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Attendance Monitored Weekly. Under 96% data collected and monitored. Vulnerable groups monitored separately.

Attendance falls below 96%

School Letter 1 sent – inform of referral to PFSA if further absence

% Attendance drops

PFSA LETTER 1 sent – Support offered. Medical Evidence Requested. No further absence authorised without medical evidence. Head teacher and office alerted.

10 sessions unauthorised absence. PFSA LETTER 2 sent – request parents attend meeting with PFSA Parents attend - Support offered including EHA and referral to PFSA if needed. Parents DNA – Letter outlining purpose of meeting, offer support, warn of potential consequences.

20 sessions unauthorised absence in 12 weeks - WPN If no previous involvement with EWS or known issues linked to poor attendance, Referral made to ESW requesting Warning Penalty Notice is issued. Inform parents of action by letter.

Where WPN is not appropriate. 20 sessions unauthorised absence. Headteacher alerted . SCHOOL LETTER 2 sent – request parents attend meeting with head teacher Parents attend - Support offered including EHA and referral to PFSA if needed. Parents DNA – Letter outlining purpose of meeting, offer support, warn of potential consequences.

Follow guidance from EWS following outcome of WPN. 30 sessions unauthorised absence in 12 week period. Referral to EWS.

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