I’m Rosie McKenna, Vice President Academic Representation at Edge Hill Students’ Union (EHSU), one of the four full time officers elected by the students.
The point of having elected officers in a Students’ Union is simple – we’re here to represent the students who have elected us. My role within EHSU is to represent students on anything that falls within academics, for example: placements, course issues, assessment and feedback issues, etc. I am also the elected officer responsible for supporting and working alongside the Course Rep system.
vp academic representation
Having Course Representation is really important to improving the student experience, it is a democratic system that allows students to feedback issues to their Students’ Union and the relevant University departments. It enables the students to have a voice and help shape how the course they are on is run, and solve any issues they may be having within it. Course Representatives are extremely valuable to us at EHSU, as the role lets us keep in touch with what’s going on, as told by the students who are on them.
Rosie McKenna Vice President Academic Representation 1.
Dear Colleagues As academics involved in the production and delivery of curriculum, you are at the forefront of the effort to ensure our courses are relevant, challenging and supportive; that they are well structured and organised, with timely feedback on assessments and that students are fully aware of what is required of them to maximise their potential. The investment you make in this is perhaps the single most important element of our students’ overall experience. And nothing is more valuable, in our effort to continuously improve the academic experience, than hearing first-hand, how that experience translates in reality for our students; this is the aim of the Course Representation structure. Through open and constructive dialogue with our Course Representatives about what works well and should be shared more widely and what needs to be enhanced, we have an enormously valuable resource and opportunity to improve things for our existing and future students. Thank you for engaging in this process, helping our students to work in partnership with us and enabling them to have their voice heard; this openness and shared agenda is not only an important part of our University culture but provides an essential opportunity for the individual representatives to develop a range of skills which will be crucial to their future employability. The Students’ Union invest a lot of resource in training and supporting our course representative and would, I’m sure, be keen to hear any feedback you may have on how to ensure we are maximising the student voice within our provision. Very sincere thanks for being such an important part of the University. With very best wishes Lynda Brady Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience)
We will communicate directly with department contacts (as supplied by each faculty) regarding all course representative related matters.
We will be the central administrative point for the course representative system.
We will train course representatives, maintain records relating to this and chase up students who are yet to attend training.
We will be responsible for rewarding and recognising the course representatives for the work they do and their successes.
L A T N E M T R IBILITIES DEPA RESPONS It will be the responsibility of the faculty to provide the Students’ Union with the the contact details of a member of staff (either academic or administrative) who will be responsible for liaising with the Students‘ Union around the Course Representation System . It is the Head of Department’s responsibility to delegate these roles and ensure EHSU have a record of these contacts. These designated staff members will become the key contacts to be used by the Engagement Team here at the Students’ Union when liaising with the course representation process so it is important to keep them up-to-date. It is the responsibility of individual tutors to promote the course representative role to their students and emphasise the importance of this role for the improvement of teaching and learning standards across the University. It is the responsibility of individual tutors to run a fair and democratic election for the course representative role, if no Students’ Union representative is available to do this. Edge Hill Students’ Union Engagement Co-ordinator (Course Representatives) will be your staff contact who will support and advise you should you require it:
The course rep is there to be the link b etween you and the studen ts. Their role is to represent and speak up fo r the students on th eir course or individuals if ne ed be. Below is an over view of the role:
To find out the academic opinions of the students that they · represent on a regular basis, including any examples of excellent academic practice.
represent these opinions at all meetings they attend, · Toregardless of whether they agree with these opinions personally.
back the outcomes of any meetings to their students · Toandfeed to the Students’ Union. attend Course Representative training and/or development · Toopportunities. · To make themselves known to their students. ensure that their students are informed of any · Todevelopments that may impact them. any surveys that they may be asked to complete by · Tothereturn Students’ Union. encourage students to vote and participate in Students’ · ToUnion referendums/elections and general meetings when there is a relevant educational issue being discussed.
We also ensure that the students know boundaries. This is done for a number of reasons, most commonly that there are services at Edge Hill who would be better suited to deal with these issues.
Personal problems – e.g. students with health, emotional, family, housing, financial, employment problems or students who are struggling with their personal academic work. Complaints of individual students – e.g. ·complaints about a particular interaction with a
member of staff or administration, allegations of harassment or bullying.
· issues relating to life on campus – Such as ·carOther parking, childcare or welfare. Malpractice/disciplinary – e.g. plagiarism, cheating in exams or other disciplinary issues.
