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St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Agenda for the Full Governing Board Meeting th

To be held on Thursday 24 January 2019 From 5:30pm until approx. 7:30pm in Leopard classroom th

Please read: Minutes of FGB meeting of 15 November 2018, Complaints Procedure (2 documents), Whistle-blowing Policy, SMSC Development Audit document. Please bring: Agenda; Diaries.

1. (2 mins) 2. (1 min) 3. (1 min) 4. (1 min) 5. (2 mins) 6. (15 mins) 7. (5 mins) 8. (3 mins) 9. (5 mins)

10. (1 min)

Agenda item Welcome and Opening Prayer

Preparation Notes and Meeting Aims Aim: To allow an opportunity for reflection.

Lead Ex-Officio Governor

Apologies for Absence

Aim: To record any apologies and discuss their acceptance.

Chair, Clerk

Declaration of Interest in any agenda item

Aim: To ascertain any Business Interests.


Agree and sign minutes of th FGB Voting meeting of 15 November 2018. Action Points & Matters arising from minutes

Preparation: Please read minutes. Aim: Comment only on action points and errors Aim: Address updating of issues not covered elsewhere on agenda.


School Development Plan

Aim: To have a strategic discussion.

Chair, Head

Assistant Learning Mentor Post

Aim: To continue review and discussion.

Chair, Head

PE & Sport Premium Review

Aim: To inform re: update.


Policies  Admissions Arrangements 2020/21 Consultation update  Charging, Remissions & Lettings- addition of prices  Complaints Procedure (new model)  Whistle-blowing (new model)

Preparation: Please read Complaints Procedure and Whistle-blowing Policies. Suggestions for amendments and questions to be forwarded to Chair 48 hours before meeting.

Chair, Clerk

Spiritual, Moral & Social Development (SMSC) Audit

Preparation: Please read document.


Aim: To inform re: Admissions Arrangements 20/21 Consultation and Charging, Remissions & Lettings Policy. If no questions or amendments are received by Chair, the Complaints Procedure and Whistleblowing Policy will be adopted as read.

Aim: To inform and update.

Chair, Clerk

11. (2 Mins)

Governors’ Safeguarding Team

Aim: To inform re: meeting date.

Chair, Head

12. (1 min) 13. (2 mins) 14. (1 min)

Any other urgent business

Please agree with Chair 48 hours before meeting.


Meeting Review

Aim: To evaluate meeting content and outcomes.


Date and time of next meetings.

 


Sub Committees- Tuesday 26 March 2019 at 5:30 pm. nd FGB- Thursday 2 May 2019 at 5:30pm.


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