Eden Magazine June issue

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June 2011 Volume 1 Issue 6


Maryam Morrison On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty. Today is such a day. My eyes are like the sun that makes promises; the promise of life that it always keeps each morning. The living heart gives to us as does that luminous sphere, both caress the earth with great tenderness. This is a breeze that can enter the soul. This love I know plays a drum. Arms move around me; who can contain their self before my beauty? Peace is wonderful, but ecstatic dance is more fun, and less narcissistic; gregarious He makes our lips. On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the love starts. Today is such a day.


Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your photography. For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at; edenmagazine@hotmail.com or www.theedenmagazine.com 2 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

Contents 4




Mamak Khadem

Gio Berishvili

Quantum Jump

Sand Dune Cat




One voice, One Astral Projection people, One earth

Three largest Salt Lakes

Dave & Tevo



Mamak Khadem


Mamak means (kind mother), who’s known for her fusion of cultural influences, but she has chosen the classical Persian style as her passion. Mamak Khadem embraces her roots with ancient poetry like Rumi and Hafiz to be a bridge to connect her traditional culture to the world. Her stunning voice creates the blend of traditional and new Persian music to more emotional and spiritual path who gives people to travel to diversity of mindfulness and sentience knowledge of her music. The Los Angeles Times calls her “one of the wonders of world trance music”. Mamak Khadem touched many of her listener’s heart by her voice. Her journey leads her to an amazing way to express herself, but all that goes way back to her childhood as she refers “When I think of my childhood, my memories are inseparable from the melodies that touched my soul when I was growing up. It was through establishing this personal relationship with music as well as my training at the children’s choir for National Radio and Television of Iran that my musical education began. But it was not until the late 1970s and after the revolution that I truly became inspired to learn Persian traditional vocals”. Mamak was born in Tehran, Iran. She left her home town when she was a teenager in 1976. She was inspired by works of master musicians in the 1980s and regularly traveled back to Iran to study with prominent vocalists and musicians. She also studied classical Indian singing at Ali Akbar Khan College of Music in northern California and Eastern European singing with the Los Angeles-based women’s choir Nevenka. 5 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

As a singer she stands up for what she believes is right. Mamak feels that the herculture of native land holds the key to everlasting promise both for herself and her people. 6 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

In 1992, Mamak joined Axiom of Choice, and over the next ten years created three albums with the group. Recently, Mamak boarded her career even further and started on a solo in 2007, released a new solo recording, Jostojoo (Forever Seeking) was inspired by travels to Turkey, Armenia, Greece and remote parts of Iran. She is finishing her second solo album calls “A window to color”. Her passion to music goes even further in her workshop. Mamak teaches classical Persian music, she also guiding for non-musicians that incorporate singing, meditation and movement. Using the vocal techniques is her main focus, which her students using for their practices and performing. She has also taught at the Middle Eastern Music and Dance Camp in Mendocino, California, the Labyrinth School of Music in Hudetsi, Greece, the Irish World Academy Of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, and University of Toronto. Mamak has also been a featured performer on several film and television scores, including The Peacemaker, Traffic, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Battlestar Galactica. She sang music composed by Iranian ethnomusicologist Mohammad Reza Darvishi for the play Majles-e Shabih (by renowned Iranian playwright and director Bahram Bayzaie). In addition, Mamak has recorded with Turkish singer Omar Faruk Tekbilek (on the album Alif), Jamshied Sharifi (on A Prayer for the Soul of Layla) and Tulku (on Season of Souls, compiled on the Buddha Bar series). Music is my best friend Mamak calls, and her message to her fan is to “follow your passion and be truthful to your art”. For informaiton about Mamak’s workshop and her latest concert login to www.mamak-khadem.com/ 7 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

Gio Berishvili mysticism Artist

‘’I think that overall goal of every human being is to find inner peace. To reconnect with the source of everything that fascinates us so much, humankind was struggling for centuries to achieve this goal and now the time has come, when science, spirituality and the arts, all together will guide us to new age of spiritual enlightenment.

