Dealer Support February 2022

Page 14



Top three winter wellbeing opportunities for resellers

ELISABETE WELLS, regional marketing director, ACCO UK Ltd, explains how you can find some success selling sunshine in the dreary winter months


ith all the cold

have both been linked to lower levels

and gloom that

of motivation, which can take a toll on

winter brings, it’s

productivity and morale.

no surprise that

According to the British Heart Foundation, working age adults

in England sit for an average of about 9.5

this time of year resellers are presented

hours per day annually - though it’s safe

is one of the most challenging times

with a major opportunity to introduce

to assume that this number rises in winter.

for our mental and physical wellbeing.

their customers to solutions that can help

The work day is a major contributor to our

We spend more time indoors, sitting

them live healthier, happier lives in winter

bodies’ sedentary time, with long days

and sedentary, and start our work days

and beyond. Here are the top three areas

spent at a desk - or, for some of those

mostly in the dark and finish them after

of opportunity where dealers should

still working from home full- or part-time

sunset. This lack of light and activity

focus their sales propositions this season.

- on a sofa or at dining table due to lack

[14] FEBRUARY 2022

this time of year

However, with so many challenges at



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