John and Lisa Bonadelli | John and Christine Ferdinandi | Bryan and Annie Domingues




his year, Catholic Charities held their annual Spring Fling and Wine Raffle event at FIVE Restaurant. More than 125 guests were in

attendance for the festivities, hosted by the members of the organization. This non-profit, social service agency provides support for the poor and disadvantaged in Merced, Fresno and Kern counties. For more information regarding Catholic Charities and their upcoming events, visit




emorial Day weekend was not complete without the CV Luxury Summer Release Party. The publication heated things up

on the patio at FIVE Restaurant. More than 150 business owners and patrons enjoyed tasty treats and cooled off with sizzling drink specials. For more information regarding this and all the other local events in the Valley, please visit


Joe Linville, Amanda Adams | Tom and Mary Potigian | Ann Whitehurst, Billy Whitehurst, Darius Assemi | Saroya Ann Melfe, Raegag Melfe | Rita Rios, Krisha Marie | Jenny Hoekstra, Lauren Kasparian | Shanelle Bueno, Jenifer McPhail Moreno | Tatiana Kalpakoff, Lauren Wilson, and Wendy Kalpakoff | Scott Anderson, Crystal Perkins | Phillip Edwards, Uma Swamy | Carly Showers, Madison Reiser | Chris Baruti, Francine Holden


Lindsey Pena, Diedra O’Neil, Kasey Geil | Ali and Eve Najafi | Tami Murakoshi, Dina Juve, Stephanie Schwar tz | Steve Siroonian, Farani Siroonian | Brian Finegan, Valerie Rohn | Amber Nelson, Veronica Tsaris | Joe and Allison Mar tinez | Jennifer Osantowski, Dawn Lightfoot | Doug Cox, Amanda Maples | D wig ht a n d Ro byn Nelso n | Pete a n d Cou r tn ey McKeever | M ichel l e A ssel i n, B roo ke Ha m m o ns




INC (Philanthropy Inspired by the Needs of our Community) threw their annual party at the Mercedes Benz of Fresno dealership. More than

300 people attended this year’s fundraiser, which paid homage to the glamour of old Hollywood. Proceeds from the party went to Transitions Children’s Services, which provides quality, culturally competent treatment, foster care and extended foster care services to children, families and non-minor dependents in the child welfare/ foster care system within Fresno County. For more information regarding PINC and their upcoming events, visit



The Inaugural 2014 Luxury Awards Presented by CV Luxury Magazine & In Conjunction with Valley Wide Beverage Co. & Fashion Fair Mall Hosted at the Palatine Building & Slates Restaurant

September 19, 2014 Cocktail Reception at 6 o’clock p.m. Awards Ceremony at 8 o’clock p.m.


e want your help in selecting this year’s Luxury Award winners, showcasing the Top 10 Businesses in the Valley! In addition, there will also be five Diamond Awards presented to various businesses and individuals, whose charitable work within the community will be celebrated and recognized. A portion of the proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to FEAT (Families for Effective Autism Treatment), dedicated to improving the quality of life of the Autism community, and the California Autism Center and Learning Group, dedicated to providing progressive, empirically validated treatment for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Luxury Awards is set to be the Valley’s primer social event and we are excited to share this with you.

And the Nominees Are… 025 / CVLUX.COM



Black Oak Casino

Angie Hyatt

Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino

Darren Zuber Joe Schironi

Club One Casino Table Mountain Casino Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino


Rod Aluisi

Fashion Fair Mall Fig Garden Village



Park Place Shopping Center

Bonadelle Communities

FIVE Restaurant

River Park

Castle Construction

Max’s Bistro | Bar

RiverView Shopping Center

De Young Properties Granville Homes

Parma Restaurant Pismo’s Coastal Grill


The Lime Lite

Bluff View Private Preschool

BEST FITNESS CENTER Coil Yoga Fitness Social Fort Washington Fitness GB3 The Bar Method

BEST DEALERSHIP BMW/Porsche/Audi Fresno Acura Fresno Lexus

Fairmont Private School Kids Kare Schools La Petite Academy Woodward Park KinderCare

Wilson Homes

BEST SPA/SALON Alchemy Salon PREEN – A Boutique Salon Spectrum Salon, Day Spa & Barber Shop The Loft Salon

BEST JEWELER Gianni Fine Jewelers

The Spa & Hungry Hair Salon at Fig Garden Village

Karkazian Jewelers Orloff Jewelers The Vault Fine Jewelers Wickersham Co. Jewelers

Haron Jaguar Mercedes Benz

Each email address will be allowed one vote. Voting concludes on September 1, 2014 at midnight. Each nominee was selected by an independent focus group. To vote, please visit




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AN INTERVIEW WITH DR. CARL ASKREN How did you happen to pick this field of

coffee color) and black.

surgery instead of say, orthopedics?

Favorite game: It has been show n that

The moment I decided was when I was

video games help maintain a surgeon’s

a f resh ma n i n med ica l school, t a k i ng

hand-eye coordination and dexterity. So,

g r o s s a n a t o m y a t E m o r y Un i ve r s i t y

I play many different ones either with my

School of Medicine. We were st udy ing

son, Colin, or my veterinarian brother,

t he upper ex t r em it y. Dr. Foad Na ha i,

Ralph, who lives in Athens, GA.

who later beca me one of my men-

Most valued material possession: My

tors, gave a present at ion at one of our

Apple products.

cl i n ic a l c or r el at ion c on fer enc e s . He

When I have some extra money I splurge

presented a ca se of a you ng ma n who

a n d: B u y m o r e t o o l s fo r m a n d o l i n

had been st a bbed in t he shoulder a nd


had a severed musculocutaneois ner ve,

What made you want to start building

which powers the biceps muscle. He was

mandolins? I started building mandolins

una ble to f lex his elbow, a function he

because: I wanted to play the mandolin

needed for work. Dr. Nahai restored his

since high school because of an interest

elbow f lex ion by tra nsposing his latis-

in Celtic music, but I had a number of

si mus dorsi muscle in his back , to his

excuses. In 20 08 my son, who was inter-

biceps tendon at the elbow. Then, w ith

ested in playing a guitar, suggested I just

a little retraining, he was able to return

get one, arguing you only live once. Why

t o h is work a s a la bor er. Th is t ot a l ly

I didn’t think of that is beyond me! While

blew me away! I thought if one could do

looking for instructional books and vid-

t hat , t hen t hat’s t he k ind of su rger y I

eos on how to play my new instrument, I

wanted to do!

learned of Roger Siminoff, who got me

How was it that you moved from Georgia

started in Luthierie, the art of building

to Fresno? I did my general surger y resi-

stringed instruments. At first, I put it on

dency at what was then Va lley Medica l

the back burner, for fear of lopping off

Center. I got to k now t he doctors, t he

a f inger or something, but Roger k new

t ow n of Fr e sno a nd C a l i for n i a when

a not her a r t ist /plast ic su rgeon, Bu r ton

I was a resident , so I decided to come

Brent, who had built three banjos. So, the

back after my plastic surger y training.

challenge was on! It has been an amaz-

And now for a little Q&A

AT-A-GLANCE Occupation: Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Birthdate: November 10 Marital status: Married Birthplace: Atlanta, GA

ing, enjoyable, educational ride, over the past six years. I have now built five amaz-

First job: I was a salad maker at an Italian

ing sounding Mandolins. I can even play

restaurant in Atlanta called Gigi’s.

them! For me, this is just another way of

Favorite color: E cr u (t hat is a cr ea my

channeling a creative drive.


One thing I cannot stand: Is bad g ra m ma r a nd misspelled

words. Really great evening for me is: Sipping on a Cabernet, while

chatting with close friends. If I could change one thing about myself: I’d be a better man-

dolin player. People who knew me in college thought I was: A t a lented

illustrator. Most difficult time in my life was: My internship. Long hours.


Hard study. My friends like me because: I’m affable. Best advice I ever got: Do the right thing. Best advice I ever gave: Go for the gold. The best thing my parents gave me: Was my education. Best show on television: I don’t generally watch T V, but I do

like Game of Thrones. Most comfortable room in the house: My shop, of course. I

can tune out ever y thing and focus on being creative. It’s a lot like being in t he operat ing room for me, focusing a nd being creative. Favorite music: Classical, jazz, Celtic, new g rass, rock, The

Beatles, and of course, who can’t love A nn’s CDs? Illustrations by Dr. Askren..

Most romantic spot in the Valley: I’d say Chateau du Sureau,

a.k.a. Erna’s Eldeberr y House in Oakhurst. Worst habit: I have to draw when I talk.

If I could live anywhere in the world I would choose: To have

Best party I gave: My wife’s surprise 50th at Max’s Bistro|Bar.

the option to go back and forth bet ween the mountains and

Favorite city outside of California: N YC. I love Broadway.

a tropical beach.

Last goal accomplished: Ever y day, I have goals of doing the

I’m always fascinated by the way women: A re so resilient. I

very best I can for each person I take care of.

see women suf fer t he diag nosis of breast ca ncer, undergo

Favorite pizza: I’m not a big pizza fan, but no veggie pizza for

repeated surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation… and sur vive.


Their st reng t h I f ind ad m ira ble. It is a pr iv ilege to work

Person that had the biggest impact on my life: The late John

with them in any way to enhance their qualit y of life.

Bost w ick I I I, M D, for mer chief of plastic surger y at Emor y

Favorite movie: A ny act ion /advent ure escape-f rom-rea lit y

University, His knowledge, creativity, skill, kindness and com-


passion were immense.

The craziest thing I ever did was: Lead the outdoor recreation

My best asset: Patience.

subcommittee for spelunking (exploration of caves) while in

Nobody knows: When I was growing up, learning to draw, I

college at Georgia Tech. I successfully rescued a woman who

hated coloring outside the lines. I never really cared for jigsaw

got her hair caught in a rappel rack at the lip of a 180-foot pit

puzzles. However, it’s one of life’s little ironies that I’d have to

by off-loading the rack and untangling it. This, with 180 feet

suture complicated, stellate lacerations in the ER. Of course,

of air beneath us! Gutsy, but another puzzle to solve. When I

that kind of puzzle is more fun.

reflect on that, I probably should have just cut the hair.


