Environmental Impact Assessment

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Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

Cosmo Consultancy from L-R: Back row: Roger Sakambari, Andrew McCall, Hendra Aquan, Mark Lewis Middle row: Kibrom Fekadu, Sylvia Villacis, Amber Mellor, Natazia McKee, Zivana Pauling Front row: Guopeng Jiang, Souphamith Naovalat, Eduardo Sacayon




Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

Cosmo Consultancy Executive Summary Cosmo Consultancy has prepared this environmental impact assessment in accordance with the client’s wishes. Specifically to assess the impacts likely to result from the building of a 14 boat marina near the Kuratau river mouth, and from an associated residential development project consisting of 59 houses within a 32076 square metre section 300 metres upstream of the Kuratau river mouth. Both of the proposed developments are in the town of Kuratau.

Before this development will be able to go ahead a number of significant issues will need to be overcome. The area of land in question is prone to flooding and at risk from liquefaction. The local council’s current strategy regarding this is not to allow building on this land. Other significant impacts include loss of vegetation, loss of recreational areas, soil erosion and sedimentation, potential use of explosives during construction and the risk or any leaks or spills entering the Kuratau River and Lake Taupo. These are considered highly significant negative effects under the Resource Management Act and under local and district regulations, therefore obtaining resource consents may be difficult without significant efforts to mitigate these effects being included in any development plans. Furthermore, although the building of a marina is feasible at chart datum levels, the current flow levels would not support the marina and this level of variation in river flow is likely to remain a significant obstacle to any marina on the Kuratau River.

Due to time and resource constraints this assessment has not included all possible means of mitigating these negative effects. We strongly recommend a full assessment of alternative locations in the township and means of mitigating negative impacts be conducted.


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Acknowledgements Cosmo Consultancy would like to thank the following people for providing information, support and assistance throughout the duration of this project, without them this project would not have been possible.

John Holland (Massey University) Neil Langley (Massey University) David Feck (Massey University) Ian Fuller (Massey University) Alastair Clement (Massey University) Michel De Dual (Department of Conservation) Philip King (Taupo Harbour Master) John McKee (Charter Operator) Scott Devonport (Taupo District Council) Tony Hollard (The Lines Company) Roy Menton (Taupo District Council) Henry Reihana (Taupo District Council) Raeleen Rihari (Taupo District Council) Charles Atkinson and other Kuratau community members


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Table of Contents Cosmo Consultancy Executive Summary ....................................................................................... 3 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................... 4 1.


Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 9 1.1.

Introduction of development ........................................................................................ 9


Limitations and Assumptions of the assessment ...................................................... 12


Summary of impacts ................................................................................................. 13

Background ...................................................................................................................... 14 2.1.


Geographic location ........................................................................................... 14


Community profile .............................................................................................. 14


Study area .......................................................................................................... 19



Kuratau ...................................................................................................................... 14

Geophysical description ............................................................................................ 19


Geology .............................................................................................................. 19


Climate ............................................................................................................... 23


Kuratau River ..................................................................................................... 23

Policy ................................................................................................................................ 24 3.1.

Introduction................................................................................................................ 24


RMA .......................................................................................................................... 24

3.2.1. 3.3.

Resource consent .............................................................................................. 24

Natural Environmental standards .............................................................................. 24


Air Quality Standards ......................................................................................... 25


Sources of Human drinking water ...................................................................... 26


Soil Contamination ............................................................................................. 26


Telecommunication facilities .............................................................................. 27


Electricity transmission ...................................................................................... 28


Waikato Regional council .......................................................................................... 29


Significant Resource Management Issues ........................................................ 29


Resource consent concerning development and subdivisions .......................... 31


Taupo District Council ............................................................................................... 32


District Plan: Objectives and Polices ................................................................ 32


District Council Standards and Rules ................................................................ 35


Stakeholders ............................................................................................................. 36


Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board .......................................................................... 36


Taupo District Council ........................................................................................ 36


Waikato Regional Council (Environment Waikato) ............................................ 36


Department of Conservation .............................................................................. 36


Rate Payers Association .................................................................................... 37


King Country Energy .......................................................................................... 37


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA 3.6.7.

Fish and Game .................................................................................................. 37


Local Community Groups .................................................................................. 37

3.7. 4.

Terrestrial Ecosystems and Habitats ............................................................................... 39 4.1.

Introduction................................................................................................................ 39


Background ............................................................................................................... 40


Flora ................................................................................................................... 40


Fauna ................................................................................................................. 42


Flora ................................................................................................................... 45


Fauna ................................................................................................................. 45


Land use and topography .................................................................................. 46


Leopold matrix ................................................................................................... 47

Mitigation ................................................................................................................... 48


Ecological corridor ............................................................................................. 48


Landscape ecology long term monitoring program ........................................... 48


Pest management .............................................................................................. 48


Assumptions and limitations...................................................................................... 49


Summary ................................................................................................................... 49

Aquatic Ecology ................................................................................................................ 51 5.1.

Introduction................................................................................................................ 51


Background ............................................................................................................... 52


Physical description ........................................................................................... 52


Chemical description.......................................................................................... 53


Biological description ......................................................................................... 53


Impact assessment ................................................................................................... 57


Physical description ........................................................................................... 57


Chemical conditions ........................................................................................... 57


Biological conditions .......................................................................................... 57


Leopold matrix ........................................................................................................... 62


Mitigation ................................................................................................................... 63


Ongoing monitoring programme ........................................................................ 63


Riparian vegetation management and restoration ............................................. 63


Avoiding disturbance during trout spawning ...................................................... 64


Assumptions and limitations...................................................................................... 64


Assumptions ...................................................................................................... 64


Limitations .......................................................................................................... 64

5.7. 6.

Impact assessment ................................................................................................... 45




Conclusion................................................................................................................. 38

Summary ................................................................................................................... 65

Infrastructure and development........................................................................................ 67 6.1.

Introduction................................................................................................................ 67


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Development of existing structures ........................................................................... 67


Solid Waste ........................................................................................................ 67


Communication Services ................................................................................... 68


Water Supply ..................................................................................................... 69


Waste Water Services and Storm Water Drainage ........................................... 70


Road networks ................................................................................................... 72


Power generation and distribution ..................................................................... 72


Proposed development ............................................................................................. 74


Roads ................................................................................................................. 75


Houses ............................................................................................................... 75


Natural habitats .................................................................................................. 76


Utility networks ................................................................................................... 76


Marina development .................................................................................................. 77


Existing Marinas ................................................................................................. 77


Proposal ............................................................................................................. 79


Bathymetric Analysis.......................................................................................... 85


Limitations .......................................................................................................... 89


Alternatives ........................................................................................................ 89


Flood and flow history ............................................................................................... 90


Background ........................................................................................................ 90


Factors affecting flow and flood levels ............................................................... 95


Implications of development in Kuratau area using predictive flood models ..... 96


River flood hazard predictions ........................................................................... 99


Mitigation measures ......................................................................................... 100


Leopold matrix ......................................................................................................... 101


Assumptions and limitations.................................................................................... 102


Limitations ........................................................................................................ 102


Assumptions .................................................................................................... 102


Conclusion............................................................................................................... 102


References ..................................................................................................................... 103


Appendices ..................................................................................................................... 107 8.1.

Appendix 1: Geology of the Kuratau catchment (EW., TC et al., 2011) ................. 107


Appendix 2: Soil classification in the Kuratau catchment (EW., TDC et al., 2011) . 108


Appendix 3: Plant species of Waituhi−Kuratau Scenic Reserve including Kuratau

clearing based on A.P.Druce (1988), N.J.D. Singers (2003) and Rotorua Botanical Group, (2003) 109 8.4.

Appendix 4: Bird species reported by Forsyth and Howard-Williams (1983) ......... 112


Appendix 5: Water quality monitoring from 2004-2012. Parameters including, Water

clarity, pH, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous. Source: Waikato Regional Cuncil 2012 113


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA st


Appendix 6: Water quality at the three sample sites (1 April 2014). ..................... 116


Appendix 7: Description of flood hazard categories and matrix (Environmental

Waikato, 2008) ................................................................................................................... 117 8.8.

Appendix 8: Tectonic deformation in the Kuratau catchment ................................. 118


Appendix 9: Soil profile physical description ........................................................... 119


Appendix 10: A description of general soil physical characteristics and their effect

on sand, silt and clay ......................................................................................................... 120 8.11.

Appendix 11: Necessary resource consent forms ............................................... 121


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

1. Introduction Cosmo Consultancy was approached by a consortium of investors interested in developing a new riverside subdivision in the Kuratau Township, located south-west of Taupo. The area of land that is proposed to be converted to urban housing is 3276m2 and accommodates for a 200 metre band of river front to be left in its natural state.

As the Kuratau township mostly consists of holiday homes and has a seasonally dependant population size, the proposed housing has to be economically viable and suitable for the average holiday homeowner. The investor has requested that a suitably sized marina also be constructed at some point along the Kuratau River to accommodate for a small number of large high-value boats in addition to typical lake boats.

An initial environmental impact assessment was undertaken to determine the effect that the proposed development would have to the existing ecosystem of the Kuratau River and its surrounds. Environmental analyses included in our assessment are; aquatic and terrestrial ecology, delta degradation and silt zone monitoring, community profile and perspectives, and bathymetric analysis and sediment loading.


Introduction of development

Kuratau subdivision development will be built along Kuratau riverside, including its marina facilities, private roads and utility networks. This new subdivision size is 3,276 m2 and located 300 meters from Kuratau river mouth (See proposed development 6.3 for details)


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA Figure 1. Proposed development area


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Figure 1. Utility networks Map.


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Limitations and Assumptions of the assessment

There are a number of overall assumptions that Cosmo Consultancy made when undertaking our analysis. The development proposal assumes that the development will not encounter any problems when applying for resource consents, permissions from affected stakeholders or landownership conflicts. We have also assumed that historic records and data remain true, as there has been no major land-use changes in the area post existing records. The assumptions for each specific section of our analysis can be found in the relevant chapters.

Limitations of our analysis included a relatively short time period in which to monitor and assess potential impacts of the proposed development. Therefore, our field analysis and results represent only a snapshot of the quality of the ecosystem at the time of report construction.

The hypothetical nature of the study also limited the amount of detail we could during the impact assessment and the amount of information that would be required to carry out a thorough assessment of aspects that would need to be considered before a development plan could be initiated.

Our recommendation would be to undertake a more extensive impact assessment on the impacts that we have identified to adversely affect the environment as a result of the development proposal.



A. Physical and chemical characteristics

B. Biological conditions

C. Cultural f actors

LEGEND 3 Indicates a high negative impact

3. Aesthetics and Human Interest

1. Landuse

2. Fauna

1. Flora

2. Water



Surface Recharge Erosion Deposition Solution Compaction and settling Stability Trees Shrubs Grass Crops Microflora Aquatic plants Endangered species Corridors Birds Land animals including reptiles Fish and shellfish Benthic organisms Insect Microfauna Endangered species Corridors Wilderness and open spaces Wetlands Fishing Boating Swimming Scenic views and vistas Wilderness qualities Open space qualities Landscape design Unique physical features Parks and reserves Rare and unique species or ecosystems Health and Safety Eutrophication Disease-insect vectors Food chains

PROJECT ACTIONS Modification of habitat

Alteration of drainage





3 3

3 3 3

3 3

3 3

3 3 3


3 3

3 3 3



River control and flow modification

3 3



Alteration of groundwater hydrology 3

Surface or paving

3 3

3 3 3

3 3


Alteration of ground cover

3 3

3 3


3 3 3

3 3 3 3

3 3


Canalization 3

Noise and vibration 3


Urbanization 3 3


3 3

3 3

3 3


3 3

3 3


Roads and trails 3 3



Cables and lifts 3 3


Transmission lines pipel & corridors 3 3


Barriers, including fencing 3 3


Channel dredging and straightening 3



3 3



3 3


Channel revetment


3 3


3 3



Piers seawalls marinas & s.terminals 3 3



Offshore structures 3 3



Recreational structures 3 3



Blasting and drilliing 3 3 3 3 3

3 3

Cut and Fill 3 3

3 3 3



Blasting and drilling 3

3 3 3

3 3 3 3 3

Surface excavation 3


Dredging 3 3

3 3


3 3


Clear cutting and other lumbering 3

Flood 3



Erosion control and terracing 3

Landscaping 3

Harbour dredging 3



Automobile 3

Trucking 3

Explosions 3

3 3

3 3

3 3 3

3 3

3 3




3 3

3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3


Spills and leaks





D. Ecol ogic

Operational failure


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Summary of impacts


Tunnels and underground structures

2. Background 2.1. 2.1.1.

Kuratau Geographic location

The Kuratau Township is located in the Taupo Volcanic Zone at the southwest end of Lake Taupo. It is within the Taupo District and falls under the jurisdiction of Waikato Regional Council and the Taupo District Council (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). King Country Energy is the company in charge of water flow management in the lower valley. The proposed development site located at the low banks of the Kuratau River before entering the Taupo Lake (Figure 3). The access road to Kuratau is through highway 1, taking the road to Tokanuu from Turangi.


Community profile Tourism Tourism is a major component of Taupo's commercial sector as the city attracts over 2 million visitors per year. The Lake is the main tourist attraction in Taupo and many baches and holiday homes dominate the lakeside area. The busiest time for the industry is the summer season around Christmas and New Year (S. Devenport, personal communication, 1st April, 2014)

Total visits by travellers to Lake Taupo are forecast to rise to 3.429 million in 2016 - an increase of 2.5% (85,000) or 0.4% .p.a. International visits are expected to increase to 604,000 in 2016, representing growth of 117,000 or 24.0%. The total visits generated by international visitors is expected to increase by 17.6%. On the other hand, domestic visits are expected to decrease to 2.825 million in 2016, representing a contraction of 32,000 or 1.1%. The total visits generated by domestic visitors is expected to decrease to 82.4% (Ministry of Economic Development, 2010).


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA Industry A total of 4,474 individual business locations operating within the district in February 2013, a 1.5% fall from the previous year. Business numbers have fallen most for primary production, manufacturing, construction and retailing. Business numbers have risen most for financial and insurance services; professional, scientific, technical services, transport and warehousing, and administrative/ support services since 2008 (Battersby, 2013). Population Annual Statistics of New Zealand population estimates that the Taupo population stood at 34,300 in June 2013 and had increased by 0.3% since June 2012. The 2013 Census results indicate that the population had increased by 1.5% since the last Census (2006). This compares with 6% for the full Waikato region, 4% for the total Bay of Plenty region, Hawkes Bay 2.3% and 5.3% nationally (Statistics New Zealand, 2013).

Since 2006, the main components of total population change in the Taupo district have been natural population gain (births minus deaths) of 1,666 and a total net migration loss of 1,177. The latter figure comprises an international net migration loss of 1,162 and a net internal migration loss of 15. Net international migration loss from the district has been particularly pronounced in 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2012. Last year, net migration loss from the district was well down on the previous year (Battersby, 2013).

On the basis of the current population estimate for the Taupo area, as above, the population is projected to increase to 35,300 by 2026 and stabilise from that point. Population growth within the district since the 2006 Census has been highest for the Oruanui, Maunganamu, Acacia Bay, Lakewood, Marotiri and Kinloch areas. Population decline has occurred most in Turangi, Mangakino, Tauhara and Rangipo (Battersby, 2013). Housing demand and supply On the basis of the 2013 Census results, the total stock of 2008-2013 (December years) households in Taupo district presently stand at 19,569, comprising of 13,395 occupied dwellings on Census night and 6,174 unoccupied dwellings. Since 2006, the total number of dwellings has risen by 1,518 or 8.4%, compared to 9.4% for the Waikato region, 7.6% for the Bay of Plenty region, Hawkes Bay 6.6% and nationally 7.2% (Statistics New Zealand,2013).


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Latest Statistics New Zealand (2013) projections indicate an approximate 5% (700) increase in household numbers in the district over the 2011-2016 period, under the Medium growth projection scenario of New Zealand, followed by a forecast 8% (1,100) additional growth over 2016 to 2031. The percentage of people who lived at the same address as five years earlier increased. In 2013, 49.4% of the census usually resident population aged five years and over lived at the same address as in 2008. This was an increase from 41.1% in 2006 (Statistics New Zealand, 2013). Population and dwellings Private dwellings are dwellings that accommodate a person or group of people and are not available to the public, such as houses, flats, and apartments. Non-private dwellings are those that provide short- or long-term communal or transitory accommodation, and are available to the public, such as hotels, motels, hospitals, and rest homes. Unoccupied private dwellings are private dwellings that were empty, such as unoccupied holiday homes and dwellings being repaired or renovated, or private dwellings whose occupants were all away, at the time of the 2013 Census (Statistics New Zealand, 2013).

There were 1,570,695 occupied dwellings in 2013. Most occupied dwellings are private (99.4%). The number of unoccupied dwellings (which are all private) increased to 185,448 in 2013, up 16.4% from 2006. Unoccupied dwellings made up 10.6% of all dwellings in 2013 (Statistics New Zealand, 2013). Cultural diversity The cultural diversity in Taupo region is indicated by the historical Maori and European settlement as two main ethnic groups (Table 1). Maori tribe, Ngati Tuwharetoa was expected to settle in Taupo region since the eighth century. The immigration of European people in the mid-eighteenth century formed the multi-cultural society in the region (Forsyth and Howard-Williams, 1983).

According to Statistics New Zealand (2013), Europeans cover 68.3 percent of the Taupo population or 67.6 percent if compared with total New Zealand population. The 28.2 percent of Taupo population belongs to Maori ethnic group, 14.6 percent compared to all New


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Zealand people. The other ethnic groups are New Zealanders, Pacific people, Asian and Middle Eastern/Latin American/African as the proportion shown as the Table.

Table 1. Ethnic groups in Taupo Ethnic group









New Zealander



Pacific people






Middle Eastern/Latin



American/African Community Expectation During this assessment we carried out a survey to understand current residents view regarding the new development. A group of residents from different backgrounds were interviewed. Most of those surveyed were middle aged, and were all permanent residents in Kuratau.

