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St Benedict’s C of E V A Junior School Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9EX Tel: 01458 831811 Fax: 01458 832261 E-mail: ‘We aim to unlock the potential of everyone’ 14th September 2012 Dear Parents The multi-talented staff of St Benedict’s are very pleased to offer a range of extra-curricular activities for the children to take part in. The clubs, as detailed on the timetable overleaf, will run every week throughout the Autumn Term. Please discuss the opportunities with your child of joining a school club, or two maybe, and fill in the permission slip to indicate their chosen club/s. Should any clubs be oversubscribed places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Considering the safety of your child is of the utmost importance to all our staff we know you will help us by:  Collecting your child after the club. No child should walk home unaccompanied. It is important for parents to realise that in a few weeks children will be walking home in reduced daylight. 

Phoning the office/seeing the teacher in charge/writing a letter if your child is unable to attend or does not wish to come anymore;

In the event of a club being cancelled due to poor weather or other circumstances, we will endeavour to contact you, however please feel free to call the school office and check whether your child’s club is happening. If we are unable to contact you, your child will stay with the teacher until the normal collection time.

All clubs will start in the weeks beginning Monday 24 th September so we would appreciate you returning the permission slips as soon as possible please.

St Benedict’s have a very committed, enthusiastic staff. Please ensure your child benefits from the wide range of activities on offer. Yours sincerely

Chris Lewis Headteacher

Headteacher: Mr C W Lewis BA


Teacher in charge

Where to meet



Miss Edwards

Miss Edwards’ room


Orchestra (some experience preferable please) Tag Rugby (years 5 & 6) Cross Country All Years (children must be willing to commit to the whole season) Craft (max 20 children) (years 3 & 4) Choir All Years Football (years 3 & 4) Football (years 5 & 6) Gardening

Mrs Coton

School hall


Mr Rimmer

Mr Rimmer’s room


Mr Ranger

Mr Ranger’s room


Mrs Caston & Miss Edwards

Mrs Caston’s room


After school 3.15 – 4.00

Mrs Coton

School hall


Mr Flint

Mrs Ford’s room


Mr Ranger

Mrs Ford’s room


Mrs Webb & Mrs Ford Mrs Brown & Miss Jefferies Miss Unwin

Mrs Webb’s room


Mrs Brown’s room


School hall


Mrs Le Hunte & Miss Corsan Miss Litchfield & Miss Hopkins

Mr Rimmer’s room


Mr Ranger’s room


After school 3.15 – 4.00 After school 3.15 – 4.00 After school 3.15 – 4.00 After school 3.15 – 4.00 After school 3.15 – 4.00 After school 3.15 – 4.00 Lunchtime 12.15 – 12.45 After school 3.15 – 4.00

Netball (years 5 & 6) Cheerleading Spanish (years 5 & 6) Multi-skills

Headteacher: Mr C W Lewis BA

Lunchtime/ After school Lunchtime 12.15 – 12.45 After school 3.15 – 4.00 After school 3.15 – 4.00 Lunchtime 12.15 – 12.45

Please complete and return this slip to the school as soon as possible. My child would like to join the following club/s: 1)__________________________________________________________________________ 2)__________________________________________________________________________ 3)__________________________________________________________________________ Child’s name____________________________________________________Class___________ Parental permission given by:________________________________________(Please print name) Signed________________________________________________________ Date__________

Permission slip for Cross country I give permission for ____________________________________ Class ___________________ to go to Tor Leisure Centre for Cross-Country running practice on a Tuesday lunchtime. Parental permission given by:________________________________________(Please print name) Signed________________________________________________________ Date__________

Headteacher: Mr C W Lewis BA

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