Tai Chi in St Ben’s Church.
Tues 26th
9am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 1.15pm 2pm 7pm
Morning Prayer in St Ben’s Church. Chapter meeting in Street. Holy Communion at St Patrick’s Chapel, The Abbey. Holy Communion in St Ben’s Church. St Ben’s School Collective Worship in St Ben’s Church. ‘Spring Worship’ meeting at the Vicarage. Synod meeting in Street.
Wed 27th
9am 10.15am 6pm
Morning Prayer in St Ben’s Church. Glastonbury Voices Choir in St Ben’s Church. Vicar attending Street PCC meeting with Archdeacon.
Thurs 28th
Morning Prayer at the home of Anne Lampson. [16 Church Path, Meare, BA6 9TH]. Funeral of Paul Cove in St Ben’s Church. Youth Group meeting at the Vicarage. Choir practice in St Ben’s Church. Bell-ringing practice in St Ben’s Church.
10am 2pm 7pm 7.45pm Fri 1st March
Sat 2nd
9am Morning Prayer at Abbey House. 11-12.30pm ‘Coffee morning’ in the Parish Office. All Welcome! 12noon Soup lunches in St Ben’s Church. 12.30pm Interment of Ashes at Glastonbury Cemetery. 3pm ‘World Day of Prayer’ Service at the URC. 6pm Rehearsals in St Ben’s Church. 6.30pm ‘Poetry Evening’ at the home of Bill & Kay Wych. 2-5pm 7pm
Sun 3rd
Vicar leading a Mental Health Awareness Training Day at the Old Deanery. Welsh Male Voice Choir Concert in St Ben’s Church.
The Sunday Next Before Lent 8am 11am 4pm 5pm
Holy Communion [BCP], St Ben’s Church. Holy Communion Combined Service, St Ben’s Church. Quarter peal of bells being rung in St Ben’s Church. Evensong, St Ben’s Church.
Readings: 2 Cor.3:12-4.2;
St John’s Church St Benedict’s Church
St Mary’s Church, Meare
Sunday 24th February 2019
St. Benedict’s 9.15am: Holy Communion Celebrant: The Revd. Pamela Heazell Preacher: Mrs. Di Grenter Led by: The Vicar 11.15am: Worship & Word Led by: The Revd. Diana Greenfield
St Mary’s, Meare 11am: Matins Leader & Preacher: Mrs. Margaret Wynn
Collect Almighty God, you have created the heavens and the earth and made us in your own image: teach us to discern your hand in all your works and your likeness in all your children; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme over all things, now and for ever. Amen. Hymns at the 9.15am Service: 9 (vv1, 2, 3, 7), 413, 321 (t2, omit v2)
Luke 9:28-36 [37- 43a] Bible Readings for today: Rev. Ch 4; Luke 8:22-25
Finance Updates from Church Treasurers St Mary’s: Following the treatment of roof and organ timbers in 2018 and the repair of floor timbers under the pews in the nave during January 2019, we have now spent all our Lottery grant. The next stage of Quinquennial work on the cross aisle and stonework will require further fund-raising and grant applications. Our reserves and income were reduced during 2018 but we managed to pay all bills and the parish share. By the end of February 2019 our current account will be about £200 after paying what we can afford for the February 2019 parish share. Hilary Sage St John’s: 2018 was a challenging year for our finances and despite our best efforts we ended the year with an excess of expenditure over income. 2019 will be a seminal year in the history of St John’s with our re-ordering now underway. It will also be the most difficult year for our finances as with the church closed many of our incomes sources have dried up yet we still have substantial overheads to meet. Excluding all costs relating to the Securing the Future project, our budget for 2019 is £107,874 (including our Parish Share of £62,714) – equating to £295.55 per day. We will only be able to meet these enormous overheads with the continued support of the St John’s congregation, our regular givers and our friends. Arthur Way St Ben’s: For St Ben's, there are two questions of particular interest: did we do better at fundraising than in 2017 and is the General Fund deficit better or worse than 2017? I have only unconfirmed and approximate figures at the moment and I can't make those public. In the meantime, I've got a lot of sums to do to make sure I get the numbers right! As the accounts have not yet been ratified or verified by the appropriate bodies, I encourage you to come to the APCM on 7th April when all will be revealed and the accounts will have been signed off. David Chapman Poetry Evening: Friday 1st March 2019 at the home of Kay & Bill Wych. Please bring your own drink/glass. Price £6 per person (incl a meal). Tel (01458) 833255 or email: thewychs@gmail.com. Kay & Bill Wych 2019 Lent Course: Diana Greenfield will be leading a lent course on Tuesday evenings, 7.30pm in St Ben’s Church. The book she'll be working with is ‘A celebration of Discipline’ by Richard Foster. It’s not essential to own the book but, if enough people would like copies, she can arrange this but would need to have numbers by 4th March. Course dates: Tues 12th & 19th March, Tues 2nd & 9th April. 2019 New Electoral Roll - St John’s: Every six years, each Parish is required to undertake a complete revision of it’s Electoral roll meaning that the current Roll will cease to exist and a new one compiled from scratch. If you are on the existing Electoral Roll, you will have received new forms to complete. If you have recently joined our congregation, application forms can be found on the table near the door in St Ben’s along with a box for completed forms. Closing date for applications is : Sunday 17th March 2019, 10.30am. Caroline Masters, Electoral Roll Officer
Please keep the following people & their families in your prayers: Liz Affleck-Edwards, Janet Allen, Lifus Arnold, Joseph Badman-Outram, Audrey Baker, Steve Brain, Maureen & Pete Collins, Bruce Cooper, Glenys Difford, Fr. Robert Featherstone, Bill Goldstone, Joan Green, Martin Grist, Marie Harris; Valerie Moreton, Valerie Palmer, Rick Pudner, Jean Rooney, Andrew & Sheila Scott-Evans, Mary Sibson, Penny Stringer, Rosemary Turnbull, Rebecca Whitehead, Brian & Freda Williams, Phil Wynter-Crofts & Marilyn. RIP:
Paul Cove; Vivian Howell; Ray Wiggins
Please contact us on: Vicar & Area Dean:
The Revd. David MacGeoch Day off Monday (01458) 834281 07712 862 692 vicarabbeyparish@btinternet.com
Pioneer Minister:
The Revd. Diana Greenfield Day off Monday (01458) 446838 07921 858 094 dmgreenfield@me.com
Benefice Office:
Mrs. Sharon Wilson, Benefice Administrator (01458) 830060 abbeyparishes@gmail.com 3 Church Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 9JQ
The Office is open this week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am - 4pm NB: Closed for lunch between 1 & 2pm Please visit your church website to check for recent updates: St John's: St Ben's: St Mary's, Meare:
stjohns-glastonbury.org.uk www.stbens.ukpc.net is.gd/stmarymeare
Abbey Parishes online diary: www.apdiary.ukpc.net This newsletter can be downloaded from the St John's website (News page)