Law and criminology

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Department of Law and Criminology

Department of Law and Criminology |

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Why study Law at Edge Hill University?


6 8

10 12


Why Edge Hill University?

Why study Criminology and Criminal Justice at Edge Hill University? New Learning Methods

Law and Criminology Society Research and Consultancy Staff Profiles

20 Careers and Employability 22 23

Staff Spotlight: Holly White, Graduate Teaching Assistant Contact us

Welcome to Law and Criminology at Edge Hill University

The Department of Law and Criminology, established in 2004, currently has over 400 undergraduate students, taught by a team of highly-qualified, experienced, enthusiastic and supportive academics. Located in the Business and Law Building on our Ormskirk Campus, we have state-of-the-art learning and teaching facilities, including a purpose-built mock courtroom.

The Department offers an excellent learning experience and is consistently rated the top Law Department in the North West by our students (National Student Survey, 2011). We proffer a range of qualifying law, criminology and criminal justice degrees, all underpinned by academic research and scholarship, and incorporating both national and international dimensions. You will have the opportunity to place your studies in context through educational visits to important legal and criminal justice institutions. In the past these have included the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg, and Auschwitz in Poland.

Our undergraduates progress through three levels of knowledge acquisition and intellectual development, defined as Foundational, Consolidation and Development, and Depth and Exploration. Each level broadly defines the aims and outcomes of each successive year of study. Students also get a taster of the world of employment through an additional work experience module, and develop career planning and career management skills. We have forged strong links with external stakeholders in the legal professions and the criminal justice system to support and enhance the employment opportunities of our students.

Our research and consultancy activity is well-established and engaged in advanced national and international research. The Centre for Sports Law Research has an international reputation, and we also have real research power in areas such as European competition and telecommunications law, human rights, youth justice, and disaster management.

Exciting recent departmental developments include the launch of a pro bono law clinic, run by our students, and supervised by our team of experts. Students also benefit socially and professionally from an active Law and Criminology Society, run by, and for, students, with mentoring opportunities provided by our committed alumni, who regularly return to campus. Our staff and students work in a friendly, dynamic and vibrant environment in which they are able to pursue their chosen fields of study, and we look forward to showing you round our university.



PROFESSOR FRANCESCO RIZZUTO Head of Department of Law and Criminology

Department of Law and Criminology |

Why Edge Hill University? - Law and Criminology at Edge Hill University was ranked first in North West for Academic Support (National Student Survey, 2013)

- Our department was also ranked 2nd in the North West for Teaching, Personal Development, and Organisation and Management (National Student Survey, 2013)

- Edge Hill University students are the most satisfied in the North West (National Student Survey, 2013)

- Edge Hill is the top performing university in the North West for employability, with 93.4% of graduates in work or further study (Destination of Leavers from Higher Education 2013)

- Edge Hill University is in the top three for continuous improvement over the past decade, rising 40 places over the past seven years

-– The campus is a stunning 160-acre site located in the heart of the North West, close to Liverpool, Manchester and Preston. – The University has a student population of over 23,000, including 8,000 studying full-time, and employs around 4,000 staff. – The University has three Faculties – Arts and Sciences, Education and Health and Social Care.

– We are one of the fastest growing universities in the UK with applications to study here increasing fourfold since 2000. – We are recognised as a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning by the Higher Education Funding Council.

– In the past decade, two thirds of academic provision has been graded as ‘Excellent’. Since 1997, no subject has been evaluated lower than 20 out of 24 in quality assessments. – More than half of academic staff are engaged in research considered to be of national or international importance.

(The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide for 2014)



Department of Law and Criminology |

Why study Law at Edge Hill University? We offer a range of qualifying law degrees that examine the key legal principles, doctrines and institutions that constitute the foundations of legal knowledge in England and Wales. Our LLB courses are qualifying law degrees which means that provided the specified modules are passed, you gain exemptions from the professional bodies for their educational requirements and will meet the academic requirements for entering a career in the legal professions.

The Law Society and The Bar Council set the conditions a law degree must meet to be termed a 'qualifying law degree', and govern the regulations for anyone seeking to qualify as a solicitor or barrister. Our Law Courses

LLB (Hons) Law LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology

Students interested in studying both Law and Criminology are able to follow a degree programme which combines both subjects. LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology is a qualifying Law degree which includes a 25% Criminology element.

What will you study? The foundation subjects are studied in full-year modules in Years 1 and 2 of the degree. At the end of Year 2 students may opt to register for the additional credit work experience module. Year 1 Contracts Tort Constitutional Law Legal Methods

Year 2 Criminal Law Equity and Trusts Property Law European Law

In Year 3 students select six modules from a wide range of options, including Human Rights, Family Law, Child Law, Employment Law, Consumer Law, Company Law, Jurisprudence, Tax Law, Law of Evidence, Sports Law, Public International Law, International Business Law, and International Economic Law. Students may also opt for a dissertation. All programmes can be taken full-time or part-time. All subjects are taught through a combination of lectures and student-led seminars. ICT is used extensively to complement face-to-face tuition. All students are allocated a personal tutor at the start of their first year, with whom they will have regular meetings throughout their three years of study.



“During my Law studies I’ve found that what makes Edge Hill University extra special is the tutors. They always have time to support you and are all, without exception, very approachable. Whenever I’ve found myself unsure about something I’ve always been able to turn to the lecturers.

“The tutors make the subject interesting, too. They don’t simply regurgitate information, but engage with students, encouraging opinions and initiating discussions. Their passion comes across clearly in lectures and seminars, and through providing a number of optional modules you also get to study what you enjoy most.

“Completing a Law degree involves a great deal of research. Edge Hill provides access to a wide range of resources, including a mass of books and electronic journals.

“One particularly useful experience has been the Employability module, which required us to submit CVs and covering letters to employers. This actively encouraged us to make professional contacts, and helped us to focus on what we want to do once we have completed our studies.

“There’s an opportunity to undertake some work experience, arranged through the University. Seeing the industry in action and gaining practical skills is absolutely invaluable.

“I thoroughly enjoy studying Law and find the subject really engaging. Through seeing how the tutors here make such a difference to the entire experience I’d now like to go on and become a lecturer myself.” Joanne Simpson LLB (Hons) Law

Department of Law and Criminology |

“The tutors strive to ensure all students leave equipped with the skills necessary to prosper in the workplace.” Catherine Whorton LLB (Hons) Law

LLM Research As a postgraduate research student, you will be part of a vibrant research community, receiving support and supervision from research-active experts in Law. With the help of a supervisor specialised in your chosen area of research, you will work towards producing a substantive piece of legal research, studying research methods and developing writing and analytical skills.

