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St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Agenda for the Sub Committees Meeting rd

To be held on Tuesday 23 October 2018 From 5.30 pm to 7:30 pm in Leopard classroom Please bring: Agendas and Diaries. Finance & Premises and Curriculum th

Please read: Finance and Premises Minutes of 19 June 2018; Governors’ Allowances Policy, Health & Safety th Suite Policies, Curriculum Minutes of 19 June 2018

1. 2. 3.



6. 7.

Agenda item Apologies for Absence Declaration of Interest in any agenda item Agree Finance & Premises th minutes of 19 June 2018. Action Points & Matters Arising. Finance Agenda Items School Business Manager’s Report  Cost of proposed additional support staff  Benchmarking Business Continuity Plan


Staffing & Potential Recruitment of new TA to add to Learning Mentor capacity Governors’ Allowances Policy

9. 10.

Premises Agenda Items Premises Update Health & Safety Update

Preparation Notes and Meeting Aims Aim: To discuss & to determine whether to approve any apologies received. Aim: To determine any Business Interests.

Lead Chair Clerk Chair

Preparation: Please read minutes. Aim: To comment only on action points and errors. Aim: To discuss any issues not covered in following agenda items.


Aim: To update and inform.

School Business Manager

Aim: To establish a team/committee to complete our Business Continuity Plan. Aim: To discuss and decide.


Preparation: Please note that this policy will be approved by a delegated governor. For information only. Please submit comments at least 48 hours before the meeting. Aim: To inform.


Aim: To inform and update. Aim: To inform and update.

Head Head, H&S Governor


Head, Chair


Health & Safety Policy Suite inc.  Critical Incident  Dealing with Spillages  External & Offsite Visits  Health & Safety  Hygiene & Infection Control  Manual Handling  No Smoking  Pupils with Medical Needs  Substance Abuse Curriculum Agenda Items

Preparation: Please note that these policies will be reviewed by delegated governors. For information only. Please submit comments for these at least 48 hours before the meeting. Aim: To inform and approve.



Agree Curriculum minutes of th 19 June 2018

Preparation: Please read minutes. Aim: To comment only on action points and errors.



Action Points & Matters Arising

Aim: To discuss any issues not covered in following agenda items.



School Development Plan (SDP), Calendar

Aim: To inform and facilitate focussed discussion.



SDP monitoring plan

Aim: to assign tasks; agree priority/focus for future meetings

Chair, Head


Admissions: Consultation and Arrangements 2020/21

Aim: To discuss.



Aim: To inform about recent activities.


18. 19.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development Achievement Update Governor Training

Head Chair

20. 21.

Website Any other urgent business


Meeting Review


Dates & Time of next meetings

Aim: To update and inform. Aims:  To feed back on any recent training and discuss.  To discuss individual training needs specific to delegated governors, including Finance, Health & Safety and Safeguarding roles. Aim: To update and inform. Please agree with Chair 48 hours before meeting. Aims:  To evaluate meeting content and outcomes.  To recap on the 3 Core Functions of Governance th  FGB- Thursday 15 November 2018 at 5:30 pm. th  Sub Committees- Tuesday 11 December 2018 at 5:30 pm.

Clerk Chair Chair

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