Fashion is the Buffet, Style is What You Put on Your Plate


Clinton w rote a book ent it led,

C V LU XU RY: What does your t y pica l

a.m., ta ke a sma ll brea k, a nd shoot a

Freakin’ Fabulou s on a Budget wh ich

day look like ?

second show from 12 :15 p.m. to 1:15

featured some of his favorite recipes. He went on The View to do a fashion seg ment for Macy’s a nd gave his book to t he E xecut ive Pr oducer. W hen it was time to create a nd cast The Chew, the producer immediately thought of C l i nton Kel ly for t he job. So we sat dow n to ask him how the rollercoaster ride has been.

C L I N TON K EL LY: What’s nice a bout The Chew is t hat it is one hour in a nd

p.m. We work a tot a l of t hree days a week, f ilming six shows a week.

one hour out, for one hour of T V. What

C V L : Do people of ten stop you a nd

Not to Wear was one week of work for

ask you for fashion tips?

one hour of T V and it was ex hausting. The Chew is ex hila rating. We a r r ive at 7 a.m. We have a meet i ng, rehea rsa l, then we shoot a show from 9 a.m. to 10

CK: There are four cities where I can go prett y much unnoticed and people don’t bother me: New York


“ What I really love to do is help women find a style that is representative of who they are on the inside. What’s coming down the catwalk doesn’t excite me as much as

helping a woman make sense of fashion.

C i t y, M i a m i , S a n Fr a n c i s c o a n d L o s A n g e l e s . A ny where else, I get asked const a nt ly for fash ion advice. C V L : Why do you think The Chew has become such a hit? CK: The f ive of us truly enjoy each other’s company, and you can’t fake that. It’s chemistr y that just happened to work out. We are just there having a good time. It’s not so much about the food; it’s more about people wa nting to ha ng out in the kitchen w ith us. Our theme is ‘Pa r t y in the K itchen’ a nd ever ybody is inv ited ! It’s t he hea r t of t he home a nd we wa nt you to think that you are stopping by any one of our homes. We only cook t wo recipes in the hour, so for the most part, it’s conversation and fun.


C V L : What trends do you see for fall?

C V L : What is your biggest fashion pet peeve ?

CK: Ever yone is looking at fall, but I’m not. I am not

CK: Bad jeans – so tragic ! With so many jeans in the

interested in trends – I’m not a trend guy. There are

market, there is no reason to be wearing jeans from

a lot of people out there who could talk about the lat-

t he 9 0 s. Most women have f ig ured it out a nd k now

est trends, but that’s not my thing. When people say

how to get themselves into a dark wash jean, but men

I’m a fashion guy, it bothers me because I have never

are still wearing the dad jeans with a cross-training

thought of myself as a fashion guy. I’m a “st yle guy.”

sneaker. That really drives me nuts!

What I rea lly love to do is help women f ind a st yle that is representative of who they are on the inside. What’s coming down the catwalk doesn’t excite me as

C V L : I f you weren’t doing what you’re doing r ight now, what would you be doing?

much as helping a woma n ma ke sense of fashion. It

CK: I was a w riter for 12 years, so I would probably

can be ver y diff icult and I like showing an individual

be w r it i ng a ga i n. I was a ma ga zi ne ed itor, as well

woman how to make a trend make sense for them.

as a freelance writer for Marie Claire, Mademoiselle,

C V L : What do you do in your spare time ?

a nd ma ny ot her publicat ions… I loved it ! The only reason I’m doing T V is because these jobs keep fall-

C K : L iv i ng i n a n apa r t ment i n New York , I ra rely

ing into my lap. I’m ver y fortunate to be doing what

cooked, but after I bought my house in Connecticut

I’m doing.

eight years ago, I developed a love for cooking, garden i n g, ent er t a i n i n g a nd ju st h a n g i n g out w it h friends in my home.





xperience Californiabistro dining in a place reminiscent of San Francisco, where the cuisine is accessible and the service is humble — not unlike Max’s beginnings.

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Ta n t a l i z i n g F o o d & D r i n k s


Man In the



ephora is one of Fashion Fair Mall’s most popular destinations. The store’s sleek aesthetic, artfully displayed product lines and friendly employees make it a leading retailer of cosmetics. Fun

fact for most Fresno customers: the lead artist for Sephora’s pro team is Reedley native Gilbert Soliz. I met up with Gilbert to learn about his journey from Reedley to New York City and was instantly entranced by his twinkling, fawn-brown eyes, perfect skin and fashion-forward attire. Gilbert is a living example of the small-town boy who makes good.

C V LU XU RY: Where were you born and raised? GI LBERT SOLIZ : I was born in Reedley. I am 35 years old and the oldest of six children. Both my parents did hair for a living, which is how I got interested in makeup. As a child, I used to watch my mom sitting Indian-st yle in front of a big, boisterous w icker mir ror… I would get up on my k nees to sit beside her and watch her transform herself. That is what inspired me to do makeup.

many amazing people have inspired and g uided me on my makeup journey. C V L : What do you love about your job? GS: Gosh, that’s a hard one. I love all the traveling. I get to go to sleep a nd wa ke up i n d i f ferent cit ies. I explore new ness, eat a ma z i ng foods a nd a m a ble to express my creative energ y. There is so much inspiration in the world; I love t he way it cha nnels t hrough me, t he way it a f fects

C V L : What was your career path to Sephora ?

people. I get to see my art come alive.

GS : I st a red doing ma keup at 19. While in high school, I

C V L : What obst acles have you faced dur ing your ca reer

d iscovered t he ma keup depa r t ment at M acy’s. I saw g uys

and how did you overcome them?

work i n g beh i nd t he cou nt er s d r essed a l l i n black . They wor e m a keup a nd I t hou ght t o mysel f, “ Wow, t her e a r e people like me.” I bega n work ing for M AC at Macy’s. M AC wa s a n a m a z i n g plat for m because t hey r ea l ly celebr at ed your persona lit y a nd t he uniqueness of each indiv idua l. I at tended Feder ico’s Beaut y College a nd or ig ina lly wa nted to work for a plast ic surgeon because I enjoyed t he whole t r a n sfor m at i ve a e s t he t ic , but s omehow I went b a c k t o pa int ing faces. I worked for C ha nel for a bit , t hen moved to Los A ngeles and began working for Sephora. I w ill have been with the company for 10 years in October. C V L : How would you describe your position with Sephora ? GS: My title is Sephora Pro Lead – Sephora has a Pro Team t h at consist s of 17 i nd iv idu a ls f r om acr oss t he cou nt r y. I a m t he le ad a r t i st a nd t e a m ment or. I w r it e t r a i n i n g prog ra ms, shoot cat a log covers, work w it h beaut y editors on new collect ions a nd product lau nches, as well as work w it h ou r cr e at i ve t e a m i n New York . I a m t he S ephor a Collection A mbassador, so I do a lot of Sephora tutorials on our YouTube cha nnel. My ma in objective is to educate our cast and elevate artistr y at Sephora. I recently went to Paris to launch our Marc Jacobs Beaut y. We had over 8 0 0 clients stand in line to do a meet and greet with Marc. C V L : To what do you attribute your success at Sephora ? GS: Growing up I had a lot of support from my parents. They lived a creative lifest yle, so they supported the path I chose. I had rea lly g reat mentors a nd fr iends who t aught me tips a nd tricks. I consider myself more of a makeup enthusiast, as I was never for ma lly t ra ined to do ma keup. I a m a selftaught, kinesthetic learner. I like to get my hands dirt y. So


GS: I would have to say living in Manhattan; there are a lot of people in my industr y, so it becomes hard to set yourself apa r t. I eat a nd breat he ma keup a nd fash ion, so it’s t he passion inside me that continues to drive me. That’s what sets me apart from others… I invest blood, sweat and tears in my work. That’s what keeps me going. CV L : What has been the biggest challenge in your position? GS: I think it is the art of restraint. That is the hardest for me. You have a client at Sephora a nd you have to achieve what they a re look ing for; it’s not the “Gilber t Show” – I have to f ind the perfect balance to make it work.

C V L : What has been the most memorable moment of your

GS: You have to develop thick skin living in New York. Once


you get past the flood of people and the busy lifest yle, there

GS: At this point, I have had many amazing career landmarks. One is doing the couture show in Paris, working backstage w it h t he fashion elite like Dior, Givenchy, Va lent ino a nd Galiano. Working with the world ’s greatest makeup artists wa s a su r rea l moment i n a l i fe. A s a you ng ma n I wou ld

is something mag ica l a bout the cit y. I think you should go t here when you’re a lit t le bit older ; you need to develop a sense of maturit y so you don’t get caught up in the nightlife. You need to be ver y focused a nd sure of what you’re going there for, other wise you can get caught up in all the riff-raff.

dream about a moment like that, and suddenly I was living

C V L : If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be

my dream.

and what would you order?

C V L : Where do you see your career f ive years from now?

GS: Oh gosh, it would have to be Madonna. She has been my

GS: At night when I go to bed, I dream of one day becoming the creative director of a brand. I would like to create my own brand, work with a big makeup agency, become independent and write editorials for fashion magazines. I am doing much

icon, my muse, since I was a young ma n. I would choose a fa ncy restaura nt in Pa ris a nd would proba bly not eat much because I would be so ner vous. I would probably just have a glass of wine and maybe some very expensive caviar.

of that right now, but by no means do I feel like I have made it. There is still so much I can accomplish. C V L : A s a New Yorker, what adv ice would you g ive young people who are starting their careers?

Professional make-up artist Eileen Smith EYE BROWS | EYE LINER | LIP LINER | LIP COLOR

PERMENANT MAKEUP enhance - improve - Transform!

“Wake up with Makeup”



The Hairitage | 1736 W. Bullard | Fresno

Dare to Bare! Wearing shorts is unexpected, but can be very stylish and elegant. Wear with a beautifully detailed sheer top and killer sandals, and you’ve got instant glamour.

