NSAC 2012

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meet your match.

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Executive Summary Situation Analysis Insights & Strategy Target Audience Big Idea & Creative Media Plan Digital Experience PR & Promotions Budget & Evaluation


Nissan’s line of vehicles is as versatile as its drivers. It is our mission to find each customer a perfect match. In the same way Google is the information matchmaker and Pandora is the music matchmaker, we have positioned Nissan as the car matchmaker. Through detailed research, creative development and evaluation, Rebirth Advertising presents an inventive way of showcasing the Nissan brand - a place where you, a potential car buyer, can meet your match. The Multicultural Millennial audience expressed that they want to be recognized by their individual interests rather than their race or ethnicity. Nissan caters to this ideal by providing an extensive lineup of vehicles compatible with a wide range of lifestyles. Our fully-integrated communication campaign delivers strategic media placement, online engagement and incentivized promotions. Every aspect of our campaign is rooted in comprehensive research. We tested our creative concept, conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews, and identified supportive secondary research. All of these elements assure us that this groundbreaking campaign is feasible and positioned for success.

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POSITIONING Multicultural Millennial trendsetters want their cars to match their unique lifestyles and affinity for technology. With its extraordinary lineup of vehicles with innovative technologies and options for customization, Nissan can deliver a perfect automotive match to every customer in this target audience.



Nissan is a Japanese company with a global presence in the car industry. It sells 4.2 million cars in more than 160 countries. The company is among the top three car manufacturers in Japan and the top five in the world.

Nissan’s strongest competitors are Toyota, Honda, Chevrolet, Ford and Hyundai. Consumers are loyal to these brands, especially Toyota and Honda, who have consistently positioned themselves as trustworthy and reliable brands.

Although Nissan has faced recall issues with a few of its core models, the company has begun to recover (shown from a 15 percent increase in sales in February). This places Nissan in a position of opportunity because it is an innovative brand that offers the greatest variety among its competitors and is a leader in new technology. Nissan’s strategic partnerships with Renault and Daimler help Nissan fund and plan further innovative technologies for future projects, ensuring the company continually meets tightening emissions standards.

CLIMATE Due to the recession, members of our target audience are increasingly conscious of their spending habits, rather than buying impulsively. They are making informed decisions concerning their car purchases. Now more than ever, they want their cars to be reliable, fuel efficient and affordable without sacrificing style.



STRENGTHS • Offers an extensive lineup of vehicles • Maintains a favorable partnership with Renault




OPPORTUNITIES • Develops diverse and expanding line of products

• Competes in a global market

• Explores growing opportunities in emerging markets

• Focuses on green technological development

• Invests in zero emission technologies

• Created the industry’s first fully electric vehicle

Technology is a necessary feature to compete in today’s market. Consumers want hands-free talking capabilities, parallel parking assistance, social media integration, GPS, phone applications and personalized music functions. In summary, our target audience wants to get the most bang for their buck. They want vehicles that match their technology-based lifestyles.

WEAKNESSES • Exhibits low market share in the multicultural segment

• Depreciating Japanese Yen against U.S. dollar

• Suffers from an unidentifiable brand position

• Pressured by tightened emission standards

• Altered brand image due to recent recalls

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• Decreased sales volume due to the current economy

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RESEARCH In order to better understand our target’s perception of Nissan and its brand image, Rebirth Advertising conducted more than

800 SURVEYS 75 INTERVIEWS 10 FOCUS GROUPS From this research, we learned the theme of innovation does not resonate with consumers when they think of Nissan. Our campaign’s goal is to link Nissan with a positive brand image to ultimately increase awareness of the brand and increase market share in the multicultural segment. From the information we gathered, we found that members of our target audience want vehicles that match their unique lifestyles and individual tastes.

MULTICULTURAL TRENDS The American Dream: Multiculturals are in touch with the idea of the American Dream, but on their own terms.

to older generations, Multicultural Millennials see the “Compared American Dream as less about money and more about living a fulfilling, meaningful life. “ – Charles Wilkinson, Professor of Law, University of Colorado at Boulder

Social Media and Technology: There is heavy integration of technology in the lives of all multicultural groups. They rely on social media to stay connected with both friends and companies. Through the use of smartphones, they enjoy the benefits of a mobile device, while having access to their social network.