LLM International Business and Commercial Law If you are determined to forge a career in international law then this Master’s will give you a grounding in the legal aspects of global business, analysing the major regulatory areas relating to international business conduct, and completing a major piece of specialised research.

LLM International Justice and Human Rights Law This LLM is ideal if you want to develop a thorough, integrated understanding of international justice and human rights. Through studying the fundamentals of international criminal and human rights law, you will become skilled in legal reasoning and research methods, and be fully prepared to complete a highly specialised piece of original research. Whichever LLM you choose, you will develop key transferable employment skills which are highly valued in a wide range of legal and non-legal careers.


Department of Law and Criminology |

Why study Criminology and Criminal Justice at Edge Hill University?

Criminology is essentially the study of crime and deviance, and societal reactions to these phenomena via criminal justice responses. A branch of the social sciences, Criminology is concerned with what ‘crime’ is, why crime occurs, what should be done about the 'problem' of crime, and, importantly, who commits crime. Groundbreaking approach Criminology provision at Edge Hill University has a long-standing reputation for excellence and critical ‘edge’. Our groundbreaking approach considers wider and often more harmful forms of crime, such as corporate, state and environmental crime.

Our Criminology courses The Department of Law and Criminology offers a range of single honours programmes for undergraduates. BA (Hons) Criminology with Law has a predominant focus on Criminology while allowing students to spend some of their time studying Law.

BA (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice BA (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice (Youth Justice) BA (Hons) Criminology with Law

Criminology and Criminal Justice can also be taken as a joint honours subject:

BA (Hons) Childhood and Youth Studies and Criminology BA (Hons) Criminology and History BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology To undertake postgraduate research in this area we offer: MRes Criminology

Criminology: what will I study? Criminology lecturer Angela Tobin: “Media representations of crime and deviance are one of the first issues you’ll be encouraged to think critically about when you start the Criminology programme. After all, most people gain their understanding of crime and deviance in society via the media. We will consider how the media report cases and, importantly, how much of the coverage misrepresents the issue. “Take, for example, benefit fraud. Some sections of the press vilify those who rely on benefits, and so-called ‘benefit cheats’ are given an even harder time. It’s been estimated by the government that benefit fraud costs the public purse approx £1.2 billion per year. However, each year, benefit underpayment, ie not giving claimants their legal entitlement, is estimated to be £1.3bn. So, according to their own figures, the government doesn’t lose money each year, they actually save money, through underpaying claimants. Tax avoidance is estimated to cost public spending at least £30bn per year). But, until recently, mainstream media coverage has focused on benefit fraud and not tax avoidance. “We would look at these issues from a criminological perspective and ask why there is more media coverage of benefit fraud than tax avoidance, particularly in a time of austerity when the consistent message from the government is that it needs to retain as much of its money as possible through public spending cuts. “Other themes that we’ll look at include; theoretical explanations of crime, fear of crime, drugs and alcohol, changing attitudes towards crime and punishment, victims of crime, the different levels of the criminal justice system, the war on terror, and human rights abuses.”



“When I first met the lecturers and saw the campus and facilities I just knew Edge Hill was special and had lots to offer me. Then, throughout the application process I found there were people to help and support me every step of the way.

“My course has proven to be better than I ever expected and I learn something new in every lecture. People are always available to help, and the facilities allow me to continually develop my research and writing skills. “I’ve really enjoyed learning about the things we take for granted in society. We’re actively encouraged to think outside the box and not to take everything at face value, learning how to critically analyse the law, the police and the state. My favourite subject so far has been on feminists and how they’ve helped to change the position of women within society.

“My time at Edge Hill has been the beginning of me. Edge Hill has given me the skills, education and foundation on which to build a fulfilling and successful career. It hasn’t only been a place I’ve come to learn but also a place to meet likeminded people, take part in trips, join societies, and take on other roles and responsibilities.

“Some may say it’s just a university, but for me it has been a community in which I have taken part, and belonged to.”

Melissa Donovan BA (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice

Department of Law and Criminology |

“I have a genuine admiration and respect for all of my tutors, and marvel at their extensive knowledge.” Ellis Brennan BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology

Cutting Edge Thinking New modules are designed to reflect developments in contemporary Criminology. Advanced theory module, Expanding the Criminological Imagination, draws upon recent research by team members and encourages students to consider their own work within the context of a vigorous and imaginative approach to Criminology. Criminology now considers a wide range of relatively new topics, such as harm to the environment and major disasters, alongside more traditional subjects.

Crimes of the Powerful enables students to examine an extensive range of social harms perpetrated by organisations and governments, rather than stereotypical individual criminals. Dr Howard Davis, module leader, is confident that it will be an exciting addition to Criminology programmes:

“If we look at the history of the twentieth century, the most appalling crimes were not committed by the ragged and the poor, they were committed by men wearing uniforms or suits, and often with public support. Students have always been surprised, and sometimes shocked, at the extent of serious harms – some of which are criminalised and some of which aren’t – that result from the actions or omissions of powerful organisations.”

The module considers crimes against humanity, genocide, state terrorism and torture, as well as crimes that result from corporate negligence or recklessness.

MRes Criminology As a postgraduate research student, you will be part of a vibrant research community, receiving support and supervision from research-active experts in Criminology. With the help of a supervisor specialised in your chosen area of research, you will work towards producing a substantive piece of research, studying research methods, and developing writing and analytical skills.


Department of Law and Criminology |

Learning Methods Beyond School: the next step Every next step in your educational development involves new approaches to learning. You mix with other students from many walks of life, and are gradually given more independence, and, with that, more responsibility. In other words, you get out of the process as much as you put in. But the rewards are exponential, and will enhance your development, not only in terms of your career, but also as rounded members of society.

Senior Law lecturer Adam Pendlebury: “At Edge Hill you’ll meet different people, with different backgrounds, different accents, which is a great thing. Diversity is bringing new ideas and different experiences to the learning environment. You also get to mix with the staff, which is good, because it breaks down barriers which are more appropriate to the school situation.

“The age mix of the cohort can be useful too. Older students may have a different perspective on things. Their life experience gives them a lot to draw on when it comes to discussions, eg mortgages, which an 18 year old may have little or no knowledge of outside of a textbook.”

Here, Adam Pendlebury (AP) and Criminology lecturer Angela Tobin (AT) talk about some of the new ways of learning you’ll experience during your time at Edge Hill University.

Seminars AP: “Seminars develop students’ research skills, written skills, and oral presentation skills. It’s a lot smaller than a lecture, with around 12 students, and that allows everyone to contribute. You stay with the same group of students so you get comfortable, and participate more.

