St. Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School SDP 2019-20: Key Priority 2: ‘Behaviour and Attitudes’ and ‘Personal Development’
Key Area
Lead by
Attendance: Achieve a whole-school attendance of 96% or greater.
Early intervention (8 sessions in 10 weeks), PFSA/Head to generate letters/call parents, Rewards for attendance (mufti day for best class, individual termly/yearly awards, assembly certificates), Attendance expectations shared with parents (weekly feature in newsletter, policy sent home), School minibus collects poor attenders in the morning. Twice monthly meetings between PFSA and Head to discuss attendance and identify vulnerable pupils. Weekly meetings between Inclusion Manager and PFSA. Develop the role of Sports Leaders, Re-deploy staff to target specific times and places, Focus specific activities at 'target groups' of pupils, Utilise new apprentices as 'Games Makers', Purchase a table tennis table.
Develop the provision of lunchtime physical activity to improve pupils' wellbeing and encourage positive behaviour during the lunch hour.
Establish by end of Sept 2019
Develop a system to track pupils’ wellbeing levels and identify vulnerable pupils for further support.
One survey point each term
All Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils to take the Edukit survey in: Autumn Term, Spring Term and Summer Term, Pupils identified as vulnerable to be discussed in PPMs and actions set for them. Pupils identified as vulnerable to be discussed at pastoral team meetings in conjunction with the pastoral pyramid.
Impact evaluation (RAG) Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 December 2019 Whole School attendance is >95% With a control group taken out, it is >96%
April 2020 Whole School attendance is >95% With a control group taken out, it is >96%
July 2020 Whole School attendance for the year 2019-20 is >95%.
Monitoring Lead PR and BB (Safe guarding Gov)
With a control group taken out, it is >96%
Autumn Term: Pupils are more active at lunchtimes (observations).
Spring Term: Lunch staff voice– are children more active at lunchtimes? Are there less referrals being made to the Bee Hive at lunchtimes?
Summer Term: Pupil voice – do they enjoy lunchtime activities? Are target pupils engaging in lunchtime activities?
PR and wellbeing governor.
By Oct half term All Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils take Edukit wellbeing survey. Identify vulnerable pupils for pastoral intervention.
By Feb half term Yr 4, 5, 6 pupils nd take 2 survey. Track pupils. Identify vulnerable pupils for pastoral support.
By May half term Yr 4, 5, 6 pupils take 3rd survey. Track pupils. Identify vulnerable pupils for pastoral support.
Key Area
Lead by
Time scale
Develop the school’s pastoral provision to meet the needs of our pupils.
JN and PR
From Sept 2019
Restructure the pastoral team through the introduction of a second Learning Mentor role (0.6) to support our Inclusion Manager. Create role of ‘Inclusion Manager’ to oversee pastoral care at St. Benedict’s, Establish new learning mentor (to be line-managed by Inclusion Manager). Develop a ‘Pastoral Pyramid’ to clearly identify which pupils require which level of pastoral support and who is responsible for delivering the support. Integrate therapy into our pastoral programme, using external therapists, Establish an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) to work with vulnerable pupils.
Autumn Term Establish a pastoral pyramid to identify levels of pastoral need within school. Use Edukit survey results/pastoral team meetings to identify which levels pupils are at.
Develop a PSHE unit of study to be taught in each year group in the summer term, to contain topics such as: Careers, Self-esteem/confidence, Body language, Interviews, Presenting your ideas, Presentation/oral skills, Self-awareness, Contributing to society.
At least twice this year: Through ‘Primary Futures’ and local visitors, give children greater opportunities to learn about different careers and challenge gender stereotypes.
Explicitly develop children’s life skills.
Summer Term
Impact evaluation (RAG) Milestone 1 Milestone 2
Learning Mentor is running ‘outdoor education’ groups as well as ‘nurture groups’ to meet the needs of vulnerable learners. Pastoral Team meetings (including Learning Mentor) identify vulnerable pupils and establish solutions.
Train up existing TA to be an ELSA and identify vulnerable pupils.
Invite visitors to school to speak about their career/job (parents and wider visitors).
Spring term ELSA to begin sessions with vulnerable pupils. Pupils undertaking therapy have made personal/ academic progress, (measurable by teacher data and therapy surveys).
Milestone 3 Summer Term Children are now confidently selfreferring to the BeeHive using the new card system.
Pupils involved in Nurture Groups/ Outdoor Ed groups have made personal/ academic progress (measurable by teacher data and therapy surveys). Inclusion Levels have improved (less fixedterm exclusions). Spring Term: SLT in conjunction with teachers have created a PSHE unit of study that focuses on developing pupils’ ‘soft skills’. It will show progression from Yr 3 – Yr 6. Staff meeting to share ideas and begin process. SLT meetings to develop.
Summer Term: PSHE unit taught to pupils. Evaluate and improve for next year. Staff meeting session for teacher feedback/discussion.
Monitoring Lead AK