St Benedict’s C of E V A Junior School Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9EX Tel: 01458 831811 Fax: 01458 832261 E-mail: ‘We aim to unlock the potential of everyone’
24th May 2013
Dear Mr. Lewis, staff and children of St Benedict's School, I should like to thank everyone who made or bought cakes for Christian Aid, and all who helped to sell the cakes. You did very well to raise £133.30. You must have made a lot of cakes, I hope you enjoyed making them as well as eating them (and licking out the bowl)! Your money will help to support communities in places like Bolivia, where Ivana and her family live. You will remember that she kept chickens and sheep, and grew cocoa trees, so that her family were able to eat a healthy diet in the Amazon rainforest. So thank you very much on behalf of Ivana and her community, as well as all the other communities who will receive help with the money we raise this year. Yours sincerely, Katie Webb
Swimming reminder for next half term Year 3 will be swimming on Tuesdays (Tuesday 4th June– Tuesday 16th July)
Year 6 will be swimming on Wednesdays (Wednesday 5th June – Wednesday 17th July)
Please could any outstanding swimming money be paid as soon as possible. Thank you.
Headteacher: Mr C W Lewis BA
St Benedict’s Champions’ League Football Tournament
Lower School Monday 3rd Upper School Tuesday 4th June Please remind your child to pack their kit for what promises to be another exciting tournament. As ever the emphasis will be on our pupils enjoying the game, though there are medals for the finalists! After the finals on Tuesday afternoon, players in the winning team will have the opportunity to join teaching staff as Ranger’s Rippers take on Flint’s Hotspurs! Prepare your banners now!
Mr Ranger
Back to school Monday 3rd June 213
Headteacher: Mr C W Lewis BA