At your service
‘Managed services’ aren’t just about print, or IT solutions, the term can cover a range of highuse products - including sanjan. Automating the process of restocking these items is set to grow in popularity in the coming years
ith COVID restrictions now completely
management,” she says. “Coupled with the expectation
lifted in England, and with the other
of improved hygiene and sustainability practices within
UK nations set to follow soon, there
office spaces, facilities managers face more pressure
will be more people returning to the
than ever to meet the needs of workers.”
office this year. However, employees’
Providers of facilities services can support dealers
expectations of workplaces have changed during the
with innovative solutions to help office and facilities
pandemic and many now expect offices to be cleaner
managers take the steps forward that are demanded.
and more hygienic than, perhaps, was the case prior
Increasingly, software as a service (SaaS) is being used
to the pandemic – especially as COVID-19 hasn’t gone
in this process to automatically restock washrooms
away and remains a worry for some.
and the like, which improves efficiency for customers –
Indeed, according to a 2020 research study by
taking repetitive processes away from office managers
Kantar, commissioned by global hygiene and health
and ensuring there are no gaps in supply. As SaaS
company Essity, following COVID-19, seven-out-of-10
technology becomes more accessible, this is likely to
employees expect their employer to provide extra
become more common, and dealers should be looking
cleaning rounds. However, as Suzanne De Maine,
to this as a part of their service offering.
regional marketing manager, commercial and public
For example, data-driven cleaning solutions, which
interest, Essity Professional Hygiene at Tork, points out,
use real-time data to help customers to understand
this puts extra pressure on office managers.
when and where there are cleaning needs in facilities,
“Moving towards hybrid working increases the need for flexibility within the workplace and facilities
[20] MARCH 2022
to easily adjust to changing hygiene protocols, are becoming popular, says Suzanne. “By working with a