Cumbria Chat November 2012

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November 2012 - County Team Contacts:

County Diary:

County Commissioner – Graham White

17/11/2013 – Cumbria County Scout Conference, Coniston. Deputy County Commissioner – Julie Samson Deputy County Commissioner – Richard Hirst

Contact Richard Hirst 05/01/2013 – Cumbria Scouts Youth Forum, Rheged Contact 22/01/2013 – CC, DCs & Chairs meeting, Ambleside County Chairman – Tim Leader

24/01/2013 – Finance & GP Meeting County Administrator – Marion Dixon ACC (Network) – John Seed

26/01/2013 – (Scouts) Frostbite Camp, Great Tower. Contact John Sharpe, 18/02/2013 – CC & ACCs, Ambleside ACC (Explorers) – Steve Dawson

21/02/2013 – County Exec, Ambleside ACC (Scouts) – John Sharpe ACC (Cubs) – David Hodkiss ACC (Beavers) – Vacant

22/02/2013 – Re-Energise (Explorers) Ennerdale Contact Steve Dawson 01/03/2013 – Winter Walking Weekend, Scotland. Contact Phil Hopley 16/03/2013 – Getting Started, Barrow Contact Cath Johnston

County Training Manager – Linda kitchen ACC (Activities) – Phil Hopley

25/04/2013 – Chief Scout’s Gold to Queen’s Scout Awards Evening Contact John Sharpe, 11/05/2013 – County Funday Kendal Showground Contact Richard Hirst

ACC (International) – Richard Hirst

Cumbria Scouts Diary Online


In this Issue: 1. Cumbria Chat Input 2. Cumbria County Scouts Conference 2012 3. 23rd World Scout Jamboree Japan 4. County Fun Day 5. Frostbite Camp 6. Winter Walking Weekend 7. County Awards Evening 8. Youth Forum 9. National News 10. Local News from the Districts i. Barrow Foodbank ii. Hobbycraft iii. Kentdale Scouts NAV Camp Cumbria Chat Input: Let the rest of the County find out what you’re doing and what you’ve done, write down your plans for the coming months and brief reports of your recent adventures. It’s great fun reading the exploits of others, but twice as much fun if the article is about you or for you. Email your inputs for inclusion in the next edition of Cumbria Chat to

Cumbria County Scouts Conference 2012 - Saturday 17th November – John Ruskin School A personal invitation was sent to every adult member that we had registered on the national database but we are well aware that many changes and inaccuracies have occurred therefore we are reissuing the invite for you to join us at a County Conference with the many Leaders and Adult supporters that make scouting a huge success in Cumbria. If you have already received this invite may it act as a reminder to book your place and more importantly your supper! We will be joined by Wayne Bulpitt, Chief UK Commissioner and the day offers many opportunities to meet new friends and renew old friendships. Chris Harris our Regional Commissioner will also be there to answer questions. Hopefully we can learn a little on the way and we will be providing information workshops on Training, Global, Adult Recruitment, Young Leaders and On-line resources. In addition we hope to have many displays from throughout Scouting in Cumbria. There will also be the opportunity for a section get together, questions to an open forum and after supper a chance to relax and enjoy a social occasion. 2


You will need to bring a packed lunch, supper is provided and should you wish to stay Saturday night camping is permitted in the grounds or a floor for the night is available indoors. You will need to bring your own “Scouting Spirit” for the evening. For families, we will hopefully be able to provide activities that keep the children occupied whilst you enjoy the conference (but not after question time). So we can ensure we meet everyone’s needs we ask that you let us know the following: Firstly just let us know if you plan to attend (with no commitment) just so we can start on numbers. Secondly if you intend to stay over and if you have children that need occupying (ages) please, You can do this by completing the card you were sent earlier, email ( or by phone 0845 6012977) This will be the first time for some years that we have had the opportunity to get all our leaders and adult supporters together so please try and be there. Please feel free to pass this information to anyone you feel should be invited. Looking forward to seeing you there, Graham White County Commissioner

