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St Benedict’s Church of England VA and Walton Church of England VC Primary School Joint Schools Committee Terms of Reference 2018 Membership At least 3 governors who are eligible (see below) to serve on the particular committee, sourced from each school. Associate Governors can be included as part of the membership as long as there is a majority membership of governors. A chair will be agreed at the time the panel is convened. The committee will be supported by a professional clerk. Members should be suitably experienced, and/or willing to attend appropriate training and be available to attend panel hearings within the relevant notice.

Quorum 3 governors are required for the committee to be quorate. Associate Governors would have voting rights as long as the majority of the memberships are governors. Meetings The committee will meet as circumstances dictate. Remit 

Sharing of good practice and jointly to discharge a Board’s functions for hearing staff grievances, complaints and pupil & staff discipline issues

Tasks      

To make any decisions under the Board’s personnel procedures e.g. disciplinary, grievance, capability, where the Headteacher is the subject of the action To make any decisions under the Board’s personnel procedures e.g. disciplinary, grievance, capability, unless delegated to the Headteacher To make a determination or decision under the Board’s Complaints Procedure To consider any appeals against a decision to dismiss a member of staff or a decision short of dismissal e.g. disciplinary, grievance or capability To make any determinations on behalf of the Board in relation to staff redundancy and redundancy appeals To consider any representations by parents/carers in the case of an exclusion

St Benedict’s CE VA & Walton Primary Schools Joint Committee Terms of Reference 2018; Review Date September 2019

To consider the appropriateness of any permanent exclusion or fixed term exclusion which totals 15 days or more in one term or where a pupil is denied the chance to take a public examination. NB: Any governor who has participated on a panel for a staffing decision, cannot sit on the appeal panel.

St Benedict’s CE VA Junior School’s Governing Board accepts the above Terms of Reference: Signed: ……………………………….. Chair of Governors Date: ………………………. Walton CE VC Primary School’s Governing Board accepts the above Terms of Reference: Signed: ……………………………….. Chair of Governors Date: ……………………….

St Benedict’s CE VA & Walton Primary Schools Joint Committee Terms of Reference 2018; Review Date September 2019

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