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f in din g t im e fo r ev er yt hin g in clu din g yo u u!!







april/may 2009 april/may

WHAT A BUZZ Antioxidants, omega-3s… The new buzzwords explained

Check it out

The check-ups you really should have

Act your age!

How to get in the best shape of your life – no matter what your age

+ 29 ways to save your dollars


Rewiring your sleep patterns


World-class brands by the wizards of Oz


balance has gone ta ils Se e pa ge 1 fo r de


credits Editor Georgina Armour Assistant Editor Kristy Barratt


Sub-Editors Lindsay Hayman, Sanchia Pegley


Editorial Assistant Becky Wilson

8. Act your age No matter what your age, it is possible to be in the best shape of your life. Contours’ 29-minute workout is designed to help all women achieve great results.

Designers Ali McTaggart, Christina Morris



Advertising Co-ordinator Rebecca Villis Account Manager Alex Bradley Contributors Bradley Craig, Amy Erbacher, Helen Hawkes, Naomi Jackson, Emma Krieger, Megan Sheerin, Merran White

13. Check it out The six check-ups you really should have, the reasons why, and how often you should have them. Merran White researches simple health screenings that could save your life.

Production Manager Rachel Walsh Commercial Director Craig Hodges CEO Eddie Thomas

NUTRITION 20. Breaking down buzzwords How much notice should you take of the current buzzwords when you do your food shopping, and what do they mean anyway?

Editorial office GPO Box 661 Manly, NSW 1655 Phone: 02 8962 2600 Fax: 02 8962 2601



BEAUTY 26. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie The Australian beauty business is booming and it’s not just the locals who are taking notice. Meet the wizards of Oz, creating world-class beauty brands in your own backyard.


5. Around the studios

BALANCE 30. Sleep easy If you’re not getting enough sleep you could be putting your health at risk. We offer some tips on how to rest easy.

edge custom media

on behalf of: Contours Studios Suite 505/19a Boundary Street Rushcutters Bay, NSW 2011 Phone: 1300 CONTOURS Advertising enquiries Rebecca Missen Phone: 02 8962 2699

7. Exercise notes 12. Health notes 17. Men’s health notes 19. Nutrition notes 23. Celebrity Q&A 25. Beauty notes


balance is published by

28. Who’s in the network? 29. Balance notes 32. 29 ways to...

Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Opinions expressed are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the Publisher. Information provided was believed correct at the time of publication. All reasonable efforts have been made to contact copyright holders. balance cannot accept unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. If such items are sent to the magazine they will not be returned. Business Essentials Australasia Pty Ltd (ABN 22 062 493 869), trading as Edge Custom Media

Cover image: Photolibrary Printed by Quality Print Group balance is printed on Galerie Fine paper, which is produced from mills with international certification to verify the origin of wood materials from sustainable forests.



ICE CAMPAIGN ICE (In Case of Emergency) is a national campaign devised to encourage everyone in Australia to store their emergency contact details under the name ICE in their mobile phone. Paramedics have noticed that when attending accident scenes, most patients have mobile phones, but with hundreds of numbers stored in mobile phones, they do not know whom to contact. Simply save your nominated emergency contact number under the name ICE, using ICE1, ICE2 for more than one contact, and enable emergency service staff to quickly make the call that could save your life, or put a loved one’s mind at rest.


Given the numerous claimed health benefits of wheatgrass, we would all be guzzling the green potion – if it tasted good. Luckily, the directors and founders of Swheat! (pronounced sweet) have worked hard to perfect a delicate balance of flavours in a 50ml double-barrelled shot cup that tastes… sweet! Ingredients include wheatgrass, spirulina, ginger, ginseng, green tea, mango, guava, orange, banana and passion fruit, and just one shot will provide you with your much-needed daily intake of fresh greens. Swheat! shots are fun, a fantastic source of energy and are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Check out www.swheat. to order a month or a year’s supply.


Depression and anxiety support group Beyondblue has produced a booklet with advice for those affected by the economic crisis. Staying fit and healthy is at the top of the agenda for those struggling with job loss and financial burdens to keep depression at bay and stay positive about the future. Sticking to the gym, rather than hitting the bottle to drown your sorrows, will also help you to maintain your social networks and not to become withdrawn. The booklet, Taking care of yourself after retrenchment or financial loss, is available to download from, and also provides practical tips on how to survive the economic crisis.


4 balance

At balance, we love your feedback – so much so that we have a special treat for people who write in. Email balance@ with any feedback, questions or tips that you would like to share with us and other balance readers, and be in with a chance to win one of four cool Swheat! T-shirts made from 100 per cent organic cotton. The best letter and three runnersup will feature in the next issue of balance.


. 15 HRS


By attending Contours Cairns three times a week on average, Hayley Lewis Smithfield has lost 18.4 kilograms and a massive 75.5cm since she joined in April 2007. This means she only had to spend 1.5 hours per week exercising to achieve a huge jump in her health and fitness. “I joined Contours as I was feeling rundown after work and felt I needed to do something to get my energy levels up and increase my self-confidence. Since joining Contours I find I have a lot more energy and I’m no longer tired after work, which is fabulous. My self-confidence and self-image have improved dramatically.” Hayley and her mum tried other gyms to begin with, but found that they were left to fend for themselves and were not getting results. They have found Contours very supportive and are encouraged to keep going by trainers who regularly check their weight and measurements. “Recently I participated in the Contours Six-Week Challenge, which not only helped me with what to eat, but when to eat. It helped me get into the routine of eating every three hours to speed up my metabolism. During the Contours challenge I dropped a whole dress size and lost 7 kilos. Thank you to everyone at Contours for your help and support!”



Recently I was having a ‘moment’ about turning 30 and trying to manage a career, friends, family, my partner and not going grey... My girlfriend gave me a copy of the balance to read and I just love it! My big tip to keep some balance in my life is to: Eat Breakfast – you need energy to start your day. Have A girls night out every so often. Laugh and don’t take life to seriously. Always have some down time to read a book, watch TV or simply do nothing. Never check work emails on a Sunday night. Cook healthy meals during the week and try new recipes on the weekend. Exercise to keep the body moving and the cobwebs at bay! – Leila Penning, Cromer Leila and two runners-up each win a signed copy of the cookbook, Faking It by Valli Little.





: email u us an om.a Send om.c t s u ec g d e nce@


CONTOURS CAULFIELD SOUTH Sandra Leigh started attending Contours Caulfield South in November 2007 and has found that with regular exercise and a healthy eating plan, she has shed many kilos without much effort. She attends the studio six times a week and believes that while nobody can do the work for you, helpful staff and a welcoming gym can help to achieve your goal.


CONTOURS SHEPPARTON Marg Villani joined Contours Shepparton in November 2008 and has inspired staff and members by losing a staggering 19.9kg and 90.1cm (33cm from her waist alone). Marg has noticed an incredible improvement in her arthritic condition and can now walk and run on a daily basis.