The World Scout Jamboree is an official educational event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. It is specifically designed for young people aged between 14 and 18 from National Scout Organizations which are members of the WOSM. Scout Association of Japan is going to be the host for the 23rd World Scout Jamboree. It will take place at Kirarahama, Yamaguchi, Japan. The 23rd World Scout Jamboree is a world Scouting event for young people aged between 14 and 18. It will be staged during July and August 2015. To ensure that the young people of Cumbria can experience everything a Jamboree has to offer it is essential that we appoint Leaders that are willing to give of their very best in support of our contingent. The role of Contingent Leader is an important one requiring exceptional leadership with skills and experience across a range of disciplines. This is a volunteer role, but one that will place substantial demands upon your time and require a thoroughly professional approach. The role is a significant personal commitment but tremendously rewarding. At this moment in time the size of our Contingent is unknown as details have not yet been confirmed by WOSM, but the County Team feel it is important to start the process of putting together the plans that will work towards a successful outcome for Cumbria Scouts in 2015. To that end we are inviting Leaders to register an “Expression of Interest” in the 3


contingent leader role with a view to running an information evening sometime in December 2012. The most difficult part in this process is ensuring that all Leaders have the opportunity to put themselves forward to be part of the contingent leadership team. Therefore everyone is requested to pass this information to anyone they feel maybe interested, and promoting this opportunity at District, County, Group or individual levels. All you need to do to register interest is email Richard Hirst (ACC International) on with your name.

County Fun Day 11th May 2013: Cumbria County Scouts have not run a major event in over 10 years that brings together all sections of our Scouting Family. Our aim is to provide an event that is open to all age groups, is affordable to all and where the majority of events are run by outside agencies, thus allowing leaders to also enjoy the day. We will also provide the opportunity for those that wish to, the choice of camping the full weekend. We hope that all Groups, Sections and Units throughout Cumbria will support this venture. On the Saturday Cumbria County will provide two sessions of major activities that are open to all ages: Session one will be a commercial “It’s a knockout” that delivers professional games and challenges. Session two will be open activities again from professional providers; (Bouncy slides, Bungee run, Gladiator duels, Bouncy castles plus more). And the price? . . . . . .£10 per person for the day and £15 for the weekend (bring your own food & tents). You have 6 months notice of this event, so put it in your diaries, re-arrange your schedules, this is an event that we don’t want the young people to miss out on. (It’ll be talked about for the next 10 years and more!)

Watch out for the leaflets and emails coming your way soon!!!

Cumbria Scouts – Frostbite Camp 25th to 27th January 2013 This is your chance to join other Scouts from around the County for your first camp of the year, hopefully the weather will be freezing! Campers will arrive on Friday evening and be ready for the activities at 9:30 am Saturday. The weekend will be filled with Challenging and Adventurous activities. Currently planned are: Archery, Shooting, Climbing Wall, Low Ropes Challenge, Jacob’s Ladder, Mountain Bikes and Chariot races. Saturday Evening will include either; a Wide Game or Night hike. Invites have been issued recently.



Scout Leaders Winter Walking Weekend, Cairngorms, Scotland The County Activities Team is planning a Winter Walking Training Weekend for adults in Scouting. We hope to be based in Cairngorms, Scotland and we are looking at late February, early March. The weekend will be aimed at Scout Leaders who want to: • Learn Winter Walking skills, or • Improve their Winter Walking skills, or • Want the chance to get away for an adventurous weekend with like minded people No experience of walking in winter conditions is required but you should be experienced in hill walking. Training will include the use of crampons, use of ice axe, winter navigation, snow types and avalanche danger. Crampons and ice axe hire will be available. It will most likely be a self catering weekend and the cost will be for accommodation and transport. We are in the early stages of planning the weekend and I’m seeking to see how much interest there is in such a weekend. Therefore if you think you might be interested please contact Phil Hopley to register your interest. County Awards Presentation Evening: The Awards presentation evening will to be an annual event and to help with diary planning it will be held every year on the nearest Thursday to Saint George’s Day. In 2013 the date will be 25th April. The venue is still to be decided, but we hope to move around the county for future presentations. As your Scouts, Explorers or Young Leaders achieve these great awards, please let the County know via John Sharpe, email: and they, their families and leaders will receive personal invites to the next Awards Evening.

