Webinair 20 May 2019
Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn
HOT TOPICS FOR SCHOOL GOVERNORS Four topics were identified for discussion: 1. New Inspection Framework (from September 2019) The emphasis of the new system as rolled out in OFSTED inspections will be whether the school is delivering a curriculum of both substance and breadth for all its pupils. Is the curriculum meeting the needs of individual pupils? Can the inspection team discern integrity in the relationship between school leaders and the school staff and children? Data, including examination results, will still be perused but the focus is shifting to the outcomes for the pupils: (i) How is the delivery of the curriculum affecting the children’s behaviour (including learning behaviour) and development? (ii) What is the school’s exclusion policy and how is it applied in practice? Could exclusions be interpreted as “off-rolling”? (iii) Study the two inspection handbooks, one for section 5, previously termed a “full” inspection, the other for section 8, previously a “short” inspection. Both types of inspection will now be over a two day period. “Good” schools are likely to receive a section 8 inspection every 4 years. (iv) 50% of the OFSTED judgement will be concerned with the quality of the education, how effective is the curriculum and its delivery? Then one sixth each to: behaviour and attitudes exhibited in the school; personal development of all pupils; quality of leadership and management. Governors and the New Framework a) Overview: Are governors inspiring the school in its strategic vision and ethos? Are the governors holding the school to account through its leadership team? b) Ensure governors have access to appropriate training. c) Does the governance structure ensure an effective strategic oversight of the curriculum and its delivery? d) Is the school still “good/outstanding”? How can it demonstrate this? e) Is the school off-rolling? Looking at actual exclusions, what is the process? What happens to the excluded child’s records? Are vulnerable children with safeguarding needs in danger of being excluded? f) Is the school gathering appropriate data? How does that data influence the curriculum and its delivery?
2. Teacher Recruitment (i) Review recruitment costs over the past two years. (ii) Has the school registered to use the site gov.uk Teacher Vacancies? (iii) System is free to use for all state funded schools and is for both full and part time vacancies. (iv) State funded schools must stop employing independent recruitment agencies. (v) Does the school have any resignations taking effect before the end of May? Swift action required. 3. Teachers’ Pensions DfE has recently announced it will fully fund the increase in cost of teachers’ pension contributions for 2019/20. It will be paid in two tranches. The first will come to the school automatically and will be based on an estimate of cost. The second will come by way of an application that supplies the information from which the actual cost can be calculated. There should be an estimated provision in the draft budget. No guarantee has been given or announcement made for 2020/21. 4. Relationship, Sex and Health Education Guidance (i) Regulations come into force from September 2020; earlier implementation is allowed. (ii) First become familiar with the Statutory Guidance. (iii) Enter into consultation with parents, governors and local communities, especially where there is likely to be sensitivity. (iv) Parents have right to request child’s withdrawal but final decision is for the school. (v) Teaching of different faith perspectives is permissible. (vi) This part of the curriculum is an important element of safeguarding. E.g. necessity to teach the difference between the online world and the real world. (vii) Content is driven by the precepts of the 2010 Equality Act. (viii) What arrangements are in place to train teachers for this part of the curriculum delivery? (ix) Sensitive and well judged teaching will be grounded in knowledge and appreciation of the pupils, their circumstances and background. (x) Does the school have existing policies that need to be reviewed? (xi) OFSTED will be looking at a school’s progress and delivery in this field.
Paul Winter 28 May 2019