92% 84% 4meet | meet match. youryour match. |4

of respondents said variety is highly important when making an automotive purchasing decision. of respondents said dealership experience is highly important when making an automotive purchasing decision.

When I think about myself, I don’t think about me as being Asian or multicultural. I just think about me. - Monica N., 21

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Discovering the secrets of matchmaking. After conducting primary and secondary research, we developed a psychographic profile of our target audience using archetypal imagery. Archetypes resonate across cultures and provide Rebirth with a common language with which to communicate to Multicultural Millennials. Pearson and Mark provide twelve archetypal categories: Creator, Caregiver, Ruler, Jester, Regular Guy/Gal, Lover, Hero, Outlaw, Magician, Innocent, Explorer, and Sage.

OBJECTIVES • Create top-of-mind awareness of the Nissan brand with consumers to increase market share • Increase primary target purchases of Nissan vehicles by 15 percent by campaign end • Increase secondary target purchases of Nissan vehicles by 10 percent by campaign end • Build awareness and positive opinion of the Nissan brand among the primary audience by 15 percent within the first half of the campaign • Build awareness and positive opinion of the Nissan brand among the secondary audience by 20 percent within the first half of the campaign

Our messages will speak to our audience through the Lover archetype. The Lover’s motto is: “You’re the only one,” and their core desires are intimacy and experience. Their relationships are with the people, work and surroundings they love. The lover is known as the partner, friend, spouse and enthusiast. They help people belong and we feel it is a natural fit with Nissan.

INSIGHTS • Multicultural Millennials are not one homogeneous group. They would rather be targeted by their individual interests than by their ethnicity • They value authenticity and self-expression, but also engage in their shared cultural experiences

STRATEGY Nissan understands their customers drive the company. Nissan’s extensive line of vehicles appeals to a wide range of consumers in our audience. This fuels our marketing strategy because Multicultural Millennials identify themselves first and foremost as individuals rather than part of a group. Having a diverse line of vehicles helps us cater more directly to our target audience in a way that emphasizes the “tailored to the individual” nature of the purchasing decision. Our goal is to tell our target audience there is a Nissan that matches their unique lifestyles and interests.

• Technology is not only embraced by Multicultural Millennials; it embodies their way of life • Although advertising brings brand awareness to consumers, word-of-mouth pushes them to buy • When purchasing a car, having a variety of options to choose from is highly important

live in a multicultural world defining themselves by “They their likes and dislikes and not race or ethnicity. Whereas

the mainstream is racing to understand the meaning of “multicultural,” minority youth feel they are the very definition of multicultural.

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– Jose Villa, “Engage: Hispanics”

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TARGET AUDIENCE Tech savvy and stylish, our audience is ready for their perfect match. Nissan defined our target audience as “Multicultural Millennials.” Our primary target audience, the “Versatile Visionaries,” is comprised of 24-29 year olds and our secondary target, the “Career Kick-Starters,” are ages 18-23. Both groups consist of African American, Chinese American, and Hispanic individuals. With their self-made Pandora playlists and favorite Hulu channels, Multicultural Millennials are accustomed to an increasingly personalized world. These young African American, Chinese American, and Hispanic citizens are multilingual communicators who closely identify with their heritage and allow instinctive family values to guide their decisions. However, research shows our target prefers to be reached by advertising that speaks to their specific interests and needs rather than by ethnicity.

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OUR TARGET With their ambitious and confident nature, Multicultural Millennials embrace the freedoms of Western culture in the form of social life and work. This audience relies less on traditional forms of media and more on technology while speaking more than one language interchangeably.