“In the first year there are a lot of introductory questions, to ensure you have an understanding of the key issues. We also give you exam-type questions, and then we ask you to respond to the questions. “The majority of students are quite nervous to begin with. You can be a passive learner in the school environment, but at this level you have to participate. The biggest fear is that you’re going to be wrong. That’s not an issue for me. I always say, you just need to contribute. To produce more rounded graduates we’re trying to get you to question things, and be more analytical.”

AT: “In Criminology, we keep things as interactive as possible. This may involve pre-seminar reading, or watching a media clip during the session, which then forms the basis of a discussion. For example, we debate the death penalty, allowing you to develop oral communication skills. Or we may consider high profile cases, such as Operation Yewtree, and analyse differential state responses to various types of violence, including domestic, sexual and child abuse, and attitudes towards victims and perpetrators of crime. “Other themes include; theoretical explanations of crime, fear of crime, drugs and alcohol, changing attitudes towards crime and how perpetrators are punished, victims of crime, the different levels of the criminal justice system, the war on terror and human rights abuses.”

Coursework AP: “I can imagine for someone whose longest essay previously was maybe 500 words, 2,000 words is a jump in terms of the depth you need to go into. Seminars prepare you for that but what we also do is put on some special sessions in the first few weeks, dealing with things like legal research, legal writing, footnoting.”



Lecturer Claire Kinsella on the book that inspired her career in Criminology

“Coming from a large working class family with a history of trade union activism, social justice has always been important to me. Acts of discrimination, whether on the grounds of gender, social class, race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation or disability, have always provoked a reaction in me, and a sense that something should be ‘done’ about them. A feeling that life wasn’t fair and equal to all people troubled me, and from a young age I felt it was important to take action against injustice.

“However, it was only when I came across a particular reading that I realised that the struggle against injustice was an academic as well as a political endeavour. The text in question is criminologist Steven Box’s classic 1983 work Power, Crime, and Mystification. I had to read an excerpt from it for a short course, and I can honestly say that it was a life changing experience. Box’s lucid and engaging discussion on power relations within society, and his scholarly argument that traditional conceptions of what crime is, and who the real criminals are, need to be turned on their head, really chimed with me. It felt liberating to realise that the feelings and suspicions that I’d had for so long were recognised, understood, and given voice in the academic world.

“Reading this text was, for me, the first step on an academic and personal journey which led me to a discipline and a job that I love. Power, Crime, and Mystification remains an important text to me, and is now one that I recommend to students embarking on criminological study.”

Department of Law and Criminology |

“Running your own seminar really helps develop your skills.” Sarah-Louise Abbotson BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology

Mooting AP: “A moot is a presentation of a courtroom scenario in one of the appeal courts. So you’ll have a set of facts, but instead of writing or discussing responses, you have to present a response to the court. You have to research the legal argument, then present it. But presenting in court is different from presenting to tutors. You wouldn’t normally say ‘may it please your lordship’ or ‘I appear with my learned friend’, so it’s getting into the role and used to the terminology. “We run an annual mooting competition, sponsored by a law firm who provide judges for the final, and the winners get a scholarship. This means they get a guaranteed work placement, £150 in cash – always useful - and entry into competitions against other universities.”

Personal Tutors AP: “In the first year everyone’s allocated a personal tutor for the whole three years. Academically, they’ll review things like marks, feedback sheets, looking for any common themes that they can help you with. The personal tutor will also encourage you to think about careers, looking at CVs and covering letters, even arranging mock interviews, and getting you involved in social activities.”

Workshops AP: “Workshops are very practical, and provide you with the lawyer’s tools of the trade. You do things like reading cases, and are more about practicing skills, rather than discussion. You prepare for real world scenarios.”

But everyone’s in the same boat initially, so there’s ample support available. AP: “We encourage everybody to join the law and criminology society, because you get access to trips, and you’re able to share experiences and opportunities with other universities. I think it’s important that the cohort mix socially, it brings year groups together.”


Department of Law and Criminology |

Edge Hill University Law and Criminology Society The Edge Hill University Law and Criminology Society (EHULCS) is run for and by Law and Criminology students. They hold regular events over the course of the year, designed to help make the most of your university experience. Activities include: • • • •

Monthly social events Mentoring Careers events and updates Essay competitions, with winners offered highly-prized work experience opportunities • Charity fundraising • Staff/student sports events • Mooting workshops

A regular newsletter keeps students updated on current legal developments and Department affairs.

“While there is no doubt that the social activities serve a useful purpose in helping students to feel part of something and to settle in, the Society also offers help in developing skills in preparation for the working world through events such as the mooting workshops and essay competitions. Becoming part of the Society committee shows the ability to hold responsibility while enhancing skills such as organisation, motivation, problem-solving, proactivity, marketing, team-working and public speaking – all of which are vital in the professional world.” Daniel Radford, EHULCS President “Being part of the Society has helped me to settle into University life as well as make friends in all years. The monthly socials are a great chance to let off some steam.” Nicola Harrison, LLB (Hons) Law “Being involved with the Law and Criminology Society has helped me to develop good relationships with students across all year groups. I’m very proud that I was able to represent Edge Hill in an external mooting competition. Mooting is the oral presentation of a legal issue or problem against an opposing counsel and before a judge. It’s probably the closest experience to appearing in court that we can have while at university. I found being part of the team a true privilege.” Joanne Simpson, LLB (Hons) Law “Thanks to EHULC Society’s work experience essay competition, I have secured a work placement with a local barrister. This has proven invaluable in gaining experience and will help me put the knowledge I gained from my studies into practice.” Kay-Leigh Igo, LLB (Hons) Law “The mooting workshops are an excellent way to enhance skills that are necessary for any budding lawyer. They break down what mooting is about and give tuition in how to succeed in competitions.” Adam Williams, LLB (Hons) Law



“The tutors in the Criminology department are brilliant professional yet down to earth, and good to have a laugh with. As long as you ask for help, they will give it.

“I’m interested in fear of crime how people change their behaviour through fear of becoming a victim of crime, for example locking doors or not walking alone at night. I have a very high fear of crime and change my behaviour because of it, but I’ve learnt that actually the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime is low.

“Eventually, I’d like a job within the police or prison service, and climbing that career ladder as high as it will take me. “I fell in love with Edge Hill the moment I drove through the entrance. The campus made me realise that this was where I belonged. In my first year I saw a duck with half a dozen ducklings following her around from my halls window - it was adorable.

“The best part of living away from home is freedom! I’m able to do what I want, make and eat what I want. I wish I’d learnt to cook properly, though. Beans on toast gets a little repetitive.