Isabel Marant top J.Crew shorts



u m m e r b r i n gs m a ny th i n gs:



w a r m w e a t h e r, t a n l i n e s , longer days, a nd of cou rse,

cou ntl ess pa r ties a n d wed d i ng season. These festive occasions a re a l w a y s ca u s e fo r ce l e b r a t i o n , b u t b efo re we cu t t h e ca ke a n d d a n ce the n ig ht away, a g reat pa r ty shou ld be em braced as a ma r velous excuse to d re s s u p – a n d we k n ow i t ’s n ot a lways so easy.

Photographer: Eddie Melikian | Stylist: Lauren K.T. Wilson | Hair Stylists: Joana Robles and Troy E. Newland | Makeup Artist: Alicia Nelson | Model: Caitlyn Bourbon 039 / CVLUX.COM

Finding the right ensemble can be a

Prepping in advance not only allows you

Luckily, this year’s spring/summer

sartorial nightmare. Finding the right

time to hunt for wardrobe updates (and

Fashion Week showcased gads of

ensemble when we are officially

make sure you can walk in those “had-

gorgeous colors, amazing silhouettes

halfway through the party season can

to-have-them” heels for the night), but

and sumptuous fabrics — beautiful

be agonizing. Our advice: mark your

can also save you from a last-minute

options abound! So, before that next

calendars with all those remaining

impulse buying panic. And let’s be honest

soirée sneaks up on you, here’s a little

summer fêtes, swing open the closet

we’ve all been there!

inspiration via a few of our favorite

doors and pre—plan, pre—plan,pre—plan.


PASTELS They say if you see it in at least three collections, you can call it a trend. If that’s the case, then consider pastels a blockbuster! Runways everywhere featured hues ranging from pink, purple, green, coral and blue. Look for the modernized colors in light, ethereal fabrics, add some opulent baubles and you’ve got an effortless look that works day and night. GIRLY cute camisoles and lovely lace lining the runways, it’s crystal clear that the girly girl is back. To fashion this sweet-chic trend, don’t just sprinkle a little bit here and a little bit there – we say dive right in. Romantic looks are always fashionable in warmer months. And for this

YELLOW This season, a canary hue seemed to be the color du jour for many designers and whether it was sherbet, buttercup or bright lemon, it couldn’t be missed. With a variety of tones to choose from, try it out in a bright dress with muted makeup and slicked back hair for maximum effect. CUT OUTS Summer is the perfect time to bare a little skin and clearly celebrities everywhere got the memo. We love how sophisticated the cutout can look and while it may seem daunting in the beginning, remember that it is just a matter of showing it off in a really strategic way. Look for dresses with a cutout at the hip, back or shoulder. Make It’s a bold look, so keep it clean and sleek.

WHITE Sure it is not usually wedding appropriate – unless it happens to be the couple’s theme – but it’s a look that’s too good to be missed. As they say, there is no need to over complicate. No color is fresher or more crisp than white. From perfectly tailored pieces to head-to-toe white maxi dresses and jumpsuits, the result is the same – effortless perfection.


The Ultimate In Double-Duty Attire. This gorgeous floral and scallop detail dress effortlessly transitions from seaside cocktail soirĂŠe to poolside cover-up with a mere flip of a slip.

Ted Baker London

Ladies, Sometimes It’s All About The Fabric. A beautiful polished form with full skirt in crisp cotton is guaranteed to hold its shape through all those warm weather fêtes.



Those Fleeting Moments when what you’ve never foreseen possible unfolds before your very eyes. AN EVOLUTION of PERSPECTIVE. An inventory of priority & place. A blink where what you once thought only a fairytale idea... Is

Born. A feeling you can’t quite put into words.

Joie de vivre. LIFE IS ROMANTIC. Life

is opportunity. Life is potential. And even still,

LIFE is more than that...It is extraordinary wonder.

It’s realizing possibilities beyond ourselves.

It’s The Moment WhenWE Inherently Understand


that what least expect is Self-Imposed. Life is far too fantastic for such emphasis on singular identity… Weddings, festivities, gatherings are reminders. Celebrate your friendships, your families. CELEBRATE those that give yours meaning.


•Coco Chanel•




Photographer: Louiza Vick Stylist: Sarah Kinsumba Assistant Stylist: Stacey Esteban

C V Luxur y: So, f irst thing – obviously the most

Makeup Artist: Aliana Moss

impor ta nt – the wedding. Beautiful! What was

Hair Stylist: Victor Mendoza

your favorite moment?

Nails: Elisa Wishan

Taylor A rmstrong: Oh, that’s hard. I would say it’s more t ha n one. But , we did t he vows w it h my daughter, Kennedy. We said our vows to one another and then we did vows together with her. I think that was the most special, most emotional part of it for me. CV L : What was one thing that you didn’t expect at your wedding? Or did it all run smoothly? TA : Wel l , my d r ess wa sn’t r eady u nt i l t h r ee hou rs before t he wedd i ng. I had n’t seen it or any thing and that was really ner ve-w racking. I didn’t see it until I put it on, basically. C V L : Wow. TA : I wa s rea l ly st a r t i ng to get a lot of a n x iet y, just about the f it and if I was going to like the end product. Gilbert Chagour y at Chagour y Cout ure had dressed me for yea rs a nd he was doi n g t he d r ess. I k new t hat he wou ld k now what I liked, but at the same time, it was a little st ressf ul not seeing my dress. I didn’t t hink I would ca re ; it didn’t feel that impor ta nt. But I think the anxiet y started getting to me towards the end. C V L : The dress is a ver y important part of it! TA: Um, yeah. They had me tr y it on blindfolded, so I couldn’t see it. I think right at the ver y end I was like, what have I done ? Why did I ever agree not to see the dress?


final layout coming



C V L : Well, it worked out. You looked amazing. TA : Oh yes, he d id such a beaut if u l job. I had g iven h i m lots of tear sheets from magazines and hoped that something would come together a nd it did – the perfect f it a nd it was really beautiful.

went down the aisle f irst, then Kennedy and I walked down holding hands. C V L : That’s priceless. TA : For me it was rea lly impor t a nt t hat Kennedy rea lized that not only was I marr ying John, but that we were becom-

C V L : A nd the best part was that you didn’t look like you just

ing a family. He had f iled for adoption of her and surprised

got it three hours before.

me with the adoption papers.

TA: The second dress was really cute. It was all see-through

C V L : That was emotional.

– sheer, I shou ld say. A l l sheer except for t he i mpor t a nt areas; they were covered with flowers, which was ver y cool. It was just a fun dress because I wanted to be able to dance; the f irst dress was too long to dance in. C V L : Of course ! The second dress has to be more play ful. Loved your shoes! Who were you wearing? TA: Jimmy Choos. They were amazing. C V L : Was that also last minute ? What a good f ind! TA: Yeah, ever y thing was last minute. C V L : Sometimes that’s the best way. TA : Yea h, I t hink for me it was because I kept going back and forth as to what I wanted. You know when you send out the invitations a nd put ever y thing on a timeline, you don’t have a lot of time to vacillate. I mean, you have to make the decisions. C V L : What did Kennedy wear? TA: They made a little dress for her, too. I wanted our dresses to kind of look a like, but clea rly she’s not going to wea r a strapless. C V L : R ight. TA : So they were coordinated, but hers was def initely k id appropriate. A nd then Portia, Kyle’s daughter, was our flower girl. They had matching dresses.

TA: It was really emotional. I was filming a show and he surprised me. He had the adoption papers a nd he’d had three matching necklaces made for us. The whole crew was cr ying. C V L : I fe el l i ke c r y i n g r i g ht now ! Oh my g o sh , t h at ’s beautiful. TA: It was really, really nice. We just wa nted to make sure that she was a big part of the ceremony and that she understood that he was becoming her father at the sa me time as becoming my husband. C V L : What was the moment when you knew that John was the one for you? TA: Well, we went through a lot together after my husband’s su icide. I wa s lef t w it h a n enor mous mess, f r om a leg a l perspect ive. I wa s bei ng sued by a pu bl ic compa ny a nd I was also dealing w ith tr y ing to f ig ure out where our assets were… you know, just sorting it all out. C V L : I can’t imagine. TA : A nd so John a nd I were fr iends, a nd he ca me on a nd st a r ted helping me w it h just r unning t he lega l tea ms. We were just f r iends for a long t i me. I t hink I just st a r ted to tr ust him a nd our friendship developed. Then one day, we were at a rest aura nt at a business meet ing – t his is a f ter I solved a l l t he l it igat ion st u f f – a nd I don’t k now, we just looked at each other and all of a sudden ever y thing felt completely dif ferent , rea lly a click in one moment for me. He

C V L : Ken nedy must have r ea l ly enjoyed bei n g a pa r t of

looked like a different person. I never had seen him as some-

ever y thing.

one I would be at t racted to or I t hink I was in such a bad

TA : You k now, she’s never been to a wedding before, so I think she really didn’t k now what to expect. Having Por tia there was a huge help because they’re just so close. Por tia

place in my life, I couldn’t envision trusting someone again. I realized that in just one moment, I felt differently for him and then we kind of, we looked at each other and the person who we were having the meeting with said, “Should I leave? ”


Midi white dress with mesh: MAC DUGGAL Earrings: NANIS ITALIAN JEWELS Pink diamond ring: NANIS ITALIAN JEWELS Shoes: CALVIN KLEIN

I’m like no, no, no, no… none of us really knew what was happening, but I remember the exact moment and it was ver y strange, like… C V L : Clarit y. TA : Yea h. It was like a ll of a sudden he looked like a

C V L : Wow. TA: The stories are so hard to hear, but at the same time t here is such a com mon t hread to a ll of it. Hav ing t he opportunit y to speak to people has been the best part of the book.

different person to me a nd I rea lized that I had rea lly

C V L : Most people in similar situations are ver y private –

developed t r ust for someone. I ’ d told h i m t hat I had

you’ve been so open and honest.

done so much changing in my life, for my husband previously, and I had become a shell of the person I used to be just tr ying to keep him happy all the time. I just said, here’s t he t h i ng, i f we’re goi ng to be toget her you’re going to have to love me exactly as I am. I can’t change for a nyone ever aga in a nd I a m not easy. I’m a Gemini and I have a whole bunch of different personalities; you

TA: That’s why I really wanted the wedding to be public because I wa nted people to see t hat t here is life a f ter. Just because you’ve had a bad exper ience doesn’t mea n that something good can’t later come, and you can trust aga in a nd love aga in. I def initely wa nted people to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

just never know what you’re going to get. So I was like

C V L : A re you goi ng to be doi ng a ny more tou rs w it h

you just have to love me for whoever wakes up each day

your book?

because I don’t always know who it’s going to be. A nd he does; he doesn’t tr y to change me and he deals with all the different aspects of my personalit y. To me, the key to being w ith someone was k now ing that I didn’t have to change for someone ever again.

