St Benedict’s C of E VA Junior School, Glastonbury Minutes of the Sub Committees Meeting rd
Held on Tuesday 23 October 2018 in the Staffroom Present: Jo Boughen-Hunt (Chair), Mike Derbidge (Foundation Governor) [left at 7:17 pm], Kayleigh Methven (Foundation Governor), Piers Ranger (Headteacher- HT), Helen Roper (PCC Governor), Also Present: Gemma Hazlehurst (prospective Elected Parent Governor), Rachel Rood (prospective Elected Teacher Governor and Assessment Lead) and Sarah Hamlet (Clerk). The meeting started at 5:32 pm. Finance & Premises and Curriculum
Agenda Item Apologies for absence
Absence- Louise Fairbrother, David MacGeoch, Ann Parsons, Roger Parsons, Natasha Wardle, Paul Winter and Sue Wootton – all accepted. Governors discussed possibility of requesting reasons for absence, before acceptance, at future meetings. None.
Chair and HT have completed this form.
Agreed by governors and signed by Chair.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
Declaration of Interest in any agenda item Category A External Visits/Activities Delegation Form Agree Finance & Premises Meeting th Minutes of 19 June 2018, including Confidential minute. Action Points & Matters Arising Finance Agenda Items School Business Manager’s (SBM) Report
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Financial Report 2018/19 as at Month 6 Dashboard All income/funding is included to date. Balances at end of this financial year should cover next year’s budget. Some possible change of budget numbers for next year. HT informed of recent increase in pupil numbers, but not all were included in the census and will not be funded. Summary Income & Expenditure shows a predicted increase in carry forward of approx. £63K at end of year. Committed Revenue must be spent on specified areas e.g. residential visits. Uncommitted Revenue and other balances stand at £63,709. FMS data Detailed Income & Expenditure Report Green section gives data re: budget movements/ adjustments and estimates. Blue section refers to committed salary contracts and orders. Actual column outlines actual monies spent. Estimated column outlines possible monies still to come in/go out. Estimated Outturn gives the position at the end of the year Report Notes- includes pay awards, back pay, price rise changes. Teaching Staff- SBM has used a ‘worse case scenario’ for this report e.g. all staff receiving
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3% pay rise. Education Support Staff- £7447 deficit due to need for extra TAs to support High Needs pupils. This includes a replacement TA, an extra 3 TA days and 2 apprentices. Superannuation Lump Sum- Overtime claims were submitted in July, but County now looking at April- September payroll. Savings of approx. £5k; some funds to be moved to PFSA Cost Centre. Other Capital Costs- Estimate of £6306 based on agreed payment to LCVAP/ Diocese in 2019/20 for pupil toilets and Mental Health Area. Work on the latter to start during October half term, continuing into Christmas holidays and Spring half term. Governors agreed to add the extra approx. £2k cost to the payments. Grounds Maintenance- overspend due to necessity for tree surgeon work at £500. Also £300 for gates and playing field repairs following use by Air Ambulance and ambulance vehicle. Governors agreed it was more important to maintain goodwill than try to retrieve costs. Learning Resources- It is anticipated that not all this Cost Centre will be spent. Swimming- Approx. £1k overspend. There has been Year 4 swimming only; no swimming to take place after Christmas. £288 to chase up from parents. A letter to be sent out after half term. Curriculum Costs- The report assumes that all departments will spend up- but often this isn’t the case. PSHE overspend this yearbut was underspent last year. PE- Some invoices/grants to be processed. HT spoke re: conditions for using PE Grant for other activities, particularly Pupil Premium children and to enhance pupil wellbeing. Insurance- Previously St Ben’s has bought insurance for staff absences (Supply Mutual Fund), Minibus, school trips (County) and ICT equipment/contents (Zurich). St Ben’s is now covered for contents insurance through County, giving a saving of approx. £2k. SBM to cancel Zurich insurance cover. Free School Meals- there will be some overspend. Photocopier- a saving of approx. £1600 since there has been no colour copying. PFSA- St Ben’s was the hub/employer school and received funds to cover PFSA expenses. From September 2018 the CLP has received the funding. St Ben’s pays costs and is reimbursed by the CLP, but will have to pay £3400 shortfall contribution (21% of total cost). A governor challenged re: situation if a school won’t pay. Governors discussed potential issues re: PFSA posts and funding, plus possible use of Pupil Premium funding for PFSA services. They agreed it would be useful to investigate this. Pupil Premium- estimated rise to £16627.
SBM to cancel Zurich cover.
