Sub committees meeting minutes 2 7 19

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St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Minutes of the Sub Committees Meeting Held on Tuesday 2


July 2019 in Leopard Classroom

Present: Jo Boughen-Hunt (Chair) [arrived at 4:55 pm], Mike Derbidge (Foundation Governor) [left at 5:25 pm], David MacGeoch (Ex Officio) [left at 4:56 pm], Piers Ranger (Headteacher- HT), Helen Roper (Foundation/PCC Governor) and Natasha Wardle (Foundation Governor). Also Present: Jane Daniels (School Business Manager- SBM) [left at 4:50 pm], Sarah Hamlet (Clerk). The meeting started at 3:50 pm and was chaired by Helen Roper until Jo Boughen-Hunt arrived. Finance & Premises and Curriculum


Agenda Item Opening Prayer


Apologies for absence


Declaration of Interest in any agenda item Agree Sub Committees Minutes of 21st May 2019. Action Points & Matters Arising

Ex Officio led governors in reflection and prayers for St John’s during their Ofsted inspection, and for this meeting. Bill Burrow, Louise Fairbrother, Ann Parsons and Roger Parsons, Paul Winter and Sue Wootton (absence); Rachel Rood (maternity leave); Jo Boughen-Hunt (late arrival), Mike Derbidge, David MacGeoch and Piers Ranger (early departure)- all apologies accepted. None.

Agreed by governors and signed by Chair.

4. 5.


Item 17:   


Finance Agenda Items School Business Manager’s (SBM) Report

Cost Centre Summary  

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Headteacher Performance Management training- Clerk has booked places Webinar notes- these have been circulated to governors St John’s & SRE- HT has spoken with St John’s Head. At present St John’s do not cover SRE, but there is a possibility for future collaboration. SEND course information- Clerk has emailed this to the SEND Governor.

Staff changes- mostly budgeted for; a few still to update. Building Maintenance- Old water tank was removed/replaced at beginning of financial year; cost £1500. The Pavilion has required work at £800; some painting still to be done. Grounds Maintenance- a new contract (with Somerset Landscapes, Yeovil) begins in September. Grass cutting and other costs will be higher. Chair challenged re: negotiating prices; SBM confirmed this may be possible. Governors discussed some potential alternatives; SBM highlighted the timescale issue. County will be measuring the site to clarify final cost, which includes grass cutting, white lining, hedging and shrubs. Ex Officio to contact Millfield re:


Ex Officio to contact Millfield & Found. Gov to contact Tor


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 Themed Audit           

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grass cutting equipment; a Foundation Governor will contact Tor Rugby Club. Governors agreed re: need for insurance and DBS checks for outside companies- and that there were only 2 weeks before the County contract cuts in. SBM to talk to Chris Wynn re: lowering of County cost. London Trip- monies are still coming in (allocated for Air Hop). Government monies will be added to next year’s coach costs. Minibus- insurance is £600 (higher than budgeted). Some income (approx. £400) to come from St John’s to cover half of maintenance costs and daily use. Administrative Supplies- the old Office printer was not repairable and has been replaced with a LaserJet printer and almost a year’s ink supply at a cost of approx. £800. PFSA- appears overspent, but includes all salary/expenses paid out. Awaiting income from CLP. Income from Facilities and Services- income of £3080 received for Free School Meals. SBM will move this to appropriate centre. She confirmed that the budget is on track so far for next year. Other Capital Costs- re: St Ben’s contribution to remaining 10% of Diocese loan- still awaiting invoice. Works include courtyard and canopy. Some overspend on refurbishment. Governors thanked SBM for all her hard working preparing this report. SBM presented the Autumn Term 2019 document; the Spring version is not yet available. Significant Findings- Priority 2- governor involvement in SFVS completion still needs addressing. Purchase Orders- St Ben’s is compliant with the use of these. Question 1- Governors have adequate financial skills. Question 2- County has accepted St Ben’s challenge that delegated responsibilities is covered in the Terms of Reference Question 3- St Ben’s always uses the most up to date County Model Finance Policy. Question 4- Governors have agreed it was sufficient to additionally receive Month 9 data. Question 5- St Ben’s uses the most up to date version of the Business Interests forms, as supplied by Governor Services. Question 8- St Ben’s uses the most up to date County Model Policy, which is approved by the Full Governing Board. Question 10- SBM has added an extra (%) column to add clarification. Question 14- St Ben’s completes all benchmarking exercises; these are minuted at governor meetings. Question16- County have challenged this question; it only needs minuting that governors have seen the CFR (not approved).


Rugby Club re: grass cutting & white lining. SBM to talk to Chris Wynn re: County cost.

Clerk to add SFVS to each Sub Comms agenda.




Question 17- The Asset Register is almost completed.  Question 20- Governors are now presented with a Themed Audit Summary Report.  Question 21- the school internal control selfevaluation tool is being presented/monitored by governors.  Question 22- St Ben’s has the most up to date Whistleblowing Policy  Question 25- St Ben’s has completed and is now up to date with the Business Continuity Plan.  Implementations- have SFVS on every Sub Committees agenda, to ensure re-visit of Action Plans.  Governors thanked SBM for all her hard work preparing this audit. Finance Policy 2019-2020  The County model has only just been th released SBM and Clerk to meet on 4 July to update St Ben’s Finance Policy.  Governors agreed to Chair’s proposal for recommendation to adopt the County model.  Clerk to add to next FGB agenda for approval. Records Management  Agreed by governors and signed by Chair.