• Balance work and social life

• Have leisure time

• Live in areas surrounded by nightlife and activity

• Live in urban areas

• Advocate social responsibility

• Socialize in local, intimate settings

• Active in their communities

• Listen to friends’ opinions

• Keep organized schedules

• Strive to increase status

• Use social media constantly

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Meet your match. People have personal relationships with their cars. They name them, take them on vacation, and care for them. We believe that these relationships should be as personalized as the cars themselves. Rebirth Advertising disproved the notion that one vehicle fits all, and believes that Nissan has diverse vehicles to match various lifestyles. Whether it be a futuristic Juke or a sleek Altima, each Nissan vehicle caters to an individual lifestyle and personality. Our creative executions compare meeting a new car to meeting an ideal love interest. Meet your match introduces members of the target audience to Nissan’s extensive line of innovative and uniquely styled vehicles. Through minimalist design, our advertisements aim to focus on the evident connection between the vehicle and owner.

is it clearer that advertising encourages “Nowhere us to feel we are in a relationship with our products more than in car advertising. “ – Jean Kilbourne, Can’t Buy My Love

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PRINT ADS According to AdWeek, young consumers “quickly tire of brands that clutter up digital feeds with what they see as useless information.� For this reason, the most effective execution is one of simplicity. While most magazine ads distract with color and imagery, we chose a different approach. By using a crisp white background and bold text, our print ads highlight the relationship between the consumer and the vehicle. While a minimalisitc approach works against clutter in print media, our out-of-home executions feature eye-catching designs to capture the attention of our multicultural audience elsewhere.

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EXECUTIONS ONLINE COMMERClAL Extensive research told us that our audience finds most Hulu ads to be an ongoing interruption. With this in mind, we created a dance-based ad with a hip hop song and dance, giving viewers an entertaining intermission instead of an annoying interruption.

ELEVATOR WRAPS BILLBOARDS Our billboards grab viewer’s attention by illustrating a person dating his vehicle, which is a humorous scenario that is recognizable yet original. COFFEE SLEEVES

Elevator wraps grab the attention of captive audiences. Our ad introduces the meet your match campaign to viewers as they wait. The elevator opens and reveals an interior wrap, immersing the viewers in a Nissan vehicle, like the Juke seen here.

Coffee sleeve ads speak to our audience’s sense of individuality and taste by depicting images of Nissan customers and their matches.

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“SPEED DATE” :30 Television Spot

“THIS IS HOW I JUKE” :30 YouTube Video/Hulu SPOT

With a comedic take on speed dating, the commercial opens with smooth-talking Anthony sitting at a table, having an intimate conversation with his “date.” Moments later, the camera pans, humorously revealing that Anthony is not on a date with a woman, but with a 370 Z Roadster. The scene closes with Anthony and his new "match." The spot closes by encouraging the audience to visit their local Nissan dealership to meet their match.

Video: [ES] CJ wearing his headphones, listening to music. Audio: “Bust A Move” by Young MC

Video: [WS] CJ “gliding, moon walking, shimmying” his way to his Juke. Audio: “Bust A Move” by Young MC

Video: [WS] Takes off headphones and takes a breath Audio: Music stops.

Video: [CU] Starts car and turns on radio to same song playing in headphones. Audio: “Bust A Move” by Young MC comes back through the speakers.

Video: [MS] Opens the door and enters the Juke. Audio: “Bust A Move” by Young MC

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Video: [WS] Sits in car, bobs head. Audio: “I’m CJ, and this is how I Juke.”

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• Provide a highly effective media mix designed to increase brand awareness by 15 percent by campaign end

• Implement a synergistic national media plan that provides a heavy media concentration in ten multiculturally-rich cities SEASONALITY SEASONALITY




3.4% 15.2%



MONTH MONTH 2.7% 3.6%


• • • • • • • • • • New York, NY Philadelphia, PA Washington D.C. Miami, FL Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL Houston, TX Dallas, TX San Francisco, CA Los Angeles, CA


Rebirth Advertising will implement media placement in the months before and during the peak car-buying season. The media component of the meet your match campaign focuses on increasing brand awareness by strategically spending $89 million of our budget. Based on our research, out-of-home advertising garners attention from the Multicultural Millennials in a refreshing way. They also enjoy multiple mediums of entertainment such as movies, magazines, and music festivals.