Cumbria Scouts Take Control: Cumbria Scouts are setting up a Youth Forum, and we want you to be part of it! We think that Cumbria Scouts is Brilliant. But we know that we can always make things better. To make sure Cumbria is providing what you want, we’re going to listen harder and make sure you’re at the centre of everything we do.  It’s for everyone!  We’d like people who are confident and assertive so you can put your views across (don’t worry if you’re not though, we will help you)!  We want people who can work in a team.  We want people who can voice their own ideas and opinions  We want people who aren’t afraid to ask why.  We want people who can commit two weekends a year to the youth Forum.  Sense of humour required. 5


Don’t worry if you can’t do many of these, the main thing is that you are really enthusiastic about Scouting, and want young people’s views heard in Cumbria. The forum is set to take place on Saturday 5th January at Rheged, Penrith. We’ll provide you with some top-notch speaking skills with high profile mentors, a map of where the Forum can lead us and start making Scouting in Cumbria even better. Get in touch with your DC! They will make a decision over the coming months. Email for more information.

NATIONAL NEWS: The Scout Association is the UK’s most inspiring charity It's always useful to have facts and figures to help back up the work you do. That's why we've put together this Overview of Scouting in numbers which tells you how we were rated by the public in 2011-2012. Stay safe with role checklists The safety checklists for leaders, managers and Executive Committee members, sent with the Aug/Sept issue of Scouting magazine, are now available from Scout Shops. Visit, where you'll find all safety in Scouting information and resources in one place. UK Chief Commissioner blog Remember to log in to and check out UK Chief Commissioner Wayne Bulpitt’s blog. You can access the blog from the homepage once logged in or via Register for your Scout Community Week resources Scout Community Week is back 3–9 June 2013. UK Chief Scout Bear Grylls encourages Groups to register for another week of community projects across the UK. Banners and web content to support your projects are now available for use on County or Group websites. Get yours by emailing and register for Scout Community Week now. Mythbusting film hits new heights Our ‘Expect More’ film, which shows the positive impact of Scouting on young people today, has now reached over 50,000 views in just five months. If you haven’t seen it already, watch it now. New brand guidelines The Scout Association has recently updated its full brand guidelines and has released a userfriendly version especially for volunteers. It will help you talk about Scouting, promoting fun, challenge and adventure as well as the positive impact we have in our local communities. Click on the ten numbers on the cover to find your way through the booklet. 6


New videos for local Scouting Launched at the Association’s AGM in September, two new short films highlighting recent successes are now available to download from the multimedia centre:  Changing Lives with Everyday Adventure  Ten Years of Scouting Success. The new national Annual Report and Impact Report for 2012 are also available to download:  Annual Report and Accounts 2012  Impact Report 2012. New additions to the Print Centre Sea and Air Scout Groups can now create and order customisable posters, flyers and banners through the Print Centre. Great new designs showcase the excitement and range of activities on offer. You can access Print Centre materials by signing in to and visiting the Print Centre through the 'My Tools' menu. POR changes Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) is our governing document, which contains detailed explanations of all the principles, policies, governance and rules of The Scout Association. It has been updated to help improve Scouting’s culture of safety following pre-launch feedback from members. More information on the revised POR can be found here. Please log in online Please remember to log in to and check your details and add your email address. This will ensure that Scouting information reaches you directly. New online membership system Work is in full swing to develop a new online membership system for This work is taking place in partnership with a large group of members to ensure it delivers the right tools. Find out more about what the new system will do and track progress. UPCOMING EVENTS Wintercamp 2013 Have you got your ticket for this amazing event for Scouts and Explorers? Choose between Gilwell Park in London and a new location, Hawkhirst in Northumberland, over the same weekend of 11-13 January. Look forward to entertainment, exhilarating activities and extreme weather. Visit the website or book now. Scout Community Week 2013 The date for 2013 has been confirmed as 3–9 June. More information. The ShelterBox Experience 2012 Take part in an exciting weekend for Scout Network members and adult volunteers, organised by international disaster relief charity ShelterBox. Develop your team, navigation and survival skills while taking part in a challenge that offers a rare chance to experience ShelterBox’s global disaster relief work. More information and a booking form available online. Download the Go Global programme resource for all sections. 7


