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Monday 1st April 2019 Please see our PTFA Facebook Page Contact school: sch.164@educ.somerset.gov.uk Website: https://stbenedictsjuniorschoolglastonbury.org/ Quote of the week: “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.” Albert Einstein


Talented singers and musicians of St. Benedict’s filled the Hall with heavenly sounds last Thursday as they performed two wonderful concerts. The event was coordinated by our very own musical maestro, Mrs Coton, supported by Mrs Holt on piano, Mr Davidson on guitar and Miss Grenter, who brought Glee to the party. Children from all year groups shone as they entertained packed audiences with a mixture of Glee Club classics, Choir songs and instrumentalists. Mrs Coton, the event organiser, was extremely happy with the Spring Concert, smiling as she told the Bulletin, “I was incredibly proud of the children; not only their ability but their willingness to perform and their confidence in the limelight – it is wonderful to see almost a third of our school involved in music-making!” The performers themselves were equally exhilarated by proceedings; a grinning XXXXXXX said that, “ Huge thanks to all the music teachers involved and also to Mrs Faulkner, who has worked tirelessly with many of our soloists

As part of our transition programme with St. John’s, Year 2 spent a sun-drenched morning with Year 4, as they became scientists together. The investigations were set up by Year 4 teacher and St. Ben’s Science guru, Mrs Ford, who was delighted at the success of the workshops. Year 5 pupils were also involved as they helped to guide the younger pupils through the sessions, which involved identifying water-based mini-beasts and also a range of indoor activities, including paper helicopters and changing materials. The pupils ended the morning with a drink and a biscuit in the Hall. We hope that Year 2 enjoyed their visit and look forward to seeing them again soon. Huge thanks to the staff of both schools and the fabulous Year 5 helpers.

PARENTS’ EVENINGS – TUESDAY AND THURSDAY This week sees Parents’ Evenings for most classes (not Chameleons and Peacocks who had theirs before half term). Please ensure you turn up in good time to have a look at your child’s books, which will be available outside their classroom. I am keen for every parent to speak to their child’s teacher, so if you don’t already have a slot, please contact school to arrange one.

Weekly Awards:

Head Teacher’s Awards:

Teachers’ Awards:

Cat Class: Unicorn Class: Chameleon Class: Owl Class: Tortoise Class: Spider Class: Leopard Class: Peacock Class:

Ena Amy-Jane Sylvie-May Rosie Taylor Valentino Tyler Zak

Lilu Tilly Kester Gracie Kacey Layla Max Alex

TARGET MASTER Well done to Erin, who last week hit her target and earned herself a book!

SUPER SKIPPER This week’s super-skipper was Tilly in Unicorn Class – great work, Tilly!

After weeks of reminding parents about not parking Would you like to join our lunchtime team? We dangerously, a car parked on the double yellow are looking for someone to start after the Easter lines caused a crash involving two parents from holidays – please see the office for an application school. The incident was especially distressing for form or to find out more about the role. the pupils in the cars, one of whom remained upset for the rest of the day. Will it take a serious injury or worse for people to realise the danger they are causing by parking so As the weather improves this week, please try to thoughtlessly? make every effort to get your children into As the message doesn’t seem to be getting school. If your child’s attendance drops below through, we have taken to putting up two giant 95% a letter to you is automatically generated… posters to press home the point about safety. Huge thanks to parent, governor and friend of the Attendance for week 25th - 29th March: school, Mike Derbidge, who selflessly gave his time to fit a wooden frame to the posters. I am going to Cat Class: 92.9% start taking photos of cars that are parked on the Unicorn Class: 93% double yellow lines to pass on to the police. Chameleon Class: 92.2% Owl Class: 98.9% Spider Class: 88.5% Tortoise Class: 92.6 % Peacock Class: 94.8% Leopard Class: 93.6%

Spotlight on Attendance:

2019 GLASTONBURY IN BLOOM DRAWING COMPETITION Glastonbury in Bloom is running their drawing competition once again. The rules are that any child wishing to enter is to use A4 paper, the drawing must represent Glastonbury in Bloom and there is to be no words on the picture. The winning designer will receive a prize from Dicketts of Glastonbury. Please write your name and age on the back of the picture and hand into school. Closing date for entries is Thursday 4th April 2019.

INSET DAY Tuesday 23rd April 2019 Back to school on Wednesday 24th April 2019

IS YOU CHILD GETTING WHAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO? The Pupil Premium Grant is designed to ‘narrow the gap’ between disadvantaged children and their peers – this could be academically, in terms of experiences /trips or practical issues such as uniform or Free School Meals. For further details regarding how the pupil premium money is used please see the following link to our website: https://stbenedictsjuniorschoolglastonbury.org/wpcontent/uploads/Pupil-Premium-Grant-2018-19expected-allocation-and-objectives-with-review-ofimpact.pdf If you think you may be eligible, why not ask at the office or apply online at: http://www.somerset.gov.uk/education-learningand-schools/school-life/free-school-meals/

Clubs this week Please note changes to clubs this week:


St. Benedict’s to Host Holiday Club St. Benedict’s will play host to a sports club this Easter holidays and places are going fast! The club will be the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the second week of the holidays (15th – 17th April) and will be run by TLE coaching, who run our DASH club. Prices start at just £10 a day! Please see the flyers that have been sent out to confirm your child’s place.

ST BENEDICT’S PTFA QUIZ NIGHT Friday saw the new PTFA hold their first quiz night. Fun was had by all and we raised an amazing £300 which will be put to good use. A huge thank you to Andy Grenter who organised all the questions and was quiz master, also to his wife Diane who collected all scores. A massive thank you to Mrs Allen, Sharon Tomsett and Mrs Lawford for all their hard work making the evening a success.

The week ahead Tuesday

2nd April

Wednesday 3rd April Thursday

4th April


5th April

Monday Friday Tuesday

8th April - 22nd April 23rd April

Wednesday 24th April

DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m.); Owl class to Rodway Farm, Cannington (all day); Netball Match (3.15-4.40pm); Parents Evening (3.30-5.30pm) DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m.);Chameleon class to Rodway Farm, Cannington (all day); ½ of Leopard class to the Scrap store (1-1.30pm) DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m.); ½ of Leopard class to the Scrap store (11.30pm); Netball Match (3.15-4.40pm); Parents Evening (5.30-7.30pm) DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m) EASTER HOLIDAYS INSET DAY BACK TO SCHOOL

BAGS OF HELP CLOTHING BANK The PTFA have taken delivery of a Bags of Help Clothing Bank. It is situated at the front of the school on Benedict Street by the blue front gates. If you are having a sort out over the Easter holidays please could you use our bank? The more we fill it, the more money we receive, the more we can help fund trips, residentials, other items needed for school and also to help save for a new minibus.

Please ensure that your items are in a bag before placing in the bank.

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