MEDIA FLOWCHART 1ST QUARTER 2ND QUARTER 3RD QUARTER 4TH QUARTER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23

$19,021,824 $3,141,540 $10,014,138 $2,441,028 $71,118 $515,955 $847,260 $117,432 $1,151,460 $67,572 $194,940 $508,500 $561,465 $229,350 $616,992 $895,200 $288,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000

$2,000,000 $396,003 TOTAL COST $2,000,000 $7,000,000 TOTAL COST $250,000 $1,000,000 $250,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $320,000 $4,000,000

17280 1860 12 3 3 6 6 6 9 9 5 9 6 12 12 8 3 years 3 years

4 3

IMPRESSIONS 38,461,538 50,000,000 13,888,888 40,000,000 40,000,000 133,333,000 100,000,000 25,000,000 38,461,538 38,461,538 38,461,538 32,000,000 571,428,571

IMPRESSIONS 1,600,000 9,333,333,333


25 360 672



$494,400 $808,500

3296000 1650000


8 12 160 444 600

$530,098 $2,306,300 $1,414,031 $428,390 $957,810 $6,996,001 $385,000 $51,680 $100,000 $49,420 $98,840 $60,000 $1,826,749 $62,706 $2,400,000 $600,000 $62,500 $1,053,000 $550,798


403 200 2682 10 7 1115 20 8500 10


You can’t meet your match without an introduction.

NET RATE TACTIC OUT OF HOME BUS SHELTERS $1,315.38 BUS WRAPS $11,532 GAS PUMP TOPPERS $527.23 RAIL WRAP $42,839 STATION DOMINATION $136,830 BILLBOARDS $6,274.44 WALLSCAPES $19,250 $6.08 WILD POSTING PROJECTION LOGO $10,000 PROJECTION IMAGE $12,355 PROJECTION VIDEO $12,355 AERIAL BANNER $5,000 $11,417.18 DIGITAL BILLBOARDS COLLEGE BOOKSTORE DIGITAL $141.23 MOVIE THEATER DOMINATION $4,000 CAR INSIDE MOVIE THEATER $1,000 CAR WRAP $2,500 ELEVATOR WRAP $2,925 MALLSCAPES $819.64 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS COFFEE SLEEVES $0.15 DIRECT MAIL $0.49 TELEVISION CABLE $1,100.80 UNIVISION $1,689.00 BROADCAST PRINT ESPN $203,419 XBOX $23,706 Game Informer $171,985 ELLE $141,210 Marie Claire $19,572 Rolling Stone $191,910 GQ $7,508 The Source $21,660 Essence $101,700 Ebony $62,385 Black Enterprise $38,225 Hyphen $515 People en Español $74,600 TV Y Novelas $36,000 SPONSORSHIP Univision's H2O Music Festival Coachella Music Festival DIGITAL EA GAMES In-­‐Game $500,000 Mobile Game $132,001 COST PER CLICK Facebook $1.25 Search and Retargeting $0.75 COST PER Websites THOUSAND Carblog $6.50 YouTube $2 Twitter $18 Hulu $25 Fox $25 Pandora $15 Spotify $10 Monster $10 Kelley Blue Book $6.50 Cars $6.50 Edmunds $6.50 Smarthphone Ads $10 Ad Networks $7


























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of Multicultural Millennials indicated that TV is how they initially hear about products and services. Rebirth Advertising chose to advertise on cable and broadcast networks Multicultural Millennials tend watch throughout the month.

BROADCAST These networks feature popular shows Multicultural Millennials watch weekly: • Fox: American Idol and Family Guy • ABC: Modern Family • CBS: How I Met Your Mother, NCIS and The Big Bang Theory • Univision: Una Familia con Suerte, Parodiando, El Talismán CABLE • E! • TBS • G4 • BET

• • • •

ESPN Comedy Central Adult Swim MTV

• • • •

COACHELLA MUSIC FESTIVAL Coachella Music Festival, in Indio, CA, will feature the Nissan meet your match tent and aerial banners for promotion. We will host a “carpoolchella” contest where the grand prize is a Nissan car. There will be a number of opportunities to win throughout the two-weekend festival. The TRASHed artists who design recycling bins for Coachella will also design a wrap for the Nissan Leaf that will be featured on display with the TRASHed bins. Nissan fleet vehicles will serve as coachella hotel shuttles to transport concert attendees safely to and from the festival.