“I’d advise first years to enjoy the first hectic weeks of university, but brace yourselves - don’t waste your time and money being here if you’re not going to put the effort in.” Jasmin Hall BA (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice

Department of Law and Criminology |

Returning Alumni Hold Court

Our alumni regularly return to Ormskirk, offering career guidance and keeping us up-to-date with their progress. EHU Law and Criminology graduates James Pearson and Dean Johnson recently returned to relive some campus memories, and to give us an insight into life after graduation.

The EHU Law and Criminology Alumni Associations are keen to maintain relationships with students after they graduate and to hear about how their careers progress. We regularly invite past students to share their career experiences with our current students, providing inspiration, practical advice and contacts to help them in their job search and career planning. Edge Hill Law or Criminology graduates can get involved in the Alumni Associations by emailing us:

“I played professional rugby league, until a career-ending injury. As an alternative I found law interesting. I could clearly see its application in society.

“Gaining a First, I was particularly proud because I’d done so while managing a number of other commitments such as voluntary work in my community for which I was awarded a Volunteering Excellence Scholarship.

“To work in law, I have three tips. Firstly, never underestimate the importance of getting involved. I was secretary of the Law Society, president of the Amnesty International Society, and driver of the University mini-bus. I did everything that I could to find friends and build up my professional network.

“Secondly, develop commercial awareness. For example, read business websites.

“Finally, concentrate on your studies. Success comes down to hard work, reading, more hard work and then more reading.

“I’m now taking the Legal Practice Course (LPC), which you must complete in order to become a solicitor. It’s great working with like-minded people who share my passion.

“There’s no doubt that the worldclass teaching we received from the Law Department prepared me for the work challenges ahead.” James Pearson LLB (Hons) Law

“People often ask me what exactly Criminology is. I believe it’s about the study of the social injustices that are ingrained in our society and throughout the world. If you want to develop the knowledge to make a difference to people’s lives, then it could be the subject for you.

“I really loved the diversity that the subject offered; one minute you’re reading about football violence, the next you’re watching videos on the issues of international terrorism. With its aims of protecting the vulnerable, highlighting the atrocities of the world, and forming a resistance against the powerful, I grew to love and respect Criminology. “I’m now taking a Master’s course in Criminology. The course covers topics that I came across at Edge Hill so I have confidence, and the background knowledge to go into more depth.

“Taking this subject has taught me to be humane, approachable and non-judgemental, while my volunteering role with Victim Support allows me to use the knowledge I’ve gained around issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, mental health, hate crime and domestic violence. Studying Criminology at Edge Hill has certainly made the transition from classroom to workplace easier.” Dean Johnson BA (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice



Department of Law and Criminology |

Research and Consultancy Research plays a central role in the activities of the Department. The strong research profile of our team ensures our degree programmes are taught by specialists and underpinned by current academic thinking.

Our staff are recognised figures nationally and internationally, with the Department boasting an enviable record of publication and conference paper delivery. Our expertise is also in demand from national and international bodies, with staff having worked on projects for local authorities, the European Union, the United Nations and other non-governmental bodies.

Our legal research fields include the law of the European Union, sports law, criminal law, human rights, constitutional and administrative law, and legal education. Our Criminology research fields include anti-social behaviour, policing, punishment, youth justice, disasters and emergency planning, violence, gender and sexuality, and social exclusion.

The Department also houses the Centre for Sports Law Research. The Centre is engaged in funded consultancy for both public and private bodies on issues relevant to the legal regulation of sport. The Centre has a particular focus on the intersection between sport and European law, but is also engaged with questions on both global and national levels. Centre staff have produced sports law reports for a number of bodies, including the European Parliament and the European Commission, and members regularly advise national governments, parliaments and sports bodies on all aspects of the relationship between sport and EU law. The Centre provides LLM and PhD opportunities in all these fields. Research at Edge Hill University is a rewarding and fulfilling experience, where you work with new concepts and share ideas with like-minded individuals. We offer a range of postgraduate opportunities in Law and Criminology, allowing you to develop your own ideas within a structured, supervised framework.

Our postgraduate opportunities include several taught Master’s courses, and the MRes, preparing you to progress onto dedicated research at PhD level where we welcome applications from people with research ideas in Law and/or Criminology.



“Returning to education having worked in the manufacturing industry for many years, I was a little daunted at first, but determined to pursue my goal of completing a Law degree.

“I’m so glad I took those initial steps, though, as I achieved a first class LLB (Hons) Law degree and now work in civil law, as well as being an associate tutor at Edge Hill in family law.

“Because my experience at Edge Hill has been excellent, and I want to develop my interest in both Law and the theory of Law, I’ve now progressed onto postgraduate level study with the LLM Research degree. “From the moment you start this course you’re appointed a supervisor and they’re with you every step of the way, helping you to achieve the best results possible. The support I’ve received has been great and provided me with direction and guidance, enabling me to share ideas and find solutions to any queries or concerns.

“If you want to advance your knowledge in a specific field, as well as your career in Law, LLM Research is definitely the course for you. I’m so happy that I made the decision to study at Edge Hill University.” Sharon McAvoy LLM Research

Department of Law and Criminology |

Research Expertise Andrew Millie is Director of the department’s Criminology Research Group (CRG). All criminology lecturers at Edge Hill are members of the CRG. Andrew believes there are real benefits for students in having modules led by active researchers as this means students are taught by people who have cutting edge expertise and knowledge of their subject. We have experts who have published work on corporate crime, disasters, prisons and children, young people, and families. Andrew has published major books on anti-social behaviour. He has also researched issues relating to policing, crime and city living, and relationships between criminology and philosophy. His work on policing recently led to an invitation to contribute to Lord Stevens’ Independent Commission on the Future of Policing. In this Andrew considered the impact of cuts to policing and the police’s future role.

Andrew is proud to be leading the CRG at Edge Hill University: “Criminological research has been established here for over thirty years. In that time important work has been published, the most famous being research into the Hillsborough Disaster. Research has always fed into teaching and it’s a real privilege to build on this rich heritage.” Andrew chairs a Professional Advisory Group which brings together local practitioners with academics teaching on the criminology and criminal justice programme. He believes it’s important to nurture such links as it helps to identify what potential employers want from graduates. Andrew is also currently working with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education. The QAA’s responsibility is to ensure all UK universities and colleges work to the same standard of education, and he is on a panel reviewing the benchmark for teaching and learning in criminology:

“It’s important that all criminology graduates across the country have the confidence that their degree is equal to anyone else’s. I’ve used my teaching experience to help determine standards for all Criminology degrees.”