Having had a weight problem for more than 20 years, I was starting to have medical problems. I came to a crossroad in my life in November 2004 when I finally decided to do something about my weight and my health. I wanted to be a good role model for my two teenage children. Through healthy eating, strength training three times per week as well as lots of cardio and walking, I managed to lose almost 50 kilograms. Within 14 months I went from 108 kilograms (size 24) to just under 60 kilograms and exceeded my wildest expectations to become a size eight. I have maintained this weight for three years. I decided to become a personal trainer to help other women achieve what I have and to show them that with healthy eating and exercise anyone can do it. I started working at Contours in August 2006. I love my job helping our lovely members achieve their health and fitness goals. I also give motivational talks as part of our six-week sculpts challenge. During my talk, I hold up my old size-24 clothes and love the looks of surprise I get from the audience. The best part about my job is I get to work out and keep fit during my shifts at Contours!

Contours C Sandra Le aulf ield South supp or igh with h er f itness ts goals.

alth turned her he n. s ha ni la il V Marg pparto Contours She around with

CONTOURS CAIRNS Contours Cairns has worked (out) its way into the Guinness World Records 2009. Two hundred and thirty local residents from Smithfield, Westcourt and Innisfail QLD joined together to take part in the world’s longest workout, lasting a staggering 29 hours. It started on 6am Friday February 6 and ended the next day at 11am. Fourteen staff coordinated the record attempt while 14 independent adjudicators verified every step. “We are so thankful to everyone who participated and made this world record a reality! It was really wonderful to see so many people having fun and taking part in confirming Cairns’ place in worldrecord status,” commented Pauline Gleeson, Contours Cairns studio director.

igieburn. ontours Cra C t a m a te The

ill full of energy at Contours Cairns st d record attempt. worl 1:40am during the

CONTOURS CRAIGIEBURN Having opened for business on October 13, 2008, Contours Craigieburn had a fantastic opening week and is still increasing in popularity. The studio recently signed as the major sponsor of the local women’s basketball side – the Craigieburn Eagles – and looks forward to working more within the local community.

balance 5

EAT MORE. NO WEIGHTING. You know that hungry feeling that causes you to eat more? It’s actually your body telling you it’s not getting enough nutrition. So when you regularly eat a food that’s highly nutritious, it has the effect of suppressing those hunger pangs. Spirulina from Synergy Natural is a microscopic, vivid green all-natural freshwater plant that, gram for gram, contains more nutritional value than any other food on the planet. But no bad stuff, like cholesterol. It’s the purest, most natural addition you can make to your diet. A single teaspoonful (or six tablets) of Spirulina from Synergy Natural contains a powerhouse of over 100 vitamins, minerals, proteins, anti-oxidants, and phytonutrients. In nutritional terms, it’s equivalent to three serves of any vegetables you care to name. So to control your weight more effectively, eat less of the foods that aren’t so good for you by eating more of one that is. Spirulina from Synergy Natural also gives you more energy, which you can use for exercise that, in turn, will help you control weight. Take Spirulina tablets, or choose powder to make sensational fruit smoothies. You’ll find a simple recipe on the pack. Go green inside, with the purest, most potent Spirulina available in Australia – from Synergy Natural.

SPI RU L I N A from S Y N E R G Y N AT U R A L

go green inside

WHERE TO BUY SPIRULINA from Synergy Natural. Tablets and powder (for smoothies) available in the Vitamin sections of most Coles, Woolwor ths, Safeway and IGA supermarkets, most health food stores and selected pharmacies. Powder may not be available in all stores. All products, in all sizes, available direct from the website.

w w w. g o g r e e n i n s i d e . i n fo


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COMPILED BY RENATA FICEK Combined with your usual workout, Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese martial art, can help improve balance control, flexibility and even heart health. It combines deep breathing with relaxation and postures that flow from one to another through slow movements. It can improve memory, concentration, digestion, balance and flexibility.



“Tai Chi is all about breathing and posture. It’s about getting the mind and body to work together. Some people call it moving meditation,” says Bob Weatherall, secretary of the British Council of Chinese Martial Arts



It’s easy to get up and go at Contours, but when you’re in the office or at home it can be hard to keep moving. Why not try a ‘walking meeting’? Go for a walk and have your work or social catch-up while exercising. Not only will you spend your time more efficiently, you’ll all feel better for doing it.

Three Cs... This issue we look at the three Cs: Commitment, Convenience and Consistency. Commitment: We’re all busy so it’s a good idea to plan your exercise, just like everything else. Schedule your visits to Contours and other exercise activities, such as walking the dog, as part of your day. Convenience: Choose a Contours gym that is close to you, and find activities you can do at home at a time when you’re least likely to be interrupted. This will save you travel time and get you exercising sooner. Consistency: Making sure you’re organised and everything is in easy reach (sports gear, weights, skipping rope, dog!) will help you exercise more consistently.

The skin is the body’s largest organ and so it benefits greatly from exercise. For people prone to pimple breakouts, a period of stress can be a direct cause. Exercise can help you to relax and help clear up a breakout faster. This is partially because exercise mediates the production of testosterone-related hormones that can cause spots. It also increases circulation and delivery of nutrients to skin cells and provides optimum conditions for collagen creation.


As the days start to cool down, spend some extra time in the great outdoors. Go for a hike or a trek in the local forest or bush, or take the chance to explore somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit. Enjoy the view, the history and the fresh air while exercising.


balance loves

Music is great for getting you moving but it’s also terrific for motivation. Find some inspirational music or a motivational speech to listen to during your workout. balance loves Cardio Classics from ABC for something a little different. Available for $19.95 from

s are putting on Are you worried your kid published by ch ear res extra kilos? Recent nditioning Co the National Strength and wn that sho has US Association in the inin tra g can eight weeks of resistance body mass, n lea se rea significantly inc e, and increase tag cen per fat y bod se decrea en who are ldr chi in r we strength and po ching your tea overweight and obese. So learnt from ’ve you at wh of kids the basics help them l wil dio your local Contours stu life. y lth hea and t fi a on their way to

HAVE YOUR SAY! Do you have a question we can answer? Is there something you’d like us to highlight in this section next issue, or do you have an exercise tip you’d like to share? Email us at: balance 7


No it is matt er pos sibl what e to you sh Con r ag tou ape o be in e, t f r is d esig s’ 29-m your l he bes ife t ned inu te w . ach to he ork lp a iev ou e re ll sult wom t en Wor s. ds: H elen Haw kes


ontours’ CardioFit Selectorised Equipment features positive and negative resistance, which helps develop lean muscle and increase metabolism whether you are 20 years old or 60, says Sam Jones, owner of Contours East Geelong and Contours Geelong West, Victoria. Great news for all of us, but did you know that certain types of exercise, such as weight training, can stimulate the production of youth hormones? Or that, if you’re over 50, it’s not such a good idea to suddenly take up running? This issue, find out how to put together a complete fitness program that works for you – whatever your age. In each instance, start with Contours 29-minute workout three times a week.


