HOME - SCHOOL AGREEMENT 2013/2014+ ST BENEDICT’S C of E VA JUNIOR SCHOOL GLASTONBURY ‘We aim to unlock the potential of everyone’ St Benedict’s is a Church of England Foundation School and the ethos of the school reflects this foundation. St Benedict’s school will: * Encourage all pupils to do their best at all times; * Encourage pupils to take care of other people and to have respect for, and take care of, other people’s property; * Encourage pupils to take care of their surroundings; * Provide equality of opportunity to all pupils; * Inform parents/carers of their child’s progress by means of regular meetings and through annual reports; * Keep parents/carers informed about what is being taught each term, including any visits and extra-curricular activities in which pupils can take part; * Provide and check home study activities diary regularly and as appropriate; * Provide and institute a policy of behaviour support and management; * Inform parents by 10.00am if a child has not arrived at school and there has been no notification of absence. Signed:...................................................................................... on behalf of the school The family will: * Ensure that the child arrives at school on time. (8.45am); * Ensure that the child attends regularly; * Ensure that the school is informed by telephone when a child is absent.
St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School
* Provide two telephone contact numbers in case of emergency; * Support the school policies for curriculum, behaviour and equality of opportunity; * Ensure that the child has the appropriate equipment for each school day, eg. PE/swimming kit; completed home study activities, home study diary and reading book; * Ensure that the school dress code is followed (school sweatshirt, dark trousers or skirt, sensible plain dark shoes); * Attend parent/teacher consultation evenings, meet teachers and discuss their child’s progress; * Ensure that the child reads regularly at home; * Support the home study policy.
Signed....................................................................................... parent/carer Pupil’s Agreement: * I agree to do my best at all times; * I agree to follow the negotiated rules of St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School; * I agree to follow the negotiated rules of my class; * I agree to treat everyone kindly, regardless of gender, race or creed; * I agree to respect other people’s property and take found items to a teacher or the office; * I will wear the agreed school uniform; * I agree to do a fair and regular amount of home study activities; * I agree to help to keep the school clean, tidy and free from litter and graffiti. Signed:...................................................................................... pupil
St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School