1-10 August 2013 - Campdowne You can book now to attend one of the UK’s largest international Scout and Guide camps for a full ten days of amazing adventure. A wide range of adventurous activities, evening entertainment and food is all included in the ticket price, making it great value camp for you and your Scouts. Book now.

LOCAL NEWS: Barrow Foodbank Beaver Scouts from the 17th Barrow (St. Perrans) Scout Group have been studying food as part of their Healthy Eating activity badge. They learned where different fruits came from around the world and what makes a healthy meal and what should be considered treats. They made their own fruit salads (pictured). They also looked at how difficult it can be for some people to keep healthy if they can't get the right things to eat, Dot Jackson and Jo Northey visited from Barrow's FoodBank to explain their work. The Beavers then presented them with a collection of long life foods (pictured) that they had brought to their Beaver Colony meeting.



Scouts Get crafty! With Hobbycraft, the UK’s leading art and craft retailer has recently joined in partnership with The Scout Association in sponsoring the Cubs Artist Activity Badge. Saturday 15th September 2012 saw the opening of the latest Hobbycraft store here in Carlisle, the opening was made a truly community event with Beavers Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Section Leaders from 13th Carlisle Scout Group playing a leading role in the opening ceremony. Dawn Irving Store manager said “Its really exciting to be opening the first Hobbycraft in Cumbria and creating 22 new jobs. We are also looking forward to working with local artists and crafters for demonstrations in store. Scouts are here from 13th Carlisle Scout Group to help open the store and we are looking forward to working with all local Scout Groups and Cub Scouts in launching the first Hobbycraft Artist Activity badge which is hopefully one of many”



Hobbycraft: Hobbycraft are currently working together to create informative and inspirational leader packs as well as fun and exciting activity books for Cubs. All our resources are designed with both the leaders and Cubs in mind; not only do they want to share there love and passion for arts and crafts but they want to make it fun and exciting every step of the way. There is a resource available for Leaders to use called “Cubs Artists Activity pack” from Hobbycraft and the Scout Association: Through this new partnership, Hobbycraft aims to support the Scout Association by providing art and craft project ideas that are inspiring and fun for Group leaders and Cubs alike. Exploring the world of arts and crafts encourages young people to enjoy new experiences, use their imaginations and open their eyes to a whole new world of creativity. The Artist Activity Badge resources will focus on the ABCs of arts and crafts while offering tips and techniques to first time crafters in a way that is tangible, encouraging and most importantly exciting.

Stephanie Boom: A Scout aged 11yrs said “It was great to be invited to the shop opening, there was lots of fun activity’s for everyone to have a go at young or old, the store is massive and amazing and I cant wait to go there again. I am really excited to be a member of Scouts and am looking forward to doing more of the new Crafty ideas I tried today”



Kentdale Scouts NAV Camp: 16 Scouts from 3 troops attended the Kentdale Navigation skills camp held between Friday 26th October and Sunday 28th October at Baysbrown campsite. 8 Scouts completed the Navigation Activity badge spending the weekend learning navigation skills and applying those skills on walks in the valley. The remaining 8 had already completed the navigation badge and so went to Grizedale forest to complete their Orienteering badge. The scouts where all self-sufficient for the weekend cooking their own food on camping stoves, looking after their gear and providing entertainment for each other at a campfire/ talent show on the Saturday night. Lesley McCartney.


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