St John’s 5pm: Crib Service Led by: The Vicar 11.30pm: Midnight Mass Celebrant & Preacher: The Vicar
St Mary’s, Meare 4pm: Crib Service Led by: The Vicar 10pm: Christmas Communion Celebrant & Preacher: The Revd. Eddie Wills RN, Chaplain
St Ben’s 6.30pm: Carol Service Led by: The Revd. Diana Greenfield
St John’s 8am: Holy Communion [BCP] Celebrant: The Revd . Pamela Heazell 10am: Christmas Day Family Communion Service Led by: The Vicar Celebrant : The Revd. Diana Greenfield Preacher: Michele Kitto, Ordinand in Training
St John’s Church
St Benedict’s Church
St Mary’s Church, Meare
Sunday 23rd December 2018
St John’s 8am: Holy Communion Celebrant: The Vicar 9.30am: Parish Communion Celebrant & Preacher: The Revd. Philip Harbridge
St Ben’s 11am: Parish Service Leader & Preacher: The Revd. Diana Greenfield
Collect God our redeemer, who prepared the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the mother of your Son: grant that, as she looked for his coming as our Saviour, so we may be ready to greet him when he comes again as our judge; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God, now and for ever. Amen. Bible Readings for today: Heb.10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45 [46-55]
A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM THE VICAR… Unto us a child is born and his name will be called Emmanuel, God is with us! When we prepare for a new birth in our own lives, we often think about a name and what that baby will grow into, and what mark our baby will make in the world. Who would have thought that a baby born 2000 years ago, as a gift from God, continues to symbolize Peace, Joy and Hope. This Christmas, may the excitement of a new birth, a new gift, bring Love, Hope and Joy into our own lives and into a world where there is still darkness, war, famine and disease. Emmanuel, may God be with us all this Christmas!
Securing the Future at St John’s: As this year draws to a close, look all around the church, in every corner, niche, and cranny. Look, not with any sense of sadness or even regret, but with eager anticipation. During 2019, St John’s will realise the vision held by many people over many years, starting with Maxine. On your behalf, I want to thank every one of them, even those no longer with us, for their vision, insight, support, love, and prayers, which has sustained the project over so many years. Disappointment, obstacles, and challenges have been met and overcome, and now we are here. During 2019, when you walk past the church, all cocooned in hoardings and security fencing, think of a chrysalis, undergoing amazing changes, to emerge bright, beautiful, and amazingly useful when the shrouds are taken down. There will be opportunities during the year for you to peek through an internal screen to see the transformation in process. I speak for the team that has been so helpful over the past two years, as I wish you a very Happy Christmas and joyful New Year! Larry Schenck
Holding on to the Silence is a simple daily office with an invitation for everyone within the Benefice to join in during the week, as and when they can. The Daily Office prayer cards and readings can offer us a way of praying together and of making a priority of reconnecting with and listening to, the 'still small voice within'. The office can be said at any one of four times during the day :- 8.30am, 12noon, 5.45pm & 9pm. The idea is that by joining in praying the office at any of those times on any day, you will not be praying alone, but will be united in prayer with others in the community. You are warmly invited to participate! PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER TO pick up a copy of the Christmas Daily Office along with the next fortnight’s Readings, from Church. Thank you. Please keep the following people and their families in your Prayers: Liz Affleck-Edwards, Janet Allen, Lifus Arnold, Joseph Badman-Outram, Dawn Bonham, Steve Brain, Bruce Cooper, Fr. Robert Featherstone, Bill Goldstone, Joan Green, Martin Grist, Marie Harris; Valerie Moreton, Rick Pudner, Jean Rooney, Andrew & Sheila Scott-Evans, Mary Sibson, Christopher Stringer, Rosemary Turnbull, Rebecca Whitehead, Brian & Freda Williams, and Phil Wynter-Crofts.
Please contact: Vicar & Area Dean:
The Revd. David MacGeoch NB: Vicar not available 27th & 28th December (01458) 834281 07712 862 692
Pioneer Minister:
The Revd. Diana Greenfield (01458) 446838 07921 858 094