Please keep the following people & their families in your prayers: Liz Affleck-Edwards, Steve Brain, Fr. Robert Featherstone, Joan Green, Marie Harris, Valerie Moreton, Rick Pudner, Jean Rooney, Andrew & Sheila ScottEvans & Rosemary Turnbull.
NOTICES St Mary’s Church, Meare
St John’s Church St Benedict’s Church
Sunday 25th August 2019
I’M DELIGHTED TO SAY THAT St John’s Church will reopen on SUNDAY 23RD FEBRUARY 2020! This has taken longer than expected as the organ will need to undergo major renovation works. David, Vicar DATE FOR YOUR DIARY - ‘Cream Tea’, Saturday 31st August 2 - 4pm at 10 Kennard Close, Glastonbury. £2.50 per person. There is also a raffle. All proceeds will go to St John’s Church funds. David & Jenny Randall ROBIN & BINA WILLIAMSON ALL ACOUSTIC CONCERT in St Ben’s Church Saturday 31st August at 8pm, doors open 7.30pm. Tickets £12 & £10 concessions; available on the door on the night or from Labyrinth Books in Glastonbury.
St. Benedict’s 8am: Holy Communion [BCP] Celebrant: The Revd. Pamela Heazell 9.30: Holy Communion Celebrant & Preacher : The Revd. Diana Greenfield 11.15am: Worship & Word Led by: The Revd. Diana Greenfield
St .Mary’s, Meare 11am: Matins Leader & Preacher: The Revd. Pamela Heazell
Collect Let your merciful ears, O Lord, be open to the prayers of your humble servants; and that they may obtain their petitions make them to ask such things as shall please you; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Hymn No’s for the 9.30am Service in St Ben’s: 514, 55, 287 & 270 Bible Readings for today:
Heb. 12:18-end;
Luke 13:10-17
'GLASTONBURY VOICES' CHOIR resumes in St Benedict's Church on Wednesday 4th September after our Summer Break. Liz, Debbie and Sandra hope all our regular singers will return and we warmly welcome any new singers! Just turn up alternate Wednesdays 10.15am - 12.15pm or call Sandra Booth (01458) 835067 for more info. ST. JOHN'S SECURING THE FUTURE - CHAIR APPEAL: Many thanks to all those who have given their generous support to donate funds towards our new flexible seating in our 'soon to be' restored St John's Church. We are now more than half way through the restoration process, so finally in a position to order the essential furniture. Whilst each chair has a cost of £240, we are grateful for whatever financial donations you may feel able to provide. Some have provided funds for a quarter of a chair or less, whilst others have donated sums to purchase multiples of chairs. For more details of this appeal, which include donations by instalments if you wish, see the details at the back of either St. Benedict's or St. Mary's churches. We are seeking support and pledges by 15th September please, to enable the order to be placed, ensuring delivery before our February 2020 opening date. Michael Masters FOOBANK EMERGENCY APPEAL: We are urgently in need of food eg tinned and dried goods, coffee, biscuits, sugar, tea, fruit juices, etc for the Foodbank. Thank you. CHILDREN’S SOCIETY BOXES: The money from the boxes for The Children's Society this year raised £278.17. Thank you to all those who put their loose change in them to reach this amount, more than last year! During the past year the Children's Society has helped 11,031 children and young people with complex needs, helping to keep many off the streets, helping to keep them off of drugs and to give them hope with personal mentoring. If you would like a box to have in your home over the year to collect those odd pennies or coins, please see me for more information. Ann Merritt (01458) 832599