TA: We’ve talked about whether or not I should do a second one. I might maybe collaborate with a psychiatrist or psychologist because I feel like now I told the stor y, but now what’s the lesson? I shared what happened, but now how do you help people to get past it a nd move on ? So

C V L : So is that sort of where the book comes into play?

maybe doing some kind of a collaboration with an expert

Being able to share the experience ?

who can give guidance and perhaps I can do some anec-

TA: A lot of people asked me if the book was cathartic. When I f in ished it , I t hought I wou ld have t h is huge sigh of relief and I just started bawling, like the kind of cr ying where you can’t catch your breath. I think that it was letting all of that go into the universe, and just telling my truth and every single thing about me. There was a lot of it that I was not proud of. I think the best par t of the book experience for me has been the ability relate with people, across all economics. I would visit women

dotal stories. Then they can share the psycholog y behind it, and what to do and what not to do if you’re in that kind of situation. Part of me, in a way, wants to put it behind me and move on. I mean, of all the things to be the face of, it’s not a gla morous thing to do, but I k now that it’s important. But some days I just think that maybe it’s time to close that chapter, and put it behind me and move on. Then I a lso have the feeling like I have a responsibilit y to do things for the cause.

in shelters, all over the countr y, when I was on my book

C V L : On a lighter note, who was t he person you most

tour. Then I ran into a woman one day on Rodeo Drive,

related to on R H BH?

who had a ll these shopping bags a nd a huge ring. You cou ld tel l t hat she’s wel l of f. Then I go to t he Bron x and sit in a place that has bars on the windows, and the stories are basically the sa me. I get letters, t weets a nd messages from women all over the world.

TA: Kyle and I are really close, and Portia and Kennedy have such a sweet relationship. I wish that people could see all the laughter that happens. There is so much Kyle a nd I ca n just laugh a bout a nd have a blast, a nd unfortunately that doesn’t always make the air. I w ish people


c ou ld se e mor e of t he go o d t i me s t h at happen. C V L : What was your favorite moment on the show? TA: Oh my gosh, there were only a couple of t hem (lau gh i n g) . I have to t h i n k . My favor ite t i me was def i n itely Season One because the orig ina l six of us rea lly were f r iends. We had a rea l ly t ight bond a nd we were like family, so even when we were f i ght i n g it wa s bec au se we c a r ed a bout e ach ot her a s opp o s e d t o it ju st b ei n g u n k i nd… k now i ng t hat even t hou gh we had our arguments, it was out of love. CV L : Were you happy overall with the way things were portrayed? TA: Well, I would always have liked if they would have kept all the good stuff in. C V L : What did Kennedy think about the show? TA: I think it’s interesting with Kennedy, a n d p r o b a b l y Po r t i a a s w e l l , b e c a u s e Ken nedy was just t u r n i ng fou r when we f irst sta r ted. It was a lmost as though she was just used to t hat being a pa r t of her life. You k now? I don’t think she k new at t he t i me t hat ever yone doesn’t l ive l i ke that because Portia lived like that, too. C V L : Ok , so how a bout some f u n fact s n ow. W h a t i s yo u r mu s t -h a ve i n yo u r handbag?

Sequin strapless gown: BARIANO AUSTRALIA Diamond earrings: NANIS ITALIAN JEWELS Purple prong ring: CHARLES ALBERT Cuff: VINCE CAMUTO


TA: A lipstick. I like Zert, tinted. It’s like a chapstick, but it’s really moisturizing a nd we are in the mountains all the time where it’s really dr y. C V L : So are you a skier or a boarder? TA : Sk ier. K en ne d y do e s b ot h , but we made her learn to ski f irst. C V L : When did Kennedy start skiing? TA: Just last year. This will be her second ski season. C V L : I f you had one item t hat you could splurge on… no consequences. What would it be ? TA: It’s always shoes. C V L : Neimans or Saks? TA: Neimans. C V L : Three words t hat you would use to describe yourself ? TA : T h r e e wo r d s t o d e s c r i b e m y s e l f… spontaneous, passionate and fun loving. C V L : Last question: a re there other projects coming up? TA: Nothing that I can talk about! C V L : Wel l , t h at’s excit i n g ! Th at work s for me.








Etiquette is defined as the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave. Many of today’s brides and grooms are searching for an understanding of the traditional sense of manners and some sort of guideline.

eddings a re persona lized ceremonies a nd cel-

forget, you a re joining more tha n you a nd your g room in

ebrations. Endless cult ures a nd customs have

life forever; you are joining your families. This is a foreign

paved their way into popula r a nd ma instrea m

experience for all involved, even if you have been a couple

choices for many bridal couples. Is there a “correct” way to

for years prior to engagement. Sensitivit y to this is key in

handle an entire wedding from beginning to end? My answer

extending your etiquette for consideration to all involved.

is “NO ! ” However, there a re ma ny aspects that need to be ha ndled in a ma nner t hat doesn’t of fend or upset a ny one person involved, which may prove to be a bit daunting.

I nve st t i me i nt o d i sc u s si n g a nd env i sion i n g wh at you a nd your g room expect your wedding day to be. First a nd foremost, if the two of you do not agree on what you’re antic-

Think about who is involved in and attending your wedding.

ipating, no one else involved will either. Communication is

The persona lit ies a nd backg rou nds of you r fa m ily, br ida l

critical. The t wo of you must have an open dialog ue at all

party and guests are key to developing a celebration that will

times. This holds true for your entire life, not just for plan-

include a ll of t heir et hnicit ies a nd spir it ua l pat hs. While

ning this event.

you a nd you r g room clea rly come f irst for t he core of t he ceremony a nd celebrat ion, t he goa l is for a ll to t a ke pa r t in a nd una nimously enjoy your union. For exa mple, if you and your groom hail from religious upbringings, most likely your families will expect a spiritual ceremony. If this is not your intent , expla in your reasoning to t hem at t he init ia l stages of planning to avoid disappointment and arg uing as

Use you r resou rces. I f you a re u nsu re i f somet h i ng you wa nt is proper or accept a ble, ask you r peers, pa rent s or vendors. They will t ypically be able to lend advice as to the appropriateness of what you’re wanting. Online resources are a fabulous resource. You will f ind diverse thoughts and facts on endless aspects and protocol for weddings.

you prog ress fur t her into your t imeline. There a re a lways

Emily Post is the epitome of etiquette. From the very begin-

compromises ava ila ble, such as hav ing your non-relig ious

ning of modern ceremonies to today’s variations, you w ill

ceremony and then having a clerg y man bless your marriage

f ind answers in Post’s publications.

at the end of the ceremony in prayer.

H ire a qua lif ied wedding pla nner a nd coordinator. Avoid

I recom mend t hat a l l of my br ides a nd g rooms have sev-

using fr iends a nd relatives that “ just pla nned ” their ow n

era l meet i ngs w it h t hei r i nvolved fa m i ly, predom i na nt ly

or t hei r daughter’s wedd i ng. You need a n u n biased a nd

their parents, throughout the pla nning process to keep all

experienced professional to address any and all concerns.

informed of major decisions, and to solicit their advice and

Consider hiring your planner as an insurance policy. Their

ask for t hei r preferences as you go. Th is helps a l l to feel

fee is protecting a nd ensuring that all of your time, emo-

as t hough t hey have had a n integ ra l pa r t of pla nning a nd

tion and money are well appropriated, and implemented the

assisting you both in the most impor ta nt day in your lives.

way you intend.

A ll involved w ill lea r n to adjust a nd comprom ise. Do not


From your save the dates to your tha nk you notes, you set

not a l l m ay enjoy t h is choice. Sca l i n g et h n ic select ions

the stage on the ma nnerisms you’re impa r ting as a couple

dow n and pairing w ith a few mainstream options is always

a nd for your wedding. Be sure to address t hem appropr i-


ately. Even if you want a casual feel, keep your print items formally addressed. Do not use printed labels, ever. You do not have to hire a professional calligrapher, however, hand addressed or professionally printed is necessar y.

Music shou ld be mel low a nd t oned dow n for t he i n it ia l cocktail hour and dinner portion of the reception. Keep the upbeat “club” tones for after the formal portions of the evening. A llow g uests to enjoy intimate conversations a mong

Attire is an area that needs careful consideration. Keep in

themselves, as well as your toasts a nd specia l da nces. The

m ind t hat ma r r ia ge is a tender a nd memora ble occasion.

older g uests tend to depar t once they’ve indulged in all of

Trends are fun, however, they can tend to date sta mp your

the tradition. At a later point, let your ha ir dow n a nd cel-

event and can somewhat downplay tradition. Flair that lends

ebrate with your friends with the vibe you enjoy.

to your personalit y is acceptable when kept in check.

Décor should be personalized and within reason. Thematic

For t he gent lemen, t u xedos, su its, vests a nd t rousers a re

weddings are on an upswing these days. Selecting a theme

a ll inter mixa ble. Correctly f it ted appa rel is critica l for a ll

that will not take away from the event at hand is key. Taste

involved. Shoe selection can be whimsical for the gents, as

is always the key.

well as the ladies. From cowboy boots to sneakers, keeping the foot wea r fun a nd comfor t a ble is appreciated by most. The venue for your ceremony must be kept in mind for these opt ions. A cat hed ra l or temple is not t he place for t hese casual choices. Reser ve this for the reception and have your grand entrance make note of your festive flair. Celebration is what all anticipate. So celebrate... with st yle. Be careful – fun can get out of hand quickly. Keep your liquor controlled. This will also help in controlling costs and liabilit y. Hosting a bar is not required at any reception.

