St Benedict’s C of E V A Junior School Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9EX Tel: 01458 831811 Fax: 01458 832261 E-mail: ‘We aim to unlock the potential of everyone’
26th April 2013 Dear Parents As you will now know the governors have been successful in the appointment of a new Headteacher, Mr Steven Gumm. I hope you will give him the support I have been fortunate to get in the eleven years I have been the head of St Benedict’s. In our forthcoming questionnaire I hope you will be open and honest in your assessment of the direction in which the school is going and your hopes for the future direction. This will give Mr Gumm a clear indication of the views of all parents who reply. Yours sincerely
Chris Lewis Headteacher
Recent Fundraising efforts Thank you so much for your support in recent fundraising efforts – you have raised: £201.39 for Comic Relief £170.57 for Meningitis UK Well done and thank you!
Headteacher: Mr C W Lewis BA
School Photographs The school photographer will be in school on Monday 29th April to take class, leavers and team photographs. Please could you ensure your child has their PE kit in school. Please let us know if you do not wish to have your child’s photograph.
Term Dates 2013/2014 Please find attached a calendar for the new academic year2013/2014. All inset days are clearly shown. Mrs Turner ,Headteacher of St John’s School, and myself have worked closely together in the decision making.
Summer Uniform Now that we are into the summer term I would like to remind you of our uniform for the warmer months. Blue & white check dresses or skirts, plain shorts may be worn (plain grey or black) of a tailored design with no extremes of fashion. Children’s shoes should be plain black. Training shoes should only be worn for games sessions they are not considered suitable for normal school use. Girls must not wear shoes which have high heels, these are a health hazard which could cause them to trip or fall. Sandals may also be worn but should not be of the open toe type because of health and safety issues. On hot days it would be advisable for the children to wear a sun hat when outdoors. Sun hats are available to buy from the school reception. A fleece can be bought to match the school sweatshirt but it is intended to be used as an outer layer not as a substitute for a sweatshirt.
Year 6 SATs Breakfast As you are already aware Year 6 will be doing SATs during the week 13th – 17th May. The children have worked very hard and we thought it would be lovely to offer them breakfast each morning during SATs week. Children wishing to have breakfast are welcome to come along to the Learning Mentor’s room from 8.15 a.m.
Headteacher: Mr C W Lewis BA
Dates for your Diary Time Date Monday 29th April Monday 6th May Tuesday 7th May Friday 10th May Monday 13th May – Friday 17th May Thursday 16th May Monday 27th may – Friday 31st May Friday 7th June
a.m. p.m.
All Yr 5 Yr 5 Yr 6
School photographer to take class, leavers and team photos Bank Holiday – School closed to all. Leave for Kilve Court residential trip. Return from Kilve Court residential trip. SATs week
3.15 p.m.
Christian Aid Cake Sale in school hall.
Half term holiday
Whole school trip to @ Bristol
Science week.
Yr 3
Trip to Roman Amphitheatre at Caerleon.
Yr 6
Leavers’ Day workshop at Wells Cathedral.
Inset day – school closed to pupils. Transfer day – Year 6 to spend the day at secondary school. Last day of term – all expected to attend. Summer Holiday & Inset Day
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Monday 10th June – Friday 14th June Monday 17th June 8.45 a.m. - 5 p.m. st Friday 21 June 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. st Monday 1 July Wednesday 3rd July Monday 22nd July Tuesday 23rd July – Monday 2nd September Tuesday 3rd September
Back to school.
Headteacher: Mr C W Lewis BA