in your 20s

8 balance

ADD: Some fun, outdoor exercise that includes cardiovascular work to strengthen your heart, your respiratory system and your immune function, with some strength training thrown in. “Building muscle to protect your bones is important at any age,” says Sam. When you’re not at the gym, try rollerblading, tennis, volleyball or netball and, for strength, boot camp moves such power lunges, press-ups and chin-ups. Aim to work out at a heart rate of 145 to 150 beats per minute for at least 20 minutes of each session. (Use a heart rate monitor, or simply your watch.) As a target for fitness, Melbourne-based exercise physiologist Mark McKeon recommends cardiovascular workouts five times a week and one strength or resistance-training session a week – yes, your Contours workouts do count. So sharpen up your pencil and work out where you’re at.



in your 30s

ADD: Anything you can fit in – you probably have a young family or are trying to get ahead in your job. “This is a hard time to find a place for yourself to get away and exercise,” agrees Sam. For women in this age group, one of the benefits of working out at Contours is that it takes the stress out of wondering what to do because it’s structured, she says. “And you can fit it in before you pick the kids up from school or go to get the groceries.” What you need, ideally, is 40 minutes of exercise three times a week including a mix of cardiovascular and strength work. This can and should include your Contours workout – simply add 10 minutes of exercise during the day such as playing a ball game in in your the backyard with the kids. Your aim: to work out at a heart rate of 40s 135 to 145 beats per minute for at least 20 minutes of each session. For variety, play some social START WITH: tennis or organise a volleyball game with CONTOURS 29-MINUTE other families. Don’t forget some WORKOUT THREE TIMES A WEEK. flexibility work too. ADD: Anything that helps you build strength. You are already starting to lose muscle mass, as much as 2 per cent a year. Talk to your Contours trainer about how positive and negative resistance exercises – push and pull – can help you maintain tone and strength. You are still aiming to workout out a minimum of three times a week for at least 40 minutes, the ideal being two days on and one day off. “As you get older, your body takes longer to get rid of the metabolic wastes created when you exercise, and to repair muscle micro tears,” says Mark. “That’s why you need a bit of rest in between exercising.” Outside of the gym, press-ups, lunges and other resistance exercises can help. Brisk walking, cycling, swimming or rowing are also valuable exercises that work your heart but are less high impact. Get your heart rate into the 125 to 135 beats a minute range for at least 20 minutes of your workout. Don’t forget stretching and make sure that anything you do outdoors has a fun, social element, which means you’re more likely to keep going.

START WITH: CONTOURS 29-MINUTE WORKOUT THREE TIMES A WEEK. ADD: More weight training – you’re now losing at least 3 per cent of your muscle mass and strength a year unless you’re working out. Keep up your Contours workouts to prevent postural dysfunction and to strengthen muscles that support the skeleton, suggests Sam. Isometrics – for example, grabbing and holding onto something and squeezing as hard as you can – are also useful, and a dance class can be fun as well as improving balance. Exercise such as weight training also stimulates the production of youth hormones, such as human growth hormone (HGH), says Dr Michael Elstein, a Sydney-based anti-ageing specialist. “Doing a really strenuous workout that involves the muscles of your lower body will increase HGH levels even more,” he says. “HGH is needed throughout life to maintain physical and mental wellbeing. It regulates body fat, increases muscle mass and bone strength, assists with tissue repair, preserves brain function and promotes the integrity of the hair, nails, skin and all the vital organs.” Don’t forget to have a rest day between exercising and, if you’re a runner, don’t do it more than two days a week, even if you are capable of it. “Your shock absorbers are starting to wear and the exercise benefits don’t outweigh the risks of muscle damage or stress fractures,” warns Michael. in your Concentrate on heart health. Make sure when you do your Contours workout that you are working in the 120 beats 50s plus per minute range for at least 20 minutes, three times a week.

balance 9

Advertising promotion

Dear Jackie, I wanted to write and thank you for the SCENAR treatments you have given me, that have enabled me to return to professional Rugby League with the Sydney Roosters. For the past three years my career has been in limbo as I battled to overcome back and neck injuries which sidelined me for all but a handful of games. I spent countless hours in hospital, assessment rooms and treatment tables. My back problems improved in 2008 but just as they did, I was sidelined again with a bulging disk in my neck. When I first came to you for treatment on Thursday August 28th 2008, I wasn’t too sure what results I could expect, but at this point I had nothing to lose. I was still experiencing some aches in my lower back where I had previously undergone two operations but my main concern was the pain from the bulging disks in my neck. I needed to do something quickly if I was to be any hope of getting back on the field in time for the 2008 Finals Series that kicked off in less than three weeks. The bulging disc caused an uncomfortable tingling sensation down my arms to my fingers and I did not have full movement in my neck. I was amazed that after your treatment with the SCENAR, I was able to turn my head full range with no pain. I felt great, so much so, my coach Brad Fittler, gave me the all clear to play a lower grade game against Newcastle that weekend. It was great to be back on the footy field and you could probably see the joy on my face when I came back to see you on Monday September 1st. At this stage, I now had a better chance of playing in the Roosters last premiership round game against the Dragons. You treated me that Monday and then again on Wednesday (Sept 3rd) for some muscle aches and tingles in the arms. Again, the treatment was very beneficial and I was given the all clear to resume my First Grade career with the Roosters against the Dragons. When a player returns from such a long stint on the sidelines, not much is expected. The Coach really just wants to see you get back into the groove of the game. I have to say though, I felt great, so that gave me the confidence to get well involved in the play and I was even lucky enough to save a try and score one myself. Best of all, the pain and restrictions were all but gone, so it was more than I could have asked for. Since the Dragons game, I had one more treatment for good measure and I have been able to return to full training with the team. I used the OLM Therapy Blanket I purchased from SCENAR after every training session and feel re-energised each time I use it. All in all, I am pleased with the results I have had from your SCENAR treatments and the blanket. The pain in my neck and back are now completely gone and I have been training hard with no problems. Thanks again Jackie and SCENAR Health for helping me back to what I love most – playing footy with the Roosters. I can’t wait for 2009! Kind Regards, – Anthony Minichiello NRL footballer for the Sydney Roosters

Sourced from the SCENAR Health website

i s t r o p s e g d e g Leadin

Sourced from the SCENAR Health website

t n e m t a e r s injury t

Dear SCENAR Health, ess to I am an action sport athlete. Needl ining and say I injure myself often in both tra ENAR competition. I was introduced to SC amazed. therapy way back in 2004 and was have a Every time I fly back into Sydney I e allows treatment with Chris and when tim h injury I stay for multiple sessions for bot and general recovery. ENAR I purchased my own personal SC am and energy blanket to use while I ts travelling. SCENAR therapy benefi health appear to be almost limitless for red nurse and wellbeing. My mum, a registe study and natural therapist, continues to ieve SCENAR therapy with Chris. We bel ere Chris Mortensen to be a master wh SCENAR is involved. – Torah Bright ion TTR World Snowboard Tour Champ Burton Open World Series Champion 2007

