Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) 2018-19 expected allocation and objectives with review of impact Overview of the School Total Number of Pupils on roll as at Sept 2018 Total Number of Pupils eligible for PPG Amount of PPG received per pupil Total amount of PPG received
219 76 £1320 £103,220 (including 4 LAC pupils and one Services Ever5 pupil)
Rationale for spending in financial year 2017/8 The rationale for allocating Pupil Premium Grant this year has been informed by the following:
data from last year’s impact report, the identification of this year’s current cohort needs as informed by class teachers, best practice as suggested by Sutton Trust, current research, ongoing discussion with parents and carers.
Flexible, targeted support will be put in place to address academic need across all year groups, ensuring that all pupil premium pupils have access to improve outcomes within identified areas of learning (with a continued focus on the school’s priority area – Maths). This can be both in the short and the longer term. Social, emotional, behavioural data shows that a number of vulnerable pupils need support with pastoral needs and this will be targeted this year, with an additional focus on training staff to meet our pupils’ needs.
Specific areas to target:
KS2 pupils not on track to make end of Y6 targets as informed by data (and Pupil Progress Meetings), Identified pupils across the school who are below ARE expectations to be tracked/ supported in order to ensure their progress remains comparable with peers/national expectations, Pupil Premium pupils with SEN: our Year 6 contains a number of pupils in receipt of PPG who also have SEN. This provides an extra layer of challenge. SEND pupils are focused on in Pupil Progress Meetings. The wellbeing and mental health of our pupils is a growing concern. We aim to address this by training staff in emotional literacy.
Pupil Premium Grant Area
2018-19 Cost
% of PPG
Quality First Teaching
Target PPG pupils within lessons/maintain small class sizes. Specific focus on PPG pupils with SEN.
Targeted social and emotional wellbeing support for children.
Specific Targeted Support
Provide experiences:
Learning Mentor to deliver support and intervention groups across the school to support identified pupils with SEMH. Subscription to Edukit screener – a tool that targets pupils’ wellbeing and mental health levels. ELSA and Thrive training to enable staff to address Emotional Literacy needs of pupils. Back on Track horse-riding programme. 1:1 sessions delivered by teachers, for specific interventions targeted at PPG pupils below ARE. Teaching Assistant Support groups for identified target areas (focus on Maths).
This ensures that all eligible pupils who wish to can access residential trip opportunities, broadening their skills, knowledge and experiences.
Every child in receipt of PPG to be offered a free St. Benedict’s jumper and a PE T-shirt. This will promote a sense of belonging to the school and alleviate anxiety about not ‘fitting in’.
Enrichment Activities Support
This year, this includes 1:1 music tuition, drama lessons and cookery sessions.
We identify pupils with poor attendance and punctuality and bring them to school in our minibus. These pupils also have access to breakfast in the Bee Hive (Learning Mentor room).
50% contribution towards residential trip to Osmington Bay/London.
Provide skills and opportunities pupils would otherwise be unable to access.
Attendance support to complement our wraparound care
Impact Review 2018-19