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St Benedict’s C. of E. VA Junior School Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EX Tel: 01458 831811, Fax: 01458 832261 http://stbenedictsjuniorschoolglastonbury.org/ Email: sch.164@educ.somerset.gov.uk Headteacher: Mr P. Ranger Dream, Believe, Achieve.

HOME - SCHOOL AGREEMENT 2019-20 St Benedict’s is a Church of England School and the inclusive ethos of the school reflects this. St Benedict’s school will: 

Encourage all pupils to do their best at all times

Encourage pupils to take care of other people and to have respect for, and take care of other people’s property

Encourage pupils to take care of their surroundings

Provide equality of opportunity to all pupils

Inform parents/carers of their child’s progress by means of regular meetings and through annual reports

Keep parents/carers informed about what is being taught each term, including any visits and extra-curricular activities in which pupils can take part

Provide and check homework and reading records regularly and as appropriate

Provide and institute a policy of behaviour support and management

Inform parents by 10.00am if a child has not arrived at school and there has been no notification of absence

Signed: ...................................................................................... (on behalf of the school)

The family will: 

Ensure that the child arrives at school on time. (8.45am)

Ensure that the child attends regularly

Ensure that the school is informed by telephone promptly when a child is absent

Provide three telephone contact numbers in case of emergency

Review Date: March 2020

Support the school policies for curriculum, behaviour, homework and equality of opportunity

 

Ensure that the child has the appropriate equipment for each school day, e.g. PE/swimming kit; completed home study activities and reading book

  

Ensure that the school dress code is followed (school sweatshirt, dark trousers or skirt, sensible plain black shoes) Attend parent/teacher consultation evenings, meet teachers and discuss their child’s progress

Ensure that the child reads regularly at home

Monitor their child’s internet and social media use to keep them safe

Ensure that they (both adults and children) do not post comments/pictures on social media which would hurt/harm anyone or bring the school into disrepute

Signed: ....................................................................................... (parent/carer) Pupil’s Agreement: 

I agree to do my best at all times

I agree to behave in a safe way

I agree to follow the negotiated rules of St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School

I agree to follow the negotiated rules of my class

I agree to tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy

I agree to tell a member of staff if I am concerned about a fellow pupil

I agree to treat everyone kindly, regardless of gender, race or creed

I agree to respect other people’s property and take found items to a teacher or the office

I will wear the agreed school uniform

I agree to do a fair and regular amount of home study activities

I agree to help to keep the school clean, tidy and free from litter

Signed: ...................................................................................... (pupil)

Review Date: March 2020

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