Andrew is a director of the British Society of Criminology, and chairs the Publications Committee. He is also on the Research Advisory Group of the Howard League for Penal Reform. Internationally, he’s been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Toronto, and Charles Sturt University, Australia. He has advised the British Home Office, Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice and Victoria Police in Australia on issues of anti-social behaviour, policing and urban disorder.

Richard Parrish is the Director of the ground-breaking Centre for Sports Law Research at Edge Hill University, an integral part of the European Research Group. His research focuses on the relationship between sport and European Union (EU) law. “The aim of the Centre is to undertake high quality research that informs the legal and policy choices made by law and policymakers in Britain and in Europe. The work of the Centre has been highly influential in shaping the direction of EU sports law and policy.”

Most recently, the Centre has published a report assessing the compatibility of European football authority UEFA’s home-grown player rule with EU law. UEFA introduced the rule in 2006 in order to deter clubs from buying in ready-made foreign players at the expense of developing domestic talent, and to redress competitive imbalances in the Champions and Europa League competitions, the result of richer teams being apparently able to buy success.

“The purpose of the rule is to support the promotion of quality training for young footballers in the EU and increase competitive balance between competing clubs. But it potentially conflicts with EU law on workers’ freedom of movement,” said Professor Parrish. “While the study found a significant increase in the number of both home-grown and under-21 players, there was no data to prove this occurred as a direct result of the rule. Interviews with European clubs and stakeholders suggested changes in management structure, club tradition, domestic league rules, financial position and UEFA Financial Fair Play regulations may have been more influential.” Professor Parrish is also on the European Commission's Group of Independent Sports Experts, responsible for advising the Commission on the development of its sports policy:

“EU legislation can impact upon sport in a number of areas, including intellectual property and single market legislation, UK and EU policy on sport. The Centre for Sports Law Research continues to be at the forefront of influencing decision-making within the European sports movement and the institutions of the European Union. A common theme in these studies concerns how problems within European sport can be resolved within the framework of European law whilst not harming the autonomy and specific character of sport.” The Centre’s latest report can be found at:


Department of Law and Criminology |

Research Groups The Criminology Research Group

Criminology research focuses on anti-social behaviour, domestic violence, youth justice, homelessness, disasters and emergency planning, prisons and the politics of punishment, women’s rights, transitional justice and critical histories of crime, power and justice. Supplementing this in-house expertise is a guest speaker programme that brings to the University leading international experts in fields such as crime victims and victimology, prostitution and youth justice, and UK gang culture. The commitment to research youth justice, supported by recent strategic appointments, has seen the development of a specialised undergraduate pathway, the BA (Hons) in Crime and Criminology (Youth Justice). Programme Leader Alana Barton explains:

“Youth justice is becoming an ever more important area, and the new programme will introduce students to the theories and debates around children, childhood, youth offending and victimisation. It will provide not only an overview of the youth justice system, but it will also develop the skills to allow students to critically contextualise and analyse the process of criminalisation.” Recent publications include:

Davies, J.T. & Peters, E. (2014, forthcoming), ‘Relationships between Gatekeepers and Researchers: The Experience of Conducting Evaluations into Parenting Programmes in Community and Penal Settings’, in Lumsden, K. & Winter, A. (eds.), Reflexivity in Criminological Research: Experiences with the Powerful and the Powerless, Palgrave Macmilllan. Davis, H. (2013) ‘Making Sense of Disaster: Towards a Contextual, Phased Understanding of Organisationally Based Acute Civilian Disasters’, British Journal of Criminology, 53(3).

Millie, A. (2013) ‘Replacing the ASBO: An Opportunity to Stem the Flow into the Criminal Justice System’, in A. Dockley and I. Loader (eds.) The Penal Landscape: The Howard League Guide to Criminal Justice in England and Wales, London: Routledge.

Peters, E. (2013), ‘The Weight of My Words: The Role of Confession and Surveillance in Parenting Programmes’, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 34(4).

Baker, H. (2012), ‘Problematising the Relationship between Parent Abuse and Teenage Boys: Constructions of Masculinity and Violence’, Social Policy and Society, Vol. 11(2).

Barton, A. & Cooper, V. (2012), ‘Hostels and Community Justice for Women: The ‘Semi-penal’ Paradox’, in Malloch, M. & McIvor, G. (eds.) Women, Punishment and Social Justice: Human Rights and Penal Practices, Routledge.

Hobson, A. (2012) ‘The Political (Mis)management of (Homo) sexuality and (In)securities’, Criminal Justice Matters, 88(1).

Kinsella C (2012) ‘Re-locating Fear on the Streets: Homelessness, Victimisation and Fear of Crime’, European Journal of Homelessness 6(2).

Tobin, A. (2012) ‘Widows and Community Based Transitional Justice in Post-genocide Rwanda’, British Journal of Community Justice, 10(1).



The Legal Research Group

Legal research focuses on the law of the European Union, national and international human rights law, public international law, judicial review, parliamentary sovereignty and legal theory. Legal research at EHU has been influential nationally and internationally, with academics having worked on projects for the UK parliament, the European Union and a range of national and international non-governmental organisations. The work of EHU lawyers has been widely cited, in UK parliamentary inquiries, EU reports, European Court judgments, and in United Nations and US Congressional reports. Supporting this activity is a guest lecture programme that has attracted leading figures from law, politics and academia. Head of Law and Criminology Francesco Rizzuto explains:

“Our undergraduate and postgraduate law programmes are underpinned by nationally and internationally recognised research reflecting our commitment to providing our students with a high quality legal education delivered by experts in their field.” Recent publications include:

Farah, P. (2013), ‘Energy Trade and the WTO: Implications for Renewable Energy and the OPEC Cartel’, Journal of International Economic Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Oxford University Press, 16(3).

Langford, P. & Bryan, I. (2012), ‘Hans Kelsen’s Legal Monism of 1926: A Theoretical Intervention in the Legal Reconstruction of the European and International Order’, Journal of the History of International Law, 14(1). Mariniello, T., (2012) ‘Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo: the First Judgment of the International Criminal Court’s Trial Chamber’, International Human Rights Law Review.

Rizzuto, F. (2012),‘Leniency and Damages Actions: The Recent European Union Court Jurisprudence, Global Competition Litigation Review, 5(1). Rizzuto, F. (2012) ‘Injunctions Against Online Service Providers’, Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, 19(3). McGarry, J. (2011), ‘Effecting Legal Certainty under the Human Rights Act’, Judicial Review, 66(1).

Wachala, K. (2012), ‘The Tools to Combat the War Against Women's Bodies: Rape and Sexual Violence Against Women in Armed Conflict’, The International Journal of Human Rights, 16(3).