Centerpieces should never impede the conversation view of you r seated g uests. Fra g ra nce in f resh f lowers shou ld be kept to a minimum, as well. Floral décor accessorizes your entire event and should reflect your personalities and tastes. At tention to sma ll deta ils w ill be noticed a nd appreciated by a ll at tending, from t he place ca rds to t he china to t he linens. Pay attention to keeping these details cohesive and appropriate to your overall event. Don’t d r ow n i n a gla ss of wat er i n a l l of t h is pla n n i n g. Orga nize your t houghts a nd wa nts from t he ver y onset of engagement. Work as a pa r tner w ith your bride or g room.

Food is a n open f ield. There t r uly is no et iquet te when it

Com mu nicate clea rly w it h your fa m ily a nd vendors. H ire

comes to your fare. Thoughts to keep in mind include ease

professionals in all areas. They have years of experience and

of ser v ice, a nd t he mess factor involved for you a nd your

w ill a llev iate enor mous a mounts of stress from your load.

g uests. People a re t y pica lly dressed in t heir best. I k now

Persona lize your wedding w it h f resh, new ideas t hat w ill

I’m not interested in eat ing w ith my ha nds when I at tend

ma ke your wedding st a nd out. When in doubt, ask. Enjoy

a wedding, nor a m I thr illed w ith overly spicy or pungent

ever y moment of this experience.

selections. Ethnic food is acceptable, keeping in mind that 054 / CVLUX VOL.I ISS.4


Let your personal


become a work of Art


The Palatine Building


7455 North Fresno Street, Level One






S o m e t h i n g O l d , S o m e t h i n g Ne w , S o m e t h i n g B o r row e d , Something Blue. It was the moment just before I took my father’s arm that I knew I was in the right place. White peonies in hand, I could feel my breath shorten as the wooden doors swung open to reveal a real-life scene from my dreams. Surrounded by the people I loved most, I felt elated, beautiful and content. Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant mirrored who we were as individuals, and as a pair. This rustic, but elegant sanctuary gave me the sigh-inducing wedding I’d imagined, and me. This is why we chose Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant. It is no secret, the amount of preparation required to transform a vision into a tangible reality can be overwhelming, but sible for you to leave your worries behind. Booking into 2015, this Central California oasis is conveniently situated at the mid-

From Behind the Veil A GL I M P SE AT H ISTOR IC LU X U RY

way point of Los Angeles and San Francisco, along Interstate their planes, don’t worry, there’s an airstrip for them to land.

this California Hacienda transforms itself into a perfect getaway for your guests. Let your loved ones indulge themselves with a stay at the Inn, winding down from an evening of merriment in one of the 153 beautifully appointed rooms. Before returning home, they’ll enjoy the bounty of the harvest with a farm-fresh breakfast at the Harris Ranch Restaurant.

Let your wedding aspirations lead to the heart – of California – at Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant. Cheers to love, laughter and happily ever after. 056 / CVLUX VOL.I ISS.4

final layout coming advertorial





he br ide a nd g room were on the sa me path – both g rew up in the Central Valley city of Chowchilla and attended Fresno State – but Alex Harris, 23, who works for her family’s business, The Almond Company,

and dairy farmer, Doug Brunner, 29, didn’t really meet in either one of those places. It took “Papa T,” A lex’s grandfather who lives in Chowchilla, to play somewhat of a matchmaker. PHOTOS BY SCOTTCAMPBELLPHOTO.COM


Wedding Planner: Colette Cuccia Wedding Invitations: The Quill in Pacific Grove Wedding Photographer: Scott Campbell Photography Caterer: Bernardus Lodge led by Chef Cal Staminov DJ: DJ Busy Bee Band: Pop Fiction

Doug a nd Papa T had become friends. They st a r t ed t o h a n g out a nd Dou g wou ld cook for h i m. Because of t hat , Pa p a T b e g a n r efer r i n g t o D ou g a s “The Cook.” “The Cook ” is A lex’s f irst memor y of Doug. Doug’s f irst memor y of A lex is from seeing pict ures of her at Papa T’s. “Like” at f irst sight is what led h i m to a sk A lex’s fat her, Russel l Ha rris, per mission to date A lex. With M r. H a r r i s’ a ppr ov a l , t he y went on their f irst date. A f ter t wo yea rs of dat i ng, Doug proposed to Alex at his home in Chowchilla. K now i ng A lex’s love for t hei r sha red Rott weiler, he enlisted the dog to help him out with the proposal. Doug tied a red bow and card around its neck, then he got dow n on one k nee. A f ter A lex accepted, to su r pr ise her even more, he took her to h is pa rent s, Doug a nd Touche Brunner’s, home where fa mily a nd friends were wa iting to celebrate. A lex says, “I’ve never been given a surprise party in my life and then I got one the day he proposed! ” Together, they decided on the Central Coast tow n of Carmel, C A as the wedd i n g lo c a t io n – a g r e a t pl a c e fo r a “ destination” wedding, yet not too fa r f rom t he Cent ra l Va lley so t hat ma ny of t hei r fa m i ly a nd f r iends cou ld be there. That was a priorit y of Doug and A lex’s. “Friends, fun, lots of food a nd da ncing,” says A lex. For A lex , one of t he best pa r t s of t he ent i r e wedd i n g e x p e r i e n c e w a s t h e “e x c i t e m e n t o f planning and spending time” w ith her mom, A nne. With the help of Monterey Pe n i n s u l a - b a s e d w e d d i n g p l a n n e r, 059 / CVLUX.COM


Colet te Cuccia, in just a lit t le over a yea r, t hey pla nned

(something borrowed), her mom’s tennis bracelet (something

the wedding weekend of their dreams.

old), and Monique Lhuillier heels. The mother-of-the bride

On t he weekend of Apr il 2 6 , 2 014 , g uest s of t he Ha r r is a nd Br u n ner fa m i l ies made t hei r way to C a r mel a nd to the luxurious Bernardus Lodge & Spa. Many of the guests stayed at the Lodge, which A lex says was one of her favor-

wore a gorgeous, midnight blue form-f itting Rubin Singer dress. Doug stood waiting at the altar in a black Vera Wang suit with his brother by his side as his Best Man. Her eight bridesmaids wore ethereal, floor-length, light pink dresses.

ite pa r ts of t he ent ire weekend. “ We would a ll r u n into

A fter the ceremony, the crowd headed back to Ber na rdus

each other and it was like a constant part y! ” The celebra-

Lodge. A n outdoor cocktail reception in the wedding gar-

tion kicked off on Friday. Doug spent the day relaxing with

den kicked off the party as guests, including Alex and Doug,

his g roomsmen a nd a few other g uy fr iends by play ing a

mingled among the backdrop of majestic oak trees and spec-

round of golf at Poppy H ills in Pebble Beach. A lex had a

tacular views of Car mel Valley. The color theme was dark

massage at SpaTer re at the Lodge. At night, a n intimate

purple with mirrored furniture, including a mirrored seating

g roup of 4 0 g uest s, most of whom were fa m i ly a nd t he

list. When it was time for the reception, they made their way

bridal part y, gathered at Mission Ranch in Carmel for the

into an extraordinar y, large white tent draped in beautiful

rehea rsa l din ner. It was held in t he Pat io Ba r n w it h it s

fabrics. With a lack of large-enough entertaining spaces on

amazing views of the meadow and Point Lobos. Doug and

the propert y and in the Carmel area to accommodate their

A lex requested their favorite food be ser ved – a gour met

wedding guests, the tent was constructed.

burger bar. The bride wore a beautiful, black lace Monique Lhuillier dress.

Inside the reception, there was a roma ntic, luxurious a nd slightly bohemian vibe w ith a color scheme of crea m, tan,

On Sat urday, t heir 3 3 0 g uests joined t hem for t he wed-

blush, a nd gold. Filling the space were blush spray roses,

d i ng ceremony at The C a r mel M ission Ba si l ica , a place

r u f f led pa r rot t u l ips, ga rden roses, Dav id Aust i n roses,

specia l to A lex because of t he beaut y a nd histor y of t he

collections of white hydrangeas, scented geranium, ranun-

church. The already stunning church was decorated with

cu lu s , v i bu r nu m , a nemones a nd c a sc ad i n g or ch id s , a l l

pi n k spray roses a nd t he rows were l i ned w it h hyd ra n-

highlighted with abundant candlelight, along with antique

gea wreaths. The Monterey String Quartet played as A lex

and rose gold accents.

wa lked dow n t he a isle w it h bot h her mom a nd dad. She wore a nother Monique Lhuillier – this time, a strapless, lace Austrian cr ystal-embellished dress. She accessorized w it h a Dav id Yu r m a n st a rbu r st br acelet a nd ea r r i n g s

Add i n g t o t he det a i l s , wa s a n ice -ba r sh aped ice lu ge , another of A lex and Doug’s favorite things at the wedding. Guests had fun playing a part in making their drinks. There were also specialt y cocktails named after the bride, groom 061 / CVLUX.COM

and mother-of-the bride: the “A lex-tini,” “Doug-drop” and

g room’s i n it ia ls were wa it i ng i n t he hotel rooms. The

“A n ne-pol it a n.” Tha n k f u l ly, t here wa s a photo boot h to

bags were f illed with a hangover kit of Advil, Mercy pills,

help document all the fun.

vodka and Bloody Mar y mix. A lso in the bag were a few

The crowd favorite band, Pop Fiction, and DJ Busy Bee took turns keeping ever yone on their feet and out on the dance f loor. The only time it was quiet was during the bride and

favorite things of the bride and groom: almonds for A lex and caramel popcorn for Doug. A leisurely, farewell buffet brunch was held on the croquet lawn.

