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St Benedict’s C. of E. VA Junior School Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EX Tel: 01458 831811, Fax: 01458 832261 Email: Headteacher: Mr P. Ranger

Dream, Believe, Achieve.

Dealing with Spillages Procedure 2018-19

1. Small spillages should be mopped up promptly with paper towels and dried. 2. Larger spillages should be sectioned off with a ‘Caution wet floor’ yellow sign until they are cleaned and dried. 3. Mops are stored in the shed outside the hall (keys in the office). A blue mop should always be used for the hall, a green mop for the kitchen, a red mop for the toilets and a blue mop for classrooms and other areas in the school buildings. 4. When a mop has been used the wet area should sectioned off with ‘Caution wet floor’ yellow signs until the area is completely dry.

Approved by Headteacher (signed): Piers Ranger

Date: 23rd October 2018

Presented to Governing Board: 23rd October 2018 ……………………………………… (Date) Signed: Mike Derbidge ………………………………………………….. Health & Safety Governor

Review date: November 2019 (with Health & Safety Policy)

Review date: November 2019 (with Health & Safety Policy)

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