Monday 29th April 2019 Please see our PTFA Facebook Page Contact school: Website: Quote of the week: “Let your smile change the world. But never let the world change your smile.” Ravi Shankar
INCREDIBALL Pupils and parents of St. Ben’s once again proved what a creative bunch they are as they came up with an eggcellent range of entries for our PTFA Easter ‘egg celebs’ challenge. The idea was to transform a hardboiled egg into a famous personality and ideas included ‘Egg’ Sheeran and George ‘Eggra’ at a festival, super-hero eggs, egg versions of rugby legends Shane Williams and Ronan E’ggara, Eggy Potter, an egg version of Olympic hero Charlotte DuJardin along with horse, the Jimi Hendreggs Eggsperience, Eggward Scissorhands and a ‘cracking’ school scene complete with St. Benedict’s teachers and TAs. All entries are on display in our new 3D art corridor – please come in and have a look!
A seleggtion of entries – come in and see the rest!
St Benedict’s Netball Team came 3rd out of 6 teams for the 2019 season. The netball team is made up of year 5 and 6 children, there are 8 of us. We won 3 matches and lost 2, everyone played well and the high scorers were: Banjo, Max, Aoife, Hannah and Chloe. The team was really strong especially when it started raining heavily in the middle of one of the matches, we could hardly see. But next time everyone is going to work twice as hard and try and come 1st in the league! From The Netball Team
COME TO SCHOOL – IT’S A GREAT PLACE TO BE We’re really proud of our school and all the wonderful things that we do. Highlights to come this term include productions, trips, Sports Days, Football tournaments and much, much more… So why stay at home? We’re aiming for 100% attendance from everyone in this short half term – challenge yourself to get into school every day! The class with the best attendance will win themselves a mufti day!
Weekly Awards:
Head Teacher’s Awards: Teachers’ Awards:
Cat Class: Unicorn Class: Chameleon Class: Owl Class: Tortoise Class: Spider Class: Leopard Class: Peacock Class:
Pearl Kailen Sylvie-May Camron Raul Lilly-May Meghan Dana
Silas Amy-Jane Tabetha Freya Sam Christopher Savannah Milo M
READING HERO Tilo in Year 5 gained yet another reading plaudit as he reached 3 million words this year – well done, Tilo; you’re a reading superhero!
ATTENDANCE CHAMPS! Attendance for week 24th - 26th April: Cat Class: 93.7% Unicorn Class: 100% Chameleon Class: 100% Owl Class: 95.2% Spider Class: 91% Tortoise Class: 94.6 % Peacock Class: 98.9% Leopard Class: 95.2%
RECYCLE AND RAISE MONEY FOR ST. BEN’S – IT’S A WIN-WIN! You have probably seen our newest arrival at the front of school – it’s our very own recycling unit. Please bring in wearable clothes, paired shoes, handbags & belts. Whatever we collect gets weighed and the school gets paid per kg. Why not have a spring clearout and bring any recyclables to school?!
Then you could be just the person we need! We are looking for parent governors to join our enthusiastic governing body. We need a parent Governor & a foundation Governor No previous expertise or experience necessary. If you might be interested, why not call in for more information.
Tomorrow (Tues 30th April), there’s a meeting about BENFEST, our main summer fund-raiser which is fast approaching. Please come along and give us your views and ideas. The meeting starts at 1:30pm and will probably last approx. an hour.
Parents to be invited to Celebration Praise We would like you to feel as welcome as possible at St. Benedict’s and we thought it would be good to invite you in to Celebration Praise on Friday at 10:30am if your child is going to be awarded a Head Teacher’s or Teacher’s Certificate (or any other significant awards/prizes). We will let you know by 3:15pm on a Thursday. We are aware that some parents can’t attend due to work/other commitments, but please feel free to send someone else in your place. Join our Club Clubs start next week – please return your child’s signed slip indicating selections – as ever there’s lots to choose from, including Gardening Club, Chess, Production Club and Athletics, as well as Netball, Homework Club, Drama and Confirmation Club.
PUPIL PREMIUM GRANT – HELPING YOUR CHILD, HELPING YOU AND HELPING THE SCHOOL Last term, we spent Pupil Premium money on payments towards school trips, supplying uniform, paying towards interventions and nurture and giving pupils opportunities such as learning a musical instrument. If your child is eligible, they could be getting this kind of financial assistance. For further details regarding how the pupil premium money is used please see the following link to our website: If you think you may be eligible, why not ask at the office or apply online at:
Meeting The Parents, teachers & friends of St Benedict’s School invite you to come and join them for their BENFEST meeting tomorrow at 1.30 p.m. at the school. All ideas welcome – please come along to make BENFEST a success.
A huge thank you to parents who have got the message and changed their habits. We are grateful to all parents who are parking sensibly and not placing children’s lives in danger.
Sadly, there are still parents parking illegally and dangerously, endangering our pupils. Whilst things seem to have improved at the back of school (the Proper Job side), a number of parents are still parking on the zig-zags at the front of school, making crossing the road extremely perilous for adults and children. We know who you are and the Police do too. I know it’s inconvenient to find alternative parking, but not as inconvenient as a fine or worse. Please STOP parking there. Also, please don’t be rude to people who ask you to move – they just care about our pupils’ wellbeing and safety. Let’s work together.
If you cannot make this meeting but would like to help please either leave your name and contact details at the office or with your child’s class teacher and a member of the PTFA will then contact you.
The week ahead Tuesday
30th April
Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday
1st May 2nd May 3rd May 6th May 7th May
DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m); 1.30 p.m. – Benfest meeting in school; Year 4 Foodchain workshop; Confirmation club 3.15 – 4.30 p.m. DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m.) DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m.) DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m) Bank Holiday DASH club (8.00 – 8.30a.m); Netball club 3.15 – 4.00 p.m.; Drama Club 3.30 – 4.30 p.m.; Confirmation club 3.15 – 4.00 p.m.; Gardening club 3.15 – 4.00 p.m.