St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Minutes of the Full Governing Board Meeting nd
Held on Thursday 2
May 2019 in Leopard classroom
Present: Jo Boughen-Hunt (Vice Chair- VC), Bill Burrow (Foundation Governor), David MacGeoch (Ex Officio) [left at 7:23 pm], Piers Ranger (Headteacher- HT), Rachel Rood (Elected Teacher- ET Governor), Helen Roper (Chair) [arrived at 5:32 pm], Natasha Wardle (Foundation Governor) [arrived at 5:40 pm], Paul Winter (Foundation Governor), Sue Wootton (Foundation Governor) [left at 7:10 pm]. Also present: Sarah Hamlet (Clerk) and Katy Rood. The meeting started at 5:30 pm.
Agenda Item Welcome and Opening Prayer
Apologies for absence
Helen Roper arrived at 5:32 pm.
3. 4.
Declaration of Interest in any agenda item Approve and sign amended th minutes of 24 January 2019 and th 15 February 2019
Notes of Admissions Arrangements 2020/21 approval 5.
Action Points & Matters Arising
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VC opened and chaired the meeting until Chair of Governors arrived. Governors welcomed baby Katy Rood, who attended with her mother (ET Governor). Ex Officio led governors in reflection on Easter and new life, and prayers for St Ben’s staff, pupils and parents. Absence- Mike Derbidge, Louise Fairbrother, Ann & Roger Parsons. Early departure- David MacGeoch & Sue Wootton. Late arrival- Helen Roper. All apologies accepted. Kayleigh Methven has resigned from her post as a Foundation Governor due to health and work commitments. Governors extended thanks to her for all her hard work and contributions to the Governing Board. Bill Burrow kindly offered to stand as Sub Committees VC. This was proposed by David MacGeoch, seconded by Paul Winter and approved unanimously by governors. Governors discussed possibilities of recruiting governors for remaining vacancies. None. th
Minutes of 24 January 2019 Approved by governors and signed by Chair. th Minutes of 15 February 2019 Approved by governors and signed by Chair. Notes of Admissions Arrangements Approval Approved by governors and signed by Chair. th 24 January 2019 Item 6: SDP New Monitoring Report Format Governors agreed that there was no need to amend the current format, although inclusion of next steps and
Natasha Wardle arrived at 5:40 pm.
Headteacher’s Report
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items discussed in meetings would be useful. Item 7: Assistant Learning Mentor (LM) PostBudget Check The School Business Manager (SBM) has built this into the Budget, which governors will receive at the FGB th Budget meeting on 9 May 2019. Item 11: Safeguarding Team & Prevent Training Link to all Governors Chair has circulated this. She reminded governors re: supporting the Safeguarding Governor, who has attended training. HT invited him to the school Safeguarding meetings. Pupil Premium (PP) Grant 78 pupils (37%)- higher than national average. SEND pupils Much higher numbers than similar schools. Attendance 93.8%; closer to 96% adjusted for control group. VC met with the PFSA today; she is working hard to address attendance issues e.g. meeting parents. HT explained legal processes re: attendance problems. A governor challenged re: local festival affecting attendance and whether this could be taken into account by authorities. HT spoke re: persistent absenteeism; VC has discussed this with PFSA. HT informed re: rewards in place for highest class and pupil attendance. Racist Incidents No major incidents to report. A couple of minor issues had been dealt with, with parents informed. Collective Worships have covered ethos of celebrating difference. Exclusions 11 incidents (some acute) involving 6 pupils. Background information is now included in Exclusion Records. HT stressed St Ben’s non-tolerance of violence towards staff and pupils. Some pupils have Education Health Care (EHC) Plans. HT praised staff efforts dealing with incidents; there has also been outside agency support Traveller Education HT clarified re: this service and its liaison with traveller families. A governor challenged re: forthcoming budget cuts affecting this input.