Bravo Nick at Nite FX Fox Deportes

For attendees that prefer to camp on the polo grounds, safari tents, regular-sized tents and teepees will have special Nissan designs printed on the exteriors. Similar to H20 Music Festival, Nissan branded will be distributed.





of our Hispanic target reads magazines as their leading media source. In fact, Multicultural Millennials prefer magazines to newspapers or other sources due to the fact that Internet is their main source for news. Multicultural Millennials read magazines for casual entertainment purposes.

PUBLICATIONS • ESPN • XBOX • Game Informer • The Source

• • • •

Rolling Stone Elle Essence Ebony

• • • •

Black Enterprise Marie Claire GQ Hyphen

• People Español • TV y Novelas

SPONSORSHIPS Research shows our target audience enjoys music festivals. Rebirth created sponsorships with Univision Radio’s H2O Music Festival and Coachella Music Festival. Both festivals will include a Nissan stage and a meet your match tent featuring: • A Nissan car display area with miniature light show projections playing on the cars • A social media area where people can pick their Nissan match, personalize it to their tastes and upload it to their social media accounts

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This one-day event features both Spanish and English-speaking music artists in Dallas, TX and Los Angeles, CA at different times in the summer. The Nissan logo will be placed on tickets, lanyards, bandanas, towels and sunglasses. On the day of the festival, a special projection video will run across the stadium’s background.


of Multicultural Millennials frequent social networking sites daily. Rebirth Advertising used strategic research-based targeting and ad networks to choose specific websites our audience visits. Keeping this in mind, we made sure to allocate the budget to include smartphone advertising in games.

TAKEOVER ADS & VIRAL VIDEOS These will feature the commercial, “This is How I Juke.” EA GAMES In-game advertisements and product placements will feature Nissan vehicles in video and mobile games such as: Need for Speed, FIFA Street, Medal of Honor and SimCity. MUSIC ENGINES Using both Pandora and Spotify, the ads will ask users preference-based questions to generate their Nissan matches and customize their own music stations. WEBSITES • Hulu • YouTube • Pandora • Spotify

• • • •

Fox Facebook Twitter Monster

• Cars • Edmunds • Kelley Blue Book

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OUT-OF-HOME Rebirth Advertising combined traditional media platforms with fresh ways to attract Multicultural Millennials. We emphasized transit advertising to appeal to those in our target who may be buying a car in the future. DOMINATION • Station Domination: The meet your match print advertisements will be featured in train stations in the form of stairway decals as well as transit and column wraps • Movie Theater Domination: This appeals to the Multicultural Millenials’ connection to entertainment. Each theater will feature Nissan popcorn bags, cups, 30-second screen spots and a cut-out of a print advertisement with a display of an actual Nissan car TRANSIT • Bus Shelters: A replica of a Nissan car will be produced in bus shelters to show interior qualities • Bus Wraps: A full body vehicle wrap will be placed on buses in our campaign’s target cities • Gas Pump Toppers: While filling up their cars, Multicultural Millennials will view Nissan commercials playing on displays above the pumps NON-TRADITIONAL • Aerial Banners: Nissan banners will fly over the coastal areas of Miami and San Francisco to advertise Nissan events • College Bookstores: Since a majority of our Career Kick-Starters attend college and Versatile Visionaries attend graduate school, Rebirth Advertising will place digital ads on available college bookstores’ televisions • Mallscapes: The meet your match print advertisements will be featured throughout the entire mall in all of our identified target cities • Projection Image and Video: Nissan’s logo, along with a video, will be projected onto city skyscrapers

22 | meet your match.

DIGITAL EXPERIENCE Social media is an integral part of our audience’s life.

Research showed that 62 percent of our target audience own smartphones. Forty-five percent use their phones to research products before making a purchase, and 53 percent are interested in finding stores with apps. Our campaign will establish an interactive presence on social media sites and create smartphone apps to build a relationship with our audience in the most effective way possible.