groom’s f irst dance to “A ll of Me” by John Legend and the

Without a doubt , A lex a nd Doug got what they wa nted

ca ke-cut t ing. The delicious a nd decadent ca ke was made

out of their wedding weekend – that ever yone have a good

with alternating layers of lemon with strawberry and choco-

time. Looking back, A lex says her wedding advice to oth-

late mousse.

ers is to “enjoy the day of your wedding, tr y not to stress,

But the festivities weren’t over yet. At midnight, the part y

and do the seating arrangements way ahead of time! ”

moved from the outdoor tent into the hotel ballroom for a

The next day, the new Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brunner, left for

full-on da nce pa r t y until 2a m. Guests were kept powered

their honey moon at the Four Seasons in Maui. A nd now

w it h a late-n ight snack of ch icken tenders, f rench f r ies,

back at home in Chowchilla, Doug is still “The Cook.”

sweet potato fries and sliders. On Su nday mor n i ng, to help ever yone recover f rom t he n i ght befor e, cu st om i z ed t ot e ba g s w it h t he br ide a nd

honeymoon bag

J. CREW textured summer straw hat $34.50 J. Crew @ Fig Garden Village

honeymoon style essentials JENNIFER FISHER 14k gold burnish white diamond “Mrs.” cuff $4,900 BELUSSO LA RAMATUELLE tunic $264 Waterlilies, San Francisco 415-474-9200

PERSOL sunglasses $360 Sunglass Hut @ Macy’s Fashion Fair Keenan Farms pistachios $5.99 Save Mart stores

BELUSSO LES MOULINS swimsuit $195 Waterlilies, San Francisco; 415-474-9200

ROCK SCISSOR PAPER California Love tote $35 Top Drawer @ Fig Garden Village

J. CREW MALTA mirror metallic sandals $78 J.Crew @ Fig Garden Village


Come in this Summer for

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The NovaLash promomotion is good until August 31, 2014.

The The GreaT GreaT This honeymoon getaway on the Central Coast is very close to being Heaven on Earth.




EscapE EscapE

In the Central Coast town of Big Sur with a population of roughly 1,000 people, writers and other creatives would come for peace, relaxation and solitude to help them create their masterpiece. Located 1,200 feet above the Pacific Ocean, on top of the cliffs of Big Sur, is where you’ll find the luxurious and beautiful five-star Post Ranch Inn.

In the 18 6 0s, William Brainard Post and his wife

(and that’s even before check-in!). Once on prop-

homesteaded the 10 0 acres of land of what is now

ert y, there really is no reason to leave.

Post Ranch Inn, and turned it into a cattle ranch. In the 19 8 0 s, due to the decline in cat tle ra nching, neighbors suggested to the g reat-g ra ndson, Bill Post, to turn the ranch into an inn, and share t he awe-i nspi r i ng beaut y of t he pr oper t y w it h ot hers. Tha nk f ully for us, M r. Post ag reed, a nd did so w ith the mission to preser ve the integ rit y and histor y of his family’s propert y.

It’s a sma ll resor t w it h on ly 4 0 g uest rooms a nd su ites. They a re a rch itect u ra l ly i n novat ive w it h d ra mat ic lines, contempora r y st yling, a nd nat ural colors to f it into the surrounding beaut y of the coastline and mountains. The rooms are built using a g reen building approach w ith natural materials of glass, wood, stone and steel, and when possible, the entire resort is solar powered. A ll rooms have

Located a bout 18 0 miles away from Fresno, a nd

eit her ocea n or mou nt a i n v iews – you r pick. We

3 0 m i les sout h of C a r mel, ma kes it t he per fect

stayed in the Mountain Room, which has just been

place to go for a br ief honey moon or weekend

remodeled, and as you can guess, has a view of the

getaway. My husband and I recently went for the


weekend , wh ich we bot h t hou ght wa s a pr et t y good amount of time, although if you’re able to, a third night would be nice for a little more rela xation and exploring.

The interior of the rooms def initely does not disappoint. You feel enveloped in nature, but w ith a lu xur ious t w ist. The bed is one of the most comfortable I have ever slept on – almost like sleeping

The vacation beg ins w ith the stunning a nd sce-

on cloud s . Ther e i s a wo od-bu r n i n g f i r epl ac e ,

n ic d r ive a lon g C a l i for n ia’s H ighway O ne. O n

heated floors, rich wooden wall panels repurposed

one side is the sparkling blue Pacif ic Ocean and

from redwood w ine casks, topped of f w it h or ig i-

on the other, the g reen Sa nta Lucia Mounta ins.

na l a r t . The compl i ment a r y snack s i n t he room

Once you cross over the historic and iconic Bixby

are a welcome surprise, especially the house-made

Bridge, the tallest single-span concrete bridge in

chocolate chip cookies, goat cheese, rustic crackers

the world, you’re not far from your destination.

and wine. The only things not in the room are T Vs

Pay at t ent ion b e c au se you m i ght a l most m i s s t he subt le ent ra nce to t he inn, like we did. It’s such a private resort that f irst you have to go past t he gatehouse, g ive your na me, a nd t hen you’re a llowed to go on your way to the reception a rea ( no wonder why it ’s a favor it e dest i n at ion for

a nd a la r m clocks, which in my opinion, won’t be missed. The best part is that all the details in the room don’t d ist ract f rom t he breat ht a k i ng v iew. However, if you do need your T V f ix, like my husband did, you can get it in the l ibrar y, where there are also board games, books and a computer.

celebs). The impeccable ser vice begins right away

A must is to have dinner at t he on-proper t y res-

as you’re g raciously g reeted by t he st a f f w it h a

t au ra nt , Sier ra M a r. It’s perched on a cl i f f w it h

gla ss of cha mpa g ne or loca l Sa nt a Lucia w i ne

amazing views of the Pacific Ocean and the sunset. For a n unconventiona l f ine-dining experience by


final layout coming


Executive Chef John Cox, you can choose the four-course prix fixe dinner (which changes daily), the nine-course “Taste of Big Sur” tasting menu or the a la carte option. Chef Cox makes an effort to use as many local ingredients as possible, especially those from his on-property organic culinary farm, which include vegetables, chicken and even bees. For my entrée, I had the “pesto” lasagna with mushroom and flower garnishes. My husband had the beef tenderloin. Both tasted just as good as they looked! If you’re a wine drinker, take advantage of the impressive 15,000-bottle wine collection and order a bottle of wine. In the past two years, they have won Wine Spectator’s prestigious Grand Award. I highly recommend planning on a long dinner to fully enjoy the view, sunset, food and your companion. After dinner, take your glass of wine with you and head out to the deck at Sierra Mar for stargazing with the inn’s amateur astrologist. The clear skies in Big Sur make for ideal stargazing conditions. With their top of the line microscope, you can see the rings of Saturn in full effect. Another must is the daily, complimentary buffet breakfast in Sierra Mar. They serve eggs fresh from their farm. Whether you feel like completely relaxing during your stay or being active, there are lots of options. The two 104-degree infinity basking pools overlook the Pacific Ocean and are perfect for soaking – also for soaking in the beauty of the ocean. It’s then that you realize how special the property is, and why people visit from all over the country and the world. We met guests from the Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, Australia and England. You can also take advantage of the spa. I had an in-room therapeutic massage. It was incredible, extremely relaxing, and was given by the yoga instructor who is also a masseuse! If you want to be a little more active, there is a daily yoga class, guided nature walks and a tour of the edible culinary garden. To get to yoga, which is held in a Yurt, you take a short hike down Billy’s Trail, past the sunny meadow and swimming pool, and there you are. On our own, we hiked the Boundary Trail that goes around the entire property. If you’d prefer to be driven around the property, you can be picked up in a hybrid Lexus SUV. They are also available if you’d like to drive off-property. Adding to the experience, the staff is top-notch and discreet, much like the resort. They are the perfect combination of being friendly and available, yet they give you as much privacy as you’d like. To sum it up: it is the closest place I’ve been to that’s like Heaven on Earth.


To make reservations at Post Ranch Inn 1.888.524.4787



Owner, Blown Away


ey t here, luck y lady ! So you’re pla n n i ng your big day?! You’ve kissed enough frogs a nd f i na l ly fou nd you r pr i nce cha r m i ng. You’ve chosen the perfect dress, venue, all of your besties to stand by your side at the

Pin-up Beauty

altar, flowers, food, and songs to shake your boot y to. Don’t

The v i nt a ge look is g reat for ret ro wedd i ngs or to

forget the most impor ta nt thing: YOU ! A ll eyes a re on the

achieve that classic, elegant st yle. If you’re looking to

bride, so make sure you plan your perfect look.

channel your inner Marilyn, go for hair that is st yled

You’ve taken all these months to plan out ever y intricate detail to surprise your g uests, but you cer t a i n ly don’t wa nt t o be su r pr ised by you r st ylist and makeup artist when it’s time for your close-up ! The top tip for a stress-free wedding day: have a ha ir a nd ma keup t r ia l ! You t r y on you r gow n, pract ice wa l k i ng i n you r wedd i ng day stilettos, taste test the food and cake – why wou ld n’t you p er fe c t you r h a i r a nd m a keup before your big day? This t r ia l r un is going to put both you A N D your st ylists at ease.

w it h lot s of v i nt a ge f i n ger waves. To ach ieve t h is look , Loua n n st a r ted w it h U N I T E’s Blowset lot ion for sculpture a nd A rga n Oil for heat protection a nd sh i ne. She created elega nt waves w it h a 1” st yl i ng wand. Keep your waves long, swept to the side, or use lots of bobby pins that match your hair color for the perfect up-do. Of course, you ca n’t go gla m w ithout v int age-inspired ma keup mag ic. Lining your upper lids w ith a da rk liner like Youngblood ’s Eclipse gel liner is a full-proof way to replicate t hose of yester yea rs. Trade out your pa le lipst ick for a more sat urated color. K issing you r g room w it h bold lips ca n

We’ve kept an eye on what’s hot and what’s not this wedding

get tricky, so Jennifer Nicole lined lips w ith neutral

season, and there’s one trend that never goes out of style. On

liner before applying Youngblood ’s lipstick in sultr y

your wedding day, you should look like your most beautiful

Vixen. The benef it of using a lip pencil for a wedding

self. Your f ia ncé is going to wa nt to see you coming dow n

is t hat it doesn’t smudge or k iss of f. To keep you r

the aisle and you want to happily look back at your pictures

look fresh throughout the day or night, put a dab of

for yea rs to come. Here a re some of our favor ite t rends to

lip balm just in the center to add a hint of moisture

enhance your look and make you the fairest bride of all.

and shine.