The survey indicated that the majority of residents held positive views regarding the residential and marina development project. They consider further development to be of value as it will provide more services, lower rates, and increase the town’s international and domestic profile with tourists. In addition, they felt it would improve the sense of community in the town.

Those opposed to further development in the town expressed concerns about rate rises as a result of pressure on the council to accommodate more infrastructure demands. They were also concerned about the town losing the character it currently has if more development was to occur. The loss of bush areas and wetlands was of particular concern. Many of these people live here because of the peaceful environment, and as such regard further


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development as undesirable. Some people also queried the necessity of adding more houses to the town, when most of the existing dwellings are uninhabited for the majority of the year.

LEGEND 3 Indicates a high negative impact 2 Indicates a medium negative impact 1 Indicates a low negative impact 3+ Indicates a HIGH positive impact 2+ Indicates a medium positive impact 1+ Indicates a low positive impact

1 2+ 3+ 2+ 1 2 2 1 3+

1 1 2 1 1 1 3+ 1 1 2+ 2+ 2 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 2 1 1 1 3+ 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+

1 3+ 2+ 1+ 1 2 2

1 2+ 2+ 1 2 2 3+

1 1 1 2 2+ 1+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

1 1+ 1+ 1+ 2 2 2 2

1 2

1 1 1 1


2 2 2

1 1

3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+

3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+

3 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2 2 2+ 2 2 3+ 2 2 3+ 1

1 1 2+ 2+

1 1 2+ 2+



1+ 2+ 1+ 2+ 1 1 1 1

2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+

2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+

2+ 1+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 1+ 2+ 1+ 2+ 1+ 2+

Spills and leaks

2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+

Weed control


Pleasure boating

River and canal traffic




Waste recycling

Harbour dredging


Mine sealing and waste control

Erosion control and terracing

Commercial fishing and hunting

Clear cutting and other lumbering


Surface excavation

Cut and Fill

Blasting and drilliing

Recreational structures

Offshore structures

Piers seawalls marinas & s.terminals

Channel revetment

Channel dredging and straightening

Barriers, including fencing

Transmission lines pipel & corridors

Cables and lifts

Roads and trails


Noise and vibration

Surface or paving

River control and flow modification

Alteration of drainage 1 2+ 2+ 2+

Stack and exhaust emission

2 2 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2+ 3+

Septic tanks commercial & domestic

3. Aesthetics and Human

Wilderness and open spaces Residential Commerical Resorts Scenic views and vistas Unique physical features Parks and reserves Utility networks

Liquid effluent discharge

1. Landuse

Municipal waste discharge + sp irrig

C. Cultural factors


Alteration of groundwater hydrology

Modification of habitat


Alteration of ground cover Community Leopold matrix

3 2 1 3+ 2+ 1+


2 1 1 2 3 3

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Study area

The study site where the development will be carried out is on the South side of the Kuratau River, and includes 200 meters of land from the river banks, following the river to the mouth. It includes the reserve and the wetlands in the area (Fig. 1)

Figure 3. Aerial photograph of Kuratau showing the site for development inside the white line boundary.

2.2. 2.2.1.

Geophysical description Geology Geology and history The Kuratau catchment has unique geological features of significance to the region and preservation of these features is important in maintaining habitat biodiversity. Lake Taupo and the surrounding area began to form around 1 million years ago, via tectonic deformation which caused uplift of the area above sea level. Approximately, 300,000 years ago Lake Taupo was formed by the Tarawera eruption, a violent explosion which created the caldera (Forsyth & Howard-Williams, 1983). The unique geology of the area is mostly composed of rhyolitic ignimbrite and pumice alluvium, which are rich with silica and often light in colour. Rhyolite was ejected from the Tarewera eruption and flowed over the landscape eventually forming ignimbrite. Pumice in the region was formed by the injection of gas to hot ignimbrite. Subsidiary rocks such as sand, clay, pumice, ash, gravel, and silt are also present in the region. In the past, the landscape has been subjected to lava flows and


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geothermal areas are a significant feature of the Taupo Region. The Kuratau catchment comprises mainly fluvial and lake sediments. The fluvial sediments have long been affected by fluctuating levels of the lake, which in turn, create sediment along the Kuratau River (Forsyth & Howard-Williams, 1983). Soil properties The soils of the Kurutau catchment are predominately humoseorthicpodzols (27%) and podzolicorthic pumice soils (26%) on the northern slopes (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). Podzol soils often occur in areas of high rainfall and have low fertility, low base saturation, and are strongly acidic. The pumice soils, however, have a low clay content and are mostly gravelly soils or pumice sand. They have low soil strengths, high macro porosity, deep rooting depth, and low strength when disturbed. The impeded pumice soils (12%) occur when there is a subsoil layer that restricts the downward movement of water and roots. A further soil type in the Kuratau catchment is the orthicallophanic soils (12%). These soils are dominated by allophane minerals and are predominantly found in North Island volcanic ash, and from the weathering of other volcanic rocks. The soil is porous, with a low density structure (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

Soil analysis was undertaken for the proposed development to assist with analysis of geology, landscape characteristics, and to contribute towards background information necessary for required infrastructure.

In order to get an idea of the soil types that are located within proposed development site, five soil profiles were analysed (Figure 5) in areas which were expected to have different soil types (based on analysis of a catchment soils map which can be seen in Appendix 9). Consideration was also given to location of the soil profile analysis and these were chosen in a manner which would standardise sample sites for the wide range of aquatic and terrestrial ecology monitoring that was also conducted by Cosmo Consultancy at this time.


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Figure 4. Soil pH Properties in the Kuratau region

Figure 5. Map of soil profile locations taken in the proposed development site.


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Figure 6: Soil profiles at the five sites-from 1-5 respectively (Photo: Roger Sakambari, 2014)

A more detailed table of results and implications can be found in Appendix 9 Elevation/land (Map-DEM) Figure 7. Topography map of the study site


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The climate of the Taupo region is strongly influenced by the topography of the mountain ranges in the east and south-east which rise to 1,500m. These produce a pocket for incoming western winds. Rainfall in the nearby Tongariro National Park produces a mean annual rainfall of 2000mm at its higher altitudes (Forsyth & Howard-Williams, 1983). In the Kuratau Catchment the highest rainfall of 2240mm is observed in the Pukepoto Forest and 1500mm in the Pureora State Forest Park (Taupo District Council, 2014). Temperature patterns for Lake Taupo range from 23oC in the summer to 7oC during the winter (Forsyth & Howard-Williams, 1983).

Figure. 8 Minimum and maximum temperatures in the Kuratau region over an average year.


25 20 15





Mean Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Source: Statistics NZ 2014


Kuratau River

The Kuratau River is situated on the western side of Lake Taupo just north of Kuratau Township. It flows from the rough hill country south of the Pureora Forest park and Pukepoto Forest, before meandering in an northeast direction into Lake Kuratau, from there it meanders a further 5km where is drains into the southwest of lake Taupo. From the headwaters to the mouth is roughly 24km long and contains two tributaries;Kuratu River and the Mangaongoki Stream (Waikato Regional Council, 2014a).


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3. Policy 3.1.


Various facets of the proposed development e.g. obtaining resource use consents and meeting infrastructural requirements are subject to approval from and compliance with policies of the Waikato Regional and Taupo District Councils. Approval from T큰wharetoa (the Maori Trust Board) is also required given their river and lake bed rights. Environmental and cultural concerns of various stakeholders will also require consideration (P. King, personal communication, 24th March 2014).



The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) requires that regional and district councils administer the sustainable use, development and protection of natural and physical resources. One of the key ways the RMA seeks to promote sustainable management is to ensure all the effects of a proposal, both positive and negative, are considered before an activity is allowed to happen. This means that any potentially adverse effects can be controlled. If they cannot be controlled, consideration by involved councils can be given as to whether the activity should be allowed (RMA, 1991).


Resource consent

In the case of the proposed development in Kuratau, extensive modification to the land and aquatic habitats is required to make the proposed development of 59 houses and a marina. Resource consent is required for removal of significant amounts of indigenous vegetation, river channel modification, marina development, road networking and the subdivision of land.


Natural Environmental standards

National environmental standards are set so that everyone in New Zealand has clean land on which to live, clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. These national standards protect people and the environment as well as providing a strong consistent approach in terms of


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decision-making throughout the entire country, this creates a very effective and level playing field (Ministry for the Environment, 2013). The environmental standards apply nationally and are issued under the Resource Management Act (RMA) in sections 43 and 44. These are the standards, and the methods, and encompass all other requirements for environmental matters. These standards must be enforced in every region, every city and every district. The imposition of stricter standards is a decision made by individual councils; however the minimum standards are these standards in the RMA (Ministry for the Environment, 2013).


Air Quality Standards

According to the RMA Air quality standards are regulations that guarantee that a minimum level of health protection is provided to all New Zealanders (Ministry for the Environment, 2013).

Under air quality standards the following regulations must be enforced:

- Banning of activities that discharge significant quantities of dioxins and other toxics into the air. - Ambient air qualities. - Design of new wood burners in urban areas - Control of greenhouse gas emissions at landfills; regulations 26 and 27.

The developer in charge of the proposed subdivision will need to be aware that the ambient air quality standards must not be breached, especially during the construction phase of both the subdivision and the marina. These standards apply in an air shed, open air and any area in which people could be exposed to these contaminants. The containments to be aware of are Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen dioxide, ozone, PM10 and Sulfur dioxide (Ministry for the Environment, 2013). Standards are immediately breached if the contaminant exceeds the given thresholds. The developer must be acutely aware of this, especially in the construction phase. The developer will need to insure that the Particulate matter emissions do not exceed PM10 guidelines set out in the Air Quality Standards. Fine particulate matter in the air shed can have adverse effects on human health (Ministry for the Environment, 2013).


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The standards for wood burners in new housing developments are another standard that the developer of the new subdivision needs to be aware of and abide by.

In terms of the landfill and the increased amount of waste being deposited into it the developer must insure that the additional waste will not exceed the total capacity of the landfill (Ministry for the Environment, 2013).

Resource Consents and permits are required for: - PM10 discharges. - Discharge of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and volatile organic compounds. - Discharge of sulfur dioxide.


Sources of Human drinking water

The National standards for human drinking water are taken from section 43 of the RMA. According to section 7 (a) and (b) and 8 of the RMA regulations, if activities have a negative impact on the water quality upstream, which are the sources of drinking water, the Regional council will not grant a water permit or permit up stream of construction (Ministry for the Environment, 2013). The developer must be aware of these standards however the proposed development should not affect sources of drinking water.

Resource Consents and permits are required for: -

Discharges made above the abstraction point for drinking water.


Water permits above the abstraction point for drinking water.


Activities that adversely affect the registered drinking water supply.


Soil Contamination

The National Standards for assessing and managing contaminants in soil to protect human health are taken from section 43 of the RMA. The regulations insure that activities on any areas of land where soil may be contaminated do not reach a level that could negatively impact human health. Section (4a) and (6) of the RMA states that, any activity which disturbs the soil and changes the use of land will have to comply with Regulation 7 guidelines (Ministry for the Environment, 2013). The developer needs to be aware of these regulations as the proposed development will involve a lot of ground and soil excavation works and


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these will have an impact on the soils and land use which could alter the contamination of the soil in the area. The developer will have to comply with Regulation 7 guidelines of the NES for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in soil to protect human health. The developer must also insure that controls to minimize the exposure of humans to mobilized contaminants are in place when activity begins, are effective while the activity is done, and are effective until the soil is reinstated to an erosion resistant state. The volume of the disturbance of the soil of the piece of land must be no more than 25 cubic meters per 500 square meters (Ministry for the Environment, 2013).

Resource Consents and permits are required for: -

Subdividing or changing use


Removing or replacing fuel storage system, sampling soil, or disturbing soil.


Telecommunication facilities

The national standards for Telecommunication Facilities include: -

Conditions protecting trees and vegetation, historic heritage values, visual amenity values, and coastal marine area.


Conditions controlling cabinet and noise.

The developer of this subdivision needs to be aware of the regulations concerning the location of telecommunication facilities in protected areas. They must comply with the plan’s rules on tree and vegetation protection. Potential effects on visual and amenity values must also be taken into account.

The developer must consider the regulations around controlling cabinet and noise. Conditions related to this include the construction of cabinet, number, size and location. Also the noise from the cabinet must be measured in accordance with NZS 6801: 2008 Acoustics – Measurement of environmental sound, the measurement must be adjusted in accordance with NZS 6801: 2008 Acoustics – Measurement of environmental sound to a free field incident sound level, and the adjusted measurement must be assessed in accordance with NZS 6802: 2008 Acoustics – Environmental noise (Ministry for the Environment, 2013).

Resource consents and permits are required for:


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Telecommunications facilities in road reserves.


Electricity transmission

The national standards for Electricity Transmission Activities include:


Operation of transmission line or use of access track.


Overhead conductors, earth-wires, overhead telecommunication cables, and adding overhead circuits.


Increasing voltage or current rating, underground conductors, and undergrounding transmission lines


Transmission line support structures: Alteration, relocation, and replacement.


Temporary structures and temporary line deviation.


Transmission lines: Removal.


Telecommunication devices.


Transmission line support structures: Discharges from blasting and applying protective coatings.


Discharges to water.


Trimming, felling, and removing trees and vegetation.




Noise and vibration from construction activity.


Other transmission activities.

The developer of this subdivision must be aware of all the regulations listed above and must comply with the 2009 regulations, which include all permitted, controlled and restricted activities (Ministry for the Environment, 2013).

Resource consent and permits are required for: -

Maintenance and upgrade of existing transmission lines.


Increasing voltage or current rating.


Alteration, relocation and replacement of transmission line support structures.


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Waikato Regional council

Waikato Regional Council is the territorial authority in charge of administering the region’s resources in a sustainable way. Before any development can commence, a resource consent is required and developers should consult with the regional council to assess limitations for the proposed development. For this reason, it is advised that the developer reviews aspects of the Waikato Regional Council policy statement during the resource consent application process (Policy and Transport Group, 2010).

The Regional Council policy statement (2010) has been developed with consideration of territorial boundaries and is an integrated resource management approach that focuses on, “the natural processes and basic principles that support life, the complex interactions between air, water, land and all living things; the needs of current and future generations; environmental, social, economic and cultural outcomes; and the need to work with agencies, landowners, resource users and communities”

Most of rules and regulations enforced by the regional council are in keeping with wider New Zealand environmental quality standards: National Environmental Standards for Air Quality; National Environmental Standard for Sources of Human Drinking Water; National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities; and National Environmental Standards for Electricity Transmission.


Significant Resource Management Issues

According to Waikato Regional Council (2014a) in their policy statement, “Declining quality and quantity of natural and physical resources impacts their life-supporting capacity, reduces intrinsic values and ecosystem services and in general reduces our ability to provide for our wellbeing.” The main resource management issues arising from the development concern (i) the impact of sedimentation and ii) loss of habitat for native species.

Standards and regulations by Waikato Regional Council for sustainable water and land and soils management will guide the addressing of these issues.


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA Water “Effects of Subdivision Use and Development - Territorial authorities should manage the effects of subdivision, use and development through district plans, development and subdivision guidelines and structure plans to:

a) maintain flow regimes and the availability of water, including by preventing the sealing of aquifer recharge areas; b) protect existing and promote new appropriately vegetated riparian margins; c) minimise the potential for contaminants to enter water bodies; d) reduce flows into stormwater networks including through the adoption of low impact design; e) provide for the creation of esplanade reserves and/or strips where this will have a positive effect on a water body; f) promote best practice stormwater management for urban areas, including the need for stormwater catchment plans for greenfield urban development g) maintain the natural flow regimes and functioning of water bodies; h) reduce and manage contaminant loadings (including sediment) entering stormwater networks; i) provide for the regular inspection of communities serviced by onsite wastewater systems, such as in villages and concentrated rural-residential areas, to identify and address any surfacing of effluent from onsite wastewater systems; and j) minimise stormwater entering wastewater networks Land and soils In terms of land and soil resources the developer needs to pay attention to policy 14.1 from the Waikato Regional Council policy statement that describes how to manage activities to maintain soil quality and reduce risk of erosion:

a) activities on land with high erosion potential and/or near water bodies; and b) earthworks and soil disturbance, including controlling the timing, duration, scale and location of soil exposure (Waikato Regional Council, 2014b).


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3.4.2. Resource consent concerning development and subdivisions It is strongly advised the developer follows the Taupo District Council Code of Practice for the Development of Land and considers sections i) “Subdivisions and other developments require resource consents in accordance with the Resource Management Act. In some cases resource consents will be needed from both the Taupo District Council and the relevant Regional Council. In this case the Taupo District Council may seek to co-ordinate the processing of applications and, where required, to hold joint hearings. Developers are advised to consult with the Council Consents staff prior to lodging resource consent applications” and section iii) “The application (particularly for subdivisions) should include reports covering proposed land uses, factors influencing the design of the development, the extent of any earthworks proposed, soils report if required for foundation design and/or as evidence to support any proposal to dispose of sewage effluent on-site, stormwater disposal proposals, potable and firefighting water supply provisions, road safety audits, current and future effects of traffic, the provision of off-street parking, access for fire-fighting appliances, landscaping proposals and any other relevant information which may assist the Council in making an informed assessment of the proposals. Where alternative or non-standard designs are proposed, then the applicant shall provide sufficient evidence to enable Council staff to assess the viability of the proposal, ongoing maintenance requirements and whole of life cost assessments” (Taupo District Council, 2009b). Land use consent The Waikato Regional Plan describes the following activities as discretionary and require resource consent:

“Any soil disturbance, roading and tracking, and vegetation clearance and any associated deposition of slash into or onto the beds of rivers and any subsequent discharge of contaminants into water or air that do not comply with the conditions of Permitted Activity Rule” (Waikato Regional Council, 2014b)


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA Water consent In terms of water consent application it is important that the developer considers section from the Waikato Regional Council Plan which states: “The Waikato Regional Council will require a water management plan that meets the requirements of Method to be submitted with any application for a resource consent for domestic or municipal supply, and will impose conditions on any consent granted requiring: a) Regular reviews of the water management plan; b) Reporting on the effectiveness of the plan in achieving water conservation and water demand management and c) Regular reviews of consent conditions to give effect to the matters identified in (b) (Waikato Regional Council, 2014b).