THE PLAN • Two new smartphone apps that provide clear information to help ease the purchasing decision and improve the ownership experience • A campaign twitter hashtag #meetyourmatch • QR codes for interactive print ads and creative executions • A Facebook landing page promoting the meet your match campaign • A multi-platform scavenger hunt MEET YOUR MATCH APP: FEATURES • A list of tour dates for the Meet Your Match Tour • A QR scanner to provide quick links to the Nissan website, vehicle information at the dealership and Meet Your Match Tour promotion registration • Registration Tracker to keep track of QR registrations for the Meet Your Match Tour incentives • A personal match profile featuring information about the customer and his/her match • Advertisement page dedicated to the user’s favorite meet your match ads • Social media links to connect our audience to the Nissan social media pages • Website link to learn about your match on the Nissan website OWNERS APP: FEATURES • An electronic owner’s manual • Trouble shooting, customer service, and forums to allow suggestions and reviews • Tracker of mileage maintenance and oil changes; allows input of customer’s last date of service and reminds customer when to return to the dealership for a tune up • Map to local dealership to locate nearest Nissan dealer • Social media links to connect the customer to Nissan social media pages • A “find your car” page with pin drops on map indicating the location of your car meet your match. | 23

#FindNissan Scavenger Hunt Rebirth Advertising developed an interactive, real-time race that extends across various social media platforms. At the conclusion of the Experience Tour in May, Nissan will announce the Find Nissan Scavenger Hunt. Nissan will distribute clues via social media outlets, leading five lucky contestants to their new Nissan matches.



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Ten keys will be hidden in each of the five selected cities. Of the ten keys, only one will be a winner and start a Nissan. The other nine key holders will win a $2,000.00 cash prize.

Find Nissan

.com Twitter will post the scavenger hunt hashtag, #FindNissan. After 10,000 twitter users mention the hashtag, the site will go live.

24 | meet your match.

The scavenger hunt website will include contest rules, clues and directions.The site will show the cities where the keys are hidden.

Contestants will like the page to receive a Facebook message with a code to put into the Find Nissan website info box.

Once they submit their information, the contestants will receive a text message with the coordinates of the keys in each city.

When contestants find a key, they tweet the code and receive a direct message with the dealership’s location. If the key unlocks the car, the contestant wins their Nissan match.



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Relax - your match is coming to you. The Nissan Experience Road Show will showcase the many innovations Nissan has to offer. The tour will visit 40 multiculturally-rich cities and conclude at the Nissan USA headquarters. The tour will coordinate its stops with local events in each city to maximize attendance. The tour revolves around the experiential marketing concept of design and drive. Visitors may design Nissans to fit their particular lifestyles and take a virtual test drive in a full-scale simulator. They will sit inside the front compartment of an actual Nissan vehicle, linked to a full motion simulator, jointly designed by Nissan and the Road Show Partner, EA Games. EA Games will then mount and modify the compartments to a full-motion platform with a realistic simulator video system.

percent of respondents said that participating in “ Eighty-five experiential marketing would cause them to talk about a product or brand. “

– Jack Morton, Experiential Marketing

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OBJECTIVES: PR & PROMOTIONS •S aturate multiculturally-rich cities with Nissan’s brand through personal interaction and customization • Showcase Nissan’s innovation in the automotive industry in terms of technology

NISSAN UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE Due to overwhelming success at Loyola University New Orleans’ on-campus dealership experience, we recommend dealers such as Eric Hill Nissan partner with colleges across the country to provide consumers with personal interaction with the brand.


• MRA Experiential Tour and Equipment will manage the event •S taffing will consist of four full-time event managers and 10 local brand ambassadors. •T wo semi-trucks, one double expandable demonstration trailer and one 12-car carrier will travel to each location • The demonstration trailer will be outfitted with custom Nissan simulators and design kiosks •F our tents (welcome, vehicle display, Facebook update, demo entrance) will surround the area • 19 interactive kiosks will be located throughout the event area • “ The Nissan Experience - Meet Your Match Road Show” promotional items will be handed out at each event

Nissan will provide all dealers with a standardized plan to inform and guide them through the development process. These events will foster strong ties between college students and the Nissan dealerships as well as promote the company’s dedication to education.