In doing this we hope to ensure there is no confusion for the students or staff as to what course representatives are expected to do and not do in their role. If you have any concerns about a course representative(s) going beyond their role then please do get in touch:
se per, 75 students or one course rep per cour One course rep should be recruited per imum requirement) year group, as appropriate. (This is a min s. This can be done via one of two method ents’ Union will aim to come in for a 5-10 Students’ Union led Recruitment - The Stud se to elect course reps within the first four minute timeslot to visit first years of a cour ). e as part of the scheduled First Week talks teaching weeks of term (this could be don , ents stud to group to introduce the role A Students’ Union officer will visit each , or and collect relevant details for course lists tion subsequently recruit or hold an elec tion process (in line with EHSU issued Course Leaders should carry out the elec . guidance) for recruitment of course reps of the il the name, email and student number Once elected Course Leaders should ema k course reps to se do ounding the election process then plea If you have any questions or queries surr get in touch with us.
BENEFITS OF STUDENTS SITTING ON COM MITTEE’S The course reps who sit on SSCF’s, Programme Board ’s and Faculty Boards can be very useful in a number of ways to all staff members. Firstly, they will be the first to be able to congratul ate you on innovative teaching styles, inspirational lectures and supportive tutors. This will mean that you are being informed when you are truly positively influencing the stude nts you work with each day. The course reps can also be useful for sharing best practice. This year we are looking to introduce course rep meetings and newsletters in order for course reps from different faculties to meet and discuss best practice, whils t also being informed of other developments cross campus. This way teaching and learning should always be improving across the University and as a result the student experience is a more enjoyable one. Also, course reps will be there to highlight issue s in their faculty, department or individual classes. From reviewing our training methods we will be training the course reps as to how to raise these issues tactfully and constructively. We will be training the students to come with solutions to the issues, or at least suggestions, in order for this process to be more constructive and beneficial to student and staff alike. Finally, the student will be able to help promote events, guest speakers or surveys which you have within the faculty or departments. When it comes to the NSS the course reps will be very helpful with the promotion of this as they will have a variety of methods of communicating with the rest of their class.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Course Representatives will undergo training in order to prepare them for their role, collecting feedback effectively, analysing that feedback and then constructively relaying that back to you, the staff. The development opportunities which will be on offer will be focussed around our “Student Leaders’ Development Day”. This day will not only focus on what their role is, what each meeting is for and how to raise issues in a constructive manner, but also on their wider skill sets. By developing student’s soft skills, we are aiming for their input to be even more beneficial and constructive in the context of the institution. We will also look to run workshops throughout the year for those who are unable to attend the Student Leaders’ Development Day and for those who wish to further develop their skill sets. All information regarding this will be readily available on our website If there are any areas of training that you think would be useful to develop the course representatives and improve their input in meetings, then please do get in touch:
EAR UT THE Y PR y for OURSE RE responsibilit C a G e v IN a h T R ts n O l act as a artme SUPP ts’ Union wil SU and dep n H e E d th tu o S b e r h a roblems. ves. T the ye y have any p e representati Throughout e th rs ld u u o co sh to ves issues are pport representati nsure their e e providing su rs to u re co e r th fo n is contact presentatio permanent cademic Re A t mmittees. n e co d te si a re ri shops and approp e The Vice P th to in further work d h e it ll e w n r, n a e fu y d the course each raised an r to support eginning of e b rd e o th t in a r a d e e ey udents’ l be provid roughout th evelop the st th d le lp b e a h Training wil il a to v r a e rces made signed in ord ccess in their post. online resou is will be de th f o ll ce of su A s. e v e best chan th m se session, e representati th e iv garding the er to g re rd s o e v in ti ts ta n se se re to attend. skills e course rep resentatives th p g re in e ct rs ta u n co ll ill be co to remind a and major While we w reoccurring departments r re fo su t n n e a rt to o ngs done in a it is imp tional meeti This will be . ca e u te d it e m g in m is iversity. ant co be organ cross the Un to the relev a t e h ic g We will also u ct ro ra b p d st ebated an nd share be issues are d e solution a iv ct ru st n co a way to find GHO ES THROU ESENTATIV
HIANNDTS TIPS presentative your Course Re ld ho t no hy w – s best rvey module? Democracy at it e Blackboard su th h ug ro th e elections onlin Give Course Representatives som e notice board space in the department. They can use this to keep students up-to-date on dev elopments.
es in the department. Display photographs of your representativ ne. This could be on both notice boards and onli
Share contact details of Course Representatives with your with students.
nline itate o ating l i c a f p Hel y cre sions b discus t only n a stude me site on m progra rd so oa Blackb tatives can en dents repres ith stu w e g a eng . online
Why not hold Staff-Student Consultative Forum meetings multiple times to maximise participation. While running the meeting twice doubles the workload, it allows more representatives to engage where a single meeting date is too restrictive.
