St Benedict’s C. of E. VA Junior School Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EX Tel: 01458 831811, Fax: 01458 832261 Email: Headteacher: Mr P. Ranger
Dream, Believe, Achieve
External and Off-Site Visits Policy Statement
The governors and staff believe that off-site visits can supplement and enrich the curriculum of the school by providing experiences that would otherwise be impossible. All off-site activities serve an educational purpose, enhancing and enriching our pupils’ learning experiences. The health and safety of pupils and staff is a key consideration at all times. The school has an External Visit Co-ordinator who is involved in the planning and management of all off-site visits. The Visit Leader will ensure that:
Risk assessments are completed on the EEC Live website and that all visits are planned in advance. Competent staff are assigned to lead and help with trips. Verify that all accompanying staff are DBS checked. Ensure that accompanying staff are informed of emergency procedures and given emergency contact numbers. Make sure that all consent and medical forms are obtained. Assess if any additional measures need to be taken i.e. if the behaviour of an individual pupil is likely to compromise the safety of others then additional staffing may be required.
The Co-ordinator will support and monitor the organisation of all off-site visits. Risk assessments for regular activities are reviewed and updated by the co-ordinator.
Date approved by Governing Board: 23rd October 2018 Review date: October 2019 Signed: Mike Derbidge ……. Health & Safety Governor
Review Date with Health & Safety Policy October 2019