9am 7pm
Meare School rehearsing in St Mary’s Church. Tai Chi in St Ben’s Church.
Tues 2nd
9am 10.30am 10.30am 12noon 1.15pm 7pm 7.15pm
Morning Prayer in St Ben’s Church. Holy Communion at St Patrick’s Chapel, The Abbey. Holy Communion in St Ben’s Church. Lent Lunch at the home of Helen & Ken Wade. St. Ben’s School Collective Worship in St Ben’s Church. St John’s PCC meeting in St Ben’s Church. Lent Group meeting in St Ben’s Church.
Wed 3rd
9am 10.45am 7pm
Morning Prayer in St Ben’s Church. Bereavement Group meeting in St Ben’s Church. Lent Course at St Mary’s R.C. Church, Upper Hall.
Thurs 4th
Morning Prayer at the home of Anne Lampson. [16 Church Path, Meare, BA6 9TH]. Meare School’s Easter Bonnet Parade in St Mary’s Church, Meare. Choir practice in St Ben’s Church. Bell-ringing practice at St Ben’s Church.
2pm 7pm 7.45pm
Morning Prayer at Abbey House. Vicar taking Collective Worship at St John’s School. Special Communion Service in St Margaret’s Chapel. Soup lunches in St Ben’s Church. Thanksgiving Service for Audrey Baker in St Mary’s Church, Meare. St Mary’s Church Vestry meeting in church.
Sat 6th
“ReMix” Youth Group meeting in St Ben’s Church.
Sun 7th
The Fifth Sunday of Lent
Fri 5th
9am 9am 12noon 12noon 2.30pm
8am 10am 11.15am 11.20am 11.30am 5pm
Holy Communion [BCP], St Ben’s Church Benefice Communion Service, St Ben’s Church. St Benedict’s Church Vestry meeting, St Ben’s Church. St John’s Church Vestry meeting, St Ben’s Church. Annual Parochial Church Meeting, St Ben’s Church. Evensong, St Ben’s Church
St John’s Church
St Benedict’s Church
St Mary’s Church, Meare
Sunday 31st March 2019
Vicar taking Morning Service at Walton
St. Benedict’s 8am: Holy Communion [BCP] Celebrant: The Vicar 10.30am: Special Benefice Communion Service Celebrant: The Revd. Robin Ray Preacher: Mrs. Michele Kitto
Collect God of compassion, whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary, shared the life of a home in Nazareth, and on the cross drew the whole human family to himself: strengthen us in our daily living that in joy and in sorrow we may know the power of your presence to bind together and to heal; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Hymn No’s at the 10.30am Service in St Ben’s: 136 (t1), 22, 148 & 448
Phil.3:4b-14; John 12:1-8 Bible Readings for today: 2 Cor. 5:16-end; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-end
A Mothers' Love on Mothering Sunday: I became a mother later in life but for me, my daughters are my greatest gift. From the moment I held them in my arms, I felt the most overwhelming surge of love. As they grew, as with any family life, there were ups and downs, tears and tantrums but at the end of the day, we always loved each other, said goodnight with a kiss and a prayer. Both my daughters are now grown up and every day I thank God for the love and care that they now give me. I have the added blessing of three wonderful grandchildren and with their arrival, my love expanded to encompass them too, along with my daughters they bring so much joy to my life. Liz Affleck-Edwards Future Date: The next meeting of the Bereavement Group will take place at St Benedict’s Church on Wednesday 3rd April at 10.45am. Michael Lewsey The Friends of St John’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday April 5th at 7pm at the home of John Brunsdon, 5 Chilkwell Street, Glastonbury, BA6 8DJ. Further information from Pam Burrough tel: (01458) 448265. THIS YEAR’S ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING will be held on Sunday 7th April 2019 at 11.30am following a 10am Benefice Service. Everyone welcome! There will be a bring & share lunch after the APCM. St Mary’s Church Vestry meeting to be held on Friday 5th April at 3.15pm in Church. St Ben’s Vestry meeting will be held at 11.15am on Sunday 7th April in church, St John’s Vestry meeting at 11.20am in St Ben’s Church. I will be selling Easter Cards at the APCM on Sunday 7th April in St Ben’s Church before and after the Service. All proceeds for Church Funds. Gudrun Bromfield Friday April 12th, 10am - 12noon: “SPRING COFFEE MORNING” at Meare Church Rooms: Alongside our weekly Post Office session there will be refreshments including hot cross buns, Easter biscuits, bring & buy stall plus cakes & Easter Egg raffle! Come and join us and buy your Easter cards and stamps. In aid of St Mary’s Church, Meare.
Please keep the following people & their families in your prayers: Janet Allen, Lifus Arnold, Joseph Badman-Outram, Steve Brain, Glenys Difford, Fr. Robert Featherstone, Joan Green, Martin Grist, Marie Harris; Valerie Moreton, Valerie Palmer, Rick Pudner, Jean Rooney, Andrew & Sheila Scott-Evans, Mary Sibson, Rosemary Turnbull, Rebecca Whitehead, Brian & Freda Williams.
RIP: Audrey Baker; Beryl Talbot
Please contact us on: Vicar & Area Dean:
The Revd. David MacGeoch Day off Monday (01458) 834281 07712 862 692 vicarabbeyparish@btinternet.com
Pioneer Minister:
The Revd. Diana Greenfield Day off Monday (01458) 446838 07921 858 094 dmgreenfield@me.com
Benefice Office:
Mrs. Sharon Wilson, Benefice Administrator (01458) 830060 abbeyparishes@gmail.com 3 Church Lane, Glastonbury, BA6 9JQ
The Office is open this week: Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm NB: Closed for lunch between 1 & 2pm
'SPRING PRAISE evening', Sunday 14th April in St Benedict's Church at 6pm……watch this space for further details next week ……. Maundy Thursday: The Maundy Thursday service will be held around a meal at St Benedict’s Church; 7pm for 7.30 start. As we are welcoming all three congregations, it would be very helpful to know in advance whether you are planning to attend. There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of St Ben’s with an additional column to tick if you are willing to bring a contribution to the meal (this will either be in the form of a Lamb Hotpot with recipe provided, a vegetarian version, or contribution to cheese and biscuits). Please do sign up promptly to help Diana Greenfield with the organisation.
Please visit your church website to check for recent updates: St John's: St Ben's: St Mary's, Meare:
stjohns-glastonbury.uk www.stbens.ukpc.net is.gd/stmarymeare
Abbey Parishes online diary: www.apdiary.ukpc.net This newsletter can be downloaded from the St John's website (News page)
Easter Lilies: If you would like to contribute towards the cost of Easter flowers at St Ben’s Church, please see Dawn Davis or a member of the flower team. Thank you.