3.5. 3.5.1.

Taupo District Council District Plan: Objectives and Polices

The Taupo District Council has developed district plans with clear objectives and policies which are consistent with the regional and national plan. This includes measureable standards and rules to determine and ensure the achievement of the objectives and policies. The plan of the District Council is categorized in to various sections and sub-sections which will be discussed in order of importance to the proposed site development. Residential Environment The District Council Plan focuses on preserving the character of the residential environment (Taupo District Council, 2007). This is very important in small settlements especially for Kuratau and Omori villages which only have a permanent population of 219 (as of 2006). This number is predicted to increase to 250 by 2031 and there is, therefore, an expectation of changes to residential structure (Statistics New Zealand, 2013). The District council also has the Long Term Plan (LTP) as the roadmap for the next 10 years. There will be a decrease in the forecasted funding rate from 7.38% to 4.4%. As a result of infrastructure upgrades, Taupo town residents will face an increase of $95 in water rates (per rating) unit from $294 to $389 to meet the water quality standards required by central government. 58% of residential properties in Pukawa, Omori, and Kuratau will get rates


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increases. 24% will pay up to $100 more, and 14% will pay $100-$200 more, with another 4% paying more than $200 more. The predicted income within the region is 78,553,000$ (Taupo District Council, 2013). The Council provides community facilities and services to meet the current and future needs of communities. This is done in the most cost-effective way for ratepayers. In Kuratau, maintaining the existing character of the town is considered to be important for subdivision designs. The subdivision planning stage requires the inclusion of an attractive streetscape and a good proportion of private to public ‘green’ spaces which will ease the desired character of the township. A riverside walk, central wetland, and retention of the nearby Amenity Landscape can help preserve Kuratau’s character (Statistics New Zealand, 2013). This proposed development of 40 new residents could potentially adversely affect the character and charm of the town with increased levels of dust, noise and traffic. The construction phase would be likely to have quite a heavy impact (Taupo District Council, 2007). To maintain the current residential environment, no commercial properties are allowed. This is in accordance with TDC’s policy to avoid any new subdivision becoming independent from the rest of the settlement and the adjacent township of Omori. By utilizing the Omori local store, a community sense and value will be maintained by those who get benefits. The District Council also has the residential environment plan in order to maintain the character of river and lake boundaries (Taupo District Council, 2007). Whilst the proposed marina would have a significant impact on the Kuratau River, the developers are willing to mitigate this impact. This impact may be mitigated by setting aside the riverside for not only natural aesthetic purposes, but also erosion maintenance with vegetation cover and recreational activities. In line with these purposes, another choice is to minimize impacts on the river by only constructing a boat ramp, and/or upgrading the existing Kuratau boat ramp, while still setting aside the riverside for aesthetics and recreation. The District Plan aligns with the RMA to preserve and enhance the Kuratau River Esplanade Reserve. The effects-based control of activities will result in avoidance, remedy or mitigation of the effects. The conventional acceptance of the proposed development means that mitigation tends to be the most utilized option to control effects. This could possibly include renewal and/or improvement of the neighboring amenity landscape area to the south (Taupo District Council, 2007). Importantly, the formation of Kuratau Omori Preservation Society in 2008 well illustrates community perspectives on environmental issues. The Society


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has made submissions, primarily to the TDC concerning a variety of RMA matters. In particular, this association emphasizes preserving the natural landscape, and its biodiversity (Taupo District Council, 2009a). Land development According to the Taupo District Land Development Code of Practice Part 2(A), before any development can commence, resource consent may be required. Developers should consult with the Council at an early stage to ascertain any particular requirements or site limitations for the development proposed. Since the proposed site development will have potential negative impact on the terrestrial environment and Kuratau River, the developer may require and should consider resource consent and consultation for the approval of the proposal (Taupo District Council, 2009a).

Preparation of structure plans need to be incorporated into the proposal to ensure adequate continuity with land development frameworks. Any Infrastructure necessary for the identified urban growth areas must also be identified, as this will likely need to be upgraded to accommodate the new development. The way in which any adverse effects on the existing infrastructure will be avoided remedied or mitigated must also be included.

The range of residential and rural residential densities must be determined by the Taupo District Structure Plan Process to avoid pre-emptive subdivision and development that may prematurely restrict the extent of the growth area.

New activities and development must have access to the provision of these services whether it be publicly or privately owned infrastructure. Complying network utility activities and infrastructure are those that are either permitted under this Plan or have obtained resource consent (Taupo District Council, 2012).

The Taupo District Council does not have an operative Financial Contributions Policy as provided for under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). Developers however may be liable under resource consent conditions to pay for works external to the site (over and above development contributions) to mitigate the effects of the development.


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA T큰wharetoa Cultural Values In accordance to the Taupo District Residential Environment Section 4e.4, though there are no specific rules and standards stated for the cultural values. However, it is necessary to consult with T큰wharetoa (the Maori Trust Board) to establish how any proposal will align with Maori cultural values, and to consider means of mitigation if aspects of it do not sit well with T큰wharetoa. Natural Values The proposed development site has the potential to negatively impact on the natural values of the development area particularly on native flora, fauna, vegetation and surface water quality and run-off into the Kuratau River. Therefore, in accordance with Section 4e.6: Rules and Standards, District wide rules, natural values, the developer must take into consideration any negative impacts on the natural values of the area


District Council Standards and Rules Residential Environment According to the Taupo District Residential Environment Section 4a.1, performance standards and development control are well stated to residential developers. The proposed site development plan will have negative impact on the surrounding environment in the form of forest clearance and habitat destruction; the developer should comply with the district resident performance standards. Due to the discretionary nature of the proposed site development activities, the developer should ensure the proposal complies with the rules stated within section 4a.3 of the Taupo District Council Residential Environment subdivision development. Industrial Environment The Taupo District Council Industrial Development section 4d.1 states performance standards and development controls that developers need to comply with. There may be some activities such as road network, storm water drainage, electricity and


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telecommunication related to the proposed site development plan which will need to comply with the industrial development standards and rules in the Taupo District Council.



Rules, policies, plans and bylaws of stakeholders requiring legal compliance and the known concerns and non-legal recommendations of various stakeholders have been have been considered in the compilation of this report. By stakeholder these include:


Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board

Tuwharetoa (the Maori Trust Board) currently own river and lake bed but not water rights in the region and developmental impacts thereon would require informing and seeking consent from the Board. According to Taupo District Council (2008b), Māori place significant cultural and historical values on the Lake and rivers in the region and these elements are an integral part of Māori wellbeing and identity.


Taupo District Council

Taupo District Council is responsible for strategies, plans, policies and bylaws regarding natural resource use and property and economic development in the region that developers are legally required to comply with. The proposed development will require the council’s approval for all infrastructural developments.


Waikato Regional Council (Environment Waikato)

Waikato Regional Council lays out standards and regulations and rules for natural resource management in the wider Waikato area. Taupo District Council must comply with these standards and all plans, strategies and policies of district council must align with the regional council’s aims.


Department of Conservation

The Department of Conservation will likely raise concerns regarding removal of native trees, downstream impacts of the development and impacts on fauna as well as concerns similar


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to Fish and Game regarding trout migration, spawning and population (M. Dedual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014).


Rate Payers Association

Rate Payers Association will likely raise concerns about the implications of the new development for rates i.e. whether the increased demand will increase rates or result in falling average costs.


King Country Energy

King Country Energy will likely raise concerns over pressure from marina users to increase river flow levels in times of low flow and the marina being usable conflicting with waterdischarge levels determined by rainfall levels and demand for electricity.


Fish and Game

Fish and Game will likely raise concerns about the marina and dredging of the river and harbour mouth and what this will mean for trout migration, spawning and population.


Local Community Groups

Permanent residents from Kuratau, Omori and Pukawa have formed a Preservation Society largely opposed to new development and aiming to preserve the quiet, small-town feel of Kuratau. Whilst consultation with the group is not required, they are active in the community and may voice concerns about the scale of the development (59 houses) and its implications for rates and the small proportion of the residents who will utilise the marina.


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The proposed development is subject to receiving approval from and complying with policies, rules and bylaws of the Waikato Regional and Taupo District Councils for resource use consent and infrastructural requirements. Approval from Tuwharetoa (the Maori Trust Board) need also be obtained given their river and lake bed rights. The proposed development has/ will raise a number of known and anticipated stakeholder concerns, mostly regarding environmental but also cultural impacts.


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4. Terrestrial Ecosystems and Habitats 4.1.


As a result of the volcanic explosion that formed the Lake Taupo Basin the original vegetation was all but destroyed, Podocarp and beech forest regenerated in the basin, whilst wetlands formed around the lakeshore (Taupo District Council, 2014). Post-settlement by Maori there was substantial clearing of vegetation for forestry. This reduced original forest cover around the lake. In recent times, 11,000 ha of riparian corridors and lakeside reserves have been given a protection status by government agencies to maintain the lakes unique natural character (Taupo District Council, 2014). Regional Councils are required under the Resource Management Act of 1991 to implement policies which will protect areas which are considered of high natural character at, local, regional or national scale (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

The Kuratau catchment is covered mostly by remnants of forests, pasture and native scrub. In some areas there are small portions of wetlands and swamp vegetation (Smith, Paine &Ward, 2011). The changing water levels of rivers have created microclimates that allowed coastal species to grow in harsh inland situations (Taupo District Council, 2014).

Mount Rangitukua opposite the study site, is the habitat for the threatened species New Zealand Falcon, Australasian bittern and Spotless Crake. It is regarded by Taupo District Council as a region that has “Very high physical prominence�. Furthermore, it has the highest rhyolite dome on the lake margin at 726masl (346masl above lake level). Native regenerating bush cover on upper slopes has high natural significance and provides good habitat diversity. It also forms the backdrop of Kuratau and Omori settlements and provides aesthetic value to property and importance to local communities (Taupo District Council, 2014).


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Figure 9. Map showing Waikato Regional Council Significant Natural Areas.

Source: Neveldsen, 2010

The Rangitukua Scenic Reserve is also considering an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor “because it buffers Lake Taupo and the lower portion of the Kuratau River. This site contains a wide range of vegetation types including cliff and rock outcrop vegetation, wetland and kowhai-Kanuka forest” (Neveldsen, 2010).

4.2. 4.2.1.

Background Flora

According to Wardle (2002), the Taupo basin is part of the Volcanic Plateau Botanical Province. Four groups of vegetation are prominent in the Taupo Basin and are described by the Waikato Regional Council as: 1) Rimu and matai over kamahi forest on well-drained, flat to rolling hill country. 2) Dense podocarp (totara, matai and kahikatea) forest on deep, welldrained volcanic soils and on the ignimbrite geology west of Lake Taupo. 3) Beech (red and silver) forest on steep slopes at high altitudes, and in gorges where cold air accumulates, particularly on the eastern ranges in the Taupo ecological district north of the TaurangaTaupo River. South of the river mosaics of red beech and podocarp-dominated forest rose to mountain beech forest above 800 metres. 4) Hall’s totara over kamahi forest at higher altitude in places such as Mt Tauhara and Oruanui where beech forest was absent. (Taupo District Council, 2014)


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Three sites where selected to assess impacts on vegetation. Photographic records where taken at each site with species description. Site one is the Whiowhio recreational area has a mix of wetlands grass species, young trees and perennial bushes. Site two is dominated by a mix of native bush with trees, and site three is the river delta. The marina development site will affect the Whiowhio recreational area and site two the park.

Figure 10. Vegetation sites

Figure 11. Conservation area map


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Figure 12. Vegetation types in the proposed development site.

There is an existing pathway that links the Whiowhio reserve and the residential zone as can be seen in Figure 11, Species located along this walkway and in the walkway of the Whiowhio reserve include: some exotic species such as Rubus spp. (Blackberry), and a number of native species. These include: Coprosmagrandifolia, Aristoteliaserrata (Wineberry),





Geniostomarupestre (Hangehange), Melycitusramiflorus (Mahoe), Brachyglottisrepanda (Rangiora).

Native species located in the wetland include,Cortaderia spp(Toetoe),Phormiumtenax (Flax) and Cordylineaustralis (Cabbage tree). There is also a proportion of exotic scrub amongst the native wetland plants including Rubus spp. (Blackberry).


Fauna Mammals Mammal species located in the study site, include the lesser short tailed bat Mystacinatuberculata, and the long tailed bat Chalinolobustuberculatuswhich inhabit the


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dense podcarp forest of the Kuratau region. Both species of bats are endemic to New Zealand, and the Long-tailed bat is considered endangered.Species such as rabbits, hares and hedgehogs have been identified in abundance in the region of the proposed development (Lindsay & Morris, 2000). Birds Bird data for the Lake Taupo region was recorded in 1983, recording 31 species of aquatic bird.From these, nine species of the family Anatidae are reported to be the most diverse (Appendix 4). Other species which have been found include the New Zealand Scaup, New Zealand Shoveler, some Fernbird swamps, Blue duck, New Zealand falcon, Brown Kiwi, yellow crowned and red crowned parakeets and kaka (Forsyth & Howard-Williams, 1983) .

Birds can be used for habitat monitoring because some require specific habitat requirements, therefore their populations can provide an indication of habitat quality. To estimate species diversity bird counts where made along a line transect following the Kuratau River. From seven to eight in the morning three stations where used to conduct observations, during a period of 15 minutes. The results are presented in table X. The results presented are preliminary and it is recommended that a bigger sampling effort be made in order to account for complete species inventory.

Table 2. Bird species list found at the Kuratau study site. No Species


















Passer domesticus















Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA Amphibians and Reptiles Commonly found geckos are the green gecko, Naultinus e. elegans, common skink leiolopismanigriplantare.

Insects found, south island cicada, Maoripsaltacampbelli and

snails from the genius Wainuia. Soil invertebrates Soil invertebrates are crucial for the environment as they perform a wide range of ecosystem services. Nutrient cycling and organic decomposition are important for the recycling of energy and disposal of waste products in the ecosystem. Soil invertebrate communities have complex and dynamic interrelationships and are depended on by many higher organisms through soil quality. In the present study, three pitfall traps were set in each representative land use type in the study area (Figure 11). Carabidae beetles were found in the wetland and vagrant spiders were found in the bush site. Colembolla, protura and diplura were found at all sites in high density.

Figure 11. Soil invertebrate monitoring locations


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Impact assessment

The site for development is located in the riparian Whiowhio recreational area. The area presents a mix of native bush with perennials and small patches of young trees. It is important to note that to the Taupo District Council it is classified as Amenity Landscape Area 69 and appears to be a recent restoration site, with clearings, opening and young age trees. On the other hand the adjacent Rangitukua Scenic Reserve has more ecological value because is considered as an Outstanding Landscape Area 40 and is an important habitat for endangered species (Neveldsen, 2010).

The impacts associated with the marina development will directly affect the Whiowhio recreational area and probably will reduce the effect as a riparian restoration site. The issues for marina development will produce a higher concern for the Kuratau community for which it is strongly advised that permission from local stakeholders is granted.



Removal of forest cover will negatively affect the protection of ground and soil from the river water level change cycle. The river level is known to change without notice because of the hydroelectric energy production scheme in the upper Kuratau Lake (King Country Power, 2000). This could potentially cause run-off of pollutants to increase in the river. Removing forest and native bush can also negatively affect ground dwelling and flying insects due to habitat removal. There will be increased level of human interference which disturbs the existing flora condition of the area.


Fauna Birds The birds observed are native and introduced species commonly found in the Lake Taupo basin. More observations could provide information on the rare species, visitors or migratory birds that use the recreational site. The expected impacts of habitat change will affect directly affect bird species that use the Whiowhio reserve as a nesting ground.

Although we did not sample other taxonomic groups, distribution reports for small rodents, hedgehogs and rabbits account for mammal species that could be affected. The habitat


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change in the Whiowhio recreational area could reduce feeding resources for both bat species. Amphibians and reptiles are especially sensible to microclimate change. Humidity and temperature are important habitat factors that will change once the vegetation cover is removed and thus Green frogs Litoria sp. will lose part of their habitat. Although mainly aquatic the green frog spends a part of their life cycle in trees (Lindsey & Morris, 2000). Soil fauna The proposed development plan will have negative impacts on soil as it will remove topsoil and soil microbial life which is essential for soil fertility and stability. Loss of soil stability will result in an increased rate of soil erosion and thus deposition of sediment into the Kuratau River which has negative effects to the river ecosystem. Removal of soil microbes and invertebrates will disrupt the cycling of nutrients in the soil and this in return will reduce soil fertility and may result in a decrease in healthy vegetation (Wardle, 2002). Mammals and pest species Habitat change can have a high impact on pest species. The subdivision infrastructure provides spaces and new conditions for pest species. If resources are available they can increase population size that in the long term can have negative effect on native species outnumbered by pests. Invasive weed species colonize open spaces and misused land. Rats are part vegetarian and part carnivores, the Ship Rat, Ratusratus, feeds on plant materials, fruits, nuts, seeds, as well as praying heavily on baby birds or eggs, insects and other small animals. Rats are dangerous as they can take resources or pray on important bird species. In the past three endemic species, the saddleback, the bush wren and subantartic snipe were driven to extinction due to the effect of this pest species (Lindsey and Morris, 2000).


Land use and topography

The implementation of the project has the potential to change the topography of the land on which the facilities is proposed to be constructed and may also disrupt the natural drainage of the area and surrounding areas to the site. This is because the construction of the facilities will possibly include cut and fill earthworks. The cut and fill works will normally


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change the natural topography of the land which will result in a disruption of the natural drainage of the land and the surrounding vicinity.