Bryan, I. & Langford, P. (2011) ‘The Unlawful Detention of Unauthorised Aliens under the European System for the Protection of Human Rights’, Nordic Journal of International Law, 80(2).

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The Centre for Sports Law Research

The Centre for Sports Law Research is producing some of the most influential work on sports law in Europe. Professor Richard Parrish, Centre Director:

“With the advent of satellite tv and the creation of competitions such as the English Premier League and the UEFA Champions League, sport, and football in particular, is now big business. Money breeds litigation and that connection is keeping the Centre, and our sports law students, very busy.”

The Centre is engaged in funded consultancy for both public and private bodies on issues relevant to the legal regulation of sport, and has produced high profile reports for a number of bodies, including the European Parliament, the European Commission and the House of Lords. Not only does this important work directly influence law and policy-making across Europe, it also informs teaching at Edge Hill University as both undergraduates and postgraduates on the Department’s sports law modules benefit from being taught by academics involved in world-class research.

Students also benefit from the international sports law conferences and guest lecture programmes organised by the Centre. These have attracted esteemed speakers from top British and European football clubs, representatives from club and player unions, leading sports lawyers, football agents, EU officials, representatives from domestic and European football leagues, and judges. Recent publications include:

Parrish, R. et al (2013), Study on the Assessment of UEFA’s Home-grown Player Rule, Study for the European Commission, with the Universities of Liverpool and Loughborough (in progress). O’Leary, L., (2012), ‘Regulating the Employment Relationship in Professional Team Sports in the United Kingdom, Industrial Law Journal. Pendlebury, A., (2012), ‘On the Ball Violence: Challenges in Court’, Entertainment and Sports Law Journal.

Pendlebury, A. & Semens, A. (2012), ‘The Sports Agent Industry’, in Chadwick, S. & Beech, J. (eds), Business of Sport Management, Pearson. Parrish, R. (2011), ‘Social Dialogue in European Professional Football’, European Law Journal, 17(2).

Parrish, R., Miettinen, S., Siekmann, R., Soek, J., & Van Den Bogaert (2010), Study on the Equal Treatment of Non-nationals in Individual Sports Competitions, report for the European Commission.

Parrish, R. et al (2010), The Lisbon Treaty and European Union Sports Policy, report for the European Parliament, with TMC Asser Institute and Loughborough University.



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Staff Profiles Professor Francesco Rizzuto BA (Hons), LLM Head of Department

Educated at the Universities of Hull and Manchester, and the Academy of Law, Florence, Franco has taught at a number of universities, including Ulster, Hull, Cardiff, Oxford Brookes and Lancaster. He is involved in a number of European Commission-supported projects training judges in community law in former communist states. His research interests include anti-trust and merger law, telecommunications law and EU law, and he has published in several journals, including Journal of Legislative Studies, European Competition Law Review, and Global Competition Litigation Review. Dr Helen Baker LLB (Hons), PhD Senior Lecturer in Criminology

Helen gained her PhD from the University of Lancaster. Her current research focuses on parent abuse, and the needs of teenage boys in relation to domestic violence. She has published in, amongst others: The Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, Criminal Justice Matters, and Social Policy and Society. Helen has spoken at practitioner-focused Safeguarding Children, and Safer Communities Partnerships, conferences. She is a member of the Socio-Legal Studies Association, the Society of Legal Scholars, and the Parent Abuse Research Network. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dr Alana Barton BSc (Hons), PhD Programme Leader in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Educated at Manchester Metropolitan University and Liverpool John Moores University, Alana’s interests include the politics of punishment and the ‘criminological imagination’. Her book Fragile Moralities and Dangerous Sexualities was nominated for the Hart Socio-Legal Studies Award and the British Society of Criminology Book Prize and she is co-editor of Expanding the Criminological Imagination. She has worked on several research projects, and has published in various journals including The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice and the British Journal of Community Justice. PAGE 16


Andrea Cattaneo Graduate Teaching Assistant in Law

Andrea graduated in 2011 from the University of Milan with a thesis on the nature and commercialisation of sports broadcasting rights in the United States and Europe. In 2012, Andrea was an intern at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, in the Department of International and European Sports Law. Andrea is Graduate Teaching Assistant at Edge Hill University, and undertaking a PhD on the application of Competition Law to Sports. His main fields of interest are EU law, competition law, and sports law.

Andrea Cerevkova BA Comb (Hons), PGCert, MPhil, FHEA Programme Leader for Law with Criminology

Andrea graduated from the University of Central Lancashire, where she also taught before joining Edge Hill. Her research interests lie in the exploration of minority rights within the transnational European context; focusing on linguistic, educational and political rights. She has also researched into learning and teaching in law; and has published in the Journal of Information, Law and Technology, and presented conference papers nationally and internationally. Andrea is a member of the Association of Law Teachers, the Society of Legal Scholars, JUSTICE Organisation and the Human Rights Lawyers Association. Robert Collinson Solicitor LLB (Hons), BCL (Oxon) Director of the Law Clinic

Educated at Lancaster University, Balliol College, Oxford and the College of Law, Chester, Robert began his career in commercial practice with Addleshaw Goddard in Manchester. He maintains his involvement in legal practice through roles as a Non-Executive Director of Muir Group Housing Association Ltd and of Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust, regularly providing legal advice. He is an external examiner for Nottingham Law School and Kaplan Law School, London, and is a member of the Law Society, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

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Julie Davies BA (Hons), MA Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Graduating from Lancaster University with a degree in Critical Criminology and Women’s Studies and MA in Criminology, Rights and Justice, Julie has undertaken research on Preventing Crime and Poor Health by Early Intervention/Positive Action and evaluated a prisoner parenting scheme. Research/ teaching interests include: vulnerable/marginalised groups; criminalisation and victimisation of children and young people; policing and prison policy and practice. Julie has published in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Criminal Justice Matters and has a forthcoming book chapter with Dr Eleanor Peters in Reflexivity in Criminological Research. Dr Howard Davis MA (Oxon), PGDip, MA, PGCert, PhD Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Howard originally qualified as a social worker, before switching to a full time academic career, on completion of his MA. Following his professional social work practice he has research interests in the origins of, impact of, and response to trauma and loss. Recent articles have been published for the British Journal of Criminology, European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, and the British Society of Criminology. Current research interests include the challenges to the ‘criminological imagination’ posed by neo-liberal shifts in society, and the criminological and political dimensions of ‘austerity’. Dr Paolo Davide Farah JD/Maitrise, LLM, PhD Senior Lecturer in Law

Paolo has been Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School, consultant for the European Commission, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). He is a specialist in the interaction among trade, economic globalisation and human rights with a special focus on China and other Asian countries, and co-ordinator of EU funded research projects in collaboration with Chinese Universities. Paolo is also Editor-in-Chief and Director of the Book Series of Transnational Law and Globalization published by Routledge.

