St Benedict’s C. of E. VA Junior School Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EX Tel: 01458 831811, Fax: 01458 832261 Email: Headteacher: Mr P. Ranger
Dream, Believe, Achieve
Drugs and Substance Abuse Policy Rationale: To achieve a common systematic and progressive approach to substance abuse and relevant issues. Children are becoming increasingly exposed to the ‘World of Drugs’. In our junior school the possibility of drug use and abuse is real. It is a problem that schools must be prepared to solve. Purpose: To equip children with information about drugs, their uses and abuses, their availability and legal status. To help children develop the attitudes and skills that will enable them to protect themselves from involvement with drugs and drug abuse. To ensure swift and effective action in the event of drug abuse on school premises. Guidelines: 1. A drug is ‘Any chemical substance, natural or manmade which affects the body either physiologically or psychologically’- (Nigel Laycock). 2. Drug use and abuse is covered in Personal and Social Education. It is also covered within Science. 3. Resources for the teaching of this subject and information on it are kept in the Science room. 4. Mandy Thorpe (PFSA) is the adult designated to deal with matters relating to drug abuse. Any incidents or suspected incidents should be reported to her. 5. For the purpose of this policy, alcohol and tobacco are classed as drugs. 6. Outside agencies are used to deliver drugs awareness issues to help pupils focus upon personal safety and health. 7. By the end of KS2 to ensure that the major relevant content specified in the drug education programme has been covered. Conclusion: It is the policy of the staff of this school to do everything possible to protect the children in our charge from drug abuse. We do this through our curriculum and through our school ethos. This policy is in line with LA guidelines and the school policy of PSHE, Citizenship and Science. Signed: Mike Derbidge ………………………………… Health & Safety Governor Date: 23rd October 2018
Review Date: October 2019
Review Date: October 2019 (with Health & Safety Policy)