Leopold matrix

The Leopold Matrix shows the impacts assessed during the exercise for terrestrial ecosystems.

The highest negative impacts are expected from the habitat change, alteration of ground cover, surface paving, urbanization, blasting and drilling project actions. In contrast the highest positive impact is expected from waste control, recycling and landscaping, which will benefit the environment.


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4.4. 4.4.1.

Mitigation Ecological corridor

In order to mitigate the direct impacts of habitat change, it is advised that the least possible amount of habitat is transformed. One way to minimize habitat change would be to allow original forest cover to remain. Although understory vegetation is removed, canopy can provide sufficient area to allow bird species and bat to move amongst the development area, and serving the purpose as an ecological corridor. Leaving large trees within the subdivision can enhance connectivity between the Whio Whio Reserve and other nearby forest patches (M. De Dual, personal communication, 1st April, 2014).


Landscape ecology long term monitoring program

It is highly recommended that a long term monitoring program is established. Effects on ecological processes can only be measured by scientific data during prolonged periods of time that account for climatic and seasonal variations that affect species conduct, habitat requirements, feeding resources and reproductive cycles. The New Zealand Department of Conservation provides complete protocols for vegetation and animal species monitoring that should be followed after the completion of the subdivision construction (M. De Dual, personal communication, 2014).


Pest management

The Omori Kuratau Pest Management Group is a registered charity of local volunteers who manage the pest control program in the Whiowhio recreational area. Predator kill statistic are reported monthly to the Taupo District Council and works closely with the Department of Conservation, the success of the program has led to increase bird species using the Whiowhio recreational area as a nesting ground (S. Devenport, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). It is suggested that pest management activites are supported and increased during and after the subdivision is built (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014).


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Assumptions and limitations

Screening and scoping assessments general present several limitations and it is assumed that the contracting developer will understand this. The scoping and screening assessment undertaken by our consultancy are provided as a preliminarily impression of what might be expected from a full complete assessment.

Limitations of the data collected include the time period that measurements were taken in. Ecological processes occur over long time periods, whereas this report was compiled over a period of three days. Therefore the data collected represents a snapshot in time and should be used as a representative sample only to preview potential significance of the terrestrial ecosystems of the development site. Secondly, measures for population and community structure for terrestrial ecosystems are based on density and diversity estimates. Due to the limited time period, only a small sampling effort was feasible. Finally, co-ordination of large number of consultants in such a short timeframe can result in some areas being covered more comprehensively than others.

The major limitation to the soil invertebrate sampling was evident by the lack of invertebrate intercept traps as they were unavailable at the time of the assessment. Pitfall traps are used to sample ground dwelling invertebrates and intercept traps are specialised to sample the winged invertebrates. Because there was no intercept traps, a major subset of the invertebrate community was not included in the assessment.



The marina subdivision development will pose several high impacts to the Whiowhio recreational area due to the following project actions: modification of habitat, alteration of ground cover and urbanization. These actions will completely change the ecosystem dynamics that the community of Kuratau have been trying to enhance through the protection and pest management control. Habitat change will have a high negative impact on native flora and fauna species,that use the recreational area as a feeding and nesting ground.


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Once the vegetation cover is removed it will affect the ecosystem nutrient cycle important for terrestrial wildlife species and rive organisms. Microclimate will be lost, endangering the livelihood of amphibian, reptiles and other small living organisms.

Whiowhio recreational area is also a riparian habitat that prevents soil erosion from river level changes and floods. Once the vegetation cover is removed the protection of soil is lost and flooding will pose a higher environmental risk. It is also an ecological corridor for species between the Rangitukua Scenic Reserve and nearby forest patches where birds and other vertebrates move. For these reasons it is highly recommended as a mitigation measure that the least possible forest cover be removed during the subdivision development. This will maintain the canopy structure that could serve as ecological corridor.

Because impacts on ecological processes take more time to assess, it is strongly recommended that a long-term monitoring program be conducted after the marina subdivision is constructed. The data will be used to assess the effects on the ecosystem values through a period of time. This will give a clear understanding of how the infrastructure has made an impact of the habitat.

The habitat change can also highly impact the pest species. The Omori Kuratau Pest Management has on-going efforts to reduce pests in the recreational area. During the marina subdivision development and afterwards pest control actions should be taken care of.

As an Amenity Landscape Area the transformation of habitat will affect community stakeholders that use area for recreational purposes. It is advised that community stakeholders are contacted and there is awareness of future changes that will take in the recreation area.


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5. Aquatic Ecology 5.1.


Building a development next to a river will have some important impacts on the Aquatic ecology depending on the river. The proposed development has included the need to create residential environments next to the bed of the river which could influence the physical river dynamics if some river modification is required and chemical dynamics if there is change to the water quality or increased nutrient input. Both these effects to the aquatic environment will cause changes to the biology of the river. The development of a marina itself will directly impair the physical conditions of the river, especially if dredging or scouring is required, which will destroy the macroinvertebrates and both indirectly and directly affects the fish as it alters the food chain and modification of their natural habitat. It may also cause increased sedimentation and accidents such as spills and leaks need to be considered during and after the construction. Because of these potential impacts, an impact assessment of the aquatic ecology must be carried out before any construction begins.

The impact assessment was carried out over three days. There were three study sites along the river to assess the ecology in all parts of the proposed development plan area. The first site was at the mouth of the river, the second site was by the grassland area at the midpoint of the study area, and the last was the other endpoint of the river amongst the native bush area (Figure 13). These sites where chosen because they demonstrate a range in physical description and vegetation on the banks of the river to include all possible variations of biota in the river within the study site. The site by the boat ramp is important as this is the most likely place the marina would be developed (see infrastructure section, 6).

The aim of the study was to assess the biotic and abiotic characteristics of the Kuratau River prior to development in order to assess the possible impacts that the proposed development may have on these characteristics. An assessment of the abiotic water conditions included; water clarity, conductivity, DO, temp and pH. The assessment of biotic factors included; invertebrates, native fish, trout fishery and aquatic plants and periphyton. The impacts on these aspects were then assessed in depth, recommendations were proposed to decide which activities should be mitigated, avoided because of high impacts or allowed to go ahead because of low impacts.


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Figure 13. Aquatic ecology study sites




Physical description

Lake Kuratau, above the hydroelectric dam managed by King Country Energy is also a popular trout fishery that was once a part of the main river system before the construction of the dam in the 1950’s (King Country Energy Limited, 2000). The main land use around the Kuratau River is farming and pine forestry with some patches of native bush (Waikato Regional Council, 2012). The main riparian vegetation type around the river is dominated by exotic scrub such as blackberry and broom which makes access to the higher reaches difficult. The most prominent change up the river from the lake entrance is the significant change in substrate composition due to the history of the Lake Taupo region. The dominant substrate type in the lower reach of the Kuratau River is pumice and sand, moving up the river to below the dam the substrate is predominantly boulders comprising more than 50% of the substrate (Waikato Regional Council, 2012).


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Chemical description

As well as our consultancy companies’ evaluation of the chemical environment in the Kuratau River, the Waikato Regional council has devised an ongoing annual monitoring plan which started in 2004. We have used these data to aid in our impact assessment. Like most tributaries off Lake Taupo, the Kuratau River has generally good water quality and supports a booming trout fishery. During the span of the Regional council monitoring programme, there has been no detection of harmful pathogens such as E.coli at any time in the river, so can be deemed safe for recreational use. The water clarity of the River is classed in the best 50% of the sites in the Region, and proves to be relatively stable during the last 10 years of monitoring. During our site assessment we found that site 1 and 2 had the best water clarity (1m) and site 3 was not so good (71cm). Ammoniacal Nitrogen and total nitrogen levels are categorised in the best 25% of all sites around Lake Taupo, and total oxidised nitrogen is in the best 50% of all sites. These levels have remained constant throughout the duration of the monitoring. Dissolved reactive phosphorous and total phosphorus show to be within the top 25%of all sites, with total phosphorous levels significantly decreasing over the monitoring period (Refer to appendices 5). The pH levels also remain stable at 7.1, which is close to our site sampling where the pH showed to be 6.5 at all sites. The variation of dissolved oxygen measures at out three sites where relatively constant, although site 1 showed the biggest variation which is typical for river catchments, where the lowest reaches have less oxygen as the plants, invertebrates and fish are using oxygen in the higher reaches. These data indicate a relatively good level of water quality within the region (Waikato Regional Council, 2012).


Biological description Aquatic vegetation From site observation, very minimal aquatic plants were detected. Periphyton algae was observed in site 2 and 3 but comprised only 5% of substrate cover. Periphyton levels can indicate state of eutrophication of rivers which can be caused from excess nutrient input into the system coupled with high exposure and light intensity, conditions which are typical of streams on agricultural land (Lenat 1984). Because of the nature of this river, the surrounding land use and the low levels of nutrient input, periphyton levels were expected to be low. The plants and algae are the primary producers in the aquatic system that support


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a dynamic network of relationships, so any change in that community will trigger changes up the food chain. Consideration of the modification of the land possibly resulting in increased exposure and nutrient run off needs to be assessed to address the potential accumulation of periphyton and aquatic macrophytes which may indirectly influence the biological community structure in the river if the periphyton community became large enough to smother invertebrate species and starve the system of oxygen (Lenat 1984).

No aquatic plants or algae was observed in site one, The loose nature of the substrate at this site prevents root attachment of plants to sediment so no plants were observed or expect to be seen in the future at this site. It became a difficult task to detect benthic plants at site 2and 3 as the deeper water levels prevented detection. One species of aquatic plant was observed but was unidentified; a recommendation may include a more detailed assessment of aquatic vegetation. Invertebrates Macroinvertebrates can be very good indicators of water quality so must be assessed to fully understand the river condition. EPT taxa are very sensitive to changes in water quality and are first to leave if the condition become degraded. EPT taxa include; mayfly larvae, stonefly larvae, and some caddisfly larvae. More tolerant species that can inhabit and even prefer degraded environments include; snails, worms, midge larvae and cranefly larvae. These species prefer lower oxygen levels and are usually found in exposed sites with a high percentage of periphyton and aquatic macrophytes (Harding 1998).

Invertebrate samples were collected at each of our three sites and the dominant species found was chronomidae (midge larvae) and elmidae (riffle beetle larvae). There were no EPT taxa found in any of our sample sites. The absence of these sensitive species suggests to us that there may be degradation in the Kuratau River, even though the chemical quality records from Waikato Regional council monitoring programme suggest otherwise. Native fish The water quality in the Kuratau River means that it has high life supporting capacity. Some native fish species exist in the river but not many (Figure 14). This is not a reflection of the


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habitat quality, but merely the nature of native fish in New Zealand. The high proportion of diadromy that exists in New Zealand means that the Lake can only support non-migratory species such as Smelt, Koaro and the Common Bully as there is no direct passage to the sea (Mike Joy, personal communication, 27th March 2014).

Figure14. Indegenous fish habitat in Kuratau Fisheries There are some important Trout fisheries in Lake Taupo, one included above the hydroelectric dam in Lake Kuratau and the upper reaches of the Kuratau River serve as important trout spawning habitats (Figure 15). Data of trout density from 1996 to 2007 showed density at lower reaches to be at one thousand, five hundred trout per Kilometre (Department of Conservation [DOC], 2012). The fisheries around Lake Taupo are regarded as being very valuable for commercial and recreational fishing and for increasing ecotourism around the lake Taupo region.

Monitoring of the Kuratau fishery was conducted starting in 2005 when King Country Electricity wanted to add an additional turbine to the dam to increase the generation capacity of the power station. Because the act of adding a turbine to the existing two would


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create changes in flow levels, more specifically changes to the flow variation, Consent by Waikato Regional council required DOC to monitor the trout spawning activities and numbers and to monitor the changes within the population for a minimum of two years after the extra turbine was added. The trout population is monitored annual by drift diving and counting the number of spawning trout from August to October migrating up the river (DOC 2012). Like the rest of the TaupĹ? catchment, the Kuratau River trout population experienced a period of low productivity from 2008-2011, however 2012 drift dive surveys indicates that the fishery started to recover.

Trout have very specific flow requirements in which they can successfully live and spawn. From a NIWA study in 1997, it was found that the optimal flow rate for brown trout is 7 m3/s and rainbow trout spawning is 5m3/s calculated from the maximum area of adult trout and food producing habitat in the Kuratau River. An optimal flow value within the range studied was not found for adult rainbow trout (NIWA, 1997).

Figure 15. Trout Spawning habitat


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5.3. 5.3.1.

Impact assessment Physical description

The proposed development will have very high impacts on the physical condition of the Kuratau River. First of all, if the riparian vegetation was taken away for river channel modification or any other modification during the development, this would result in the stability of the river banks to change and become more prone to erosion. Erosion of banks into the river will increase the sediment load causing problems from two perspectives; the community/infrastructure side by increasing delta degradation, resulting in restricted access for boats into the marina (discussed further in infrastructure, section 6) and the aquatic ecology, where increased sediment load displaces many aquatic species due to modification of habitat and unliveable conditions. It could change the physical appearance of the river by making it wider and also shallower once the sediment has settled. Dredging and scouring in the stream and Harbour bed takes away habitat and modifies the physical conditions and processes of the river. Creating deeper waters can cause differences in temperature to arise which affects may other chemical processes of the river. River control and flow modification may affect the physical conditions of the river which in turn can affect chemical and biological conditions.


Chemical conditions

The proposed development plan has the potential to alter the chemical conditions of the river. Possible exposure increase due to clearing of riparian zone may cause higher temperature fluctuations which in turn will affect the dissolved oxygen in the water as this is greatly influenced along temperature gradients (Osbourne 1993). Accidents such as spills and leaks during and after construction must be considered in the impact assessment as it can be extremely detrimental to chemical water quality.


Biological conditions Aquatic vegetation The last consideration we must discuss is the development impacts on the aquatic vegetation. One species has been observed in the proposed development area at a low


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density, a very low density of periphyton algae has also been observed. Physical changes to the river bed such as dredging and scouring will rip out all the vegetation from the substrate as well as the rooting systems prolonging the re-colonisation time.

Different water quality issues such as sedimentation and nutrient input may have opposite effects on the growth of these macrophytes. First of all, sedimentation settling on top of these vegetation communities will smother and constrict viable habitat which will result in a loss of aquatic vegetation. This will be especially evident downstream of the river as sediment load will build up from the current carrying the sediment downstream. The sediment increase will also pose problem for light infiltration into the water that the plants can use for photosynthesis. On the other hand, if the proposed development causes some description of nutrient input such as nitrogen and phosphorus, this would cause the aquatic vegetation community to flourish. Although it may be good for the vegetation growth, the communities further up the food chain will be negatively effect as discussed above. Invertebrates Macroinvertebrates are benthic organisms, and spend most of their aquatic life cycle feeding on algae and bacteria from the substrate. Because of the nature and biology of benthic organisms and their reliability of a stable substrate, the biggest impact that the proposed development may have is; dredging and souring of the river bed, sedimentation linked with possible erosion and sedimentation from construction. These potential effects ultimately fall under modification of the habitat. Invertebrates are very sensitive to physical changes in their environment because they are very easily dethatched from the substrate and washed down the river to unsuitable habitat, unable to make their way back up the river, particularly in high flow rates. Dredging and scouring of the bed will directly remove the habitat and moving rocks will squash the delicate invertebrates. Removal of other habitat structures such as logs in the river will need to be removed for the marina which again is removal of habitat. As discussed earlier, some invertebrate taxa are particularly sensitive to oxygen levels in the water and can only live where there is high oxygen (EPT taxa). These invertebrates are found mostly in riffle habitats as the rapid movement of water over rocks causes more atmospheric oxygen to enter the system that the invertebrates can use. Flow and river modification to increase river depth to accommodate a marina, may result in the loss of these riffle habitats and the river will suffer a loss of sensitive


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invertebrate taxa and a replacement of more tolerant taxa, resulting in a complete faunal composition change (Harding 1998).

Macroinvertebrates are also very susceptible to chemical changes in their local habitat. As mentioned above, EPT taxa need high levels of dissolved oxygen. Modification of the land such as removing riparian vegetation for development will increase the exposure and light intensity on the river. This may increase the temperature of water, especially in shallower waters near the banks. It has been found that oxygen levels are linked with temperature levels therefore, high temperature fluctuations over the day and night periods may result in increased oxygen fluctuations which become important when the minimum dissolved oxygen levels become too low at any time. Dissolved oxygen levels are also affected by the photosynthesis (oxygen producing process) and respiration (oxygen depleting process) of aquatic plants and periphyton.

Another water quality issue that may become important both during and after the construction of the marina and general settlement is nutrient input into the river. This may be from the construction process which will be short term so may not be a big implication for the aquatic ecology, especially because the nutrient levels are naturally very low in this area. However, if the development results in continual nutrient run off from residential influences, this could be extremely detrimental for EPT invertebrate populations. Excess nutrient would also cause an increase in macrophytegrowth which starves the system of oxygen and smothers the benthic habitat which displaces the invertebrates.

The last major issue the development poses for the aquatic invertebrates is the possibility of increased sedimentation. Sedimentation can be caused from bank erosion from removal of riparian vegetation, and from construction dust settling into the river. Again, because of the benthic nature of the macroinvertebrates, sediment settling on the substrate will fill in crevices in which the invertebrates live and feed, and displace them. Native fish Native New Zealand fish are also very sensitive to habitat quality and physical conditions. Development of the proposed marina will affect the physical habitat of the native fish that travel up the river. If dredging or scouring is required for the marina development, like the invertebrates, the fish will be displaced as most native fish species are benthic. This may not


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have as great an effect on native fish species as it does on the invertebrates because fish already in the river can simply migrate to the lake and find another suitable river for feeding etc, unlike invertebrates which are mostly confined to their location. An ongoing problem that may result in the new marina is the vibrations from boating traffic along the river affecting the fish.