Saving on Pupil Premium Revenue Cost Centre, which could be removed. Income- High Needs Funding may not receive all funds after moderation. SBM invited governors to contact her with any comments or questions. Governors thanked her for all her hard work preparing this report. Cost of proposed additional support staff- HT spoke re: need for extra TA support, particularly re-instating an Assistant Learning Mentor. Particular requirements are difficult to judge at the moment due to some pupils’ timetables and TA sickness and cover. Governors agreed to re-assess the situation after Christmas. Afternoon Nurture Groups are starting this week; the Learning Mentor has TA support for these, but there is a need for morning TA support for her. Staff are aware of her workload and offer their support for her wellbeing. Governors agreed in principle to begin the process of re-instating an Assistant Learning Mentor, following notification by HT. Pay Policy Governors discussed the County Teachers’ Pay Award 2018 Instruction Form for pay increases; to be submitted to County by 26.10.18. SBM advised that the pay rise is 3.5% for all staff on main pay scale and unqualified, 2% on the UPS and allowances and 1.5% for the Leadership Scale (Option 2 on the Teachers’ Pay Award 2018 Instruction Form). Governors approved applying Option 2. Clerk to amend Pay Policy draft as agreed by governors, and email this to HT for circulation to staff.
Business Continuity Plan
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Clerk to add Assist. LM to next SC mtg.
Clerk to amend Pay Policy. HT to circ. Pay Policy to staff.
Benchmarking This year’s Government Custom Benchmarking Reports have been released late. St Ben’s will undergo an SFVS Audit on 25.10.18. Benchmarking Report Set 1 is based on an automated search. This has skewed data for St Ben’s, which as a VA and a Junior School, is a more complicated situation. The SBM spoke re: FSM funds- which St Ben’s does not receive. Benchmarking Report Set 2 also gives skewed results as St Ben’s is considered as a Primary (rather than a Junior) School. Governors discussed Benchmarking differences between schools and generally approved the figures for St Ben’s. HT has contacted St Dunstan’s School re: possible relocation area in the event of a natural or other disaster. He is awaiting a reply, which he is hopeful will be positive. Other possible venues could include Diocese property or Tor Leisure Centre. HT advised that the Plan will not be in place th for the SFVS Audit on 25 October 2018. He will be meeting with some governors to work
Staffing & Potential Recruitment of new TA to add to Learning Mentor capacity Governors’ Allowances Policy
Premises Agenda Items Premises Update
Approved by governors and signed by Sub Committees Chair.
Pupil toilets are finished and the outdoor Mental Health space is due to be completed by end of Easter holidays. Approx. £2k costs for this year. 3 new class sink areas have been fitted. HT would like another 2 areas fitted over Easter, with 2 in the year 3 block to be fitted next year. SBM advised when funds (£1.5- 2) would be available. Governors agreed for the work to proceed. Health & Safety Audit due on 3.12.18. A Health and Safety Governor Walk around school with HT is needed. Mike Derbidge is happy to take over this role from Paul Winter. An annual Asbestos Check is needed. BSM informed that it is advisable to take photos to note and monitor any deterioration. A tree surgeon is booked for the end of November to cut back damaged trees. The wood will be kept for Forest School activities. The Health & Safety Policy was approved by governors and signed by HT and Sub Committees Chair. The Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy was approved by governors and signed by Chair of Governors. The Critical Incident, Dealing with Spillages External & Offsite Visits, Hygiene & Infection Control, Manual Handling, No Smoking and Substance Abuse Policies were approved by governors and signed by the Health & Safety Governor.
Health & Safety Update
Health & Safety Policies Suite
13. 14. 15.
Curriculum Agenda Items th Agree Curriculum minutes of 19 June 2018 Action Points & Matters Arising School Development Plan (SDP), Calendar
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on a broad plan. Governors discussed links between the Critical Incident Policy and Risk Register It was agreed that this had already been adequately discussed during Item 6.
Agreed by governors and signed by Chair.
None. This has been linked to the 3 action areas of the Ofsted Report. Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare Attendance- new system of attendance letters means earlier action re: poor attendance. Attendance Policy shared with parents. Pastoral Team- meet fortnightly. Members also form Safeguarding Team. Use of CPOMS alerts re: concerns/incidents, plus Red Cards. Behaviour Issues- often occur during play nd times. Higher level of staffing outside for 2 half of lunch break to deal with issues as they arise. Fewer problems occurring now. Wellbeing- Pupils’ self-assessment of this (Edu kit). CPOMS- all staff to use this to record
Effectiveness of Leadership & Management HT to amend RAG rating/ Milestone columns layout. Lesson Observation- HT informed that there is a good learning atmosphere in classes. Identifying Vulnerable Groups- through Pupil Progress meetings and book scrutiny. Pupil Progress meetings- HT spoke re: assessment cycle, and creative curriculum involving the wider community to inspire Maths and English learning. There has been a good staff reaction to this. The Year 4 teachers have held a Developing a Wider Curriculum INSET; the Music Lead organised a ‘Touch of Wind’ visit. The SEND Audit may result in possible pupil re-banding, with Education Health Care Plans adopted. SDP ownership- taking place through staff meetings and focus on key SDP elements. Governors & Impact of Academisation- the Diocesan MAT Education Adviser and a Midsomer Norton Academy rep to be invited to St Ben’s for Q&A sessions. Governors Monitoring & Challenge- a monitoring schedule to be established. Governor challenge and discussion to assist focus for 2019-20 academic year.
