St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Agenda for the Full Governing Board Voting Meeting th
To be held on Thursday 15 November 2018 From 5:30pm until approx. 7:30pm in Leopard classroom th
Please read: Minutes of FGB Voting meeting of 27 September 2018, amended Non-Teaching Staff, Pay and Teacher Appraisal Policies. Please bring: Agenda; Diaries.
1. (2 mins) 2. (1 min) 3. (1 min) 4. (1 min) 5. (2 mins) 6. (30+ mins) 7. (10 mins) 8. (3 mins)
Agenda item Welcome and Opening Prayer
Preparation Notes and Meeting Aims
Lead Ex-Officio Governor
Apologies for Absence
Aim: To record any apologies and discuss their acceptance.
Chair, Clerk
Declaration of Interest in any agenda item
Aim: To ascertain any Business Interests.
Agree and sign minutes of th FGB Voting meeting of 27 September 2018. Action Points & Matters arising from minutes
Preparation: Please read minutes. Aim: Comment only on action points and errors Aim: Address updating of issues not covered elsewhere on agenda.
Academisation Pauline Dodds (Diocese MAT Education Adviser) Achievement Update
Aim: To have a strategic discussion led by the Diocese MAT Education Adviser and to consider options.
Chair, Diocese MAT Education Adviser
Aim: To be brought up to date on school achievements and issues.
Policies Non-Teaching Staff Appraisal Pay Policy Teacher Appraisal
Preparation: Please read amended policies. Suggestions for amendments and questions to be forwarded to Chair 48 hours before meeting.
Aim: If no questions or amendments are received by Chair, the policies will be adopted as read. 9. (1 min) 10. (2 mins) 11. (1 min)
Any other urgent business
Please agree with Chair 48 hours before meeting.
Meeting Review
Aim: To evaluate meeting content and outcomes.
Date and time of next meetings.
Sub Committees- Tuesday 11 December 2018 at 5:30 pm. th FGB- Thursday 24 January 2019 at 5:30pm.