Staff Pay & Appraisal Committee Terms of Reference 2018-19 Membership:
At least 3 governors, 2 of whom must be Foundation Governor, plus the Headteacher.
3 governors.
To achieve the aims of the school’s Pay Policy in a fair and equal manner To apply the criteria set by the school’s Pay Policy in determining the pay of each member of the teaching staff at the annual review To keep abreast of relevant developments and to advise the Governing Board when the school’s Pay Policy needs to be revised To recommend to the Governing Board the annual budget needed for pay, bearing in mind the need to ensure the availability of monies to support any exercise of discretion To observe all statutory and contractual obligations To work in consultation with the Headteacher to ensure that the Governing Board complies with the requirements of the Teacher Appraisal Regulations To minute clearly the reasons for all decisions and report these decisions back to the Governing Board any decisions made in accordance with its delegated powers at the next Full Governors’ Meeting. (The minutes of the Staff Pay and Appraisal Committee will be regarded as confidential.)
Policies: Teaching & Non-Teaching Appraisal (policies)
Staff Discipline and grievance (procedure)
Personnel / Recruitment (duty)
Complaints (procedure)
Staff dismissal and appeals (duty)
Central records of CRBs (procedure)
Training (duty)
Lead Governors: Chair Vice Chair Clerk
Helen Roper Paul Winter Sarah Hamlet
Tasks: To receive and consider reports on teaching standards. To monitor the annual pattern of pay progression having regard to: The correlation between pay, quality of teaching and outcomes for pupils
Staff Pay & Appraisal Committee Terms of Reference Sept. 2018-19; Review Date September 2019
To ratify pay decisions for individual teachers, taking into account the recommendations contained in Appraisal Review Statements
Head Teacher Performance Management To discuss and agree the annual Headteacher’s performance targets To work in consultation with an external education advisor to provide guidance to the Governing Board on all matters relating to head teacher performance management and pay progression To carry out the Headteacher’s Appraisal To decide whether the targets have been met To monitor through the year the performance of the Headteacher against the targets To make recommendations to the Governing Board in respect of pay awards To review and ratify policies and schemes as previously listed.
First meeting
Agree work priorities. Agree lead roles. Set dates for the year. Identify training programme for new committee members and development for existing members. Agree which policies to be reviewed throughout the year.
Autumn Term
Review policies, procedures, statutory duties as appropriate. Ensure that the appraisal cycle for the deputy, teachers and non-teaching staff is complete by 31st October. Ensure that the appraisal cycle for the Headteacher is complete by 31st December. Identify targets within the School Development Plan and any post Ofsted action plan. Monitor and plan school recruitment and training needs.
Staff Pay & Appraisal Committee Terms of Reference Sept. 2018-19; Review Date September 2019
Spring Term
Receive report on progress of performance management. Monitor progress on School Development Plan and any post Ofsted action plan. Review policies, procedures, statutory duties as appropriate. Monitor and plan school recruitment and training needs.
Summer Term
Review policies, procedures, terms of reference, and statutory duties as appropriate. Monitor and plan school recruitment and training needs. Undertake self-review for the year to assess whether priorities have been achieved.
As required
Review the staffing structure when a vacancy occurs, in relation to the needs of the school and the delivery of the School Development Plan.
Staff Pay & Appraisal Committee Terms of Reference Sept. 2018-19; Review Date September 2019