Chair enquired whether St Ben’s receives Traveller Premium. HT will check with SBM. Looked After Children (LAC) 2 adopted pupils, 2 looked after by grandparents and 1 LAC as of yesterday. None of these pupils have been excluded. Safeguarding Safeguarding Team (4 staff) deal with a high number of issues, taking up lots of time. St John’s now have CPOMS; enables St Ben’s to view sibling data. There is also a close relationship with St Dunstan’s; HT is now their Deputy DSL. Almost all St Ben’s pupils go on to St Dunstan’s. Transition Days are arranged. CPOMS has proved very useful for work with outside agencies. 3 pupils have Early Help Assessments (EHA). HT explained re: assessment levels. General A smooth start to term; Easter Egg Challenge has been very successful. th Year 6 SATs begin on 13 May 2019; an Edukit survey shows low selfesteem. The LM is working with pupils on coping strategies. Some Year 3 pupils have exhibited challenging behaviour. Staff peer observations have led to useful activities. Staff have been enthusiastic re: ongoing Forest School training. A £350 grant has been secured for a polytunnel. Data HT has spoked with Sarah Hill re: SIMS; development is now measured from Early Years. KS1 pupils achieving 67% ARE have lower attainment when assessed in KS2; but continue to make progress towards Year 6. A governor proposed discussing this disparity with St John’s. Chair remarked that similar situations can be seen with other primary schools. A governor challenged re: effect on pupils struggling to raise achievement. A governor stressed importance of considering ‘whole person’ and spoke re: importance of ensuring pupils are well fed. He proposed checking that lunches were of a required standard. HT has addressed this. Free School Meal pupils can be taken shopping for a
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HT to check Traveller Premium with SBM.
School Development Plan (SDP)
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healthy lunch; school still receives lunch costs for them. There are plans for staff to eat lunch with pupils to encourage a social opportunity and themed conversation. Attendance Amber status- still some improvements to make. VC is monitoring this. CPOMS Green status- though support staff need encouragement to use the system more. SENDCo to run training for TAs. Lunch Staff New staff joined, offering theatrical/musical games outside. Pupils organise skipping and den making outside. There is also a pupil-led Craft Club. Edukit Year 6 have completed a survey; Year 5 to do one next week and possibly Year 4 next year. The school would like to buy into the scheme for full benefit. PE Amber status- a post-programme staff survey is needed to assess progress. Forest School 3 sessions/week for all pupils, will focus on PP and SEND pupils at a later date. Lesson Observations Last term covered subjects some staff were not confident in e.g. Science, Maths and English. This term’s focus is English. Monitoring Pupil Progress meetings held regularly; the March one considered February data. HT proposed not having all SLT members in Year 6 next year. Wider Curriculum Amber/Green status- developing skills framework and encouraging skill transference. A governor commented on Ofsted’s need to see evidence of wider learning during an inspection. Governor Assessment of Pros/Cons of MATs Green status, but still work to do. Governors discussed visiting potential MAT schools; Chair remarked on lack of these locally, although a possibility was mentioned. VC emphasised importance of ensuring a MAT has same ethos as St Ben’s. A governor proposed setting up a timeline over the next 6 months. Governors agreed it would be helpful to visit other primary MAT schools. Teaching & Learning Amber status- pupils not reaching ARE
Clerk to add Caterers to July FGB mtg.
Ex Officio to liaise with Chair re: contacting St John’s MSN.
Staffing Update
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are targeted through interventions. Some improvement in staffing levels have helped this. Year 6 interventions have been successful Voluntary readers visit each class. Annie and Phil are running some Collective Worships. Governors agreed that use of PAT and Reading dogs could be beneficial. Chair spoke re: Dogs Helping Kids charity. Maths- Amber status- Year 6 girls have lower achievement than boys; difficulties with interventions. HT is hoping to acquire updated textbooks Assessment- summative- Green status, but still work to do.