Premises Agenda Items Premises Update

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Health & Safety (H&S) Update

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HT and SBM have met re: landscaping Wellbeing Area; A £20,00 LCVAP grant is being used to erect a canopy; work to be completed in the summer holidays. A therapist has been working in the Wellbeing Room. It is hoped that Bishop Ruth will open the area in September. Sink areas work will be completed in September. The Pavilion has been repaired and fitted with animal-proof netting; some painting still to be done. SBM has received 3 quotes for CCTV. Coomber (£6421), Logiscan (£6800) and a £4495 telephone quote from a Devon company. Governors discussed their misgivings about the latter quote, as the company has not visited the school. They agreed it would not be a reasonable option, and requested that HT and SBM will continue negotiations with the other 2 companies. Issue of radiator covers in some areas has been flagged up; but the cost is prohibitive. Governors discussed other options, including warning notices. The H&S Governor and HT intend to do 3 H&S Walks a term. Most areas are safe, although the area under the monkey bars needs urgent attention. This could be addressed during landscaping work. Ex Officio reminded governors re: Ofsted attitude towards school site security. Governors agreed that St Ben’s building is secure. Road Safety banners have resulted in more parents using the school’s back gate, rather than parking outside the front entrance. This


Clerk to add Finance Policy to next FGB agenda.

HT to contact Coomber & Logiscan re: lowering quotes.


will be mentioned in tonight’s New Pupil Intake Evening. Ex Officio spoke re: issue and danger of vehicle parking outside St Ben’s Church.

Jane Daniels left at 4:50 pm.


Curriculum Agenda Items Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development

 


Governor Training Jo Boughen-Hunt arrived at 4:55 pm and took over as Chair. Ex Officio left at 4:56 pm. HT left room at 4:56 pm.


SENDCo Report HT returned at 5:03 pm.


School Development Plan & Assignment of Monitoring Tasks


Governor Recruitment

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Rocky Horror Show (Year 6) is being th performed on 10 July; Dream On (Whole School) is on18th July. Governors were welcomed to attend. The SEND Governor has organised a very successful Sculpture Trail trip at Millfield for selected pupils. 3 pupils were highly commended by the Somerset Literacy Network and will be attending Dillington House for activities including a reading of Spike Milligan poetry. BenFest was hugely successful. Next year’s event is already being planned; possibly to include camping and breakfast. PTFA have raised over £2000 (their permitted limit). Governors thanked Trudi Allen, Tina Lawford and Sharon Tomsett for all their amazing work. Chair will write a letter of appreciation. The upcoming Sports Day will highlight Women’s Football World Cup and encourage more girls to be involved in the game. Ex Officio informed that the Women’s England Cricket Club is based at Taunton; he proposed contacting them re: school visit.

SIAMS  All governors need training. Governors discussed possibility of in-school joint governor/staff training session. Next SIAMS inspection is due in 2021.  A governor spoke re: Faith and Church School differences and proposed higher profile for Christian aspect. SIAMS training will support and enhance what St Ben’s already does.  Clerk to contact Diocese re: SIAMS training.  Governors discussed the report content. They agreed that the statistics were very useful, and that it was extremely helpful to have the data presented comparative to the national figures.  They thanked the SENDCo for all her hard work preparing this report.  HT proposed that the focus on curriculum next year return to specific governors monitoring particular curriculum areas, potentially as follows:  Maths & English- it was agreed to keep this as per this year’s format for the time being.  RE and PSHE- Natasha Wardle  Art & DT- Jo Boughen-Hunt  Science- Helen Roper  Music & PE- Mike Derbidge  ICT- Bill Burrow  History- Sue Wootton  Geography- Paul Winter  HT informed re: 2 potential new governorsJulie Lovelock and Anna Trojanowska. Governors discussed current governor roles and agreed that some adjustment may be required


Chair to write a letter of thanks.

HT to contact Women’s England Cricket Club re: visit.

Clerk to contact Diocese re: SIAMS training.





Any other urgent business

Mike Derbidge left at 5:25 pm.


Meeting Review


Date and time of next meetings

There have been some issues with the search engine; the website governor is working on this. Homework  HT is sending a letter/survey to parents this week re: changing homework format to just reading (with occasional spellings and Sum Dog activities). The survey will cover parents’ views re: amount and type of homework, and any issues. Homework Clubs in e.g. Maths will continue to be run at school. It is hoped that the new format can be started in September.  Re-styled Homework Books/Journals will be used. A governor challenged re: running clubs for able pupils, not just those needing support. This could be possible once other issues are addressed. Year 2 Transfer Day  HT reported that, due to St John’s Ofsted inspection today and tomorrow, this event was postponed. Year 6 Transfer Day  Year 6 pupils were mostly positive about this forthcoming event. Governors commented positively on the following meeting elements;  The Budget is on track; SBM had provided good, clear detail and comparative costings.  Allocation of curriculum areas for governor monitoring.  Success of the BenFest event, with good community spirit; plans for future festivals.  A ‘concrete’ agenda had provided ‘solid’ items to discuss.  Sub Committees (2019-20)- TBA th  FGB- Thursday 18 July 2019 at 4:30 pm.

The meeting closed at 5:31 pm.

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