http://giohorus.redbubble.com ~ www.facebook.com/Giopsyart 8 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

Gio Berishvili is mainly working with the digital media. His art is inspired by spiritual studies of past and modern times. He uses his own digital material, experimenting and transforming them into visionary images, full of mysticism; seek of spiritual enlightenment and symbolic meanings. His series of shamanist masks depict gods or spirits from specific pantheon, others appear to be abstract designs, representing ancient mystical experiences. 9 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011



Quantum jump How to make a quantum jump into the highest possible level of eternal bliss By; Swami Aaron

In the May issue we learned that how our lower consciousness isolates us from the vast truth; hence we become the victim of ignorance and delirium. If we raise our consciousness to the level of superconsciousness, we happen to realize the vast grand eternal Absolute Truth, and that Truth is just truth, bad or good are irrelevant. Truth can never be fragmented; it is always whole, inherent with this quality of being always total. Now so far what we have discussed, let me sum them up in one sentence. The cause of all problems existing is this world is unconsciousness and the solution of all problems of this world is Super–consciousness. Now if any way you realize Super–consciousness, you will realize God. You will make a quantum jump into divine eternal bliss. The question is how to raise ourselves to the level of super –consciousness so that we can realize the divine bliss? To know this we need to understand why do we exist 12 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

at the lower level of consciousness? Most of the time our consciousness remains occupied or shadowed with thoughts; or we can say our consciousness remains encrypted with deterministic patterns. What is this deterministic pattern? All material manifestation, thoughts, emotions, feelings etc are deterministic localized patterns in the vast ocean of the basic constituents of this existence i.e. consciousness. Because of the development of deterministic localized patterns in the consciousness. The continuity of the unified existence seems to have been broken and we seem to be distinct entity. But when consciousness is free from all deterministic patterns, it is always unified and is in the state of super - blissfulness. So in order to realize Super–consciousness, you need to free your consciousness from all thoughts, emotions, all outside attachments, so that your consciousness can be aware of the self.

And when it is aware of the self, it realizes the continuity of this unified existence and realization of this unity is the realization of God. When you are in the Super–consciousness state, You feel that you are united with the entire existence. You are in the state of highest possible level of blissfulness. Bliss is the inherent quality of Super–consciousness. You are free from all desires. You are free from all fear, even free from the fear of death. In fact death ceases to exist, because in this state you very easily feel that you exist beyond this body which is a localized event in the vast infinite space-time continuum. Your body is in fact a localized event in the space – time continuum. When you are merged in the ocean of consciousness, you no more remain a localized event in the space – time continuum; rather you get merged with the vast boundless, eternal existence. Hence there is no death in this state. You are free from all negative emotions like hatred, jealousy, enmity etc. Rather in the state of super – consciousness you can embrace even your so – called enemies too. When you exist in the state of super – consciousness, you exist in each and every bit of the entire existence, at the same time the entire existence exists in you. You become God, God manifests himself in you. You become the saga of divine eternal bliss and celebration. Now again the question comes how to get into state of Super–consciousness? So far what ever we have discussed were the logical and theoretical explanation of truth. But in

fact truth can not be realized through verbal discussion and arguments. If you are really passionate about the realization of this supreme truth in reality, then now you will have to proceed through action. You will have to do some experiments. Those experiments can not be discussed here, because if you try them without having complete knowledge of the mechanism, you may put yourself into problems. But I assure you, my whole and sole concern is to make you realize that divine Super–consciousness, so if you are really passionate about it, please have an individual session with me, so that you can proceed toward the Absolute Truth through your action, not merely by discussion. No matter however much I discuss verbally about the fragrance of flowers, you can have some guess, but you can never have actual realization. So ultimately you will have to be prepared for the effort to smell real flowers and thus realize the fragrance. So if you wish to step into actual realization of bliss or God, you are welcome to have an individual session with me. You can come to me or invite me at your place. Thank You. Swami Aaron, MBA

