Right to buy ANDY EFSTATHIOU decided the pandemic was the right time to acquire - and his strategy ensures that it is making money
he pandemic hit office
now has a tried-and-tested method to ensure any
supplies dealers hard and, in
purchase delivers value from the off.
November last year, many
The acquired company, Control Office
were still trying to mitigate
Supplies, was local to Quills, and the owners, a
the effects of yet another
brother and sister team, had known Andy for
lockdown. However, for Croydon-based Quills, the
many years. When the pandemic resulted in a
time was right to acquire.
downturn in business, they looked to sell and
Quills, and its managing director Andy Efstathiou, is no stranger to dealmaking, having acquired several companies in recent years; he
[26] JUNE 2022
contacted Andy asking if he was interested in doing a deal. “With the trust that was there, as we had