Dear SCENAR Health, SCENAR doesn’t heal you but it teaches your body to heal itself. I was first exposed to SCENAR therapy back in 2005. Of course I was sceptical because no therapy can ever be considered to be a miracle treatment. No matter how many times people told me to go and see Chris Mortensen from SCENAR Health – I refused to go. Until one day I found myself literally parked outside his office and I decided to give it a go. The reason why I needed SCENAR therapy was because I had a herniated disc in my neck which obstructed 80% of my spinal cord. I was in pain and I had spent five months out of the water. The injury was threatening to put me into early retirement. In the end I elected to go with natural therapy and gave my body what it needed to heal. The amazing thing about SCENAR is that it educated my body to heal itself and expedited the recovery process. After SCENAR I was able to get back in the water, resume competing and I went on to win my 7th World Surfing title in 2006. It is one of the best things I have ever come across and I am really grateful to Chris Mortensen and the SCENAR team. – Layne Beachley 7 times World Surfing Champion

www.scenarh 1300 856 880






Place a cushion in the small of your back when driving the car.


Log online to www.straightenupaustralia. every day and practice Straighten Up – a three-minute spinal health program designed to improve posture and prevent spinal problems.


...BOOZE Easter may be upon us, but that’s no excuse to keep topping up your glass of bubbly over the holiday weekend. According to the 2004-05 National Health Survey, one in every eight adults reported drinking alcohol at a risky/ high-risk level, while 48 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females engaged in binge drinking on at least one occasion during the year. As the most widely used social drug in Australia, harmful alcohol consumption can lead to liver cancer, inflammatory heart disease, hypertension and memory lapse, among other diseases. So take it easy with your intake this Easter – opt for a sparkling mineral water with a splash of lemon instead. A much healthier alternative.

12 balance

If you sleep on your back, have a pillow underneath your thighs as this flattens and relaxes your spine.

DID YOU KNOW? Cardiovascular disease affects more than 3.5 million Australians. HAVE YOUR SAY! Do you have a question

we can answer? Is there something you’d like us to highlight next issue or do you have

a fantastic health tip you’d like to share? Email us at

balance loves


May 28 is the official date of this year’s Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea: one of the Cancer Council’s foremost fundraising events, which has raised more than $40 million since it was first established in 1994. Money raised by this event goes toward funding research, support services, and education and awareness for the Cancer Council. So get your family, friends, work colleagues and neighbours together for some tea and cookies and help raise money for this valuable cause.

28 28

Q. What are the health benefits of consuming low Glycemic Index (GI) foods? Angela Walker, St Albans Park, Vic. A. Low GI carbohydrates – those that deliver glucose into your blood stream at a slower pace and keep your insulin levels well maintained – actively reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, keep energy levels balanced and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Low GI carbohydrates also reduce hunger, therefore keeping you fuller for longer and helping you to manage weight loss.


Originating in Japan in the 18th century, sudoku – a number logic puzzle – is the latest brain-busting craze to hit Australia. Besides being a fun and engaging way to spend a rainy afternoon, research has shown that by regularly solving sudoku puzzles you can improve your long-term mental agility, reducing your chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. You can find sudoku puzzles in daily newspapers, at your local newsagency and online at websites such as


T U O T I K C CHE 1. Mammogram 2. Cholesterol 3. Blood pressure 4. Skin cancer 5. Colorectal cancer 6. Pap test

The six check-ups you really should have, the reasons why, and how often you should have them. This issue, balance researches simple health screenings that could save your life. Words: Merran White


t’s all too easy to defer visiting the doctor until symptoms make it a must, but timely preventative health checks can save you and your wallet from unwelcome surprises down the line. “The point of screening tests is to detect diseases early, when they’re simpler to treat,” says Bondi-based general practitioner and Ayurvedic consultant, Dr Barri Phatarfod. Based on scientific evidence, health experts recommend a dozen or so tests most women should have routinely after a certain age. Talk with your doctor about which tests you may need and when. In the meantime, here are some check sheets for six of the most crucial screenings.

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14 balance

This simple X-ray screening test for breast cancer takes around 10 minutes and is painless, though larger-breasted women may find having a boob sandwiched between metal plates a tad uncomfortable. Results are usually back within the day. Alternatively, there are free government breast-screening clinics in capital cities nationally for women over 40, which may take a little longer to return results. Dr Phatarfod says: “All women should do a breast self examination (BSE) regularly, preferably just after their period has ended. Always consult your general practitioner if you notice anything unusual.” WHEN: From age 40, younger if there’s a family history of breast cancer or if your doctor refers you for a specific problem. HOW OFTEN: Every two years. High LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol or a high bad-to-good cholesterol ratio can be a warning for clogged arteries and heart disease down the track. You’ll need to visit a pathology collection centre for a simple blood test, then wait a few days for the result. If you get an elevated reading, your GP can advise as to dietary and lifestyle changes (or occasionally, medication) that can help lower it. Dr Phatarfod says: “Before a cholesterol test, you only need to fast (forgo eating) from midnight the night before until your test in the morning”. WHEN: From age 45; or as early as 20 if you have risk factors such as a family history of heart disease or smoking. HOW OFTEN: Annually, or six-monthly if you receive an elevated reading. It’s important to check your blood pressure, an indicator of heart and vascular health. It can be done quickly and simply in a GP’s office, is painless, and you get the results immediately. If you have high blood pressure, your doctor can recommend changes in diet and lifestyle to help lower it. Dr Phatarfod says: “Anyone with a family history of heart disease, stroke or diabetes, and particularly people who are overweight and/or smoke should have a baseline blood-pressure check from their GP”. WHEN: Anyone 18 years and older – as childhood obesity soars, some medicos believe testing should take place even earlier. HOW OFTEN: At least every two years. A full body check for melanomas and other skin cancers is simple, speedy and pain-free – it involves stripping down to your underclothes and having a type of magnifying glass passed over any suspicious-looking moles. A qualified GP, clinic technician or dermatologist looks for suspect areas – ie, any mole that’s irregular, ragged-edged, multicoloured and/or new/changing. If anything suspicious is detected, you’ll be referred to a specialist for a biopsy to determine whether it is benign: results are usually back to you in a week or so. WHEN: From age 18, or when you spot a suspect mole. HOW OFTEN: Annually; or twice a year if you’re fairskinned or have more than 50 moles.




A test for colorectal cancer is recommended to everyone over 50 – if you’re prone to polyps or experience bleeding, step it up. Your doctor can help you decide whether to do a take-home stool test or send you off to a specialist for a colonoscopy. The latter entails some preparation, including forgoing fibrous foods, fasting and swallowing emetics to clear the bowel in the 24 hours before the uncomfortable-ratherthan-painful hospital day procedure. Dr Phatarfod says: “Bleeding from a bowel lesion such as a tumour or polyp is not always apparent as the blood is often mixed in the stool. This is an important screening test for people who are at risk”. WHEN: From age 50; earlier if you have symptoms or a family history. HOW OFTEN: Will be advised by your doctor.

