4 minute read


built form: based on activity spaces and ease ofcirculation identity:: each block is unique and have their own open spaces based on their activity synergies: all blocks are interconnected to a semi-formal central plaza used for multi-functional activities zones: different environment and space function complements the overall design and purpose of the architecture school



gro n foor on i o rin ing o r roo igi ging n r n o ing i o ro n foor

The block is G+5 story building with different activities, having a central courtyard and connections in the foor o foor on o rio ro or roo ong i i o n o ng r n r roo foor on i o io roo r roo n oni

It also has open sitouts between different studios used for interactivity among peers and professors and activity spaces

The semi-open amphitheatre is stepped and slopes down to the stage. It can hold upto 500 users at a time o foor

The interiors are connected through r fo ing onn ion n i o i ni

The semi-open amphitheatre is used for holding university’s events. It is also a space for gathering and hosting different shows, cultural as well as educational


i o ro n foor

The Social Enclave

The Social Enclave is a G+1 block It serves as an informal space for all user groups . It is also a recreational leisure space.

i o ro n foor r foor on i o io oo or nior r n o i n ro n foor gro n foor on i o i o n i r r n o ng r i o foor foor on i o io roo i in r ro ong i oni

The Academic block 2 consists of different workshops and printing rooms. i o foor

An interplay of light and shadow creates depth in the living room. The spaciousness and the comfort of the living areas creates an elderly friendly space as well r foor on i o or i r r ing n n o n in r ion o i n foor o i n foor

The block receives ambient ig ing o ing o foor o ceiling windows and the semiopen sitout


Bistro Cafe Interior Design

Year : 2022

Location : MG Marg, Gangtok, Sikkim

Design approach : ini n n ion

The Central Cafe is a bistro cafe located in the heart of a small town in Gangtok, Sikkim. The cafe aims at bringing about a minimalistic approach to design i o i oo on n oo fooring and ceiling. The central location of the cafe makes it an ideal spot for local and tourists alike as it provides a 360 view of the entire marketplace, MG Marg.


The limited site area of the cafe called for a minimalistic approach to design, with white interiors coupled with planters to add character and freshness to the design. The large windows offer 360 views of the entire marketplace boosting to its aesthetic appeal.

i rr foor in ng o i Site extent: 20sqm o ion rg ng o i i

Entrance activity zone

Serving/counter zone

Seating/activity zone





Housing Project

Year : 2019

Location Kodavoor, Malpe, Karnataka

Site extent : 2.8 acres

Design approach:functionality, sustainability, minimalism

User groups : HIG, MIG, LIG, EWS

The mixed-use housing project aims at providing for the users’ well-being and a healthy living environment which is visually appealing as well as functionally adaptive. It also aims at encouraging social cohesion between different user typologies and communities.

Master Plan

The master plan features various services for the residents, like the parcel collection area, sitouts and community spaces, along with services like security cabins, GMC parking, septic r n n o r or n f i ir ion

Site extent: 2.8 Acres

Location Kodavoor, Malpe, Karnataka

FAR: 1.8

Maximum Devleopmental Area: 11331sqm

Site Analysis

inf n o ing o on i in r o or ni i or i o og n n o o r inf n in r n ir ion ro n i

The mixed landuse pattern of the neighbourhood creates opportunities for a wide range of users and mixeduse housing catering to the lower income as well as the high income user groups.

Noise & Odour levels

Climate analysis: The maritime r r n o inf n regulate the temperature fecal smell (stagnant water from drainage) uncomfortable noise (machinery) moderate (pedestrians) o o o r faint odour faint moderate


Each unit has 3 bedrooms with atached balconies. There are a total of 2 bathrooms, a spacious living room, a dining room and a kitchen

HIG unit 3d Model

The interiors are well furnished with wooden partition wall in the living room. The walls are painted a light beige texture with well lit windows

Each unit has 3 bedrooms with atached balconies. There are a total of 2 bathrooms, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen

The interiors are well furnished with wooden partition wall in the living room. The walls are of light colors and well lit windows

Each unit has 2 bedrooms. There is a total of 1 bathroom, a living room, a dining room and a kitchen

LIG unit 3d Model

The interiors have affordable furnishings The walls are of light colors and well lit rooms and daylighting.

Each unit has 1 bedroom. There is a total of 1 bathroom, a living cum dining room and a kitchen.

EWS unit 3d Model

The interiors have affordable furnishings The walls are of light colors and well lit rooms and daylighting.


Hig Unit Mig Unit

The dining area receives active daylighting and creates an ambient environment for dining. It features bamboo partition walls that seperate the living and dining. The use of neutral tones with elements of wood create a calming, livable space

The bedrooms are well-lit, with attached balconies minimal and clean undertones, having comfortable furniture

Lig Unit Ews Unit

Well maintained services along with ample daylighting in the kitchen area creates an illusion of a larger space.as well i ing roo i f r i i functional use of the space maintains good daylighting as well as hygiene among the residents

Elevation A

Elevation B

Elevation C

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