Email: Swami.Aaron@hotmail.com Swami.Aaron@gmail.com Swami.Aaron@yahoo.com www.SwamiAaron.blogspot.com 13 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

Sand Cat

Photography by: Mohamad Halvani www.shvaika.info/funnyphoto/barkhancat/barkhancatengl.html

The Sand cat, also referred to as the “sand dune cat”, is a small wild cat distributed over African and Asian deserts. The name “desert cat” is reserved for Felis silvestris lybica, the African wildcat, but it could be appropriate for this species. It lives in those arid areas that are too hot and dry even for the desert cat: the Sahara, the Arabian Desert, and the deserts of Iran and Pakistan. It lives for about 13 years in captivity. The Sand cat’s length averages almost 50 cm (20 in), plus a 30 cm (12 in) tail. The average weight of a sand cat is 2.7 kg (6 lbs). Their heads are conspicuously broad, and their ears are large, pointed, and widely spaced to the point they can be flattened horizontally or even pointing down (this aids in hunting). The colour of the fur is a pale sandy yellow, with pallid bars, which are sometimes hardly visible. Generally the bars are more visible in the African subspecies. The mucosa of their eyelids is a striking black. Their paws are covered with long hairs that allow it to tolerate and easily maneuver the hot sand of its environment. The sand cat can survive in temperatures ranging from 5 °C (23 °F) to 52 °C (126 °F). Hunting this cat is prohibited in Algeria, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mauritania, Niger, Pakistan and Tunisia. No legal protection is offered by the following countries: Egypt, Mali, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. 14 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011


full-blown out-of-body astral experience, it is often so real, so vivid and clear that in no way, shape or form is it considered by the experiencer as just being a dream.

What is Astral Projection Projection Astral is What

Astral projection also known as the out-of-body experience and as “soul travel” by some groups, can happen to anyone at any time in one’s life. Astral projection is often confused with lucid or vivid dreaming and most skeptics would say that what most people would experience as an out-of-body experience is just a dream. Even though it is quite common for an astral projection experience to be immediately proceeded by a vivid dream or even be mixed up with or embedded within dreams, when one has a


Genuine astral projection is experienced as a fully awakened state outside the body, and the person is able to actually see, usually from a strange angle, his or her usually still or lifeless looking body lying down on the bed, sofa or couch. One is able to see minute details in the room and travel anywhere else conceivable and watch events and discover new places and/or previously lost or undiscovered items that can later be confirmed. Certain Tibetan masters and Indian yogi masters throughout history have developed the ability to fully conscious astral project at will and as a result of this awesome faculty, many other special powers too. A contemporary example is Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath who because I have met personally and directly experienced his amazing aura of energy (darshan), I may have seen a few times in the astral as there were

some instances of this great yogi’s presence appearing during my sleep and in deep meditation Other such great masters of astral projection in the past include Paramhansa Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Rabindranath Tagore who came back speaking through the ectoplasm of direct voice medium, Leslie Flint (1960’s?) regarding his experiences with astral travel and general information regarding power of thought, and the transmigrated Tibetan Lama, Tuesday Lobsang Rampa in the body of Cyril Henry Hoskin. Rampa provided the most outstanding descriptions and knowledge of astral projection, however he was also apparently the author of some of the most controversial books I ever read. The Right Conditions for Astral Projection and How 100% Safe, Natural Astral Projection Can be Induced. The right conditions for conscious astral projection are tricky to master. To start with it is very helpful to learn meditation and train the body to increase

concentration on the inner self (third eye) and withdrawing away from the external senses, while calming down one’s breathing and slowing down heart rate toward 40 beats per minute. Celibacy is quite essential, otherwise it can be very hard trying to maintain the constant enthusiasm and concentration required for the successful completion of this project which involves the process of slowing metabolic rate and fully replacing all physical activity, physical thought, awareness, and consciousness with internal spiritual awareness to the point that the physical becomes quite numb, cold, still and lifeless. Only then in such a deep state of trance does it become possible to consciously leave the body at will. Such an attainment of this nature is quite profound, vital and priceless, because such an ability leads to a complete mastery over the very powers of life, death and reincarnation. It is extremely unfortunate that during this present age, that the overall tendency of humankind is too much external, way too much 17 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