Regular pap smears are important to detect the presence of abnormal cells on your cervix (part of the womb) which can lead to cervical cancer. Any woman over the age of 18 years old who has ever been sexually active will need a pap smear every two years until she turns 70. Your doctor may advise you to have this more regularly – for example, every six or 12 months – if an abnormality is spotted. Dr Phatarfod says: “Even if you are not currently sexually active or have only ever had one partner – if you have ever had sexual intercourse with a man, you must get those pap smears every two years”. WHEN: From age 18 or two years after you first become sexually active – whichever is the later. HOW OFTEN: Every two years.

* Blood sugar tests: Every three years after age 45, if you have high blood pressure or cholesterol or a family history of diabetes. * A bone density test: If you’re over the age of 65 – or post-menopausal and skinny and/or a smoker. It can detect pre-osteoporotic changes and give you a baseline reading against which to compare later tests. * Tests for sexually transmitted diseases: Chlamydia, which can lead to infertility if left untreated, and human papillomavirus (HPV), a leading cause of cervical cancer, if you are or have been sexually active – both may be symptomless. Your doctor or sexual health clinic can advise whether you need testing for other transmissible diseases including hepatitis B and C and HIV. * Obesity: Have your body mass index (BMI) calculated to screen for obesity. (BMI is a measure of weight to height ratio. Find your own BMI with the BMI calculator from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute at

balance 15



ATO TOMTIME Prostate cancer is the most common form of disease in Australian men. Consider the humble tomato, which contains lycopene – a powerful antioxidant which, when included as part of a healthy, low-fat diet, may reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Tomatoes are easy to include in just about every type of cuisine, especially in Mediterranean dishes, so encourage him to indulge in one of nature’s healthiest fruits.

AussieBum COOL Hipster


If it’s time for a new pair of undies, give AussieBum’s COOL range a whirl. Perfect for exercising, the smart microfibre technology draws sweat away from the body, keeping guys cool and comfortable in all the right places, in any climate or condition. Flexible and soft, these undies are single lined in the front, making the pouch easy to wear under any clothing. Best of all you can buy them without leaving home by simply logging on to Priced online from $22.68.

Urth Face Wash with White Tea & Ginseng

This award-winning, non-foaming face wash has to be seen (and smelled) to be believed. Urth combines white and green teas for detoxification and ginseng for nourishment, while vitamins A, C and E, natural herbal extracts and pure essential oils restore skin tone and moisture. This daily cleanser includes a rich blend of potent antioxidants that help to nourish and protect a man’s skin from damage caused by the environment and the stress of daily life. Simple, masculine packaging, minty fresh aroma and the revitalising results might even make him a little protective of his face wash. Urth Face Wash costs $60 and is available from


HEALTHY COMPETITION The stereotype: The Aussie male slumped on the sofa watching the cricket (or footy), stubbie resting on his ample beer belly. The truth: With a hectic work schedule and high stress levels many men don’t exercise enough; and heading to the gym or for a run may be far less enticing than heading to the fridge for an ice-cold lager. One way to get your man’s fitness back on track, as well as improving energy levels and reducing stress, is by enticing him to compete in an exercise challenge – Aussie males can’t resist competition! So whether it’s a game of tennis, a cycle race or even a half-marathon, this is a great way to lure him off the couch and kickstart his path to better health.

HAVE YOUR SAY! Do you have a question we can answer? Is there something you’d like us to highlight in this section next issue, or do you have something you’d like to share? Email us at:

balance 17

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RECIPE: Pomegranate Autumn Fruit Salad Banana Vinaigrette 4 tbsp orange marmalade 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice 1/4 cup walnut oil salt to taste 1 banana, peeled and diced 1 teaspoon granulated sugar

Fruit Salad 1 cup arils from 1–2 large pomegranates 4 rings fresh pineapple, 1/2-inch thick, cut into chunks 2 persimmons, sliced 1 orange, sliced into segments 1 grapefruit, sliced into segments 1lb seedless green grapes, cut in half 4 tbsp ricotta cheese (optional) 1 tbsp sour cream (optional)






Walnuts contain protein, fibre, B vitamins, magnesium and antioxidants plus plant sterols and omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seed contains omega-3 fatty acids and lignan, a type of antioxidant phytoestrogen that possesses anti-cancer properties. Dark greens such as bok choy, broccoli, asparagus, green beans contain vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and phytonutrients. Pomegranate contains the following antioxidants: polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins. Salmon, always on the list, is excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

balance loves


DIRECTIONS 1. Score 1–2 fresh pomegranates and place in a bowl of water. Break open the pomegranates under water to free the arils (seed sacs). The arils


will sink to the bottom of the bowl and the membrane will float to the top. Sieve and put the arils in a separate bowl. Reserve 1 cup of the arils from fruit and set aside. 2. Whisk together marmalade, lemon juice and walnut oil; salt to taste. 3. Add banana and sugar; set aside. 4. Arrange fruit slices on individual plates and sprinkle with arils. 5. Spoon banana vinaigrette on top of fruit. 6. If desired, mix ricotta cheese and sour cream; dollop mixture on each plate.


Recipe source:

DID YOU KNOW? 30g of pistachios contains more antioxidants that a cup of green tea and the same amount of vitamin B6 as two serves of avocado, which can help to lower cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.

Once a baddie, eggs are now positively implicated in heart and eye health, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, healthy brain, energy boost and weight-loss.



EAT THIS NOT THAT! By David Zinczenko, Rodale Books, rrp$35 This simple, illustrated book is bursting with facts about why to choose one food over another. Based on the premise that you can still eat the foods you love but that you need to make smart choices, Zinczenko offers nutrition secrets that promise to lead to a fast and permanent weight loss. Available online from book retailers.

Fibre lowers your risk of diabetes, heart disease, diverticulitis and constipation.

1. Opt for whole fruit instead of juice as it contains more fibre and fewer calories than the liquid form. 2. Add fruit such as berries or melon to your breakfast every day. 3. Always check the label to see that fibre-filled whole grains are listed as a first ingredient. 4. Eat more beans – they’re a cheap source of fibre, good carbohydrate, protein and they taste great.

HAVE YOUR SAY! Do you have a question we can answer?

Is there something you’d like us to highlight next issue or do you have a fantastic nutrition tip you’d like to share? Email us at

balance 19


S D R O W Z BUZ How much notice should you take of the current buzzwords when you do your food shopping, and what do they mean anyway? Words: Megan Sheerin

20 balance


Omega-3 These ‘good fats’ are a type of unsaturated fatty acid touted as ‘brain food’ thanks to their ability to boost memory and lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. And because the body can’t synthesise enough omega-3 on its own, it’s critical we all regularly consume foods containing these oils, such as salmon, nuts, broccoli and cauliflower. For pregnant women or those breastfeeding, this is especially important. According to The Journal of Pediatrics, a new Canadian study has found that upping the intake of omega-3 fatty acid DHA during pregnancy could improve a child’s future visual, cognitive and motor function. “We particularly need the EPA and the DHA acids; they’re by far the most important,” explains Melanie, adding that about one in two Australians aren’t getting enough omega-3. “DHA provides important nutritional benefits not just for the heart, but also the brain and eyes.”

