St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Agenda for the Sub Committees Meeting To be held on Tuesday 26th March 2019 From 5.30 pm to 7:30 pm in Leopard classroom Please bring: Agendas and Diaries. Finance & Premises and Curriculum Please read: Sub Committees Minutes of 11th December 2018; PE & Sport Premium document, Charging, Remissions & Lettings Policy pricings, SMSC document, Curriculum, Home-School Agreement, Modern Foreign Languages and SEND Policies. 1. (1 min) 2. (1 min) 3. (1 min) 4. (2 mins)
5. (25 mins) 6. (10 mins) 7. (5 mins) 8. (3 mins) 9. (2 mins) 10. (1 min) 11. (3 mins) 12. (3 mins)
Agenda item Apologies for Absence
Preparation Notes and Meeting Aims Aim: To discuss & to determine whether to approve any apologies received. Aim: To determine any Business Interests.
Lead Chair Clerk Chair
Preparation: Please read minutes. Aim: To comment only on action points and errors. Aim: To discuss any issues not covered in following agenda items. Item 6: • Staffroom carpet quote • Minibus Funds • A016 Title amends Item 7: • Governors Self Evaluation Forms • Whistleblowing Policy • Governors’ Awareness of School Audits information • Contract Register information • Month 9 Data addition to reports Item 19: • SIAMS bespoke training Item 21: • E-safety/County Lines information
Finance Agenda Items School Business Manager’s Report
Aim: To update and inform.
School Business Manager
Aim: To update and inform.
School Business Manager
Business Continuity Plan
Administrative Officer Hours
Aim: To establish a team/committee to complete our Business Continuity Plan. Aim: To update.
PE & Sport Premium Review
Aim: To update and approve.
Head, School Business Manager Head
Charging, Remissions & Lettings Policy-addition of prices. Premises Agenda Items Premises Update
Preparation: Please read. Aim: To inform.
School Business Manager
Aim: To inform and update.
Health & Safety Update
Aim: To inform and update.
Head, H&S Governor
Declaration of Interest in any agenda item Agree Sub Committees minutes of 11th December 2018. Action Points & Matters Arising.
H&S Governor School Business Manager (SBM) SBM SBM & Clerk SBM SBM SBM SBM Foundation Governor H&S Governor
Curriculum Agenda Items 13. (!5 mins)
School Development Monitoring Focus Plan, Calendar & Reports
Aim: To inform and facilitate focussed discussion. To assign tasks, agree priority/focus for future meetings.
Chair, Head
14. (2 mins) 15. (10 mins) 16. (3 mins)
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development Achievement Update
17. (2 mins)
Policies • Curriculum • Home/School Agreement • Modern Foreign Languages • SEND Governor Training
Aim: To update SMSC 2016 document and inform about recent activities. Aim: To be brought up to date on school achievements and issues. Aim: To create a Governor Safeguarding Team to complete Safeguarding Audit and fix meeting date. Preparation: Please note that these policies will be reviewed by delegated staff/governors/HT. For information only. Please submit comments for these at least 48 hours before the meeting. Aim: To inform and approve. Aims: •
18. (5 mins)
Governor Safeguarding Team
• • • •
Complaints Distinctively Christian Preparing for Ofsted Working with the Traumatised Child
19. (1 min) 20. (1 min) 21. (1min)
22. (1 min)
Dates & Time of next meetings
Any other urgent business Meeting Review
To feed-back on any recent training and discuss. • To discuss individual training needs specific to delegated governors, including Finance, Health & Safety and Safeguarding roles. Aim: To update and inform. Please agree with Chair 48 hours before meeting. Aims: • To evaluate meeting content and outcomes. • SPA- TBA. • FGB- Thursday 2nd May 2019 at 5:30 pm. • Sub Committees- Tuesday 21st May 2019 at 5:30 pm.
Head Head Chair
Clerk Chair Chair Chair