SEND Amber status- some pupils need further opportunities e.g. events at Millfield, Wells Festival. Pastoral system- for pupils causing concern- mostly verbal reporting. Some tightening of paperwork needed. TA Deployment Issues with lack of Year 3 TAs now resolved. Theatre Links Midsummer Night’s Dream at Glastonbury Abbey, Wells Festival theatre, Children’s World and a visit re: plastic pollution etc. by performing group. Highlights Forest School has elicited much enthusiasm by staff and pupils. Tina Anderson has led successful sessions. Staff now more confident to take up training opportunities and activities. Fran Murray has returned to St Ben’s as a Year 5 TA. She has replaced Sandra Mulready, who has been at St Ben’s for 13 years. Erica Neale (NQT) covering maternity leave, has settled well in Year 4. There has been poor uptake to adverts for an English teacher. The post will be re-advertised next week. HT invited governors to help shortlist. HT requested use of PP Grant funds to employ a Play/Art Therapist to work in the Wellbeing Room with selected pupils. Governors discussed possibilities. Ex Officio will investigate a potential source and feed back to HT. 55 pupils on SEND Register; SENDCo needs more time out of class to assist her role. Governors approved an extra ½ day, subject to budget constraints.
Ex Officio to feedback to HT re: poss. funding support.
Pupil Premium Grant Report 2019-20 Sue Wootton left at 7:10 pm.
David MacGeoch left at 7:23 pm.
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An Assistant LM will work in Nurture Group 3 days per week from September 2019. The LM will oversee this and also work with pupils in the Well Being Room. HT emphasise the importance of staff wellbeing too. Governors agreed that this had been partially covered in Item 6. 219 on roll; 78 (36%) in receipt of PP. Governors agreed re: importance of encouraging parents who are eligible but do not apply. Chair spoke re: tracking eligibility via NI numbers and maximising grant. Report will be hosted on website. Many PP children are also SEND; very difficult for them to progress. HT spoke of wellbeing and mental health concerns. HT clarified re: costings. Efforts to identify ELSA training for staff continue. A governor informed re: free Emotional Literacy course for parents at Strode College. HT will investigate. THRIVE training- prohibitive cost. HT is looking at an alternative (TIS). Horse riding- 8-10 pupils taking part; improvements in confidence and selfesteem noted. Specific Targeted Support- 1-1 teachers for Year 6. 50% off all trips for PP children. HT stressed that no child would miss out. Ex Officio spoke re: anonymous donor to Diocese; he will investigate possible use of funds for PP children and trips. Pupil numbers increase with inclusion of Ever6 children. Uniform- all PP children are offered free St Ben’s jumper and PE shirt. Enrichment Activities Support- includes 1-1 music tuition, drama and cookery session. Attendance Support- minibus transport to school and breakfast in Nurture Room. Therapist Counsellor- focus on PP children with issues re: self-esteem, trauma etc. World Garden- opportunities to invite parents into school, and for PP children to spend more time in a garden. Acceptable Use of the Internet Policies (Staff & Volunteers, Technicians, Occasional Visitors Approved by governors and signed by Chair. Complaints Procedure (new model) Approved by governors and signed by Chair
HT to investigate EL course at Strode.
Ex Officio to investigate poss. donor fund use.
Any other urgent business
Meeting Review
Date and time of next meetings:
A governor enquired re: available data for air quality in Glastonbury. Discussions re: evaluation and monitoring provided a good starting point for next steps. Induction and Preparation for Ofsted governor training has been useful. A governor requested that school data be circulated 48 hours before meetings. Chair agreed with this proposal, to allow study and questioning. Governors praised HT’s clarity of data presentation and in answers to governor questions. HT expressed his thanks for governor feedback re: SDP and stressed importance of governor involvement. Governors agreed that HT’s PP Grant Report was very informative. Discussions re: previously unknown sources of funding could prove very helpful. HT informed that the new parttime Admin Officer was looking into other funding opportunities. Governors thanked the ET Governor for attending with baby Katy. th FGB Budget- Thursday 9 May 2019 at 5:30 pm. st SPA- Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 3:30 pm. st Sub Committees- Tuesday 21 May 2019 at 5:30 pm.
The meeting closed at 7:30 pm.
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