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St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Agenda for the Full Governing Body Voting Meeting To be held on Thursday 26th September 2019 From 5:30pm until 7:30pm approx. in Leopard classroom Please read:         Please bring:

1. (2 mins)

2. (1 min)

3. (3 mins)

Register of Interest Forms Standing Orders Code of conduct Terms of Reference (Curriculum, Finance & Premises, Staff Pay & Appraisal and Joint Schools) Minutes of FGB meeting of 18th July 2019 Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy (draft) Keeping Children Safe in Education guidelines (You will need to sign to say you have read this) Competency Framework for Governors and Twenty Questions documents Agenda & diaries.

Agenda item Welcome & Opening Prayer Apologies for Absence Declaration of Interest in any agenda item & update of Business Interest Forms

4. (2 mins)

6. (2 mins)

8. (2 mins)

9. (8 mins)

Aim: To allow an opportunity for reflection.

Ex-Officio Governor

Aim: To record any apologies and discuss their acceptance. Preparation: Please complete Register of Interest Form and bring along to meeting. Aim: To ascertain any Business Interest and update records.

Chair, Clerk


Preparation: Please consider and submit nominations to Clerk 48 hours before meeting. Aim: To elect Chair for 2019/20.


Election of Vice Chair

Preparation: Please consider and submit nominations to Clerk 48 hours before meeting. Aim: To elect Vice Chair for 2019/20.


Election of Committees’ Chair & Vice Chair

Aim: To elect Sub Committees and Staff Pay & Appraisal Chair positions for 2019/20.


Standing Orders / Code of Conduct and Committees’ Terms of Reference

Preparation: Please read Standing Orders, Code of Conduct & Terms of Reference. Suggestions for amendments and questions to be forwarded to Chair 48 hours before meeting. Aim: To review and amend as necessary.


7. (4 mins)


Election of Chair

5. (2 mins)

Preparation Notes and Meeting Aims

Agree and sign minutes of Full Governing Board meeting of 18th July 2019.

Preparation: Please read minutes. Aim: Comment only on action points and errors

Matters arising from minutes

Aim: Address updating of issues not covered elsewhere on agenda. Item 5 - Contact with St John’s - Emotional Literacy training - Governors’ School Acronyms Glossary Item 8 - Chair & Safe Guarding governor to submit Maths monitoring report Item 10 - Lunch Caterers Item 11 - Finance Policy signing


Chair & Head Head Clerk Chair & SG Gov Head & Clerk Chair

10. (10 mins)

11. (3 mins)

Headteacher’s Report (verbal) Policies  Child Protection & Safeguarding (draft)

Aim: To be brought up to date on school achievements and issues. Preparation: Please read policies. Suggestions for amendments and questions to be forwarded to Chair 48 hours before meeting.



Aim: To understand and discuss 12. (30 mins)

School improvement plan

Aim: To inform and to discuss.



Clerks’ briefing Parent View and new Ofsted Inspection Framework

Aim: To inform.


Governing Board Annual Review

Preparation: Please read Competency Framework for Governors and Twenty Questions documents. Aim: To review governors’ knowledge and skills. To identify training and recruitment requirements.

Chair & Clerk

Succession Planning

Aim: To consider succession of chair for next year.


Any other urgent business

Please agree with Chair 48 hours before meeting.


(2 mins)

14. (5 mins)

15. (2 mins)

16. (1 min)

17. (3mins)

Date and time of next meetings.

   

18. (2 mins)

Meeting Review

SIAMS training at St Ben’s – Wednesday 2nd October 3.30-5pm Staff Pay & Appraisal- To be rearranged (was Tuesday 15th October 2019 at 3:30 pm) Sub Committees Tuesday 5th November 2019 at 5:30 pm FGBThursday 12th November 2019 at 5:30pm

Aim: To evaluate meeting content and outcomes.



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