sensuality, and too much into the physical world and physical senses. It is this overall tendency or tendencies that are causing so much pain, so much skepticism against spiritual truths, confusion and suffering in the world. This grave concern is the main reason why I am taking so much of my time to create this website. Spontaneous astral projection during deep sleep is much more common and more accessible by some. The odds of astral travel occurring during deep sleep can be improved by some form of vigorous physical exercise near end of day so that muscles are no longer restless and are therefore more prone to relaxation. In early evening after a light dinner (or sometimes even a fast depending on individual need) one should practice a little yoga and do some meditation before sleeping. Start actual night time period of rest or sleep with a deep relaxation posture while concentrating on every muscle in body to completely relax, withdrawing energy from each 18 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

and every muscle to all the spinal centers and then up to third eye. Try to remain wide-awake while body falls asleep. If this does not work, (usually takes several weeks of practice) set alarm at 3:00 or 4:00 AM, get up and exercise for 15 minutes at that time and then follow the same deep relaxation routine leading to a wideawake yet fully asleep effect. What should happen is a deep internalization of awareness along with a state of temporary paralysis (catalepsy) and a terrific vibration and/or intense tingling sensation that can seem way too intense to stand. In this vibrational state, it becomes possible to split away from the body and further away one gets the less vibration one feels until one is several feet away and some can observe a silver cord between the physical and astral or etheric self. It becomes possible then to move about the room by concentration on where one wants to go. It takes much practice at first to learn how to control the astral body which is much like the life of a newborn child which has yet to learn how to walk and run, etc.

There is absolutely no danger or ever any real reason to fear astral projection or even death for that matter. If one has to die then death involves simply taking up a much more permanent residence at one’s true home in one of the astral spheres. Fear during the first few attempts at astral travel is a huge problem and will often find one’s self slammed right back into the physical body under the slightest provocation of fear and/or even thinking of the physical. Death can never be caused by astral projection, however the process of dying is often the greatest opportunity ever for astral projection! There are countless worlds in the afterlife that are filled with vast wonders and opportunities of all kinds. For those who are good natured, kind hearted and full of love (most people are) the afterlife is simply wonderful and filled with unspeakable beauty, great love, awesome bliss, great music and great adventures. As long as no illicit drugs

are involved, astral projection is a 100% natural, 100% safe and 100% blissful occurrence. Astral projection is an expression of the conscious freedom of the soul while the physical body is in a temporarily state of suspended animation and slowed down or “hibernating” metabolism. The more often one can induce this temporary “death” of the physical, the sooner one becomes an adept or master over the otherwise terrible whims of life and death. As long as no illicit drugs are involved, astral projection is a 100% natural, 100% safe and 100% blissful occurrence. Astral projection is an expression of the conscious freedom of the soul while the physical body is in a temporarily state of suspended animation and slowed down or “hibernating” metabolism. The more often one can induce this temporary “death” of the physical, the sooner one becomes an adept or master over the otherwise terrible whims of life and death.

Russell Symonds (Shaktivirya) has dedicated his life to finding wholeness and is living the “wholeness” lifestyle. His website, Science of Wholeness is a spiritual and nutritional information and research center dedicated to helping you find your keys to wholeness (everlasting joy, love, bliss, rejuvenation, and much, much more). There is no greater thing of beauty, value and joy as wholeness!