Smokin’ Hot A sexy, smoky eye and pale pink lips provide an appr oach a ble, but st ea my look when wa l k i n g dow n the aisle. This look is all about balancing out the sult r y, smudg y eyeliner w ith pastel eye shadows i n You ngblood ’s K a sba h a nd Gi lded, a nd usi ng a sweet Ta fet t a crème blush on t he che ek s . Don’t for get t h at l ip p enci l a g a i n t o keep your petal pink pouter from coming off on your g room or glass. Touch up w it h lipgloss in Promiscuous and your smile will be picture perfect with ever y snapshot. Keep you r ha i r edg y a nd sleek , a nd you r look w i l l ex ude ele g a nc e. Th i s lo ok r e q u i r e s sett i ng a good fou ndat ion w it h a mple ha i r spr ay, such a s U N I T E 3 6 5 . A pply i n g t he h a i r spr ay a l lows for t he br ush to g r ip t he ha i r a nd create t hat per fect ly smoot hed-back ‘ do t hat w i l l st ay “Up A ll Night ! ” To create yout h f u l sh ine, use U N ITE Shina Mist, which also protects your hair from the hot tools. Finish off with a strong hold hairspray like U N ITE’s Session Max. So, go on! Dance the night away and look like you just stepped out of “ hair and makeup,” celeb st yle!

From Aisle to Isle To effortlessly take your look from wedding day t o you r isla nd-bou nd honey moon , d it ch you r mascara and go for lash extensions. Add some vava-voom to your visage in what w ill seem like a blink of an eye. Lash extensions will add volume a nd leng t h to you r nat u ra l lashes so you don’t have to wea r ma sca ra to ach ieve t he doe-eyed PHOTOGRAPHER: EDDIE MELLIKIAN MASTER STYLIST: LOUANN PASCUA MAKEUP ARTIST: JENNIFER NICOLE MODEL: CAITLYN BOURBON DRESS: MIA BELLA COUTURE JEWELRY: GIANNI FINE JEWELERS All tools and proucts can be purchased at Blown Away in the Shops at River Park.

a nd elega nt look of you r red-ca r pet favor ites. Plu s , you c a n t a ke t he plu n ge i n t h at cr yst a l clea r water w ithout having to worr y a bout your makeup running down your face. So, bridal beauties! I hope you f ind inspiration for your big day! These looks a re g irly, drea my and just enough to look larger than life and stand out in pictures. Whichever look you choose, you a re going to be gorgeous a nd glow ing from the inside out!


It happens more often than not – the wedding day becomes less about the ceremony & more about the bride. Lost in the fray, you generally find the groom beaming with pride while he anxiously waits at the altar.

ut wedding prep isn’t just about her any longer. I have been hearing more and more stories about the groom doing his own pre-wedding regimen. I had one gentleman actually compare it to polishing a rough stone to try and not disappoint his soon-tobe-wife. So what exactly can men do, besides hit the gym, to improve their look for the big day?

Fresno has never seen a facility like this. It gives men the opportunity to go into a salon and not feel intimidated or out of place. The staff can focus on each client individually and suggest treatments for all their specific needs, from head to toe. Not only can you get barber services, but they also have a full spa with a men’s locker room, shower and steam room.

While I was driving around Fresno, I noticed a sign for a barber shop at the Spectrum Salon. Intrigued, I went in to examine this new twist on an old-school favorite.

“ The g uys love that they can come right af ter the gym and get ready,” one of the staff members told me. They can easily add on a massage, sport manicure or pedicure to their barber service. The other perk is the salon’s online booking system. It makes scheduling an appointment that much easier… they can even do it from their smart phone. The client always knows when their barber is available and they can lock in a guaranteed booking time. This ensures no waiting time at the barber shop.


One of the most popular services at the shop is a classic, straight-edge shave. Most men have never realized how relaxing and benef icial this service can be. “ The master barbers at Spectr um give Central Valley gents the best shave in town,” one client chimed in during my visit. He has a standing appointment for his barber cut, beard trim and neck shave. “It’s my weekly getaway,” he chuckled.

CUT shave

I tracked down salon manager, Robert, and asked him point blank – what inspired the barber shop? “We noticed that there was a lack of quality service barber shops in Fresno,” he said. “I personally was tired of the in and out, waiting an hour routine. I knew a lot of guys in town felt the same way. We knew there was a demand and we had the resources to make it happen.”


Spectrum Classic Cut: $25 Includes: Cut, Wash, Neck Shave & Stim-u-lax Massage Spectrum Junior Cut: $19 For those under 13 Classic Straight-Edge Shave: $25 Face or Head Trim/Line-up: $10 Beard & Mustache Gray Blending: $30 Gentleman’s Facial: $45

Since they have had so much success in the Spectr um Beaut y Salon, the owners decided to use the same business model and apply it toward the Spectrum Barber Shop. One interior designer and bam – within a few months, they were ready for business. One thing I noticed was the pride the staff took in their service. It’s not just a buzz cut or trim, but a full-service grooming Barber Shop and Spa. Men, just like women, get noticed for their hair, nails, feet and skin… not only on their big day, but every day. Everybody knows first impressions are important and the staff can take care of it all.



STARTING IN THE LOW $400s, Via Fiore floor plans range from 1,800 to 3,500 square feet. To learn more about Via Fiore at Copper River Ranch or any of Granville’s other developments, (559) 445-9000

This is where you can begin to experience “Life in Full Bloom.”



Via Fiore The Life You Want Can Begin Today Now is the time to begin crafting the life you’ve always desired. Via Fiore is Granville’s newest neighborhood, the pinnacle of affordable luxury, at the north end of Copper River Ranch. There are still a few lots left that overlook the golf course. Via Fiore offers relaxed, resort-style living in a community

The 110 -acre academ ic center i ncludes st ate-of-t he-a r t

with endless opportunities.


I f it’s act iv it y you desi re, look no f u r t her. Bordered by

K a i s er Per m a nent e Me d ic a l C ent er a nd S a i nt A g ne s

r iver blu f fs a nd t he Sier ra foot h ills, Via Fiore prov ides

Medical Center are about 5 miles away, along w ith many

access to Copper River Country Club and all it has to offer,

specialt y medical practitioners and doctors off ices.

including clubhouse access and the f inest golf, tennis and swimming facilities.

Esta blished in 1977, Gra nville Homes has been a highly respected local builder for more than 35 years. Granville

Via Fiore at Copper R iver R anch is less than a mile from

builds homes cha racter ized by excellent cra f tsma nship,

the Lewis S. Eaton Trail, which goes into Woodward Park.

timeless construction and enduring value.

Other nea rby tra ils lead to miles of advent ures, whether you prefer to journey on foot or by bicycle.

The homes have a unique blend of distinctive cha racter a nd classic a rchitect ure as Gra nv ille uses ult ra-moder n

A ll homes at Via Fiore include a Tech-Sma r t package of

“green building” technolog y. For these reasons and oth-

cut t ing-edge feat ures t hat would ma ke t he Jetsons jea l-

ers, Granville has been voted “Best New Home Builder in

ous – whole-home automation, keyless entr y, a full alarm

the Central Valley” ever y year since 2 0 0 6.

system, a securit y camera and much more.

Gra nville maintains a commitment to its homebuyers by

Nearby shopping centers offer residents convenient access

prov iding incompa ra ble ser v ice to t housa nds of home-

to a diverse array of shopping and dining experiences right

ow ners. When you buy a Granville home, know that you

in t heir neighborhood, including some of Fresno’s most

are buying into a piece of a lifest yle communit y.

upscale restaurants.

Gra nv ille does its best to preser ve a nd protect its lega-

Th is com mu n it y is per fect for t hose seek i n g a fa m i ly-

cy of customer satisfaction, exper tly ser vicing its homes

or iented l i fest yle i n t he awa rd-w i n n i ng C lov is Un i f ied

– t he compa ny ea r ned back-to-back awa rds for H ighest

School District. It isn’t just families with school-age chil-

Customer Sat isfact ion f rom J.D. Power & A ssociates in

dren who benef it from good schools – top-ra nked school

2 0 07 and 2 0 0 8.

districts support strong propert y values for ever yone in a neighborhood.

Granville Homes continues these long-standing traditions at Via Fiore, building one of Fresno’s premier communi-

A c ol le g e educ at ion i s e ven ava i l a ble ne a rby. W i l low

t ies, not only t hrough ma int a ining its long-est a blished

International Communit y College Center, the latest addi-

practice of building homes with timeless architecture, but

t ion to t he St ate Center Com munit y College Dist r ict , is

also by designing healthier sustainable lifestyle communi-

just a few miles away, at Willow and International avenues.

ties in attractive settings.