Trans fats


eading food labels once saw you well on the way to shopping smart, but these days it seems even the most savvy consumer needs a dictionary to decipher the lingo. From antioxidants to omega-3s and A2 milk, buzzwords claiming health benefits abound. But what do such terms really mean? And to what extent should you consider them in your diet?

Phytonutrients Found in most foods, our bodies don’t need these naturally occurring compounds – also known as phytochemicals – to survive, but we can certainly benefit from them. For example, acting like oestrogen hormones, isoflavones in soy can help stem menopausal symptoms, while the phytochemical allicin in garlic has an antibacterial effect. “They’re very protective so they help us to be healthier in the long-term,” says Dietitians Association of Australia spokesperson and accredited practising dietitian, Melanie McGrice. She encourages people to favour real food because it contains the phytonutrients many nutritional supplements don’t. And some such synthetic compounds can pose other risks. Studies including a major 2007 report on diet and cancer by the World Cancer Research Foundation and the American Institute for Cancer Research, show high doses of betacarotene supplements can increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers and the asbestos-exposed.

They are known as ‘bad fats’ for good reason. Found largely in fast food and baked goods, trans fatty acids block our arteries, boost blood triglyceride levels, and in turn, our risk of cardiovascular disease. For these reasons, everyone – especially those at risk of heart disease – should consume as little of these trans fats as possible, says Melanie. And most of us are, according to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), the agency that develops food standards and codes of practice. “We’ve found that Australians consume very low levels of trans fats. The World Health Organisation recommends you shouldn’t consume more than 1 gram of trans fat a day and we’re eating 0.7 grams a day on average,” says spokesperson Lydia Buchtmann.

Antioxidants A type of phytonutrient found in certain foods, antioxidants help support the immune system and protect healthy cells from damage by free radicals – the unstable molecules thought to promote ageing, cancer, heart disease and strokes. And it’s because of their wide-ranging health benefits that everyone needs a daily dose of these super nutrients, which include vitamins C and E, betacarotene and selenium, says Melanie. Think fresh fruit and vegetables – and the more colourful your selection, the better. Similar antioxidants are generally found in foods of similar colours, so “the broader the range of vegetables we consume, the better the range of antioxidants we consume and the better it is for our health,” she explains. And as it is widely believed most Australians aren’t getting their five-plus daily serving of veggies, antioxidants are a super fuel nearly all of us need more of.

balance 21

A2 milk A2 beta casein is a milk protein specific to a genetically-selected breed of cattle. Some claim the milk can benefit those who can’t tolerate the ‘regular’ kind, which usually contains both A2 and A1 proteins. Furthermore, in September 2007 a Lincoln University academic claimed an A1 milk protein could lead to the likes of autism, diabetes and heart disease. Yet the European Food Safety Authority has since reviewed all the scientific data and reported no such links exist. Melanie is equally sceptical about A2 milk being less allergenic. “People who have had milk allergies in the past and then find they can tolerate the A2 milk may have actually outgrown the milk allergy,” she points out.

Prebiotics and probiotics It’s widely touted that the health of our digestive system is linked to our overall wellbeing and as such the popularity of ‘good for your gut’ prebiotics and probiotics is on the rise. These substances are all about bacteria – the friendly kind. Probiotics result when live cultures are added to what we eat, like lactobacillus acidophilus in yoghurt for example, while prebiotics are non-digestible foods such as the insoluble fibre in oats, which encourage the growth of good bugs in the gastrointestinal tract. These good bugs are thought to help prevent intestinal diseases including ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and cancer – as well as treating irritable bowel and allergies. “If people have enough prebiotics in their diet and a good gastrointestinal system then they don’t need any probiotics,” Melanie explains. “However, for people who are taking or have taken antibiotics that kill off all the bacteria full-stop, then something like a probiotic is a very good idea.” So there you have it – the buzz on some of the most common buzzwords, helping make your next supermarket trip a more informed one so you can choose foods that support your wellbeing and avoid those that don’t. After all, when it comes to your health, who wants to rely on guesswork? There’s food for thought…


22 balance

O? WANT MORE INF For expert nutritional advice, contact an accredited practising dietitian via or Melanie McGrice on 03 9210 7300 or The FSANZ publishes information on how to read food labels on its website. See


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Daisy chain Spoil yourself with the new, sweetly scented Daisy Solid Perfume Charm Necklace by Marc Jacobs, rrp$40.

FAKE BAKE! The best thing about this fake tan is its incredibly quick-drying agent, so it’s ideal for that last-minute invitation and you want to be more ‘show’ than ‘faux’. Fake Bake’s Tanning Mousse (rrp$45.96) is a rich super-light foam, which not only gives you an all-over glow, it also adds moisture to parched skin.

Is your skin suffering from a hectic, busy lifestyle and less than angelic beauty habits? Get set to glow with our top five face-savers. balance loves


DID YOU KNOW? Experts say that you should try and change your mascara every three months!

HAVE YOUR SAY! Do you have a beauty question?

Exfoliate with a hardhitting scrub like Nutrimetics Nutri-Rich Sugar Body Scrub (rrp$38) and then apply a nourishing body butter – Bloom’s range (rrp$18) are great. For really dry areas (elbows, knees, backs of ankles), rub in a body oil such as Dermalogica’s Stress Relief Treatment Oil (rrp$34) or Pevonia’s Dry Oil Body Moisturizer (rrp$61.50).

Is there something you’d like us to highlight

2 THREE STEP If you don’t have time to commit to proper cleansing, mainstream your routine with a three-in-one product that will eliminate make-up and grime while moisturising. balance loves: Lancôme Eau de Bienfait Clarté 3 in 1 Cleansing and Toning Lotion – Face and Eyes, rrp$59. 3 SUN SMART Protecting your skin against the elements is crucial. A moisturiser with an SPF safeguards against sun damage, pigmentation and premature lines. balance loves: Dermalogica Sheer Moisture SPF 15, rrp$70. 4 MASK IT Give your complexion a boost with a mask containing salicylic acid to help the skin’s exfoliation process. balance loves: Clinique Turnaround 15-Minute Facial, rrp$63. 5 THIRST QUENCHER A moisturising serum is a speedy way of restoring radiance and moisture when you don’t have time for a facial. balance loves: Thalgo Absolute Rehydrating Serum, rrp$95

next issue or do you have a fantastic beauty tip you’d like to share? Email us at

5:34:10 PM

1 WIPE AWAY Forgetting to remove your make-up before you go to bed is the number one beauty sin. But if you can’t bring yourself to complete the all-important three-step cleanse, tone and moisturise ritual, wipe the day away with cleansing wipes. Your skin will breathe easier, as make-up-clogged pores spell breakouts. balance loves: Shiseido Pureness Refreshing Cleansing Sheets, rrp$37.

balance 25

The Australian beauty business is booming and it’s not just the locals who are taking notice. Meet the wizards of Oz, creating world-class beauty brands right in our own backyard. Words: Naomi Jackson

With a shared passion for toxic-free living, it was only a matter of time before power-duo Miranda Bond and Jenni Williams turned their attention to cosmetics. “We had both tried other so-called ‘natural cosmetics’ lines and found that they lacked in either performance or colour, or still used artificial ingredients such as parabens and talc,” says Miranda. And so, they created Inika Mineral Cosmetics in 2006. “Free from chemicals, 100 per cent vegan and cruelty-free, they are natural cosmetics but they are still sexy and fun,” says Miranda. TRY: Inika Mineral Eyeshadow, rrp$24.95.