INCENTIVES • The Nissan Roadshow Tour will be linked to a national car giveaway and university scholarship award • Participants nationwide can enter to win a car or scholarship using the print ad QR codes • Tour participants will have the opportunity to enter additional tour exclusive QR codes at the event

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of interviewees said physically interacting with a Nissan vehicle encouraged them to consider purchasing a Nissan in the future.

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PARTNERSHIPS Habitat for Humanity Nissan is proud of the legacy it has built with Habitat for Humanity since 2005. The company will donate $1 million in 2013 and continue its all-hands-on-deck involvement in the program. Nissan will demonstrate its commitment by once again donating 60 vehicles to make the Habitat for Humanity mission possible. Nissan will donate its newest fleet vehicle, the NV3500 HD, fully outfitted with the Habitat for Humanity logos. Nissan is dedicated to Habitat for Humanity and its mission to provide affordable housing across the United States.


- $89,136,000 Media - $4,575,000 PR - $4,000,000 Contingency - $1,000,000 Royalties - $889,000 New Media - $400,000 Evaluation

OUT-OF-HOME 22.4% $19,933,322

DIGITAL 26% $23,216,004

Times Square Alliance Rebirth Advertising recommends that Nissan partner with the Times Square Alliance, a not-for-profit company that works to promote and improve New York’s Times Square. This partnership will take place in 2014 in conjunction with the famous Times Square New Year’s Eve celebration. During the event, Nissan will showcase New York’s newest taxicabs and provide a sneak peek at the 2017 zero-emission version at the New Year’s event. Sponsorships are negotiated for a minimum of three years at a projected cost of $1 million. This is an excellent partnership for Nissan since the Times Square New Year’s event has more than 500,000 attendees, 275 broadcasters worldwide and 300 million viewers in the U.S. with 70 percent of viewers aged 19-35.

MEDIA BUDGET TV 36.1% $32,177,502

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SPONSORSHIPS 4.5% $4,000,000 PROMOTIONS 1.5% $1,302,900 PRINT 9.5% $8,506,272

GRAND TOTAL: $89,136,000

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Brand Tracking In order to effectively monitor and manage our campaign's investments, we will be relying on Marketing Evolution's ROMO brand tracking service to monitor the campaign's progress. We will also use their Attribution Modeling and Media Mix Modeling statistics-based approaches to evaluate the final business sales. We will continue to evaluate our progress both during and after the completion of the campaign and make adjustments depending on how Nissan is perceived, how our ads impact customers, and how much overall sales are affected. ROMO will also monitor our campaign sales according to each market on an ongoing basis. Media Measurement Additionally we will monitor: • Social Media- by using buzz metrics in social media outlets, we will learn what is being said about • the company • Broadcast and Primetime- by gathering data from Nielsen ratings, we can evaluate media buys • effectively and make sure television show ratings are performing as expected • Cinema and Sponsorships- ticket sales in each market will be reviewed for performance evaluation • Others (Including Out Of Home, Print, Digital)- sales figures of each medium will be monitored

Concept Testing Our initial research was conducted to measure the strength of Nissan’s brand awareness among our Multicultural Millennials. When we discovered the current innovation theme was not resonating with our audience, we developed three new themes that would. After testing to see how our target reacted to each, we arrived at our big idea - meet your match. We then partnered with Eric Hill Nissan to bring a small scale version of “The Nissan Experience” to Loyola University New Orleans’ campus. At this event, Rebirth recorded in-depth interviews of the attendee’s thoughts of Nissan’s lineup. We also conducted focus groups to test the creative executions. Our target audience displayed an overall positive reaction toward the print ads and commercial storyline. They especially noticed the simplicity of the print ads, the ability to relate to the models and the copy describing the match. “The Nissan Experience” was an overwhelming success, providing us with more than 850 impressions. Most importantly, we learned how valuable customer interaction is when building a relationship with the Nissan brand. This experiential event helped potential customers see the variety Nissan has to offer and envision themselves in the Nissan that matches their style.