Mariagiulia Giuffré LLM Lecturer in Law

A PhD Researcher at the School of International Studies, Trento University, Mariagiulia holds an LLM from the Queen Mary, University of London. She has been a Visiting Fellow at Nijmegen University, and at the Faculty of Law, Lund University. Guest lecturer in a number of European universities, her research focuses on international migration, refugee and human rights law. She is a Doctoral Affiliate to the Refugee Law Initiative, University of London, and a member of the Lund/Uppsala Migration Law Network. She has published in The International and Comparative Law Quarterly and The International Journal of Refugee Law, amongst others. Anita Hobson BA (Hons) Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Educated at Lancaster University, Anita is currently examining the use of statutory criminal justice measures to address ‘anti-social’ behaviour focusing on young men diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). She acts as consultant to Merseyside Youth Association and has coedited training resources for children’s services practitioners across the North West. Her research interests include youth justice, sex workers and urban regeneration, homophobic hate crimes and anti-homophobic bullying policies, and has published in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education, and Criminal Justice Matters. Clare Kinsella BA (Hons), MA Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Clare graduated from Lancaster University with a BA (Hons) degree in Critical Criminology and Women’s Studies and a MA in Criminology, Rights and Justice. She worked on the ‘Paying the Price: estimating the cost of domestic violence on the Wirral’ project, and is currently researching fear of crime among rough sleepers in Liverpool. Other interests include gender issues, violence, policing and urban regeneration. A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Clare has delivered academic conference papers nationally and internationally.

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Dr Peter Langford LLB (Hons), MA, PhD Senior Lecturer in Law

Before joining Edge Hill in 2004, Dr Langford worked in France and Poland. In France, at the Centre de TéléEnseignment Universitaire, University of Nancy II. In Poland, in the Department of Philosophy, University of Wrocław. His current research focuses on human rights (the relationship between non-nationals and the ECHR) and legal theory (the Italian contemporary philosopher, Roberto Esposito, Hans Kelsen and Max Weber). He has published in the International Journal of Human Rights, the Nordic Journal of International Law, Journal of the History of International Law and Ratio Juris. Dr Triestino Mariniello LLM (Hons), PhD Lecturer in Law

A qualified barrister, Triestino Mariniello holds a PhD in International Criminal Law from the University of Naples 2 and an LLM in Human Rights Law from the Queen Mary, University of London. His research interests focus on international criminal law, criminal justice and human rights, international humanitarian law and European criminal law. Triestino is an editor for the International Human Rights Law Review. He has been a Visiting Researcher at Leiden University, guest lecturer in several European universities, and served at the International Criminal Court. Dr John McGarry LLB (Hons), PhD Reader in Law

John received his Doctorate from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), and previously taught at UCLan and the Institute of Higher Education, Blackburn. John’s research interests include all aspects of public law and legal theory. He has recently published in the following journals: The Theory and Practice of Legislation; Legal Studies; Liverpool Law Review; Judicial Review; Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice; Crime, Law and Social Change; and the Cambrian Law Review. He is also the author of the textbook, Course Notes: Constitutional and Administrative Law published by Routledge. PAGE 18


Professor Andrew Millie BA (Hons), PhD Professor of Criminology

Andrew’s research explores the interplay of criminology with philosophy and urban studies. Recent books include Securing Respect (2009) and Anti-Social Behaviour (2009). Educated at Swansea University, Andrew came to Edge Hill University in 2011 from the University of Glasgow. Andrew is Chair of the Department’s Criminology Research Group, Executive Committee member of the British Society of Criminology and on the Research Advisory Group for the Howard League for Penal Reform. Andrew is on the editorial board of the British Journal of Criminology. Dr Leanne O’Leary BA/LLB (Hons) (Conjoint), LLM (Hons), PhD Senior Lecturer in Law

Leanne is a qualified solicitor in England and Wales, and in New Zealand. She has previously worked at one of NZ’s top law firms, Eversheds LLP, and on the Shipman Inquiry. Leanne’s research interests focus on the interface between sports law and employment law. Leanne has published in journals nationally and internationally. She was involved in the European Commission-funded project “Supporting Social Dialogue and Building Capacity in the European Sport Sector”. Leanne is a member of the Sport Resolutions (UK) Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators, an independent dispute resolution service for sport. Professor Richard Parrish BA (Hons), MA, PhD Director of the Centre for Sports Law Research

Richard’s research explores the interface between sport and European Union law, focusing on the impact of European integration on players’ rights, sports broadcasting and sports governance. He has co-authored reports for the European Commission (EC) and the European Parliament, and is a member of the EC’s Group of Independent Sports Experts, regularly advising on the application of EU law in sporting contexts. He is Honorary Chair of the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union, and his publications include Sports Law and Policy in the European Union and The Sporting Exception in European Union Law.

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Adam Pendlebury LLB (Hons), LLM, PGCert Senior Lecturer in Law

Adam graduated from the University of Central Lancashire. He is the coordinator of Edge Hill’s Centre for Sports Law Research. In this role he co-organised an international football law conference. His research interests include the regulation of participator violence in sport, the World AntiDoping Code and the misuse of social media in sport. He has published in a wide range of peer-reviewed journals and is a regular contributor to the Student Law Review. Adam organises the department’s mooting competition and educational student visits to Brussels, Luxembourg and London. Dr Eleanor Peters BA (Hons), PhD Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Dr Peters graduated from the University of Central England with a BA (Hons) in Sociology, and has a PhD from the University of Bristol. She worked for several years as a researcher in the voluntary sector and in local government. She is the author or co-author of a number of publications on youth justice, parenting, ethnicity, social care issues and drug use. Eleanor has recently evaluated the impact of Parenting Orders delivered by a voluntary organisation.

Holly White BA (Hons) Graduate Teaching Assistant in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Holly graduated from Edge Hill University in 2013 with a First Class Honours degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice and is currently studying for a doctorate in Criminology. Her research is concerned with the ideological and discursive management of the most recent financial, economic and social crises. In her role as a graduate teaching assistant Holly teaches key criminological theories and the critical analysis of the key agencies of the criminal justice system.

Kas Wachala BA (Hons), LLB (Hons), LLM Senior Lecturer in Law

Kas completed her LLM at the University of Manchester. Research interests include women’s rights, including the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and sexual violence perpetrated against women in armed conflict situations, and co-wrote the UN Shadow Report on UK implementation of CEDAW. Her research now examines the invisibility of women in 20th and 21st century genocides. Kas is a member of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, the International Network of Genocide Scholars and the Socio Legal Association, and has been a trustee for the Rape Crisis Federation in the UK.