Smearing white zinc on your nose may be a uniquely Australian way to protect your skin, but it’s certainly no fashion statement. So, in 2003, Invisible Zinc creator Andrea Horwood-Bux teamed up with the University of Western Australia to create a more wearable, daily sunscreen. “I wanted a lightweight cream that combined the protection of zinc but was invisible to the naked eye,” says Andrea. The range now has more than 10 products and has enjoyed major launches into the US, UK and Asian markets with Aussie icon Elle Macpherson as the global face of the brand. TRY: Invisible Zinc 4 Hr Water Resistant Sunscreen SPF30+, rrp$29.

26 balance

In between tending to the tresses of celebrities, such as Kylie Minogue and Cate Blanchett, Melbourne-based stylist-to-the-stars Kevin Murphy found the time to develop his eponymous haircare brand. “I created the line out of sheer necessity,” says Kevin. “I was so frustrated with the useless products I was using on photo shoots. Two hours into the day the models’ hair would look heavy and lifeless.” Stocked in more than 1,000 salons globally, Kevin can now claim responsibility for good hair days all over the world. TRY: Kevin.Murphy Anti Gravity Volumiser, rrp$29.95.

Perth-born make-up artist Rebecca Morrice Williams says it was her frustration at not being able to find the right shade of foundation that led her to create her own range of complexion-perfecting products. “It became a mission that proved to be as elusive as the search for the Holy Grail,” laughs Rebecca. She spent six years developing Becca cosmetics, which specialises in natural shades to suit all women, no matter what their skin type, colour or ethnicity. TRY: Becca Mineral Bronzing Powder, rrp$58.

Stockists Becca 02 8399 1274 Be Genki 02 9130 8833 Bloom 03 9421 0200 Hissyfit 03 9676 1878 Inika 02 4283 1043 Invisible Zinc 1300 738 850 Kevin.Murphy 1800 104 204 ModelCo 02 8354 6700 Natio 03 9415 9911 Sodashi 08 9336 6837


With a passion for pure products and four generations of skincare manufacturing behind them, it was only natural that Max and Vivienne Ross would create their own beauty brand. Their aim was simple: to produce a quality, plant-based, Australian-made range of products at affordable prices. “Australia is the perfect place to create a natural range of beauty care. The land is unspoiled and everything grows in abundance,” says Max. TRY: Natio Gentle Foaming Facial Cleanser, rrp$12.68.

After training in aromatherapy and beauty therapy, Megan Larsen saw the opportunity to create a chemical-free skincare range when she was besieged by requests for her homemade products. “Nature provides us with everything we need to create totally sophisticated skincare products,” Megan says. And it seems the top spas of the world agree. Sodashi now supplies its eco-conscious products to exclusive resorts in more than 20 countries. TRY: Sodashi Calming Face and Neck Moisturiser, rrp$109.30.

Olympic hockey gold medallist Louise Dobson often complained to friend Sue Smethurst, a former magazine editor, that she could never find the right facial sunscreen. “I wanted a product that provided the coverage of a foundation, the protection of SPF30+ and anti-ageing benefits,” says Louise. Rather than wait for someone else to create the ideal all-in-one, the pair set out to do it for themselves. The result is Hissyfit, a boutique range of suncare products. TRY: Hissyfit Saving Face Moisturising Tinted Sunscreen, rrp$55.

With an abundance of youthful energy and drive, a 22-year-old Natalie Bloom established her namesake beauty brand from her family home with a few quirky gift ideas. “Bloom began as a hobby … I simply created quality products that I was passionate about,” says Natalie. Fast-forward 14 years and Bloom cosmetics enjoys sales in almost every corner of the globe, a strong celebrity following and an ever-expanding range of make-up, skincare and lifestyle products. TRY: Bloom Scented Room Spray, rrp$30.

Sydney entrepreneur Sam Sample has always had a passion for holistic health and great design. Her brand, Be Genki, brings all these passions to fruition in a single range. From herbal teas to body oils, Be Genki uses natural ingredients that harness the healing benefits of nature delivered in a pure form. “In Japanese, Genki means to be happy, healthy and in harmony with oneself and that’s what I hope my range inspires in people,” Sam says. TRY: Be Genki Serenity Face Mist, rrp$26.

It all started with the launch of the innovative Lash Wand Heated Eyelash Curler in 2002, says ModelCo creator Shelley Barrett. “Since then, our success has relied on our ability to be first to the market with quick-fix beauty solutions,” she says. ModelCo products are now distributed to more than 500 doors worldwide and global domination is a challenge Shelley relishes: “I love competing against the biggest and the best in the world”. TRY: ModelCo Lip Lights Lipstick in Sunset, rrp$35.

balance 27


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There are obvious health benefits to owning and exercising dogs, such as cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, decreased stress and stronger muscles and bones from walking regularly – for your dog as well as for you! But there are other unlikely benefits, such as: • People tend to think that dog owners are friendly and more approachable than others. • Stroking a pet can reduce the physiological indicators of stress, including high blood pressure. • The non-judgemental companionship and unconditional love offered by dogs is known to have considerable mental health benefits for owners, including increased self-esteem.



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of our time is wasted looking for misplaced files and paperwork at an unorganised desk. You may think that you don’t have the time to spend getting your desk in order, but in reality, can you afford not to?

For an efficient desk or office, balance suggests you: • Get in the habit of filing every piece of paper that needs actioning as soon as you can. Transfer the action to a to-do list, leaving you with just one list on your desk. • Invest in products such as ring binders or a filing cabinet. • Spend 15 minutes at the end of each day organising your desk.

• It helps to keep your mind alert and active and can help sharpen your memory. • It can also relieve stress and give you something positive to focus on. • Once you begin to make progress with your instrument

of choice, you will feel a sense of satisfaction and achievement and this is a great confidence booster. • Playing music can create endless opportunities to meet new people and make new friends. • Most importantly, it is an enormous amount of fun and a fantastic way to spend your free time.

BALANCE LOVES... DID YOU KNOW? During 2007, approximately 2.7 million people in Australia were involved in art and craft, writing or music as a hobby. (Statistic from ABS).

