7th January 2020 – HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! Please see our PTFA Facebook Page Contact school: sch.164@educ.somerset.gov.uk Website: https://stbenedictsjuniorschoolglastonbury.org/
ATTENDANCE CHAMPS! Attendance for 16th –20th Dec: Cat Class: 77.3 % Unicorn Class: 95.6% Chameleon Class: 97.9% Owl Class: 92.3% Spider Class: 96.7% Tortoise Class: 92.8 % Peacock Class: 94.3% Leopard Class: 95%
Year 4’s joined local dignitaries and pupils from St. John’s for the cutting of the Holy Thorn on 19th December. The thorn was cut by the eldest pupil from St. John’s and ended up on the Queen’s table for Christmas dinner.
Year 4 pupils and staff join vicar David and local dignitaries at the cutting of the Holy Thorn.
This term’s Clubs letter is going out today. Our aim is for every child to sign up for at least one activity, so please encourage your child/ren to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities on offer at St. Benedict’s. This term’s Clubs include Chess, Drama, Glee, Production Club, Netball, Gardening and TT Rockstars. Due to dwindling numbers, Cross Country Club will no longer be happening. All Clubs start next week, Monday 13th January, (with the exception of Film club which will start on Tuesday 21st), so please return your reply slips ASAP so that each club leader can update their register.
Our talented Chess Team got the opportunity to go head to head with an adult team featuring TAs, the Headteacher, our caretaker, governors, parents and friends of the school. The event was the brainchild of Roger Parsons, who has run our Chess Club for a number of years, and he was delighted with the chance it gave his team (ranging from Year 3 – Year 6) to pit their wits against more experienced players. In the end, the adults, utilising every drop of their cunning, ran out winners but, most importantly, everyone enjoyed the occasion. The team will get a chance for revenge in the next match before Easter, as Mr Parsons seeks to make this a more regular occurrence. Above: The Guv’nor – School Governor Bill Burrows takes on two pupils. Below: Both teams.
On the last day of term, pupils were treated to a panto, delivered by the St. Ben’s staff cast. With Mr Pithers starring as the Queen, Miss Mott in the role of Snow White, and a mischievous six dwarves creating havoc, the children enjoyed a riotous half hour of fun to end the Autumn Term.
Weekly Awards:
Head Teacher’s Awards:
Teachers’ Awards:
Cat Class: Unicorn Class: Chameleon Class: Owl Class: Tortoise Class: Spider Class: Leopard Class: Peacock Class:
Acacia Oz Ed Erin Ryan Cody Chloe Christopher
Whole class Whole class India Aalaa Katana Julia Eben Ciaran
Staff stars: Miss Mott and Mrs Andrews, who left St. Benedict’s at the end of last term and Mrs Allen and Mrs Lawford for their amazing PTFA fund-raising.
We are currently working with web designers in the creation of a new school website and hope to have it up and running soon – watch this space!
DASH Club is running as normal this week Leading up to Christmas, lots of pupils forgot their PE kit or brought in the wrong clothing. As it’s a new year, let’s try to start as we mean to go on and bring in the correct kit every week. This means blue shorts, white T-shirts and trainers. As we are in the depths of winter, please feel free to bring in jogging bottoms. Every child should bring in their PE kit on Monday and take it home on Friday.
As part of our eco-drive, St. Benedict’s has teamed up with Terracycle to wage war on the crisp packets we see littering our streets and playground. Please bring in your used crisp packets for recycling: for every 1000 packets recycled, we earn £10 for charity. Hand in your packets to the office, please. Thanks in advance!
PARKING PROBLEMS It has come to my attention that some parents/carers are parking dangerously outside school. This is a particular problem at the back of school (opposite Proper Job). The message from the children of St. Benedict’s is clear… “DON’T PUT OUR LIVES IN DANGER!” It may be more convenient for you, or save you finding a space somewhere else, but you are risking lives if your car obscures a crossing place. Please do not park on yellow lines, even if just for a few minutes. Also, could you please not leave your engines running whilst waiting by the school. Children are particularly affected by air pollution as their lungs are still developing and it can increase their risk of a range of long-term issues including asthma. I’m sure we all share the same hopes for the children in that they are able to live happy and healthy lives, and small steps like turning your engine off will have that positive effect of improving air quality. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.