We will go over detail of “The various forum of Astra Projection in the next issue.

www.selfgrowth.com/ experts/russell_symonds


Darkness is Only an Abscence of Light By Linda Dimichelle www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150178074720197&set=a.426402705196.197523.703825196&type=1#!/profile.php?id=583263301


There are many dark pockets in the world where people are suffering from oppression, but even within these darkest places there is still light. When a hungry refugee offers another starving person half of their bowl of rice, then light is created. All oppression is fear based. Fear of losing control, fear of losing power, fear of not having enough food, fear of having not enough money,..etc, all bullying and oppression has it roots in fear. Because we care about the people in the world we can become angry at their oppression, but the minute we get angry we create more darkness. Darkness feeds darkness, so no matter what our frustrations we must always send love and light into that darkness to drive it away. Never give up hope that collective thinking and light sending will begin to create the changes we want to see. Many people are forced into positions of darkness through fear. The more light that appears the more they will be able to lose this fear and become true to themselves. When people become true to themselves selves changes will happen within. The oppressors are in fear of the people they kill, as the people they kill are spiritually more advanced. The world is changing and many in power are now beginning to see that their greed and empires are diminishing. Gold and other things they saw as precious are not in such an abundance as they first believed and eventually they will find

that all the money they have accumulated is nothing more than just paper. As the world becomes more crazy it is easy sometimes to think, “what is the point?� I am a mere drop in the ocean of an insane world, I am helpless to fight an army of insanity? It is within moments like this that we need to be reminded that darkness is only an absence of light. Although we may feel we are only tiny pockets of individual lights, we are still light, and the more people that awaken from their dream state, the brighter this light will shine. We all need to take the time to meditate even if for only 2 minutes every day and imagine sending that powerful light into the darkest places where we want to see change happen. My thoughts are that, forthcoming natural disasters, recessions and wars will awaken many people whom are still sleeping and make them question their world. It is our job to ensure that those awakening move into the light and we encourage them not to become fear based. For fear creates oppression and darkness. As 2012 approaches humanity has an opportunity at this point to shift its consciousness into the light, but this can only be done if the collective thinking is there! In working with humanity we become our souls, Within darkness we always find light..Living in exile, but still so full of love for one another.


The three largest salt lakes in the world www.caspianenvironment.org/newsite/Caspian-Background.htm www.kazakhstan.orexca.com/balkhash_lake_kazakhstan.shtml


The Caspian Sea is the biggest enclosed body of water on Earth, having an even larger area than that of the American Great Lakes or that of Lake Victoria in East Africa. It is located in the northern Iran. It is approximately 1,030 km long and its width ranges from 435 km to a minimum of 196 km. It has no connection to the world’s oceans.

enced a severe drop in water level, its shoreline receded, and its salt content increased.

The Aral Sea was a rich source of fish. Some 20 species were identified by biologists, including sturgeon and catfish. The town of Muynak, located on the edge of the sea, was a fishing town that also attracted travelers to its seaside vistas. Today, Muynak is a desert town more The water of the Caspian Sea is slightly saline; than a 100 kilometers from the sea. The sea has if we compare the Caspian water with oceanic shrunk to two-fifths of its original size and now water, it contains 3 times less salt. So, why is ranks about 10th in the world. the Caspian water saline? The Caspian Sea is a remnant of the ancient ocean, named So, a centuries old way of life has disappeared Tethis, or more exactly of its Paratethis in decades. The vast area of exposed seabed bay. About 50 – 60 million years ago the is laced with pesticides, so when the wind Tetis ocean connected the Atlantic and the blows, dust storms spread salt and toxic subPacific Oceans. However, due to gradual shift stances over hundreds, if not thousands of of continental platforms it lost its connection kilometres. It’s estimated that 75 million tons with the Pacific ocean and later on with the of toxic dust and salts are spread across Atlantic Ocean. As a result, the water body Central Asia each year. If the Aral Sea dries up became isolated from the world ocean. completely, 15 billion tons of salt will be left Therefore, the salinity of the Caspian Sea can be behind. attributed to its origin from an ancient ocean. Lake Balkhash is the largest body of water During hot and dry climatic periods the low without an outlet after the Caspian and precipitation quantity caused the Paratethis to Aral seas. Its length is 614 km, width is dry up and divide into separate water bodies. 3.5 to 44 km, and its maximum depth is 26 m. It is due to these conditions of reduced water and isolation that the water in the Paratethis One phenomenon of Lake Balkhash is the became slightly saline. different composition of its western and eastern parts, connected by a narrow gulf. But what is unique about Caspian is that there The western part recieves water from the is no outlet; most of the sea’s water evaporates Ili River and is fresh; the eastern part is salty. in the Kara-Bogaz-Gol. The nature of Balkhash is a wonderful land of contrasts. The Aral is an inland salt-water sea with no outlet. It is fed by two rivers, the Amu Darya Bektuata Mountain Range is an oasis in and Syr Darya. The fresh water from these two North Pribalkhashye (The northern part of rivers held the Aral’s water and salt levels in the lake). The pink peak of Bektuata soars to perfect balance. a height of more than 1000 m. In clear weather it can be seen over 100 km away, thus its Over the next 30 years, the Aral Sea experi- nickname, the “light house of Pribalkhashye”. 23 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