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balance 29

Sleep D easy

If you’re not getting enough sleep you could be putting your health at risk. Here, we offer some tips on how to rest easy. Words: Naomi Jackson eeply coveted but rarely won, a good night’s sleep is elusive indeed. With our lives multitasked to the nth degree, many of us come up short on shut-eye. We toss and turn as we slumber, upsetting the all-important REM-rich cycles as we unconsciously fret over our troubles, from the silliest (“Did I remember to put the recycling out?”) to the most profound (“How fast are ocean levels rising?”). While we can’t make all your worries vanish, we can provide you with a guide for getting the most out of your 40 winks. We went to the snooze experts for their proven strategies to help you conquer your sleep demons for good.

QUICK FIXES FOR A TIRED FACE While you get yourself into a new sleep rhythm, these expert tricks and fast fix products will help you fake a good night’s sleep.

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APPLY FRESH COLOUR Dabbing on a soft pink cream blush will mimic a natural youthful flush. Try: Australis Crème Colour for Lips and Cheeks, rrp$8.95.

MAKE SKIN DEWY Add a luminosity to skin with this cult cream. Simply smooth over the top of moisturiser in the morning. Try: Clarins Beauty Flash Balm, rrp$60.


The facts

“When aiming for optimal health, sleep is the lynchpin of it all,” says sleep specialist Dr Karen Coates. “About 25 per cent of Australians suffer from poor sleep, whether it’s insomnia or chronic interrupted slumber brought about by stress. It’s a problem, and it’s on the increase,” she says. Symptoms of sleep deprivation include moodiness, grumpiness, irritability, short-term memory loss and a lack of concentration, says Karen. But here she reveals three even more compelling reasons to prioritise a good night’s sleep:

Your overall health Recent reports have highlighted the link between a lack of sleep and serious illness. “People suffering from inadequate sleep are more susceptible to everything from heart disease and stroke to developing cancer,” says Karen. It also has a seismic effect on our mental welfare. In cases of chronic fatigue and insomnia, it can lead to depression.

Your weight People who skimp on sleep are significantly more likely to be overweight than those who consistently get a good night’s sleep, according to Karen. “When you are sleep-deprived, your body produces more stress hormones such as cortisol, which slows down your metabolism and ups production of appetiteincreasing hormones, such as leptin.”

Your love life Snoring partners are a big problem and one of the most common sleep disturbers, says Karen. “Women become more cranky and irritable because they haven’t had enough restorative rest and they’ll take it out on their partners,” explains Karen.

Rewiring your sleep patterns

So how much sleep do we actually need? Experts have long said that the ideal amount of sleep is approximately eight hours. Not getting enough? These tips should help you achieve a night of blissful slumber.

Tweak your diet Cut out foods containing caffeine (that includes chocolate) after 2pm. Eat dinner two to four hours before bedtime, and avoid all alcohol. It may help you initially drift off, but it will, more importantly, guarantee an interrupted sleep. As far as foods that get you in the mood for sleep, nutritionist Caroline Scott says foods rich in zinc, magnesium and folic acid promote healthy sleep. Think leafy greens, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

Stop the stimulation TV sets and computer monitors give off excessive amounts of blue light, the part of visible light that suppresses melatonin (the hormone that signals when it’s time to sleep). Try soft, soothing music instead, suggests Sharon Kolkka, general manager of Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat in Queensland, which runs four-day Sleep Discovery workshops ( “We provide our guests with iPods loaded with special sleep-inducing tunes or guided meditations. They’re designed to tap into the relaxing frequencies in the brain,” she says.

Create a sleep sanctuary Bedrooms should be as cool, quiet and dark as possible. Keep the room free of clutter. Replace the high-wattage bulbs in your bedside lamp with low-wattage ones.

Morning exercise “Traditionally human beings exercised in the morning, getting up with the sun, hunting for food and then napping in the afternoon,” says Karen. It is for this reason that she recommends patients go back to their primitive roots and exercise first thing in the morning. “You don’t have to engage in excessive cardiovascular exercise, a brisk walk or a deep-water running class will work wonders.”

Natural therapies Naturopath Shannon McNeill advises using herbs rather than pharmaceutical medications. “My advice is to always reach for the herbal remedy first,” says Shannon. “Zizyphus is a herb that I recommend as a natural sleep remedy for my patients. It works because it contains high levels of sedative compounds called triterpenes.” Try BioCeuticals SomniCare capsules, $26; 1300 650 455.

COVER SHADOWS To look instantly wellrested, blend a lightreflecting concealer under the eyes and into the dark corners to eliminate shadows. Try: Revlon Age Defying Spa concealer, rrp$26.95.

EYE OPENERS For eyes that automatically look larger and brighter, curl lashes and apply mascara to the top lashes only. Try: Napoleon Perdis Long Black Mascara, rrp$33.

SPRITZ YOUR FACE Wake up your face with a refreshing spritz of thermal spring water. Store a bottle of chilled Avène Thermal Spring Water in the fridge, rrp$11. STOCKISTS Australis 1300 650 981 Avène 1800 678 302 Clarins 02 9663 4277 Napoleon Perdis 02 8306 9099 Revlon 1800 025 488

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29 WAYS TO …

Never go shopping when you are hungry! Impulse shopping is the most expensive kind.


Go to garage sales and markets to find some bargains.

Saving money can be hard, so if you’re feeling the pinch, try some of these moneysaving tips.

Avoid paying late fees by ensuring that you settle your bills on time!

Take public transport when you can instead of paying high parking rates.



Don’t go window shopping; it’s likely to make you want things that you don’t need. Buy fruit and vegetables that are in season – they taste better and are cheaper.


Stay healthy by going to Contours studios. It will save you a potential fortune in doctors’ bills and medical expenses.

Write a list of the items you need before you go shopping, and stick to it!

Check your fridge before you go shopping so you don’t buy groceries you don’t need.

Put your spare change into a jar at the end of each day and then invest it in an interest gaining account. You could save $1,000 a year.

Cook meals in bulk and then freeze them for another day. Buy some board games for your house, which can be used again and again for inexpensive evenings of fun.

Don’t buy soft drinks. Stick to water and add a dash of squeezed citrus fruit for flavour.

SIGN UP WITH YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY. IT WILL HAVE SELECTIONS OF DVDS AS WELL AS BOOKS, WHICH CAN BE BORROWED FOR ONLY A SMALL FEE. Enter the balance competitions on page 4 – you might just be a winner! Use energy-efficient light globes.

Pack your own lunch and drinks for work. You could save $2,000 a year!

Buy fruit, vegetables, meat and bread from local markets. They are more likely to be good quality and better value.

Purchase your books from a secondhand bookshop.

Carry a water bottle around with you so you can fill it up wherever you go, and save on buying bottled drinks.

Try and buy classic pieces of clothing that don’t go out of fashion quickly and can be mixed and matched easily. Make a weekly budget for food, entertainment, etc, and stick to it.




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