The same can be said about the chemical impact the marina development will have. Although the development may result in the Kuratau River becoming an unsuitable habitat for the native fish species as it may degrade the water quality through increased nutrient input, sedimentation, accidents during construction (spills and leaks) and the effects that influenced dissolved oxygen fluctuations, it will most likely result in the migration of the fish species from the Kuratau river to other rivers of Lake Taupo rather than the complete removal of those populations. If or when the river returns to a more suitable habitat for fish species, fish may start to re-colonise in the river once again.

As well as the direct effects the marina development will have to habitat of the native fish themselves, the indirect effects of eliminating the food supply is also critical for the fish survival. Invertebrates are important components to the food chain; generally any interruption to a food chain causes collapse of the system, especially when keystone species are concerned. Due to the potential physical and chemical changes of the river from marina development and the effects of these changes on invertebrates already discussed, native fish will be forced to find a new food source as the invertebrates are likely to be wiped out if the development goes ahead. Fisheries As the Kuratau River is an important spawning area for migratory trout (Department of Conservation, 2012) and trout fisheries are the major freshwater fisheries resource in New Zealand (Ministry for the Environment, 2002). It is important that any development does not adversely affect trout populations in the region. The proposed development has the potential to increase sediment discharge into the river. Increased sediment load to the river has the potential to impact trout in a negative way as it will increase turbidity in the river. As trout are visual feeders, they require a relatively good clarity of water in order to feed and sustain the population (Ministry for the environment, 2012).


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There is a risk of nutrient and spills entering the river during the development process of both the housing development and the marina. This could have adverse effects on the trout population, especially if spills are of a toxic nature, as this could cause direct mortality of the population or the bioaccumulation of toxic substances through the food chain.

Trout do not typically reach sexual maturity until they are 2-3 years old, and their growth rate is dependent on temperature, growth is slower in cooler water (Ministry for the Environment, 2012). An implication of the proposed development is that river temperature will increase due to the removal of vegetation from the river margins, which will consequently reduce shade and increase sunlight to the river. This has the potential to positively impact on the trout growth rates. Accelerated growth rates can result in an early age at fist maturation in trout which will subsequently increase trout populations, provided there are no other major parameter changes (Ministry for the environment, 2012). A negative impact to recreation from this increased maturation is that the trout will tend to be relatively small and young and typically trophy fish tend to be older and larger in size (Ministry for the environment, 2012). If the marina requires dredging or scouring of the river bed for construction this will increase the depth of the river bed, which has the potential to alternatively decrease river temperature from present levels which is potentially harmful to trout growth rates and population.

Possible dredging and scouring will also results in habitat modification which will impact the food source for trout populations. Removing the baseline of the food web will increase mortality rates amongst trout, particularly if it reduces smelt populations as in Lake Taupo smelt makes up 80% of the food requirement for trout during the year (Ministry for the environment, 2012). If trout populations were to decline this would also have wider ecosystem implications for the Kuratau River as trout are one of the top predators providing top-down control (Ministry for the environment, 2012). Major trout mortality would result in an ecosystem shift to dominance by another species which would have its own implication for the ecosystem quality.

Any activity which impacted trout population would face a number of barriers with a multitude of stakeholders. These would include agencies such as the Department of Conservation, NIWA, Fish and Game, local Iwi, and community. The proposed development would face tough negotiations and financial investment in order to adversely affect the trout


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population of the area. Discussions with the Department of Conservation during the field visit suggest that any negative impact to the trout populations of the river and subsequently the lake would be disallowed by the stakeholders (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014).

B. Biological conditions

1. Flora

2. Fauna

3. Landuse

D. Ecological Relationships

C. Cultural factors

1. Recreation

2. Aesthetics and Human interest

3. Cultural status 4. Manmade facilities and activies

such as:

LEGEND 3 Indicates a high negative impact 2 Indicates a medium negative impact 1 Indicates a low negative impact 3+ Indicates a HIGH positive impact 2+ Indicates a medium positive impact 1+ Indicates a low positive impact

3 2 1 3+ 2+ 1+


3 2 2 3

3 1


2 1 2


1 2 1 2 2


2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2




1 2 2 3



2 3

3 2 1

1 2 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 3

1 2 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 3



2 1 1 2 2


1 2 2 2 1


2 1

3 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1


3 2

3 1 1



2 2 2




1 3

3 3

1 2 3

3 3 3 3 3

2 3 3 3

3 3 3 3 1 3

3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 3




2 2


1 2 1



Operational failure

Harbour dredging


Erosion control and terracing






Channel revetment


1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Channel dredging and straightening

2 1 1 1

1 1 3


1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2

1 3 1 2

Piers seawalls marinas & s.terminals




Noise and vibration

1 1

1 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2


2 1 1

Spills and leaks

2. Processes

Surface Underground Quality Temperature Recharge Floods Erosion Deposition Solution Compaction and settling Stability Microflora Aquatic plants Endangered species Birds Fish and Shellfish Benthic organisms Endangered species Microfauna Insect Wetlands Residential Industrial Fishing Boating Swimming Scenic views and vistas Wilderness qualities Unique physical features Rare and unique species or ecosystems Cultural patterns Employment Population density Transportation network Utility networks Waste disposal Eutrophication Food chains


A. Physical and chemical characteristics

1. Water

River control and flow modification


Alteration of drainage

Modification of habitat


Alteration of groundwater hydrology

Leopold matrix

Alteration of ground cover




1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3

1 1 1 1 2

2 3 3

1 1 1

1 1


1 2


1 2

1 3


3 1

1 1 2



1 1 1 1

2 1 2 1

1 1 1 2 1 1 2










orange gold yellow pale blue rose light turq


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5.5. 5.5.1.

Mitigation Ongoing monitoring programme

In order to assess the presence and scale of the impacts the marina and development plan has had on the aquatic ecology, an ongoing monitoring system must be put in place. Construction is expected to put stress on the natural environment, even if it’s not directly involved in the plan, for example, upstream of the development may have dust sediment settling, the noise and disturbance may affect bird activities and accidents such as spills and leaks cannot be ignored. Even though these effects are short term, it may take time for the affected communities to return to their natural state.

Monitoring is also important to assess the long term effects the development itself has on the environment. Nutrient levels such as nitrogen and phosphorus need to be monitored and compared with existing records to allow any outstanding values from the general trend to show in the data. Dissolved oxygen needs to be monitored as many development aspects can affect this and because it adversely impacts many aquatic systems. Specifically the variation must be monitored to detect increases in fluctuations. The same must be done with temperature. Biomonitoring using fish and invertebrates is very helpful to evaluate the health of a system, carrying out biomonitoring assessments would be recommended as well as chemical monitoring.


Riparian vegetation management and restoration

It is evident that the removal of riparian vegetation is very detrimental to the system as it causes increased light levels and exposure, resulting in increased temperature, change in dissolved oxygen, less bank stability so high erosion possibility, increased possible nutrient run off into river and overall impact of the biota. Increasing and maintaining the riparian vegetation buffer also reflects positively on terrestrial systems as it creates corridors for native terrestrial species (see terrestrial section 4).


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Avoiding disturbance during trout spawning

Trout spawning season is from August to September (Department of Conservation, 2012) therefore it would be recommended that the proposed marina development does not occur during this period. As previously discussed the effect of increased sediment load and thus increased turbidity to the river has an adverse effect on trout populations. There is also the risk of spills and leaks to trout during spawning season. Our consultancy would recommend commencing construction works in the river before this critical period in September and aim to complete the bulk of the work (especially that which will cause sediment displacement) before August.

Consideration of boat traffic should also be accounted for during trout spawning season, noise pollution and wake disruption from the boats accessing the marina have the potential to disrupt the trout during this critical period in their lifecycle (J. Mckee, personal communication, 1st April 2014). Recommendations to avoid adverse impacts of boats could include reduction of the current 5 knot speed inside the river (Department of Internal Affairs, 2014) alongside a limit to boat activity along the river during these months.

5.6. 5.6.1.

Assumptions and limitations Assumptions

The water quality monitoring that was conducted by LAWA starting in 2004 ended in 2012. Because there has been no land use change that may be influential to the water quality, and because the water quality has remained constant over the duration of the monitoring programme, we can assume that the water quality is following the same trend it has always been and extrapolate the data from the end of the monitoring in 2012 to 2014.



Because the impact assessment period was only three days, a less intensive study on aquatic life was undertaken than perhaps necessary for this scale of development plan. Only three sample sites where selected where they were justified to be absolutely necessary, but they study could have benefited with more comparable sites along the river bed.


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Previous studies on the water quality in the river was conducted which aided our assessment for that section, but a lack of existing data on stream invertebrates in the river was a limitation as our assessment was limited to only the invertebrate sampling that our ecologists carried out. Due to the time constraint, a full invertebrate inventory could not be conducted, therefore, to provide more beneficial data, a study focused on the current distribution of stream macroinvertebrates could be carried out in order to discuss all the impacts the development will have on the species of invertebrates present before the development begins.

The nature of the river also hindered a full observation of the aquatic plant vegetation community. The river was too deep and dark in the middle so vegetation observation was restricted to when the daily river fluctuation were at the lowest revealing the substrate and aquatic plants only at the edges of the river bed.



Overall, the study carried out to assess the existing aquatic life qualifies as a simple snapshot of what was there at the time of the study, there was no temporal scale to the dynamics of the aquatic system. Some native fish, a small number of invertebrates and plant life where described as well as an intensive trout fishery. These organisms all interrelate to form a complex community structure which is dependent on both physical and chemical aspects of their environment. The modifications to this environment that come along with the proposed development plan, are likely to negatively impact this system.

In this section, all of the members that make up the community were assessed individually. The main immediate impact the development will impose is the physical changes to their habitat. Modifications to the river bed such as dredging and scouring will account for the most damage to the system because the plants, invertebrates and fish are mostly benthic and rely on the nature of the stream bed for habitat suitability. Chemical modifications were also assessed such as possible nutrient input from Nitrogen and Phosphorous from the residential development and from the construction itself. Spills and leaks from accidents during construction were also considered and the impacts to the aquatic life assessed.

Mitigation measures were also considered where impacts were the highest. Trout spawning is a very sensitive time for trout populations, so it was recommended that construction was


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carried out outside the times of trout spawning, which is from August to September. Also ongoing awareness of residents to these sensitive periods in trout life cycle should be proposed and less disturbance from boating use in the river was recommended during trout spawning periods. An ongoing evaluation of the water quality and biomonitoring is a mitigation measure to assess the long term effects the marina development has on the aquatic ecology of the Kuratau River.


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6. Infrastructure and development 6.1.


The proposed development on 12 Te Rae Road, Kuratau is currently on a council-owned plot that has been zoned residential but is used for recreation (S. Devenport, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). It borders the Kuratau River 300 metres upstream of Lake Taupo where the lake and river beds but not water rights are owned by Tuwharetoa (Maori Trust Board).

The proposed development is for 59 free standing houses of no more than 800m² and a marina with an accompanying harbour master’s office, ablution block and car park to accommodate a maximum of 14 boats of maximum length 9.1 metres. The development will require significant on-site infrastructural work with separate pipelines for household water, waste water and storm water drainage required, underground cabling for electricity and communications and paving of new roads. With co-ordination between the council and private companies, there exists the possibility for economies of scope when digging for pipes and cable lying to reduce costs to the developer.

6.2. 6.2.1.

Development of existing structures Solid Waste

The Waste Management Act of 2008 requires all councils to adopt a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) that encourages effective and efficient waste management and minimisation in the district (Taupo District Council, 2012). Under the plan, the council’s vision for the future is to, “protect and safeguard the Taupō district environment by ensuring refuse and recycling is managed in a safe, efficient and sustainable manner that maintains natural and aesthetic values” (Taupo District Council, 2012). This is to be achieved through a number of policies the key one of which is providing for appropriate refuse disposal in the district (Taupo District Council, 2012). Also a policy of the district is to minimise waste and this is to be achieved by providing households with the means to reduce, reuse, recover and recycle - for example through cost incentives like paying for council-certified refuse bags and pay-per-weight when dumping directly at landfill sites


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(Taupo District Council, 2012). Rate-funded recycling and pay-by-usage to divert material out of the waste system was introduced in 2002 and has since resulted in a more than 60 % participate rate increase in kerb-side recycling of glass bottles, jars, paper, tin, steel, aluminium cans and some plastics (Taupo District Council, 2007). A target of council is to reduce waste to landfill in the district by 3 % or 650 tonnes per year by 2018 (Taupo District Council, 2012). Household waste in the proposed development site can be made to align with the vision and it is well within the council’s capacity to provide this service. This is discussed below.

A typical week yields 107 tonnes of kerbside refuse - with higher yields in the summer months (Taupo District Council, 2012). The current capacity to manage increased amounts of household refuse and recyclable goods is large in the Taupo District (M. De Dual, personal communication, #1st March, 2014). No extra infrastructure is needed to deal with the household waste from the proposed development and the costs incurred by the council in increasing supply are not significant (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014). The costs to households for this service are minimal and are covered in the rates and on a pay-by-use basis for the council-certified bags (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014). Private refuse collection is also offered and this may be preferred if the reduction in rates offset the price of the service (Taupo District Council, 2012). Private removal of environmental waste is also offered to residents.


Communication Services

According to Statistics New Zealand (2013), household internet access has increased 16 % since 2006 to 75 % with mobile access increasing 9 % to 83 % and line access dropping by 5 %, perhaps due increased use of mobile phones, to 85, 5 %. There is limited access to communication services in Kuratau (Telecom, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). Most households in the town have a landline phone with infrastructure and the capacity in place to meet increased demand (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014; Telecom, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). Cell phone reception though is sketchy and at times gets lost depending on place, network and weather conditions (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014; Telecom, personal communication, 1st April, 2014).


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According to Telecom (personal communication, 1st April, 2014), the proposed development site can be connected to a landline though the cost will be in excess of $500 given that the site has had no previous connection and copper cabling and jack points need to be put down in trenches. For existing developments in which all the infrastructure is in place, the connection fee is $63 (Telecom, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). Broadband access (ADSL, fibre or VDSL) with Telecom at the proposed site is not available and mobile phone reception at the site will be sketchy (average two bars signal) (Telecom, personal communication, 1st April, 2014).


Water Supply

Taupo District Council is allocated water for household and municipal use by Environment Waikato through resource consents which impose a strict upper limit on water uptake (Taupo District Council, 2008b). The main water source in the region is Lake Taupo and its tributaries with some uptake also from spring, river, stream and groundwater sources in the region (Taupo District Council, 2008b). Strict upper limits on water uptake are imposed by Environment Waikato as part of its policy to regard Lake Taupo and its tributaries as part of the Waikato River (i.e. downstream users) and not a limitless reservoir (Taupo District Council, 2008b).In 2008, the compliance of councils to the New Zealand Drinking Water Standards (NZDWS) switched from a recommendation to a legal obligation, requiring amounts of capital investment in excess of $50 million in water supply system schemes in the Taupo District, in particular for treating water to minimum levels of quality with regard to bacteria, toxins, arsenic and protozoa for better public health (Taupo District Council, 2008b). The council had not previously treated its water to meet these standards and as such requires new water treatment equipment throughout the district (Taupo District Council, 2008b).

The council has also begun planning for future increases in the demand or potable water and to develop the necessary infrastructure (Taupo District Council, 2008b). In 2008 average peak water demand across the district was 818 litres per person per day (Taupo District Council, 2008b). This is considered by the council an excessive amount (Taupo District Council, 2008b). According to the council, water is economically undervalued in the region (perhaps due to a lack of price incentives) and high amounts of wastage may account for the overconsumption (Taupo District Council, 2008b). To ensure there is the supply to meet increased demand stemming from development and population increase in the region, a


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Water Demand Management Plan aiming to reduce consumption levels to a targeted amount of 375 litres per person per day has been developed (Taupo District Council, 2008b). This is considered an acceptance limit by World Health Organization (2008b). Reducing demand to this volume will limit rates increases needed to cover water supply infrastructure upgrades and allow more water to be allocated to users downstream of Taupo (Taupo District Council, 2014). The council also ensures water pressure meets the demand of the New Zealand Fire Fighting Water Supply Code of Practise which allows a maximum of 90 metres permitted between fire hydrants in a residential area and requires a minimum water pressure at a fire hydrant of 100 Kpa (H. Reihana, personal communication, 1st April, 2014; Taupo District Council, 2014).

The Taupo District Council currently has the capacity to supply water to the proposed development (R. Rihari, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). Development though will involve substantial lying of pipelines and at least one fire hydrant given the specifications outlined by the New Zealand Fire Fighting Water Supply Code of Practise detailed above (H. Reihana, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). Existing water pipelines currently run parallel to the eastern boundary of the site at a distance of 170 metres and on the southern boundary at a distance of 180 metres away from the property centre (Taupo District Council, 2014). Use of rainwater tanks is not common in the region because low summer rainfall coincides with high visitor numbers and creates uncertainties about the capacity of supply to meet demand and is not a recommended as an alternative for the development (S. Devenport, personal communication, 1st April, 2014).The costs of laying pipes (reticulation costs) as well as a one-off investment in headworks i.e. water supply infrastructure would need to be borne by the developer (S. Devenport, personal communication, 1st April, 2014).


Waste Water Services and Storm Water Drainage

Waikato Regional Council (formerly Environment Waikato) consent conditions have to be met by the council in treating and disposing of waste water, including odour control at the treatment facility (Taupo District Council, 2013). During periods of heavy rain, there is the risk of storm water getting into and overloading the waste water network, causing overflows of untreated sewage into waterways (Taupo District Council, 2013). This is because storm water pipes in the district are not designed to handle all storm situations and the council recognises that surface flooding may occur (Taupo District Council, 2013). This is ideally drained away down predetermined overland flow paths (Taupo District Council, 2012a). The


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council is managing the risk by upgrading the wastewater network to improve capacity and reduce storm water infiltration (Taupo District Council, 2013). At last count, 90 % of wastewater users and 80% of Taupo District residents (given that some make use of septic tanks) were satisfied with the wastewater service (Taupo District Council, 2013).

