Finance & Premises Committee Terms of Reference 2018-19 Membership:
All governors plus the headteacher.
Five governors.
Five or six per year, related to the Full Governing Body (FGB) Meetings.
To work in consultation with the Headteacher and school’s Finance Officer to provide guidance to the Governing Board on all financial, health and safety and buildings matters. To report back to the Governing Board, any decisions made in accordance with its delegated powers.
Policies: Health & Safety
Risk Management Register
Instrument of Government
Staff Pay
Admissions Arrangements
Disability & Accessibility Plan
Freedom of Information
Register of Business Interests
Premises Management
School Financial Value Standard
Governors’ Allowances
Offsite Visits & Activities Charging, Lettings and Remissions
Lead Governors:
Chair/ Vice Chair
Jo Boughen-Hunt/Gemma Hazlehurst
Sarah Hamlet
Finance Officer
Jane Daniels
Paul Winter
Health & Safety
Paul Winter, Mike Derbidge
To review and ratify policies and schemes listed above. Induction of new finance governors. Consider budget statements including virements and report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the Governing Board, making recommendations where necessary.
Finance & Premises Terms of Reference – September 2018-19; Review Date- September 2019
ACTIVITIES First meeting
Agree work priorities Agree lead roles Set dates for the year Identify training programme for new committee members and development for existing members Agree which policies to be reviewed throughout the year Include Health & Safety Walkabout and a meeting between Health & Safety Governor and staff coordinator.
Autumn term
Regular Finance - Consider a budget position statement including virement decisions and report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the FGB, making recommendations where necessary. Monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds held on behalf of the FGB. Prepare and review statement of financial policy. Review Policies. Identify rolling annual programme to inspect buildings and grounds, producing regular reports of findings and making recommendations to FGB. Review, revise and implement a 3-year rolling programme for maintenance, repair and redecoration, reporting back to GB as appropriate. Review Accessibility Plan and send copy to LA. Review school’s Building Development Plan. Identify Risk Management plans to be assembled and instigate work.
Spring term
Regular Finance - Consider a budget position statement including virement decisions and report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the FGB, making recommendations where necessary. Monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds held on behalf of the FGB.
Finance & Premises Terms of Reference – September 2018-19; Review Date- September 2019
Draft first formal budget for the financial year and prepare summary for the FGB, taking into account the priorities in the School Improvement Plan. Finalise new year budget and present to FGB for approval at end of spring term. Make decisions in respect of both service level agreements and renewal of premises-related contracts, ensuring that the principles of Best Value are applied to all service purchases (Blue Book). Make recommendations to FGB on budget adjustments based on financial monitoring reports on current year budget and projected end-of-year figures. Determine whether sufficient funds are available for the Headteacher’s increments, taking into account the recommendations of the headteacher’s performance pay review committee. Ensure recommendations for action following remises/health & safety inspections and audits are satisfactorily carried out. Review Policy – Freedom of Information (first spring meeting). Consider progress against the school development plan and the post Ofsted action plan.
Summer term
Consider a budget position statement including virement decisions and report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the FGB, making recommendations where necessary. Ensure voluntary funds are audited and prepare report for FGB.
Produce end of year summary report of premises, health & safety monitoring and inspection programmes for presentation to FGB, together with recommendations for future action. Review Finance Policy. Undertake self review for the year to assess whether priorities have been achieved; make recommendations to the FGB on committee membership, review terms of reference, delegated powers and new year priorities. Staff Pay & Appraisal Committee meets to consider staffing budgets and requirements for the coming year.
Finance & Premises Terms of Reference – September 2018-19; Review Date- September 2019