Angela Tobin BA (Hons) Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Angela graduated from Lancaster University with a BA (Hons) in Critical Criminology. Her research interests include; feminism, transitional justice, sexual violence, gender, post conflict transition and human rights. Angela has conducted research in Rwanda with a range of community based organisations which provide support for genocide survivors who have been marginalised from their community as a consequence of sexual violence, HIV and/or becoming widowed. Some of these findings have been published the British Journal of Community Justice. Angela has authored and coauthored national and international conference papers. DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY


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Careers and Employability We understand employability is an important element of the University experience, and attach particular importance to raising your awareness of the career opportunities open to you upon graduation, making sure that you are in a position to pursue those opportunities.

On top of our individual careers support and guidance provision, we have put together a host of activities designed to inform your career development, from a visiting speakers programme to real hands-on work experience.

The options available within the legal and criminological professions are vast, and visiting speakers range from solicitors to barristers to specialist careers advisers and mentors. We also regularly invite our successful alumni back to the Department, to give you the benefit of their own experiences in the employment market. We have close links with the legal community, many of whom sit on our Professional Advisory Panel. The Panel ensures that our courses keep pace with developments in the legal and criminological professions, and that we continue to produce students who are fully-prepared for their chosen careers.

Work Experience Module Our optional work-based module, for second year students, aims to provide you with a head start in your career. You will learn how to create a CV to attract potential employers, identify suitable work placements, and become familiar with the workplace environment. We have strong links with a variety of organisations, such as solicitors’ firms, the Citizens Advice Bureau, voluntary organisations, charities, the court system and non-mainstream law employers. You will spend around thirty hours on work placement, gaining an additional qualification, but also, crucially, the practical experience and skills required to be job-ready when you graduate. Recent Law graduate Joanne Simpson took advantage of our work experience module:

“The Employability module, which required us to submit CVs and covering letters to employers, actively encouraged us to make professional contacts, and helped us to focus on what we wanted to do once we completed our studies. “There’s an opportunity to undertake work experience, arranged through the University - seeing the industry in action and gaining practical skills is absolutely invaluable.” International Developments The Department co-organises a Summer School (SICCEP - Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection and IP-China - Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Law and China) which is currently held at Peking University (China) in collaboration with a network of European Universities, including the University of Turin - Italy, the University of Milan - Italy, Aix-Marseille University - France, and the University of Carlos III - Spain.

Senior Lecturer Dr Paolo Farah also has leading roles in three European Commission-funded collaborative research projects with European, Chinese, Japanese and Russian Universities: ‘Evaluating Policies for Sustainable Energy Investments’ (EPSEI); ‘Liberalism in Between Europe and China’ (LIBEAC); and ‘Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental Industries’ (POREEN).



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"There's an opportunity to undertake work experience – seeing the industry in action and gaining practical skills is absolutely invaluable." Joanne Simpson LLB (Hons) Law

Pro Bono Law Clinic The Department of Law and Criminology has a Law Clinic which is operated by law students and provides free legal advice to members of the public. We asked Director of the Law Clinic, Robert Collinson to give us the legal lowdown.

Why did you set up the Law Clinic? “It’s a great advantage for any law student considering a career in legal practice, to gain hands-on experience of giving practical legal advice to a client about a real legal problem. Students involved in the work of the Law Clinic are able to develop some of the fundamental practical skills which any successful legal practitioner needs to possess”. “Students working in the Law Clinic are supervised by qualified solicitors who are members of the Law Teaching Team. The Law Clinic provides opportunities for students to gain experience in interviewing clients, conducting legal research, and writing letters giving initial legal advice to the client.” How does it work in practice? “Clients attend the Law Clinic by appointment and are interviewed by ‘student advisors’ in the presence of a supervising solicitor. The purpose of the interview is to gain a detailed understanding of the legal issue involved, through the use of appropriate questioning techniques, although no legal advice is given at this stage. “Following the interview, student advisors conduct detailed legal research into the matter, making full use of the wide range of electronic and book-based resources in the Department. The student advisors draw upon the results of their research to produce the first draft of a letter of advice to the client, following which they meet with their supervising solicitor to review the draft letter.” What happens next? “It is likely that the student advisors will need to undertake significant additional work, including further research and changes to the wording of the draft letter of advice, before it can be finalised. Typically, student advisors may expect to have at least two further meetings with their supervising solicitor. The purpose is to ensure that the letter of advice addresses the legal issue accurately, thoroughly and clearly, thereby enabling the supervising solicitor to confirm that it may be sent to the client.” How do the students benefit? “Students benefit from being involved in the Law Clinic in a number of ways, developing their practical legal skills and, as a result, enhancing their employment prospects in the legal services market.”


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Staff spotlight Holly White BA (Hons) Criminology and Criminal Justice

We quizzed one of our graduates, and now an Edge Hill Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), on what makes her tick. What area will you be specialising in? I’ll be teaching key criminological theories and critical analysis, which feed into my research which is concerned with the ideological policing and discursive management of the financial, economic and social crises by elites.

Why did you choose to study Criminology? I was interested in the use of power and inequality. Studying sociology at A level, I was fascinated by crime and deviance, while A level law introduced criminal law and the injustices of the criminal justice system. Criminology encapsulated my key concerns.

What excites you about Criminology? Developing a critical and political analysis of relevant and important issues, in particular crimes of the powerful. A good tutor who is knowledgeable and articulate, enthusiastic and concerned, approachable and understanding brings the subject to life.

How does learning at university differ to learning at school/college? At uni you’re able to choose a subject you are really passionate about and study it in depth. Uni expands your knowledge and understanding, it doesn’t just prepare you to pass exams. You’re also expected to learn independently, mainly through reading widely. Do you have any learning tips for new students? It’s something you hear a lot, but read! Books, journals, newspapers – it’s the best way to develop your knowledge, and keep up-to-date.

Why did you choose to come to Edge Hill for your postgraduate study? I knew that the University would be able to provide the environment I wanted for postgraduate study. The Criminology team use varied and interesting teaching methods, are deeply concerned about the issues they teach, provide a supportive environment, produce critical research, and consistently go above and beyond their role to ensure student satisfaction. The GTA route gives me the opportunity to be part of this excellent team, but it also provides the opportunity to study for my PhD, gain teaching experience, and share my knowledge with undergraduates.

What do you intend to do with the rest of your career? Develop my teaching skills, and publish critical and important research. My desired career is working as a full-time lecturer and researcher.


Department of Law and Criminology |

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