Mike Derbidge left at 7:17 pm. Meeting now in quorate but those present agreed to continue discussion of following items.
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behavioural and safeguarding incidents. PE- developing staff confidence and skills in PE through the Real PE programme. Forest School- being established; staff training to take place.
Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment Maths-Sections 1-6- All teachers held an Inspire Workshop for parents re: supporting their child at home. Jo Cronin (County) is providing on-going staff training. Development of pupils’ vocab and reasoning skills continues. Maths- Section 7- Use of interventions and strategies to target pupils working below age related expectations. Maths- Section 8- targets set for focus groups e.g. SEND, Pupil Premium, girls etc. Maths- Section 9- Embed use of concrete/visual and abstract methods. Maths- Section 10- use of Bar Modelling to represent problems. Assessment- implementing a new system for Maths, Reading and GPS. More Able Pupils- identifying pupils through on-going assessment and historic data analysis. SEND Pupil support- through direct teaching and marking. SEND Pupil Passports- reviewed and updated termly. Pastoral Team meetings- maintaining systems for discussion pupils whose learning causes concern. TA Deployment- ensuring effective and strategic support. Pupil Premium children- regularly supported through direct teaching, marking, TA and
SDP monitoring plan
Admissions: Consultation and Arrangements 2020/21 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development
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teacher-led interventions. Interventions & Strategies- to ensure those working below age related expectations in Reading & Spelling are closing the gap. Reading- Sections 20-24- enthusing and engaging pupils e.g. taking photos of pupils reading in and out of school, theatre trips. Visits by Target Reading staff and a Reading Dog. Engaging parents to support pupilsuse of prompt sheet at home. A governor spoke re: Clerk’s Agenda Setting Training, and inclusion of an item to discuss SDP in depth. She proposed that future meetings focus on an aspect of the SDP for discussion, and that leading up to this, individual milestones could be monitored/ studied. A governor challenged that this may not be practicable time-wise, and that monitoring may not be completely covered. HT offered to highlight most important areas; there would still be a need for monitoring visits. A governor proposed that she worked with HT to identify most important sections to discuss at next Sub Committees meeting (11.12.18). Governors recommended trying the proposal. HT spoke re: creating ethos of staff ownership of the SDP. A governor challenged that there was a possibility of staff directing governors, rather than governors monitoring the SDP. All agreed on the importance of working together, with staff welcoming governor involvement and challenge. It was agreed that this had been adequately covered in Item 15. HT and Chair of Governors will be starting on the process re: lowering of PAN. Theatre Trip- whole school trip to see Awful th Auntie at Weston-Super-Mare on 4 October. Governors thanked to Gemma Hazlehurst for overseeing the office for the day. Brewhouse trip- competition winners enjoyed a performance at this Taunton theatre. Visiting authors- Joffre White led an assembly; Abi Elphinstone is due to visit Year 6 pupils. th Harvest Festival- held on 16 October; well attended by parents and community. Somerset Multicultural Association- visited for a Black History Month assembly. Touch of Wind- visit by woodwind musicians; ‘hands- on’ opportunity for pupils. Cross Country- pupils were involved with an event at Millfield School. Children in Need Rickshaw Challengepupils will be replicating the BBC charity event by circumnavigating the school field. Gardening Club- run by Kathy MacGeoch and very popular with pupils. Reading Dog- there has been 1 visit, which has proved very popular, especially for pupils reticent about reading to other people; more visits are planned. Guide Dogs for the Blind Assembly- due to
HT to meet with gov. re: SDP focus areas to discuss.
Achievement Update
Governor Training
Any other urgent business
Meeting Review
take place in the near future. 2017-18 Data Report The Assessment Lead presented data for Reading, Writing & Maths Attainment and Progress for all years/class groups and for vulnerable groups (Pupil Premium, SEND, EAL and gender). Governors remarked positively on the clarity of the data representation, and the usefulness of the pie charts. There has been pleasing ‘expected’ and ‘greater than expected’ progress. It was proposed that this is more informative than ‘achievement’ for St Ben’s. Governors thanked the Assessment Lead for all her hard work on this report. It was agreed to defer this item to the Sub Committees meeting on 11.12.18.
Clerk to add Gov training to next Sub Comms mtg.
Date and time of next meetings
The governor with responsibility for the website will be visiting school re: photo updates. Pay Policy 2018-19 draft It was agreed that this had been adequately discussed and agreed in Item 6. Governors agreed that although the meeting over-ran, it had been very productive. SBM requires a longer time slot to present her report. Chair to rationalise future meetings’ content to cater for this. Governors re-capped on the 3 Core Functions of Governance. There is a th possibility that a 4 may be introduced. th FGB- Thursday 15 November 2018 at 5:30 pm. th Sub Committees- Tuesday 11 December 2018 at 5:30 pm.
Chair to rationalise future agendas.
The meeting closed at 7:58 pm.
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