I liked how the print ads showed the relationship between a car and its owner. Too many car companies push their vehicles without ever mentioning the owner. – Alex E., 20 yrs Alix

30 | meet your match.

LIMITATIONS Rebirth Advertising considered targeting Multicultural Millennials specifically by ethnicity, but through research we discovered they preferred to be targeted according to individual lifestyles. We understand the risk of focusing on the advertisement of the Juke, a non-core vehicle. However, based on the primary research we conducted, we discovered several members of our audience were overwhelmingly drawn to the features and overall design of the vehicle. Even though our target audience speaks several different languages, using English as the primary language in our advertisements effectively communicates to Multicultural Millennials. If a problem arises with MRA Experiential Tours and Equipment during the Nissan Meet Your Match Tour, we will be able to provide a list of backup vendors to carry out the tour.

It was funny to see how the guy from the commercial matched up to the car and it made me think of what Nissan car I would go out on a date with. – Jerry R., 25

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Claritas Psychographic Categories Consumer Goods & Retailing. Mashable Business “Hispanic Fact Pack.” Annual Guide to Hispanic Marketing and Media. Advertising Age, 2011 Edition. “Influence of Social Media Message Sources on Millennial Generation Consumers.” Marketing Communications Academic Search Complete. “Is There Such A Thing As A Multicultural Consumer Segment?” MediaPost Publications. Kilbourne, Jean. Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000. Mark, Margaret, and Carol Pearson. The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands through the Power of Archetypes. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. “Marketing To Millennials.” 5 Tips for Marketing to Millennials “McCann on Millennials, Social Media, and Brands.” AdWeek. “Microsoft Millennials in Automotive Survey” KRC Research. “Millennials Say Buying a Car Is More Painful than the Dentist.” Examiner.com. “Millennials: What Makes Them Different.” Brand Amplitude. “Music Festival Sponsorships” Marketing Week Magazine. “Perspective: Generation Appreciation Sometimes Selling the Demo Profile of a Product Rather than the Product Itself Sparks Connection.” AdWeek. Roberts, Jo, and Tanzeel Akhtar. “Music festival sponsorship.” Marketing Week. 09 Jul 2009. Seidman, Robert. “30 Second Spot Cost Survey: American Idol Tops Sunday Night Football; Glee Tops All Scripted.” TV by the Numbers. N.p., 17 Oct 2010. Steinberg, Brian . “’American Idol,’ NFL Duke it out for Priciest TV Spot.” Ad Age. 24 Oct 2011. “Tattoos, Tolerance, Technology, and TMI: Welcome to the Land of the Millennials.” “The Millennials.” Academic Search Complete “When Marketing to Millennials, It’s Not All About Digital.” Advertising Agency & Marketing Industry News Evaluating Event Marketing: Experience or Outcome? Journal Of Promotion Management, Youthful Car Brands Dominate Generation Y Buyers | TrueCar Blog.” The Official TrueCar Blog- New Car Pricing and New Car Deals. GETTY IMAGES




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REBIRTH ADVERTISING Rebirth Advertising would like to thank you for allowing us to create the most cohesive, innovative and compelling campaign possible. Our agency specializes in reviving our client’s image by creating a vibrant strategic plan, repositioning the brand with a fresh perspective. RESEARCH



Dr. Cal














SPECIAL THANKS Eric Morgan & Co. Eric Morgan Jen Huber Renee Stuart Eric Hill Nissan Team Trey Fuller Brittney Hawkins Danielle Coleman Kevin Mullins Anthony Lewis Reid Steinberg of Icon International Nicole T. Parks Michelle Clarke Dr. Sonya Duhe Professor Cheryl Dejoie-LaCabe Professor Jeffrey Ory Professor Tamar Gregorian Professor Valerie Andrews Dr. Cathy Rogers Laura Beatty Ms. Noelle Roger Ruel at MRA Experiential Tours and Equipment Xavier Mรกntica Alonso Andara Matrix Advertising Adventure Advertising Univision Network Screenvision Cinema Network Whitney Woods J.R. Byers Julio Villafane Rafael Arroyo Margaret Barnett Brianna Lopez Sabrina Brown Katherine Fisher Catherine Rumph

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