There is capacity within Kuratau for waste water service to be provided to the site (TDC, 2013). This too will involve substantial lying of pipelines with the same distances between the property centre and water pipelines true for the eastern boundary and 160 metres for the southern boundary (Taupo District Council, 2014). There is currently a pump station on Te Rae Street that the development would be connected with (Montessa, personal communication, 1st April 2014). One resident did mention the foregoing the waste water services of the council had reduced her rates and was more cost-effective for her in the long run (Raeleen Rihari, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). This was on an existing property though, not a new development, and the council will not want to allow consent for fear of leakages (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014). Council specifications for waste water systems make no allowance for open sewage systems and any transfer of material between the pipes and ground e.g. seepage and surface water or for waste water systems to be connected with storm water drainage (Taupo District Council, 2008a). Costs of laying pipes (reticulation costs) to the site and a one-off investment in general waste water infrastructure would need to be borne by the developer (S. Devenport, personal communication, 1st April, 2014).

The aim for the council is a public stormwater drainage system in urban areas that fully complies with the Comprehensive Discharge Consents issued by Environment Waikato to enable people, property and the environment to be better protected from flooding, erosion and water pollution (Taupo District Council, 2009). This is to be achieved, among other means, through minimising adverse effects of overland flow and flooding and reducing the amount of stormwater-borne contaminants flowing into the environment (Taupo District Council, 2009). A storm water drainage system of either overland flow or underground piping will need to be implemented along all the private roads on the site (R. Menton, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). Currently there is spare capacity for piped storm water drainage within the existing system (Taupo District Council, 2008a). Given that the site is flat and pipes for household water supply and waste water will be put down, we believe economies of scope make it most it economically viable to use an underground storm water


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drainage system flowing directly to the river (though is subject to resource consent from the council) (Taupo District Council, 2008a).


Road networks

A new road network to and within the proposed site will need to be developed and maintained at the developer’s expense (R. Menton, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). The council does not want to zone the road as public – necessitating future rate increases – as it will benefit only the property residents and so will be zoned right of access (R. Menton, personal communication, 1st April, 2014). This will be a significant cost in the development. The road network will need to need to comply with Taupo District Council rules and regulations, namely, (i) be a six metre carriageway (ii) have streetlights and footpaths and (iii) include a storm water drainage system.


Power generation and distribution

The Kuratau power station is situated 30km North of Turangi, and 4km upstream from the Kuratau River mouth. The station has a drop of 64 metres from the dam to the gas turbines, of which there are 2, producing 3 megawatts each and giving a total maximum output of 6 megawatts (King Country Energy (KCE), personal communication, 2nd April, 2014).The output from these may be as high as 80MWh daily, which is enough to supply 3500 households with electricity (KCE, personal communication, 2nd April, 2014). However, the level of generation depends upon rainfall, and is also dependent upon demand.Once water has been through the turbines, it is discharged into the Kuratau River.

Power generated at the Kuratau station (and from elsewhere in the generation network) is transported via copper lines at 33kV to a zone substation where it is converted to 11kV power. The power distribution network around Kuratau consists of both 11 and 33 kV lines. The wire sizes in use with the 33 kV lines are able to cope with the current 2.5 MVA load being doubled to 5.0 MVA. The 11kV lines are capable of some development, but not of the load being doubled. From this point onwards power is further reduced from 11kV to 240V as it passes through transformers. Transformers are located close to clusters of power demand, with cable running a maximum of 300 meters from them (KCE, personal communication, 2nd


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April, 2014). The range of this cabling is restricted to 300 metres to compensate for the drop in voltage as the electricity travels.

The capacity for expansion of distribution in Kuratau is substantial, as only approximately half the potential load of the lines is being utilised (T. Hollart, personal communication, 2nd April, 2014). The cost of extending the existing infrastructure into the proposed development is estimated at approximately $30,000. This cost would be borne by the developer, with the new lines meeting the standards of the distributor (The Lines Company). This is for new underground cabling. It is likely only one transformer would be required, and this would be supplied without cost by The Lines Company (T. Hollart, personal communication, 2nd April, 2014).

The residential subdivision being proposed would require at electricity for 59 households. An allowance of 5kW per household has been suggested as being suitable by T. Hollart of the Lines Company (personal communication, 2nd April, 2014). This would mean a total supply to the new subdivision of 295kW, which could be supplied by one transformer (T. Hollart, personal communication, 2nd April, 2014).

Figure 15. Transformer on Te Rae Street Kuratau.


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Proposed development


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The road network will connect the proposed subdivision area to currently available access roads; it will connect to the northern end Te Rae Street and the southern end of Tukino Road (Figure 1). At the new subdivision, some private road will be provided to give access to residents and public, especially to accommodate marina facilities (Table 3). Road length in total 921 meters and its wide is 10 meters, which are 8 meters for main road and 2 meters for sidewalks.

The subdivision will have 2 main accesses, at the north through Te Rae Street and at the south part through Tukino Road. The marina will be located at the Te Rae Street, this street will be the main road in this proposed subdivision. It is predicted that the vehicle movement frequency will increase. In order to reduce the pressure over the street there is a second road, Tukino Street, for alternative access through the subdivision complex. Also proposed new roads will be private roads and under developer responsibility.

Table 3. List of new road, distance and status


Road Name

Length (meter)


Te Rae Street


Extended from current condition

Taupo Street


New construction

Ruapehu Street


New construction

Tukino Street


Extended from current condition

Kuratau Street


New construction




According to Baileys Real Estate (personal communication, 2nd April 2014) there is a surplus of houses for sale in Kuratau. Following the Global Financial Crisis of 2008/ 2009, demand for housing in the town dropped substantially and property values decreased (Baileys Real Estate, personal communication, 2nd April, 2014). As such, it is cheaper for buyers to buy an existing house rather than build (Baileys Real Estate, personal communication, 2nd April, 2014). Demand for property and prices are slowly increasing but are houses are still slow to sell and there is little demand for large, high-value houses (Baileys Real Estate, personal


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communication, 2nd April, 2014). Thus our recommendation is that a higher quantity of smaller houses is developed.

In the proposed site, there are 59 units. Estimated for high price are 22 units, medium price are 24 units and low price are 13 units. Unit property will be sold based on several criteria, such as property size and location. Properties which are located along riverside will be sold for high price, this is related to marina development.

Based on personal interview with BRE, people prefer to buy small houses in Kuratau District. Another consideration is house size at Kuratau District, which is 660 m 2 in average. Therefore proposed property sizes at this plan are 300 to 800 m2.


Natural habitats

From the site plan, it can be seen that some areas of natural habitat is maintained. A riparian strip along riverside next to the marina, 2,500 m2 is reserved for flood plain area. A wetland with a size of 4,200 m2, at the end of Tukino Street has been left to protect endangered species.


Utility networks

Some utility networks plan to serve 59 unit houses as shown at Figure 2. There are three type of piping lines under the roads, such as storm water, waste water and water pipe supply. This design is recommended, because it is easy and cheaper for construction and maintenance.

There are 6 points of fire hydrants and water supplies located every 90 meters (see Figure 2, Table 4). Proposed subdivision contour is flat, therefore it is recommended to construct some pump stations for storm water to discharge into the river.


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Table 4. List of utility networks Utility Network Location

6.4. 6.4.1.

Fire Hydrant /


Water Supply Point


Te Rae Street



Taupo Street



Ruapehu Street



Kuratau Street






Marina development Existing Marinas

In the areas adjacent to Kuratau there are already 2 existing Marinas, which are located Tokaanu and Motuoapa (Figure 16 & 17).

Figure 16. Marina in Tokanuu Photo: Eduardo Sacayon


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Figure 17. Motouapa Marina. Photo: Eduardo Sacayon

The marina at Tokaanu is a closed access river marina, with a capacity to accommodate 22 boats, using 9 double berths and 2 single berths. The marina itself is a floating structure; this is likely to be to account for fluctuations in water level during a flood or any other activity that may cause a change in water level. Guide poles with navigational markings support the berths and continue out through the entrance channel to insure that the boats take the deepest possible route through the river when coming and going and can be seen in Figure 18.

Similarly, the Motuoapa Marina uses guide poles with navigational markings to insure that boats take the best possible route through the entrance channel. The difference in the design of the Motuoapa Marina is due to the fact that it was designed in an area at the edge of the lake which provided natural protection. This marina is a semi-circle shape, with an artificial island in the middle. It is designed to hold approximately 40 boats, consisting of single berths for larger boats and double berths for smaller boats. The finger pontoons in this marina are all fixed structures as flow levels to not fluctuate regularly within this area.


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Figure 18. Guide poles at Tokaanu Marina (photo: Eduardo Sacayon, 2014)



The proposed marina for the development is to accommodate a small number of large, highvalue boats in addition to typical lake boats. After consultation with local boat owner Charles Atkinson (Personal communication, 31st March, 2014), this Consultancy Company concluded that large high-value boats in Lake Taupo are up to 9.1m in length, with typical lake boats being approximately half this size at 4.5m in length. Our consultancy company has concluded that the design specifications for the marina will need to accommodate 10 boats permanently while also allowing for 4 berths that can be used for temporary mooring while boats are being launched off the existing boat ramp in the designated area of the Kuratau River. Standards and Specifications The Australian standards for building marinas are used as a guideline in both Australia and New Zealand to insure that the design and building of marinas is undertaken in a way that is safe for users and the wider community that may be affected by the subsequent structure.


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The dimensional criterion that needs to be considered when building a marina include; channel widths, water depths, berth sizes and the size and slope of walkways, gangways, fingers and mooring points (Standards Australia, 2001).

The entrance channel to a marina can be affected by number of different factors including; wind, velocity and the navigational aids that are provided to skippers. Due to these factors an entrance channel for a marina needs to account for situations in which the boat may be difficult to manoeuvre, thus the wider the channel the better (Standards Australia, 2001). Ideally, the entrance channel width for a marina would be 20m (Standards Australia, 2001) however as this is not a set measurement the entrance channel can be developed at a width that is more appropriate for the area of the proposed marina; this can be done using the equation (L+2), where L is the length of the longest boat. For the Kuratau River the minimum channel width for the entrance to the marina would be 2 meters wider than the length of the longest boat (9.1 meters), which is calculated to be 11.1 meters wide. The ideal width for fairways and interior channels is 20 meters, the minimum width of fairways and interior channels is calculated by multiplying the length of the longest boat by 1.5 (Standards Australia, 2001), thus if the marina in the Kuratau River is to support boats that are 9.1 meters in length the fairways and interior channels must be at least 13.65 meters wide, to allow the boats to safely turn into their berths. For smaller boats interior channels would need to be a minimum of 9 meters wide.

The draught of boats using the marina is also an important factor that must be considered when calculating the minimum depth of the marina. The depth of the entrance channel, interior channels and fairways of the proposed marina would need to be a minimum of 1 meter deep to account for power boats that are 9.1 meters in length however if the marina was to account for yachts of the same length the minimum depth would need to be 1.8 meters (Standards Australia, 2001).

The dimensions of the berths in a marina can be calculated by examining a range of factors about the boats. The Standards Australia, (2001) provides a table in which the minimum widths of berths are given for mono-hull boats (Table 5).


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Table 5. Minimum berth widths for boats in marinas (Standards Australia, 2001)

As can be seen in Table 5, the minimum berth width for a 9.1 meter boat is between 4.7 and 5 meters for a single berth, and between 8.4 and 9 meters for a double berth.

The absolute minimum width for walkways in a marina is 1.5 meters; this is to insure that there is easy access if an emergency was to occur. Clear width of walkways and gangways is dependent on the number of berths that are in a marina. The clear width required for a walkway should be the same as that of the clear width of the gangway. According to the (Standards Australia, 2001) a marina with between 2 and 10 berths must have a clear with of 0.9 meters. Maximum slope of the gangway will be dependent on the depth of the river at its lowest flow, and must have at least one handrail.

Finger pontoons can be fixed or floating structures that are connected to the main walkways of the marina, these are the areas between boats that allow people access to and from berthed boats. Specifications for these structures include an absolute minimum width of 600 mm. The length of these fingers is calculated by multiplying the length of the longest boat by 0.8 (Standards Australia, 2001). For this proposed marina design this would work out to be a minimum of 7.28 meters in length if the longest boat is 9.1 meters.

Mooring points must be provided at all berthing sites. For a floating single berth structure there must be 3 mooring points installed, for a floating double berth structure there should be an additional 2 mooring points provided on the walkway resulting in a total of 8 mooring


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points installed. Fixed berthing structures must have 4 mooring points per boat installed (Standards Australia, 2001).

Deciding whether the marina will be a fixed or floating structure is dependent on whether the water levels in the proposed site will be fluctuating. Final Design The chart datum for Lake Taupo is 355.85 meters above sea level (Department of Internal Affairs, 2014). Due to fluctuating levels around the chart datum line, a marina with floating berths is more suitable for the environment as this will allow vertical movement of the structure during flooding and still allow easy access to berthed boats at low lake levels. The proposed marina will have a fixed jetty structure connection between the on land facilities and the gangways which will stretch a distance of 20 meters along the edge of the river bank. This will be 2 meters wide to fit within the Australian guidelines of marina construction. Off this jetty will be 2 gangways both with handrails on either side. These will be connected to the floating structure of the marina that will consist of 2 walkways each at 1.5 meters wide. The walkways will vary in length with the walkway downstream being 14 meters in length and the upstream walkway being 15.5 meters in length. Off each of these walkways will be floating finger pontoons; the shorter of the walkways will have 4 finger pontoons that will be spaced to create a double berth on each side as well as two single berths which will be kept as temporary berths to allow for people launching boats off the already existing boat ramp to load and unload safely. The longer walkway will have 5 finger pontoons, 3 on the inner side of the walkway and 2 on the outer side. The interior channel of this marina needs to be 9 meters wide, thus the distance between the two walkways will be 18.6 meters, to account for the finger pontoons in the area. Guide poles will be positioned at the end of each finger pontoon and walkway to assist with entry and positioning. A final design of the marina structure can be seen below (Figure 19).


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Figure 19. Final design of the Marina, not to scale (Natazia McKee & Amber Mellor, 2014)

The designated area along the Kuratau River for the proposed Marina above can be seen in Figure 20 below. The designated area is between points D and E on the map as these areas are the widest points along the stretch of river and are of sufficient depth to harbour power boats of 9.1 meters at the current water level, thus at the chart datum level this marina should easily harbor yachts of the same length.


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Figure 20. Map of River showing widths at different points of the river, with table recording the widths of these points (Sourced from Google Maps by Amber Mellor, 2014).

The layout of marina car park and buildings including the harbour master office and ablution block can be seen on the Subdivision map in figure 1. Costs At the time of writing this report the final costs of the marina had not been officially calculated however an estimated cost has been given based on the following factors that need to be considered; labour costs over the construction period, cost of materials for construction of the marina, cost of ongoing dredging during periods of low lake levels, mitigation of negative impacts, protection structures for the marina to reduce the risk of erosion, cost of facilities at the marina including, toilets, harbour master office, car parks and water supply.

The estimated cost of the marina development when considering the factors above is between $60,000 - $90,000NZD.


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Bathymetric Analysis

A bathymetric analysis was undertaken using a Lowrance HDS8 acoustic sonar and Garmin etrex GPS to identify the Lake Taupo underwater contours, focusing specifically on the area out from the mouth of the Kuratau River, 80 points of data were collected in the process and can be seen in Figure 21 below. From this data a Bathymetric map was then generated and the depths of each section recorded, this can also be seen below in Figure 22.

Figure 21. Points at which data was gathered to generate bathymetric map (Sylvia Villacis, Hendra Aquan, & Guopeng Jiang, 2014).


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Figure 22. Bathymetric map showing depths of lake (Sylvia Villacis, Hendra Aquan, & Guopeng Jiang, 2014).

The results of the Bathymetric Map show that the shallowest recording made with the sonar and GPS was 1 meter while the deepest area of the chosen study site was between 60 and 80 meters in depth. The bathymetric map also showed that there are differences in depth around the mouth of the river, with the northern area being deeper than the southern end.

The delta at the entrance to the Kuratau River has been developed in this area due to a high sediment load and fluctuating river flows (King Country Energy Limited, 2000). The varying river flows in the Kuratau River are caused by the discharges of water from the King Country power station up stream. These flows can cause bank erosion and bed scouring to an extent, but sediment in the river also comes from small tributaries (King country energy limited). This sediment is deposited at the mouth of the Kuratau River due to a sudden decrease in velocity which reduces the capacity and competency of the river (D. Feck, personal communication, 28th March, 2014). Over time the deposited sediment continues to build up resulting in the delta becoming more exposed and affecting a larger area as it spreads out into the wider channel (A. Clement, personal communication, 2013).The delta analysis of


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google earth images in 2007 and 2013 also support the previous statement, the maps used for this analysis are at the same scale and can be seen in Figure 23 below.

Figure 23. Google map comparisons showing growth of delta between 2007 (Left map) and 2013 (right map) (Sylvia Villacis, 2014).

The results from the comparison study above show that the delta has increased in size over the time period of 5 years. Further calculations have given estimations of the area of the delta in both 2007 and 2013. The delta is estimated to have an area of 34800m2 in 2007 and an area of 150000m2 in 2013. Further supporting the statement made above.

The chart datum for Lake Taupo is 355.85 meters above sea level (Department of Internal Affairs, 2014). Natural fluctuations in lake levels, around the chart datum level, can have a large influence on whether or not the delta at the Kuratau River mouth is navigable. Currently the delta is largely exposed with a depth of only 20 centimetres in some areas; this depth makes it impossible for any boat to gain access to the river itself. However, there are a number of sources that indicate that, prior to the last 5 years in which the lake level has been at a near all-time low (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March 2014), it was


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possible to get boats of at least 8 meters in length up the Kuratau River without any problems. The first source that supports this is the information provided by The Department of Internal Affairs (2014) which lists the Kuratau River as one of the 5 rivers that can be navigated by small vessels. Personal communication with David Feck and Charles Atkinson (28th March, & 31st March 2014) also confirmed that in the past, boats have in fact been able to cross this delta and continue up the river without any problems, the communication with these 2 men also provided us with the information that boats of up to 8 meters in length had been up the Kuratau River as both Charles Atkinson and David Feck have taken their boats up the river and their boats are 8 meters and 6.7 meters in length respectively and can be seen in Figure 24 below.