Married to


The Tale of Two Households WRITTEN BY ASHER COREY


ecorat i ng ca n be cha l-

jabot. She struggled just to just get her

len g i n g enou gh w it h one

t u f t ed head boa rd i n t he g uest su it e.

per son’s per spect ive, but

On the opposite side of the spectr um,

add t wo persona l it ies a nd t h i ngs ca n

another friend of mine moved into his

q u ick ly become chaot ic. Recent ly

f ia ncée’s condo, a nd rea lized q u ick ly

ma r r ied couples f req uent ly have ver y

that his leather recliner and giant flat-

opposing aest het ic approaches to

screen telev ision were not a llowed in

desig n. Of ten, desig ners a re ca lled in

her per fect ly appoi nt ed l iv i ng room.

to act a s a t her apist to accom modat e

A nd who ca n forget the infa mous Sex

both partners.

in the City episode when Charlotte and

The problems tend to esca late when a couple doesn’t st a r t i n a f resh space. For example, a girlfriend of mine moved

Ha r r y had ver y dif fer ing opinions on what to wear (or rather not wear) while lounging on her antique white setee.

i nt o her hu sba nd ’s home , wher e h i s

Compromises are always a necessit y in

st yle was more concrete a nd less toile

matters such as these. But sometimes 081 / CVLUX.COM

f i nd i n g a b a l a n c e c a n b e next to i mpossible, so I decided to help mat ter s by g iv i n g a few t ips whenemba rk i ng dow n t h is jou r ney to ma ke su re you a nd you r sp ou s e enjoy t he we dd i n g a f t erglow for sever a l yea r s to come. Ma ke t he process easier a nd le s s st r e s sf u l on you r relationship by simply organ i z i n g you r i nventor y of mu st-h ave s . You a nd you r pa r t ner shou ld each select f i ve it em s t h at you si mply ca n not l ive w it hout . These t hen become 10 must-have items. See where t he st yles cross a nd exa m ine how t he y c a n l i ve i n t he s a me env iron ment. This w ill add a n ecle c t ic de si g n t o you r interior a nd w ill make both parties happy. Color can sometimes be next to impossible to nail dow n. Tr y work ing w ith a neut ra l pa l let a nd t hen i n f usi ng color t h r ou gh accessor ies. This gives you the option of switching up the dĂŠcor season to season, and also allows you and your partner to not be married to one hue for an extended amount of time.


Most g uys out there say that t he elect r on ics a r e t he key to a ny good enter t a i n i ng space. Ther e is some va lue here, but it is also important to remember that the television is not just to be used for w at ch i n g ho ckey a nd gol f, bu t a l s o fo r m o v i e n i g ht s w it h popcor n a nd w ine. Make sure that there is equal t i m e sp e nt b e t we e n b o t h . It w i l l help ma ke su re t hat t he T V does not become a n eyesore, a nd by a ll mea ns‌ h ide t he ele c t r on ic s w hen they are not in use and exercise a little cord control.


Remove the clut ter ! This is proba bly ha rdest for the female sex. Women tend to collect things – mementos to commemorate all of the little things in life. Select what is essentia l a nd tr y to keep surfaces clea n. You get more impact by showcasing one item as opposed to 10. Give the eye some negative space to rest while in a room. Don’t make any impulse buys. Give it some time, and see what you lea r n to live w ith a nd what things just don’t make sense. Desig n is a process and sometimes it takes a while to really nail a look. Don’t throw any thing out without the other’s permission. Respect and trust is crucial when starting a new relationship. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of stripping ever y thing you hate out of the picture right away, and asserting your decorative authority. If there is an item you absolutely can’t stand, but it makes your pa r tner happy, tr y display ing it in a n inconspicuous 084 / CVLUX VOL.I ISS.4

place that won’t call direct attention to the not-so-treasured possession. Don’t be afraid to tr y something new. Remember there a re no m ist a kes i n desig n, just d if ferent aest het ics. Don’t shy away from the unexpected and unpredictable, embrace it… you may be surprised once you live w ith the item for a while. You might actually like it! Focus on you r si m ila r it ies when it comes to desig n. Find what it is that you both like and make that the core of the design. Often, one partner is more dominate in the design. Sometimes they inadvertently banish their spouse to one room. This only harbors resentment and discomfort. Find what you jointly like and build from that base. Be pat ient. Somet i mes voca lizi ng you r ideas ca n be diff icult. A llow ample time to discuss the “ big ticket” purchases. Rushing your spouse may get the job done

quick ly, but may not act ua lly be a lasting solution to the problem. A nd f i n a l l y‌ do not for c e you r style on your partner. Ver y few men wa nt a pi n k bed room, covered i n floral and lace. Remember, you get more f lies w ith honey than you do with vinegar. The way you blend a household often directly reflects how the relationship works between you and your partner. It’s important to make sure you handle this process delicately. The last thing you want is a scattered home which ref lects a relationship in turmoil. Remember, this should be fun process. So take some time, listen, analyze and remember your partner is always more important than any possession.

haute mama Special Delivery WRITTEN BY CORTNEY SNAPP

I consider myself fairly organized. I like to check things off my list

Happy Meals One t hing t hat was a lifesaver in my last mont h of

and move for ward. By my ninth month of pregnancy, I really thought

preg na ncy was fa mily members a nd friends offering to ma ke pre-

I would have ever y thing lined up. I thought I would have a ll of my

ba by mea ls for me a nd Chad. Nor ma lly, I would deny the gest ure

r ubber duck ies in a row – so to spea k. A s the f ina l weeks crept up,

a nd t r y to do it a ll myself, but I didn’t t a ke that road this t ime. I

t he nurser y st ill didn’t have its last-m inute touches, work seemed

kindly obliged and accepted the delicious and courteous act of ser-

to get busier a nd more socia l oppor t unit ies presented t hemselves.

vice. Doing this opened up time a nd energ y I could then apply to

Rega rdless, I had to look at a ll t he to-dos t hat needed to be done

something else. One of my fondest memories was my sister-in-law

before Campbell ’s impending arrival and shrug and think, “Well, I

making us dinner on a Friday night. Chad and I sat on our couch,

tried my best! ”

a nd just ga bbed a nd ga bbed like when we were dating. No urgent

Essentially Packed Go on any expecting app or website and you are inundated w ith hospita l bag lists. Ta ke this, don’t forget that. One t hing I did t hat I would recom mend is instead of pack ing a bunch

pr essi ng conver sat ion , no decid i ng on who wou ld be doi ng t he dishes – we just got to enjoy each other’s compa ny because someone else took on the task of f ixing our meal – priceless in my book!

of rat t y paja mas, I packed sundresses that are just as comf y as PJs,

Plan Is… There Is No Plan A hhhh, the elusive birth plan – almost

but a lot more at t ract ive ! Keep in mind, it has to be at t ire you a re

better to not have one at all! Seems like any new mom that goes in

ok pa r t ing w it h if it gets r uined. Even if you don’t pla n on hav ing

w ith loft y expectations a re the ones w ith the most dra matic bir th

v isitors in the hospita l, feeling like yourself as much as possible is

stories. I liked the idea of having one, not necessarily so ever y thing

a bonus.

would go perfectly, but so the hospital staff would know my wishes

A nother recom mendation a fr iend mentioned is to pack snacks for

since I haven’t met them before. On the ver y top of my plan in caps

dad. We checked into the hospita l at 1a m a nd I didn’t deliver until

and bold letters, it said “NO M ATT ER W H AT IT SAYS ON T H IS

6 : 4 0 pm (19 hours for those who a re count ing). Chad lef t the room

PL A N, DO W H AT E V E R DR . M A LY SAYS.” C had a nd I t a l ked

once that entire time. R ight before “go time” he wa nted his energ y

about it prior, and decided that we aren’t the experts and we don’t

snacks – beef jerk y, nuts, g u m my ca ndies, energ y dr inks, water. I

want to overstep a professional /trusted opinion. We knew Dr. Maly

needed him to be on top of his game… and he was! I’m sure he would

stood f irm with his practice “to make sure that the baby and mom

have been just as fantastic without the snacks, but as a wife, it made

are both healthy.” Who can arg ue with that ?!

me feel good to k now that I had done my best to ma ke sure he was taken care of (especially during a time when I clearly wasn’t able to).


It’s Happening! O n a nor m a l Wed nesday even i n g, C had a nd I F I NA L LY f inished last-m inute touches on t he nu rser y. I f ina lly


closed t he hospit a l ba g for t he last t i me, dou ble-check i ng t hat I

Gianni Fine Jewelers: “Posh Push Present” 18k gold and precious gemstone wrap bracelets by Anne Sportun Starting at $425

had “ever y thing.” I did my fa mous my-bump-is-longer-tha n-I-a mtall army crawl into our high bed and settled in. Just as I was about to fa ll asleep I hea rd a “pop.” I thought to myself, “No way is that my water brea k ing… it ca n’t be t hat obv ious.” So I nudged Chad, called Dr. Maly and sure enough… it was “go time.” Since I wasn’t having contractions, there wasn’t any rush to get to the hospital. I took some other new mom’s advice and ate a light snack right before leaving, took a shower (once you get to the hospita l they hook you

Tassels Fine Gifts & Home Accents, Fig Garden Village: “Classic & Clever Keepsake” Baby Keepsake Box $84

up to monitors, so there’s no way to freshen up once you’re there) and kind of soaked in the moment with Chad. We even had time to send out a mass text announcing we were going into labor to those who wa nted to be in t he k now. I dow nloaded a n app t hat a llowed me to have a list a ll ready to go for exactly this moment – one list for a nnouncement of the la bor a nd one that was much la rger that announced when Campbell was born. I will spare you the details of all that went on in bet ween, but I do have to g ive a specia l shout out to my fa bulous doctor, Dr. Rober t Maly, and our labor and deliver y nurse at St. Agnes, Elena. Bet ween the professionals and my rockstar husband, I felt that it was the best experience I could have possibly had! Our son was born at 6 : 40 p.m. on Thursday, May 22 , 2 014 weighing 6 lbs 11 ounces and 19.5 inches in leng th. He was already alert as soon as he was born and has been the apple of our eye ever since !

Kid Dreams: “Perky Pillow!” Tooth Fairy Pillow $24


NECESSARY LUXURY “FOUR” PLAY It’s a wine that can be savored now or cellared for years to come.

Liquid Farm 2012 “FOUR”

Chardonnay, Sta. Rita Hills $74 or Wally’s Wine, LA,


Simon Pearce “Essex” white wine glass $68 Vonda’s

Every couple has a few things in common. For the owners of

from a single vineyard, Kessler-Haak. This Chardonnay is also

Liquid Farm, Jeff and Nikki Nelson, it’s wine and the number

the fourth wine they made. The profile of the wine, the “FOUR-

four. The number four came up organically. Four is both of

ness” as they call it “exudes a super sexy, musky pheromone,

their favorite number, there were four barrels in the first vin-

so let’s just call it “sex in a bottle.”

tage they produced in 2009 and that year, all four barrels came




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