By: Maryam Morrison Photoghraphy By: Maryam Morrison

The first time I saw Dave with his dog Tevo was on Ventura Blvd in San Fernando Valley, CA. He was sitting next to the wall in the parking lot at Walgreens. I went to him and gave him a couple of dollars and as I walked away from him suddenly I thought is it awkward to ask him if I may talk to him about why him and his dog are living on the street, but I changed my mind immediately, I said to myself no not a good idea. I saw him and Tevo again a couple ofmonths after in the parking lot of Pets Mart, it was cold, and I saw people coming out of the store and giving him dog 24 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

bones, and treats for Tevo. That was when I approached him. As I was giving Tevo a toy which he loved it right away, I asked him what your name is and he said Dave, can I feature about you in my magazine I asked him, without hesitation he said sure why not. I was there with my notebook and camera the next day, and the next day after, no sign of him, I was worry what happened since he told me that night he had a car accident couple months ago and lost his dog for a while. Well, he found Tevo in the shelter later on; he said I did not stop searching for him until the day I found him.

Months went by and no sign what so ever of Dave and Tevo, I gave up than. One day driving in Topanga Canyon Blvd I saw him again, I got out of the car and approached him. he smiled as saw me and we arranged to meet in the next day at front of From your Heart restaurant, he told me he gets food from there on and off, because he is a vegetarian, WOW, I was so stunned, here it is a man who is homeless, that never know when the next meal coming from, but then he choice to not eat meat. Shocking but so amazingly compassionate. We met in the next day and while he was having his veggie dinner we talked. Dave has been homeless for over 5 years now, he said I am happy and content, universe has a plan for all of us, we just need to be there to listen. he said. at that point I did not want to go to detail about his life, so many of us might think that been homeless is not good, but for Dave living in the street is not bad as he feels he is free. I just had to let go as it is.

Maybe just been as Dave is the path to happiness for some of us, who knows as long each of us finds happiness within us, it is not a matter where you live and how you live. so I just ask him what do you want to tell people who going to read your story, he said “Look within yourself, we already know our path, but most of us not paying attention to it”. Dave and Tevo remain to live in the street where we walk every day, they have each other and cold and hot weather is not making them sad. life goes on for them, Tevo loves to play with his toys and eat meat front of dad, Dave do his life, reading Dali Lama’s book and learn until his path is end. so, what is really can make us happy, is where we live or how we like to live? You can email Dave and share your thought with him. demodave@piercecollege.com



Vafa Animal Shelter Make a difference and change their lives The Vafa shelter is a non government charity organization relying solely on private donations and volunteers

email: info@cal.ir www.facebook.com/l/b8e8cI0jVoWiGIeF_2QR2cdboKg;www.cal.ir 26 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

Sharing some beautiful moments

Vafa Shelter www.facebook.com/pages/Vafa-AnimalShelter/212270544782

Photography By Linda Dimichelle

Share with us those moment that you captured 27 THEEDENMAGAZINE.COM • June 2011

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