Figure 24. Evidence of large boats up the Kuratau River beyond the delta (Photo: David Feck, n.d.).

The final piece of evidence that allowed us to make the assumption that boats had previously been able to cross the delta and continue up the river was the existing boat structures that are in the Kuratau River. These existing structures include; 4 small, private, fixed jetties and 3 private boat ramps, an example of these can be seen in Figure 25 below.


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Figure 25. Existing structures along the Kuratau River (photo: Eduardo Sacayon, 2014)



One of the limitations of this marina development is that it is not able to accommodate a high number of boats. This is due to the Kuratau River having a smaller channel when compared to other rivers in the region such as the Tokaanu River. The fluctuating water levels around the chart datum level of the lake means that at low levels, such as the levels at the time of this study, the river mouth is not navigable for any vessel. Dredging of the river mouth may solve this problem for a short period of time but this would need to be a continuous activity which would increase the ongoing costs of this marina. A different solution is briefly described in the next section.



Instead of dredging the river mouth continuously to insure entrance to the marina, another option that is likely to prove more cost effective in the long run is to upgrade the existing Kuratau boat ramp so that it has the capacity to launch several boats at once, and upgrade


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the existing walkway of the jetty so that it can be used at lower lake levels and can accommodate more boats for a temporary period of time. This alternative would benefit both the current community and the new subdivision and would so reduce pressures on the river and its habitat. The decreased use of the marina at these times could also reduce the ongoing maintenance costs of the marina. The upgraded ramps could also be used during the trout spawning season to reduce the impact that the marina and boat movement could have.

6.5. 6.5.1.

Flood and flow history Background

The flow levels and flood background in the Kuratau River is important to investigate before any development takes place to ensure that flooding will not pose a hazard to the new development plan. As applicable under sections 30-31 of the Resource Management Act (1991), Waikato Regional Council (formerly known as Environment Waikato) and Taupo District Council are required to develop and implement provisions which avoid, mitigate, and remediate the effects of natural hazards such as floods on the Kuratau River (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

Rainfall in the Kuratau catchment has a steep gradient, particularly in the upstream reaches where it has been recorded to reach 2240mm near Pukepoto forest. As the river reaches Lake Taupo and the altitude decreases the rainfall gradient decreases to approximately 1260mm (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). Rainfall levels upstream therefore can have a significant effect on the magnitude of floods experienced in the lower catchment (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). The flow in the lower Kuratau River is largely regulated by the Kuratau power station (owned and operated by King Country Energy). Built in 1962, the power station resulted in the construction of the Kawarau Lake, which is in essence a flooded river valley and as such has a low water holding capacity (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). Due to its limited capacity the lake provides little in the way of a buffer to prevent flood peaks from the upstream region exceeding its spillway and passing downstream towards Lake Taupo (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). This can have adverse effects to the downstream Kuratau


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settlement which is located approximately 1.5m from the Kuratau channel (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

Due to a decrease in altitude downstream, the lower Kuratau River is relatively flat in comparison with the upstream reaches, causing the flow velocity at the study site to be at its lowest through the river (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). This has a number if impacts on stream behaviour and properties. For example, a consequence of the low slope and velocity is a meandering in the river, which will tend to take the path of least resistance, resulting in the river changing path to accommodate for this (I. Fuller, personal communication, 2013). This is clearly evident in Figure 26 which shows an abandoned channel of the Kuratau River.

Figure 26. Flow path alteration of the Kuratau River over time.

This poses significant issues for the proposed development as housing is to be built on the floodplain of the river. It is the floodplains of the lower Kuratau River that propose the largest flood hazard in the catchment, according to Environment Waikato and Taupo District Council (2011). The land in close proximity to Lake Taupo represents a large capital investment and abundance of housing; therefore the flood hazard risk to this area is of


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significance to landowners and thus is a responsibility of local authority’s hazard mitigation programmes. Flow records Existing flow data for the Kuratau River has been collected since November 1978 by Environment Waikato at a gauge located at the state highway 41 bridge. This information is scaled by the council to account for variation caused by catchment area above the bridge (Mckerchat et al., as cited in Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). This synthetic flow record will be used to analyse flood risk to the proposed development.

Figure 27. Synthetic flow record for the Kurutau River at the mouth (EW., TDC, 2011)

Figure 27 displays no notable cyclic behaviour not including annual trends which appear to be consistent over time. The rainfall-runoff relationship acquired from this dataset is therefore assumed stable according to Environment Waikato and Taupo District Council (2011).

The Kuratau River is characterised by long periods of relatively low flow, broken by short period, high magnitude flood events (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).


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As can be seen in Table 6 mean flow is approximately 27% higher than the recorded median flow (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). Table 6: Summary of flow statistics for the synthetic Kuratau River at the mouth, November 1978- July

2010 (m3/s) (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

Flow levels recorded between 1978-2010 show a significant variation in the minimum and maximum flow levels reached at the mouth of the river. Potential causes of this variation include seasonality of data or a change in management of flow by the upstream Kuratau power station. The data indicates that the river has a large capacity for flow variation, which will need to be considered during the proposed marina development in order to protect against possible floods to new housing Flood records Flood risk to the Kuratau River is result of a combination of both lake-induced flooding and overbank flows from the upstream river (EW., TDC, 2011). The largest flood on record was recorded in 1991 and reached 90.2m3/s (EW., TDC, 2011). Analysis of the floods hydrograph (provided by Environment Waikato and Taupo District Council) indicates some important characteristics of flood events in the Karatau catchment, notably that it takes a prolonged rainfall event of approximately 24 hours to create a significant flood to the downstream catchment, as was the case in 1991 (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

The behaviour of flow after rainfall events is extremely similar amongst the four largest flood events on record (Figure 28).


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Figure 28. Rainfall and flood hydrograph 2001.

Figure 29. Graph showing the four biggest flood on record.

Flow hydrographs from the largest floods all display a predominant peak in flow at approximately 7500 minutes after a rainfall event and have a duration of approximately 24 hours. Due to the similarity of flood behaviour, this data is suitable for flood prediction analysis.


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Factors affecting flow and flood levels Duration of rainfall In comparison to prolonged rainfall events which produce sustained flows but lower peak discharges. Short, high intensity rainfall events produce sharp, short duration flood peaks. Therefore, from a flood magnitude perspective, prolonged rainfall events have less force than short rainfall events (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). Consideration should be given to the saturation status of the soil when assessing potential impacts of rainfall events. If soil is fully saturated before a rainfall event the any additional contribution to the groundwater will cause flow to increase (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). Soil Type Typically the sediment load of the river does not have any effect on the flow capacity and potential for flooding downstream (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). However, erosion and deposition of material to the lower reaches of the rive results in a change in the river geomorphology which has the potential to affect the capacity of the channel to contain flood flows and overbank flow (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). Lake Level The water level in Lake Taupo partly controls the level and extent of inundation caused by the flooding of the Kuratau River. Higher lake levels have the potential to exacerbate flooding. In contrast a lower lake level has the potential to reduce the extent, duration and depth of flooding from the Kuratau River (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). The water levels of Lake Taupo are controlled on a daily basis by Mighty River Power, which under their resource consent have a lower and an upper limit which must be adhered too (Environment Waikato et al., 2009). Tectonic Deformation Due to the location of the proposed development in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, and the nature of the Lake (being a dormant caldera), the Taupo basin in unstable and is subject to


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tectonic deformation. The movement of the land has the potential to have a significant effect on flood and inundation risk in the lower Kuratau floodplain as this region is subsiding at a rate of 1.1mm/year at the delta (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011). Refer to appendices 8.8. Waves Waves can increase the effects of high lake levels on the lower Kuratau River, Kuratau has comparatively low wind energy compared with many other sites along the margins of Lake Taupo and therefore has a low wave run-up, causing its impact to be relatively low (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

6.5.3. Implications of development in Kuratau area using predictive flood models Environment Waikato and the Taupo District Council (2011) proposed the ‘Taupo District Flood Hazard Study of the Kuratau River’, in which they have modelled future flood risk to the lower Kuratau River using a MIKE flood model which incorporates a number of important variables such as climate change and ongoing subsidence in the region that are likely to affect how flow and flood levels behave in the future.

This information is particularly useful when considering the feasibility and environmental effects of a proposed housing and marina development in the area. As previously mentioned, Regional and District Councils have a duty to develop and implement practices that reduce, mitigate or avoid flooding hazard to people and property (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

Using a measure of the highest predicted flood in 100-years is an effective way of modelling the worst case scenario for flood risk to an area, as 100-years is considered a lifetime measurement for people and property (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014). The Councils have therefore, modelled the predicted 100-year maximum flood levels which incorporate key variables such as subsidence level and climate change.


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Table 7. Flow predictions scenarios (EW, TDC, 2012)

The effects of climate change on the 100-year flood event maximum can be seen to cause an increase in predicted river peak flow as compared with the 100-year flow peak predictions that has been calculated regardless of climate change. Therefore, an important environmental consideration for the proposed development is to ensure that climate change is incorporated into the planning process. Particularly for marina development as river flow levels are likely to increase with time which will directly affect marina processes.

Figure 30, Depth of inundation adjacent to the lower Kuratau River assuming the ‘worst xase’ scenario, ie., 100-year peak flow increased to allow for predicted climate change , and a lake level of 357.5m (EW., TDC, 2011).


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As can be seen by the predicted model, the majority of the Whiowhio reserve land that the proposed housing development would be built upon has a low risk of flood inundation which extends its entire area, including the wetland. This would need to be a serious consideration for property development and implementation of appropriate standards for the area. Due to its fairly low risk of flood inundation a pre-cautionary measure to protect new infrastructure into the future, would be to build with higher foundations that is necessary in inland developments. This would account for the chance of inundation and flood into the future.

Of particular concern to the proposed development is the inundation risk to the old abandoned river channel (Figure 31) and the Whiowhio reserve which appear to be particularly vulnerable to inundation compared to the surrounding areas. Environment Waikato et al. (2011), argue that this abandoned channel is likely to experience high velocity floods in comparison to other regions in the proposed development.

Figure 31. Velocity of flood waters assuming thee ‘worst case’ scenario modelled ie., for the 100-year peak flood flow increased to allow for predicted climate change, and a lake level of 357.5m (EW., TDC, 2011).

A set-back of 200m is to be implemented throughout the development. However, in this region it would be advisable to set any housing developments back further as this area


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appears to be particularly vulnerable to change which could pose a problem for future inundation risk.


River flood hazard predictions

Flooding is not considered a hazard by Regional Councils unless it directly affects people or property, Environment Waikato categorises a rivers flood hazards based on its impact to people and property (as can be seen in Appendix 8.7). This ranges from low, moderate to high. The hazards associated with river flooding of the lower Kuratau River correspond to the depth, velocity and duration of inundation of flood waters (Environment Waikato; Taupo District Council, 2011).

Figure 32. Flood hazard classification during the 100-year flood event in the Kurutau River allowing for the effects of climate change on runoff from the catchment. Lake level is assumed to be at 357.5m (EW., TDC, 2011).

It can be seen that the entire extent of the Whiowhio reserve has a low flood hazard classification, where as in contrast, the abandoned river channel is predominantly a low


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flood hazard risk. But has areas where it meets with the new river channel in which there is a high flood hazard risk to people and property in the region.


Mitigation measures

As was recommended previously a larger set-back zone for any potential property development around the abandoned river channel needs to be established. As it has a higher likelihood of flooding than other parts of the proposed development. A suggested set-back for this area is 250-300m from the river bank. Alternatively, this area could be left as an open space in the development or established as a wetland, which would be a huge environmental benefit of the development and be aesthetically pleasing to new homeowners.

To mitigate and reduce the potential damage of floods on the new development, there a several options that could be considered. Hard engineering options including rip-rap may be suitable around the edges of the proposed marina site to reduce the erosion of sediment away from the structural supports, however in the event of a flood this poses a risk of back scour so deflection structures would also have to be built at the beginning and end of these structures (I. Fuller, personal communication, 2013).

To protect the housing in the development a riparian margin of 20 meters is left in its natural state so that the river can flood this area instead of houses further downstream. Stop banks should be built up and planted at this 20 meter mark to insure that water does not flood beyond this point. The planting of stop banks will reduce the erosion of these structures (Charlton, 2008)

Deflection and revetment structures could be built at certain points along the river bank above the proposed marina. Deflection structures would cause a shift of flow to the opposite side of the river (Ian Fuller, personal communication, 2013), thus reducing the velocity and volume of water flowing beside the housing development and marina structures. The use of groynes will promote the deposition of sediment and help to build up the banks and also reduce the amount of sediment carried in the bed load, subsequently reducing erosion (A. Clement, personal communication, 2013).


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A silt fence (is a temporary sediment and siltation control device used on construction sites). It is used to protect water quality in nearby streams, rivers, lakes and seas from sediment (loose soil) in water runoff (M. Brooke, personal communication, 2012). During the construction period of the sub-divisions the developer should use silt fence in order to minimize sediment loading into the Kuratau River. It also helps in reducing excessive soil erosion during heavy rainfall.

Leopold matrix

Wilderness and open spaces Residential Fishing Boating Swimming

C. Cultural f actors


4. Cultural Status

5. Man-made facilities and activities

D. Ecological Relationships

such as:

LEGEND 3 Indicates a high negative impact 2 Indicates a medium negative impact 1 Indicates a low negative impact 3+ Indicates a HIGH positive impact 2+ Indicates a medium positive impact 1+ Indicates a low positive impact

Open space qualities Landscape design Cultural patterns Health and Safety Employment Population density Structures Transportation network Utility networks Waste disposal Barriers Corridors Eutrophication Brush encroachment Salinisation of water resources Eutrophication Disease-insect vectors Food chains Salinisation of surface material Brush encroachment Other

-3 -3 -3 -1 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 -3 -3 -1 3 3 3 3 3 -1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -1 3 3 -1 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 3 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 -3 3 3 -1 2 -1 3 -2 3 3 3 3 3 -2 -3 1 1 -1 2 -1 3 -2 -3 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -1 -3 -3 -3 -1 -3 -1 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -1 -3 -1 -1 -1 -3 -1 -3 -1 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 3 -2 -3 -3 -1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 -1 3 -2 -1 -1 2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -2 -1 1



3 3 3

3 3 3


3 2

3 3

3 2 1 3 3 1 3 3 3 N/A 3 3 1

1 1 3

2 2

2 2

3 2

3 2

3 2

3 2


1 1 1

1 1 1


-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 2 2 2

-2 -2 -3




-2 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 -3 -1 1 -2 -2 1

1 3

1 3

3 2 2

2 2


-2 -2

-2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3


2 2


Spills and leaks

Municipal waste discharge + sp irrig

River and canal traffic/ pleasure boating

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


-3 2 3 3 3 -2 -2 -2


Clear cutting and other lumbering

Surface excavation

Cut and Fill

Blasting and drilliing

Recreational structures

Offshore structures

Piers seawalls marinas & s.terminals

Channel revetment

Channel dredging and straightening

Barriers, including fencing

Transmission lines pipel & corridors

Cables and lifts

Roads and trails


Noise and vibration

Surface or paving


Waste recycling


Alteration of drainage


Alteration of ground cover

Modification of habitat


River control and flow modification


Erosion control and terracing


2 3


-3 -2 -1 3+ 2+ 1+


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6.7. 6.7.1.

Assumptions and limitations Limitations

Without visiting the site in question, council officers were unable to determine cost estimates for laying infrastructure for some services. Quotes for dredging and marina infrastructure were not available at the time of compiling the report and so cost estimates have been made. Further limitations specific to the marina development are included in section 6.4.4.



The plot of land in question is currently owned by the council and zoned residential (Taupo District Council, personal communication, 1 April, 2014). We assume it is owned by the developer. It is assumed that Tūwharetoa (the Maori Trust Board) who owns the rights to the lake and river bed have not and will not veto the development of the marina. The marina is designed around chart datum levels of the lake and not current levels. If boats are able to pass through the river mouth, they will be able to access the upstream marina. King Country Energy who controls river flow upstream of the site have no objection to the proposed marina.



There exists the capacity in all major services – both council and private – for provision to the proposed site with limitations only to internet access. The project will involve major onsite infrastructural work and high costs to the developer but there is the potential for cost reduction with economies of scope when lying underground pipes and cables. Using chart datum levels of Lake Taupo and not current levels – which are presently far below average – the marina can easy go ahead as sufficient river width, depth and river mouth depth allow thoroughfare (M. De Dual, personal communication, 31st March, 2014). For low levels like those at present when the marina will be out of use, an upgrade to the existing boat ramp at Kuratau will still allow for docking.


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7. References Battersby, A. (2013). Taupo district: Economic monitor december quarter 2013. Retrieved from http://www.greatlaketaupo.biz/research.html

Charlton, R. (2008). Fundamentals of fluvial geomorphology. London, UK: Routledge

Department of Conservation (2012). Kuratau river trout monitoring review 2012. Taupo, New Zealand

Department of Internal Affairs. (2014). Lake levels. Retrieved from http://www.dia.govt.nz/Lake-Taupo-Lake-Levels

Department of Internal Affairs. (2014). Navigable rivers. Retrieved from: www.dia.govt.nz

Environment Waikato, & Taupo District Council. (2009). Lake taupo erosion and flood strategy. Taupo, New Zealand: Opus Consultants.

Environment Waikato, & Taupo District Council. (2011). Taupo district flood hazard: Study kuratau river. Taupo, New Zealand: Opus Consultants.

Forsyth, D.J., & Howard-Williams, C. (eds.). (1983). Lake Taupo: Ecology of a New Zealand lake. Wellington, New Zealand: Science Information Publishing Centre.

