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St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Agenda for the Full Governing Board Meeting To be held on Thursday 2


May 2019

From 5:30pm until approx. 7:30pm in Leopard classroom th


Please read: Minutes of FGB meeting of 24 January 2019 and 15 February 2019, Notes of Admissions Arrangements 2020/21 approval, Acceptable Use of Internet Policies (Staff & Volunteer, Technicians, Occasional Visitors), Complaints Procedure (new model). Please bring: Agenda; Diaries.

1. (2 mins) 2. (1 min) 3. (1 min) 4. (2 min)

5. (2 mins)

Agenda item Welcome and Opening Prayer

Preparation Notes and Meeting Aims Aim: To allow an opportunity for reflection.

Lead Ex-Officio Governor

Apologies for Absence

Aim: To record any apologies and discuss their acceptance.

Chair, Clerk

Declaration of Interest in any agenda item

Aim: To ascertain any Business Interests.


Agree and sign minutes of th th 24 January and 15 February 2019. Agree and sign notes of Admissions Arrangements 2020/21 approval. Action Points & Matters arising from minutes

Preparation: Please read minutes. Aim: Comment only on action points and errors


Aim: Address updating of issues not covered elsewhere on agenda. th 24 January 2019 Item 6: SDP New Monitoring Report Format Item 7: Assistant Learning Mentor PostBudget Check


Item 11: Safeguarding Team & Prevent Training Link to all Governors 6. (15 mins) 7. (30 mins) 8. (10 mins) 9. (5 mins) 10. (5 mins)

Chair, Head School Business Manager Chair

Headteacher’s Report

Aim: To update and inform.


School Development Plan

Aim: To have a strategic discussion.

Chair, Head

Pupil Premium Grant Report 2019-20

Aim: To inform.


Staffing Update

Aim: To update and inform.


Policies  Acceptable Use of the Internet Policies (Staff & Volunteers, Technicians, Occasional Visitors  Complaints Procedure

Preparation: Please read Acceptable Use of the Internet Policies and Complaints Procedure. Suggestions for amendments and questions to be forwarded to Chair 48 hours before meeting.


(new model)

11. (1 min) 12. (2 mins) 13. (1 min)

Aim: To inform. If no questions or amendments are received by Chair, the Acceptable Use of the Internet Policies and Complaints Procedure will be adopted as read.

Any other urgent business

Please agree with Chair 48 hours before meeting.


Meeting Review

Aim: To evaluate meeting content and outcomes.


Date and time of next meetings.

  


FGB Budget- Thursday 9 May 2019 at 5:30 pm. st SPA- Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 3:30 pm. st Sub Committees- Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 5:30 pm.


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