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St Benedict’s C. of E. VA Junior School Benedict Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9EX Tel: 01458 831811, Fax: 01458 832261 Email: Headteacher: Mr P. Ranger Dream, Believe, Achieve

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Policy Philosophy St Benedict’s School believes that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for pupils. Pupils develop communication and literacy skills that lay the foundation for future learning. They develop linguistic competence, extend their knowledge of how language works and explores similarities and differences between the foreign language and English. Learning another language raises awareness of our multi- lingual and multi-cultural world and introduces an international dimension to pupils’ learning, giving them an insight into their own culture and that of others. The learning of a foreign language provides a medium for cross-curricular links and for reinforcement of knowledge, skills and understanding developed in other subjects. Aims and Objectives The aims and objectives of learning a foreign language in KS2 are:          

To give children a positive, enthusiastic attitude to MFL learning within a secure and supportive environment To foster an interest in learning other languages To introduce young children to another language in a way that is enjoyable and fun To stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language To encourage children to be aware that language has structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another To help the children develop their awareness of cultural differences in other countries To develop their speaking and listening skills To lay the foundations ready for future study To extend our language teaching beyond mother tongue learning To raise staff awareness of MFL.

Organisation 

French is a statutory requirement and taught to all classes as a discrete lesson for 30-40 minutes fortnightly. This often contains cross curricular topics such as history, science etc. The aim is that this will be increased to a weekly provision, when budget levels allow. Review Date: March 2020

Additionally, where possible, we incorporate small amounts of French into registration, and other classes. Over time teachers will integrate more French into daily classroom routines e.g. in giving instructions.

The Curriculum The Scheme of Work that we follow is based on the National Curriculum (2013), in tandem with guidance in the Key Stage 2 Framework for Languages 2005, together with supplementary material collected as a result of in-service. In addition, we use the Interactive Whiteboard, French fiction and non-fiction books, maps, flags, games, DVDs and various songs and activities. We have content and skills-based objectives. We teach children how to:         

Ask and answer questions Use correct pronunciation and grammar Memorise words Interpret meaning Understand some basic grammar Use French dictionaries Work in pairs and groups, communicating in French Look at life in another culture Be aware of festivals and special days in other cultures

Tasks and activities will:      

Have clear and achievable objectives Be carefully planned and structured Be practical, active and varied Involve the use of ICT where appropriate Include whole class, small group and pair work Promote success, self-esteem and an enjoyment of MFL.

Teaching and Learning Style 

We use a variety of techniques to encourage children to have an active engagement in the Modern Foreign Language. These include games, role-play and action songs. We use puppets and soft toys to demonstrate the foreign language and use the target language as much as possible in the classroom to provide an excellent model of the spoken language in day-to-day use We use mime and actions to accompany new vocabulary as this serves to demonstrate the language without the need for translation. We emphasise listening, responding and speaking skills with the addition of simple reading and writing skills, and sometimes more challenging pieces of unseen language We use a multi-sensory and kinaesthetic approach to teaching e.g. we try to introduce a physical element such as mime into some games and songs (such as Take 10), as we believe that this serves to reinforce memory. We make lessons as enjoyable as possible so that the children develop a positive attitude to the learning of Modern Foreign Review Date: March 2020

Languages. We build children’s confidence through praise for any contribution they make, however tentative. Planning and Assessment The teacher of French assesses the children’s progress informally during lessons. Progress is evaluated with reference to the KS2 Framework for Languages strands of Oracy, Literacy and Intercultural Understanding with reference to the cross-cutting strands of Knowledge about Language (KAL) and Language Learning Strategies (LLS). Modern Foreign Languages and ICT Our school has established a partnership with a school in France. Through this partnership we create postcards, letters, drawings and photographs, which we send to the school in France. The children use ICT to create some of these projects. The children can also use video cameras and iPads to record performance of songs, role-play or mini-drama. The school has an ICT suite, where pupils have the opportunity to use Green Screen techniques to produce films. Modern Foreign Languages and Inclusion 

At St Benedict’s we teach a modern foreign language to all children, whatever their ability. A modern foreign language forms part of our school curriculum policy to provide a broad and balanced education to all children. Through our French language teaching, we provide learning opportunities that enable all pupils to make progress. We do this by setting appropriate levels of challenge and responding to individual pupil’s learning needs Pupils with English as an additional language are taught MFL and may bring additional intercultural understanding and language skills to MFL. They are always encouraged to celebrate and share their own first language with the class.

Assessment for Learning We assess children in order to ensure that they make good progress in this subject. We do this informally during lessons and also by assessing against a series of ‘Can Do’ statements. Children are encouraged to peer and self-assess using a range of strategies e.g. talk partners, speaking and listening activities and ICT. Monitoring and Review 

 

We monitor teaching and learning in the same way as we do all other subjects at St Benedict’s. The coordination and planning of the Languages Curriculum are the responsibility of the French Teacher who also: Supports colleagues, by keeping them informed about current requirements in MFL and providing a strategic lead and direction Has strong links with the local secondary school, so that they are aware of the Modern Foreign Language experience of our children when they move to the next phase of their education. Also has strong links with several other primary schools, which enables the sharing of best practice Reports to the Headteacher by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses in MFL and indicating areas for further development

Review Date: March 2020

The Headteacher reports to the Governing Board on the progress of children in languages in the same way as the progress for any other subject. The Governors’ Curriculum Committee has the responsibility of monitoring the success of Modern Foreign Language teaching This policy will be reviewed at least every two years.

This policy was adopted at the meeting of (name of setting)

Sub Committees

Held on (date)

26th March 2019

Signed on behalf of the Governing Board

Helen Roper (Chair of Governors)

Signed on behalf of the Chair

Helen Roper

Date for review ( as addendum to Curriculum Policy):

March 2020

Review Date: March 2020

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