Harding, J. S., Benfield, E. F., Bolstad, P. V., Helfman, G. S., & Jones, E. B. D. (1998). Stream biodiversity: The ghost of land use past. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 95, 14843-14847.

King Country Energy Limited. (2000). Resource consent application and assessment of effects on the environment (2nd ed.). Taupo, New Zealand: King Country Energy Limited.

Lenat, D. R. (1984). Agriculture and stream water quality: A biological evaluation of erosion control practices. Environmental management, 8, 333-343.


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

Lindsey, T., & Morris, R. (2011). Field guide to New Zealand wildlife. Auckland, New Zealand: Harper Collins.

McEwen, W. M. (1987). Ecological regions and districts of new zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Conservation.

Ministry of Economic Development. (2010). New zealand regional tourism forecasts 20102016 lake taupo rto. Retrieved from http://www.med.govt.nz/sectorsindustries/tourism/pdfdocslibrary/tourismresearchanddata/forecasts/regionalforec asts/regionaltoforecastspdfs/Lake%20Taupo%20RTO%20Forecast%20Report% 202010-2016.pdf

Ministry for the Environment (2002). Lake Mangers handbook: fish in new zealand lakes. Hamilton, New Zealand: Rowe, D, K., Graynoth, E.

Ministry for the Environment. (2013). National environmental standards. Retrieved from http://www.mfe.govt.nz/laws/standards/

Neveldsen, R. J. (2010). Submission for the Proposed Waikato Regional Statement: recommendation 339. Taupo, New Zealand: Kuratau Omori Preservation Society Incorporated.

Osborne, L. L., & Kovacic, D. A. (1993). Riparian vegetated buffer strips in water�quality restoration and stream management. Freshwater biology, 29, 243-258.

Policy and Transport Group. (2010). Proposed waikato regional policy statement. Retrieved from www.ew.govt.nz

Resource Management Act, No. 69. (1991). Retrieved from http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1991/0069/latest/whole.html

Smith H., Paine S., & Ward H. (2011). Taupo district flood hazard study: Kuratau river. Taupo, New Zealand: Opus International Consultants Limited.


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Standards Australia. (2001). AS 3962: Guidelines for design of marinas (2nd Ed.). Sydney, Australia: Standards Australia.

Statistics New Zealand. (2013). Census quickstats about national highlights. Retrieved from http://www.stats.govt.nz/Census/2013-census/profile-and-summaryreports/quickstats-about-national-highlights.aspx

Taupo District Council. (2007). Current version: Summary of recent changes made to the taupo district plan. Retrieved from http://www.taupodc.govt.nz/ourcouncil/policies-plans-and-bylaws/district-plans/current-version/Pages/currentversion.aspx

Taupo District Council. (2008a). Information pack: Connecting to a council water main, sewer or storm water drain. Taupo, New Zealand: Taupo District Council.

Taupo District Council. (2008b). Water supply strategy 2008. Retrieved from http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CD AQFjA B&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.taupodc.govt.nz%2Four-council%2Fpoliciesplans-and-bylaws%2Fdistrict-strategies%2Fwater-supplystrategy%2FDocuments%2FWater-Supply-Strategy2008.pdf&ei=Vzs7U4GrFo6ekQX_vYHoAw&usg=AFQjCNHGuv9WYzCbZjPRRH_acCH8 Q3WDyg&sig2=OZy7JG8WSJv4ZDtoQOHXZA

Taupo District Council. (2009a). Code of practice for development of land. Retrieved from https://www.taupodc.govt.nz/our-council/policies-plans-andbylaws/policies/Documents/Code-of-Practice-Development-of-land-2009.pdf

Taupo District Council. (2009b). Storm water strategy. Retrieved from http://www.taupodc.govt.nz/our-council/policies-plans-and-bylaws/districtstrategies

Taupo District Council. (2012). Waste management and minimisation plan 2012. Retrieved from



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Taupo District Council. (2013). Annual plan 2013/2014. Retrieved from: http://www.taupodc.govt.nz/our-council/policies-plans-and-bylaws/annualplans/Pages/2013-2014%20annual-plan.aspx Taupo District Council. (2014). Taupo and atiamuri planting guide. Taupo, New Zealand: Taupo District Council.

Taupo-nui-a-tia. (2013). 2020 Taupo-nui-a-tia action plan: An integrated sustainable development strategy for the lake taupo catchment. Retrieved from http://www.taupoinfo.org.nz/pdf/v1-2020_Taupo-nui-a-Tia_Action_Plan.pdf

Waikato Regional Council. (2014a). Chapter 3: Water module. Retrieved from www.waikato.govt.nz.

Waikato Regional Council (2014b). Chapter 5: Land and soil module. Retrieved from www.waikato.govt.nz

Wardle, P. (2002). Vegetation of new zealand. New Jersey, USA: Blackburn Press.


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8. Appendices 8.1. Appendix 1: Geology of the Kuratau catchment (EW., TC et al., 2011)


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8.2. Appendix 2: Soil classification in the Kuratau catchment (EW., TDC et al., 2011)


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8.3. Appendix 3: Plant species of Waituhi−Kuratau Scenic Reserve including Kuratau clearing based on A.P.Druce (1988), N.J.D. Singers (2003) and Rotorua Botanical Group, (2003) Gymnosperm trees

Dicot Trees and Shrubs

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides kahikatea, white pine

Coprosma "tayloriae" (C. parviflora (t))

Dacrydium cupressinum rimu

Coriaria arborea tutu

Halocarpus bidwillii bog pine

Corokia cotoneaster korokio

Manoao colensoi silver pine

*Cytisus scoparius broom

Phyllocladus alpinus x P. trichomanoides

Dracophyllum subulatum monoao

Phyllocladus alpinus mountain toatoa

Elaeocarpus dentatus hinau

Phyllocladus trichomanoides tanekaha

Elaeocarpus hookerianus pokaka

Podocarpus hallii Hall's totara

Fuchsia excorticata kotukutuku

Podocarpus totara totara

Gaultheria antipoda snowberry; tawiniwini

Prumnopitys ferruginea miro

Gaultheria paniculata

Prumnopitys taxifolia matai

Gaultheria "novae-zelandiae" (G. depressa var) mountain snowberry

Monocot trees and shrubs

Griselinia littoralis broadleaf; kapuka

Cordyline australis cabbage tree; ti-kouka

Hebe macrocarpa var. "corriganii" var (=H. corriganii) purple-flowered hebe

Cordyline indivisa mountain cabbage tree

Hebe parviflora koromiko

Dicot Trees and Shrubs

Hebe stricta ss koromiko

Alseuosmia pusilla karapapa

Hoheria populnea agg (H. sexstylosa) houhere; lacebark

Androstoma empetrifolia mountain mikimiki; bog mingimingi

Kunzea ericoides kanuka;

Aristotelia fruticosa shrubby wineberry Aristotelia serrata wineberry; makomako

Leptecophylla juniperina (Cyathodes, Styphelia, C. acerosa) prickly mingimingi Leptospermum scoparium manuka

Carmichaelia australis agg native broom

Leucopogon fasciculatus (Styphelia; Cyathodes fasciculata) mingimingi

Carpodetus serratus putaputaweta; marbleleaf

Leucopogon fraseri (Cyathodes; Styphelia nesophila) patotara

Coprosma cheesemanii sprawling coprosma

Melicope simplex poataniwha

Coprosma cunninghamii X C. robusta (=C. cunninghamii)

Melicytus lanceolatus mahoe-wao

Coprosma foetidissima stinkwood; hupiro

Melicytus ramiflorus mahoe

Coprosma grandifolia kanono

Mida salicifolia willow-leaved maire

Coprosma lucida karamu; shining karamu

Myrsine australis red matipo; mapou

Coprosma propinqua mingimingi

Myrsine divaricata weeping matipo

Coprosma rhamnoides agg (C. polymorpha) thorny coprosma

Myrsine salicina toro

Coprosma rigida

Neomyrtus pedunculata rohutu

Coprosma robusta karamu

Nestegis cunninghamii black maire

Coprosma tenuifolia wavy-leaved coprosma

Nestegis lanceolata white maire

Dicot Lianes

Olearia arborescens glossy tree daisy

Clematis foetida scented clematis

Olearia rani heketara

Clematis paniculata white clematis; puawhananga

Olearia virgata twiggy tree daisy

Clematis quadribracteolata

Pennantia corymbosa kaikomako

Metrosideros diffusa white climbing rata

Pimelea prostrata Strathmore weed; pinatoro

Psilopsids, Lycopods and Quillworts

Pimelea tomentosa


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA Huperzia australiana (Lycopodium australianum) fir clubmoss; alpine clubmoss Huperzia varia (Lycopodium varium agg hanging clubmoss; iwituna Lycopodium deuterodensum puakarimu

Pittosporum eugenioides lemonwood; tarata

Lycopodium fastigiatum mountain clubmoss

Plagianthus regius lowland ribbonwood; manatu

Lycopodium scariosum creeping clubmoss

Pseudopanax arboreus five finger; whaupaku

Lycopodium volubile waewae-koukou; climbing clubmoss

Pseudopanax colensoi (Neopanax) mountain three finger;

Tmesipteris tannensis chain fern; fork fern

Pseudopanax crassifolius Lancewood; horoeka


Pseudowintera colorata Pepperwood; mountain horopito

Asplenium bulbiferum Hen and chickens fern; moku

Raukaua anomalus x R. simplex

Asplenium flaccidum ss Hanging spleenwort; makawe

Raukaua anomalus whauwhaupaku

Asplenium polyodon Sickle spleenwort; petako

Raukaua edgerleyi raukawa

Blechnum chambersii Nini; lance fern

Raukaua simplex haumakoroa

Blechnum colensoi Peretao; paretao

Schefflera digitata pate

Blechnum discolor Crown fern; piupiu; petipeti

Weinmannia racemosa kamahi

Blechnum fluviatile kiwikiwi


Blechnum minimus swamp kiokio

Aporostylis bifolia odd-leaved orchid

Blechnum novae-zelandiae kiokio

Caladenia atradenia

Blechnum penna-marina var. alpina alpine blechnum

Chiloglottis cornuta green bird orchid

Blechnum vulcanicum Botrychium australe coarse parsley fern

Corybas rivularis (Nematocera, C. orbiculatus or C. acuminatus!; also C. "Kerike Corybas trilobus (Nematoceras) spider orchid

Botrychium biforme fine-leaved parsley fern

Earina autumnalis Easter orchid; raupeka

Ctenopteris heterophylla

Earina mucronata spring orchid; peka-a-waka

Cyathea dealbata ponga; silver fern

Microtis unifolia onion orchid

Cyathea smithii soft-leaved tree fern; katote

Prasophyllum colensoi onion-leaved orchid

Dicksonia fibrosa wheki-ponga

Pterostylis paludosa bog green hood orchid

Dicksonia squarrosa wheki; harsh tree fern

Pterostylis patens green hood orchid

Gleichenia dicarpa waewaekaka; tangle fern

Thelymitra cyanea blue swamp orchid

Grammitis billardierei common strap fern

Thelymitra longifolia white sun orchid

Grammitis ciliata hairy strap fern

Winika cunninghamii bamboo orchid

Grammitis magellanica ssp. nothofagetti (pp G. billardierei)


Grammitis pseudociliata (cf G. ciliata)

*Agrostis capillaris browntop

Histiopteris incisa water fern

Cortaderia fulvida kakaho; toetoe

Hymenophyllum bivalve

Deyeuxia avenoides agg (var brachyantha) mountain oatgrass

Hymenophyllum demissum piripiri; irirangi

Deyeuxia "Volcanic Plateau quadriseta"

Hymenophyllum dilatatum lop-sided filmy fern

Festuca novae-zelandiae hard tussock

Hymenophyllum flabellatum fan fern

Hierochloe redolens (Holcus) sweet-scented holly grass

Hymenophyllum multifidum

*Holcus lanatus Yorkshire fog

Hymenophyllum pulcherrimum

Microlaena avenacea bush rice grass; oat grass

Hymenophyllum rarum wire-stemmed filmy fern

Microlaena stipoides forest rice grass

Hymenophyllum revolutum

Poa anceps Coastal poa

Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum blood-scented filmy fern

Poa cita (P. caespitosa; P. laevis; P. australis) silver tussock

Hymenophyllum scabrum coarse-haired filmy fern

Poa pusilla (P. seticulmis)

Lastreopsis glabella felted fern

Rytidosperma gracile forest fairy grass

Pittosporum tenuifolium ssp. colensoi kohuhu Pittosporum turneri Turner’s kohuhu

Leptolepia novae-zelandiae lacey fern


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA Leptopteris hymenophylloides x L. superba Leptopteris superba Prince of Wales feather Microsorum pustulatum hounds tongue; kowaowao Ophioglossum coriaceum Paesia scaberula scented fern; matata; ring fern Pneumatopteris pennigera gully fern; pakau; pakauroharoha Polystichum vestitum prickly shield fern; punui Pteridium esculentum bracken; rauaruhe Rumohra adiantiformis Sticherus cunninghamii umbrella fern; kotuku; tapuwae Trichomanes reniforme kidney fern; raurenga


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

8.4. Appendix 4: Bird species reported by Forsyth and Howard-Williams (1983)

Common name

Scientific name


Blue duck

Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos


New Zealand Dabchic

Podicepus rufopectus



Circus approximans



Halcyon sancta



Bowdleria punctata


Welcome swallow

Hirundo tahitica



Rhipidura fuliginosa



Fringila coellebs


White heron

Egretta alba



Phalacrocorax carbo


Banded rail

Rallus philippensis


Australasian Bittern

Botaurus poiciloptilus


Pied stilt

Himantopus laucocephalus



Todiramphus sanctus vagans



Gerygone igata


Black backed gull

Larus dominicanus


Spotless crake

Porzana tabuensis



Porphyrio melanotus


White-faced heron

Ardea novaheollandiae


Paradise shelducks

Tadorna variegate



Anas rhynchotis


Black Swan

Cygnus astratus


Black Shag

Phalacrocorax carbo


Little black shag

Phalacrocorax sulcirostris


Little shag

Phalacrocorax melanoleucos


Canada goose

Branta canadiensis



Anas platyrhynchos


Grey duck

Anas superciliosa


Grey teal

Anas gibberifrons


New Zealand Scaup

Aythya novaeseelandiae


Banded dotterel

Charadrius bicinctus


Blacked billed gull

Larus bulleri


Red billed gull

Larus novaehollandiae


Caspian tern

Hydroprogne caspia


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

8.5. Appendix 5: Water quality monitoring from 2004-2012. Parameters including, Water clarity, pH, Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous. Source: Waikato Regional Cuncil 2012


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Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

8.6. Appendix 6: Water quality at the three sample sites (1st April 2014).

Site 1

Site 2

Site 3

38˚ 51’ 18.6” S

38˚ 53’ 14.91” S

175˚ 46’ 17.95” E

175˚ 46’ 06.83” E

175˚ 45’ 52.07”

Site description

Developed area

Open grassland

Native bush

Conductivity (µs)
















% periphyton cover




Substrate type


Cobbles and silt

Boulders and silt

Water clarity (m)




Salinity (%)




Site coordinates









Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

8.7. Appendix 7: Description of flood hazard categories and matrix (Environmental Waikato, 2008)


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

8.8. Appendix 8: Tectonic deformation in the Kuratau catchment


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA


Appendix 9: Soil profile physical description


Soil Profile Physical Description

Site Description


Fine grains of sand dominating the entire site with

Located at the river mouth.

larger pebble sized substrate located at the bottom

Sand dune dominated the site.

of the transect. There was a high proportion of fine

E= 18, 40, 46.70,

grained sediment deposited at the river mouth

S=56, 91, 97.40 elevation of 360 asl


There were two distinct layers. The upper region

Located approximately 10 meters from the

(0-20cm from top) has a compacted black soil likely

river bank and at the edge of the Whiowhio

to be silt deposited due to its location on the flood

Reserve Park.

plain. Below 20cm to 60 cm showed a yellow-

Landuse was predominantly open-land

brown soil which formed large conglomerates

pasture with scattered trees. E=18, 40, 13.10. S = 56, 91, 91.90 with elevation of 362 asl


The soil profile had two main soil layers. The soil

Shrubs dominating the site with native

was firm in texture and contained dark organic


matter and tree roots binding the soil. From top 0-

E= 18, 39, 80.10

20cm have imbedded blck substrate. From 20 cm

S= 56, 92, 05.80

to 60 cm showed changes in colour between light

with elevation of 362 asl

yellow- brown pumice soils with fine loose soil texture 4

There were very distinct layers noted. From top 0-

Located 120 m inland from site 2 and at

35 cm soil is dark black in colour with a dry, firm

the centre of the Whiowhio park

texture. From 35cm to 60 cm is a clay silt mixture

Sample was taken from the middle of the

with a looser arrangement of soil particles

reserve park. E= 18, 40, 11.90, S = 56, 91, 80.20 with elevation of 360 asl


The soil had a high moisture content From top 0-35

Located 120 m inland (from Site 4) at the

cm showed dark black colour (strong texture) and

centre of wetland area.

from 35cm-60cm with silt clay mixture composition

E= 18, 40, 11.60 S = 56, 91, 69.30


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA

8.10. Appendix 10: A description of general soil physical characteristics and their effect on sand, silt and clay

Property/behaviour Water-holding




capacity Aeration


Drainage rate


Soil organic matter level Decomposition



Clay to

high Medium Slow

Poor to

medium Medium





Very slow

High to medium




Warm-up in spring




Compact ability






organic matter



wind erosion to

water erosion

Potential ponds,

dams, and landfills Suitability for tillage after rain Pollutant


potential Ability to store plant nutrients Resistance change



fine sand)



(High if fine sand)






Low if aggregated,


otherwise high Moderate to very

Very Low












Medium High Medium




cracked) to




Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA


Appendix 11: Necessary resource consent forms


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Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA


Cosmo-consultancy 2014 188.763 EIA


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