Course h studies it se the w t/ in jo ea to adverti If you hav ve – do not forget nts. departme tati n th e o s b re p in e R ils tive’s deta representa 9.
a representa ble to get a course tive, pleas or pick a s e do not fo tu rc representa dent to be a course e tive. This would principles be detrimental to th o e Instead yo f the role. u should c ontact courserep s@ are aware so w o e and can ad f the situation vise the be way to pro st ceed.
ISSUES WHO SHOULD I CONTACT IF I HAVE ANY SYSTEM? WITH THE COURSE REP OR COURSE REP sentatives or the If you have any issues at all with the course repre course representative system, then contact upstairs in the HUB. or come and see us
All elections need to be co teaching (this year that mpleted by the end of the fourth week of is the week ending 16th of October).
CESS? CTION PRO E L E E H T le. LD I HOLD atic as possib cr o m HOW SHOU e d s a e ould be cess should b st practice w
pro at be The election ays suggest th urse representative lw a ld u o w e this w sted lect a co In order to do secret ballot in order to e necessary if there is conte le. a y e rl e v ti ro ula to undertak uld be partic for the course representa o w is h T y. ll dent going democratica to reject a stu te o ble. v a r o le ro ould be suita w s d n a h f o a show In most cases
USEFUL CONTACTS SU CONTACTS 7301 n Students’ Union Receptio k 7305 main contact Course Representative 7311 ic Representation Vice President Academ suvpacademicrep@edgeh 7301 on Centre (ARC) Advice and Representati
SUPPORT AND ADVICE CONTA CTS (Universit Accommodation y) Support 4200 accommodation@ Careers 4866 Counselling & Wellbeing 0988 counselling@ed Health and Wel lbeing Centre 7265 Student Financ ial Advice 7250 financialadvicete .uk Student Servic es Help Desk 4554 stuservadmin@ed CTS UL CONTA F E S U R E OTH 7686 Desk IT Service 4687 e Centre g a u g n a L The efl@edgehil 4554 es Desk ic v r e S t n c e a l. .uk Stud in@edgehil m d a rv se u st p Desk ibrary Hel L y it s r e Univ lsdesk@edg 11.
Below we hav ea best practice w step by step guide for h your course re en it comes to electing presentatives. If you have any queries th en coursereps@ed please do get in touch,
election yourself or if you wish Decide if you will hold the democratic e and hold the election for com to a member of the Students' Union you. is, how it helps improve their Explain to the students what the role their skills it will provide. This elop dev to s course and the opportunitie ing the election, in order to let can be done a week in advance of hold . the student fully consider the role
Give the st ELECT u ION they would dents the opportunit y to speak be best suit to e d th to e ir the role. peers to sa Once you h y why they believe If there is 1 ave the nominee's yo u re w p il ro l then be ab le available check that le to h and their peers have no re 1 student volunteerin old a democratic elec If you have a tion g to so n for the st udent not take that role, you m . available y more students going to ust re present th o em. ballot pape u will then have an e for the role of Course le students to rs we have provided ction. Best practice rep than the position (n w s have your formally vote for the ext page of this han ould be to use the te elected cou d booklet) role. Once mplate a a rse reps in position. ll the votes are coun nd get the ted you sh ould
their details eed to send , Course n n e th u yo ), ID course rep(s me, Student your elected eed to receive their: Na e v a h u yo en Once nts' Union. W ss. to the Stude study and Email addre f o r a code, Ye ps@edgehil re e the student rs u co to contact with details in e b n e th l Send these tails we wil on offer. ive these de ies t other Once we recevelopment opportunit etails so tha der d e se d e g th in h rd it rega urse rep fin ur website w to update o urse reps are via our co le b a e b o ls co a their We will find out who students can feature.
Mark the box (X) next to the candidate who you want to be the Course Rep
Mark the box (X) next to the candidate who you want to be the Course Rep
Place completed ballot paper in the ballot box
Place completed ballot paper in the ballot box
Mark the box (X) next to the candidate who you want to be the Course Rep
Mark the box (X) next to the candidate who you want to be the Course Rep
Place completed ballot paper in the ballot box
Place completed ballot paper in the ballot box