Dealer Support September 2021

Page 18



Celebrating 20 years of making office work easier PFU is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its ScanSnap range of document scanners this year and, as part of the festivities, has some tempting offers for customers, as well as the chance to win a strictly limited edition scanner


or tech fans,


experiences. The iX1400 is also secure,

2001 was a

To coincide with the 20th anniversary

with world-class cloud infrastructure

notable year; in

of the ScanSnap range PFU EMEA Ltd

and controls.

January, Apple’s

has extended offers on some of its most

iTunes was

popular models. Until September 30,

at small teams and business owners

Meanwhile, the iX1600 is aimed

launched, which

customers can receive a free, 12-month,

seeking maximum performance; it’s also

went on to revolutionise how music was

subscription for Adobe Acrobat Pro DC

ideal for customers who work regularly

consumed. That same month, Wikipedia

when they purchase a new ScanSnap

at home and don’t have the access to

went live, which has gone on to be a

iX1400 or iX1600.

office scanners they would need for

vast global reference source. Also in that year, a product was

The iX1400 document scanner has been designed to be simple to

their role. It has been designed to be compact

launched into the office world that

set up and make one-touch scanning

while still delivering all the functionality

has also helped revolutionise how it

of paperwork effortless. The software

people need and expect. It is easy to

works too – PFU’s ScanSnap range of

provided with it means users can scan,

install and configure, requiring little

document scanners. These scanners

save and share straight to the apps they

technical know-how. in addition, the

have helped to automate traditionally

know and use regularly. It scans all kinds

iX1600 has been designed to be

time-consuming tasks and boost

of documents without missing a page.

flexible – it can be set up anywhere and

productivity as a result. The ScanSnap range has gone on

In addition, the iX1400 in

send scans to anywhere – and easy to

conjunction with the Adobe Pro DC

use; the controls are intuitive, and

to sell 6 million units across the world

software enables users to collaborate

scanning can be done with one touch

over the past 20 years; PFU has

with others wherever they are – by

on the 4.3’’ screen. It also features

constantly updated and improved the

collecting comments, sharing responses,

colour-coded, pre-defined, scanning

range as new software and technology

signing forms and tracking progress

buttons for up to five users.

has been developed, helping to

in real time. PDFs can be embedded

improve efficiency in the office

into any digital workflow, helping to

a greater speed than previous models

even further.

streamline forms and deliver better user

and boasts automated productivity

[18] SEPTEMBER 2021

The iX1600 can scan and organise at

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

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