Stamp Information Pack

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Rewards & Recognition for Societies and Sports Teams


INTRODUCTION FROM VP ACTIVITIES Hi, Dan B here! At Edge Hill Students’ Union, Societies & Sports Clubs are at the heart of everything we do, & we recognise the massive positive impact they have on student life. Offering a platform for events, socials, training and competing, they provide an opportunity for like-minded students to get together and do something they love. To help you on your pathway of Society & Sports Club development we’ve created the 'Quality Stamp Scheme', a rewards and recognition scheme for student groups. It’s a fun way to earn Stamps for a variety of criteria set in a variety of areas – you’ll even be eligible for rewards at a number of milestones. So what you waiting for!? Get on board with our new scheme & start embracing the Edge Hill community spirit! Dan Bocharnikov VP Activities


The stamps you can earn

Your group will be able to obtain a 'Stamp', recognising an area in which your group have excelled. For example, if you have well managed finances and resources, host well attended events or activities, or if your group have made efforts in remaining inclusive to all. The Stamps are a reflection of what you want your group to be, but they'll also act as an identifier for potential members, investors, stake holders and other student groups. Each Stamp has a related criteria, aimed at providing your group with opportunities to develop. These might be things you're already doing, or things you're hoping to achieve. And finally, associated with the Stamps will be rewards which your group are encouraged to take advantage of, once you've earned that Stamp.


There are certain criteria that you’ll have to meet in order to obtain the chosen ‘Stamp’ and related rewards. 1. Choose the Stamp you want to work toward/feel your group are already close to accomplishing.

how it works

2. Complete the 3 mandatory criteria, and choose 2 others, whilst collecting relevant evidence. 3. Submit the evidence - Download evidence document from the website, complete and either email to with evidence scanned and attached or hand in a physical form to the activities office, with all evidence attached. You can only submit evidence for one Stamp at a time. That's you done, this is what will happen next... Evidence will be taken to the Rewards & Recognition panel, made up of the Vice President Activities, 1 other elected officer & 1 designated member of staff. The panel will decide if the ‘Stamp’ being applied for is justified with the evidence. The decision will be issued to the committee members who submitted the evidence by email within 30 days of date submitted. Rewards will be issued within 7-14 working days of decision.

what do you want your group to be known for?


THE STAMPS There are 6 Stamps your group can achieve. Each Stamp has 3 mandatory criteria that you must meet, along with another 2 of your choice. In total 5 criteria must be met in order to obtain the Stamp. If you achieve the entire criteria of that Stamp, you will be awarded the GOLD version of that Stamp.

are you proud of your groups achievements?



This stamp recognises your commitment to equality and diversity and creating an inclusive environment for students from all walks of life.

ACTIVITY This stamp recognises that your group is continuously active, hosting a variety of meetings and events and effectively communicating with and involving its stake holders (the SU & EHU students).


This stamp recognises the impact your group and its continuous activity, has had on the Students’ Union and EHU students.


This stamp recognises your commitment to being democratically lead and your active involvement with democratic processes within the Union and beyond (e.g. SU Elections).


This stamp recognises your commitment to the stability of the group with well managed finances, resources and activities, providing a quality experience to all members.


This stamp recognises your commitment to improving the student experience at Edge Hill University, your involvement with campaigns, creating positive change within the local community and beyond.



you must complete all three 1. Create a group 'Inclusion Policy', including Health and Safety Procedures.

Health & Safety can include accessibility for disabled students. Example can be found on our website

2. Elect an equality & diversity officer

You must inform us when the election is taking place, how many votes are cast and what the outcome is. Or, the SU can run the election online alongside normal committee elections.

3. Offer a range of activities catering for a broad range of demographics not currently represented in your group This could be an event organised with disabled students, students of all genders, BME students, mature students, postgraduates, international/Erasmus students, student parents, LGBT+, various genders or faith groups in mind.

Advisories: If your group have previously received a complaint regarding Equality & Diversity, with regards to the SU policy, this Stamp can be retracted/ not granted upon first attempt.

choose two declare a safe space policy at meetings and publicize on all events Attend SU workshops or guest speakers on topics of liberation or inclusion. host taster sessions for new members throughout term earn positive feedback from taster sessions

does your group value equality & diversity within its members?


CRITERIA you must complete all three 1. Ensure 80% of current members vote in your committee elections 2. ensure 60% of current members vote in general SU elections 3. 2 or more members attend a minimum of 3 relevant forums

choose two hold events to discuss manifestos with candidates in the su elections actively promote voting for general elections invite an elected officer to a meeting to discuss relevant issues/topics e.g Welfare VP to discuss mental health

submit all committee positions, outside of the compulsory 3, to the su to be elected in march 5 or more group members attend the SU agm

do your members feel their opinions are valued?


CRITERIA you must complete all three 1. host a minimum of 3 socials 2. register a session with give it a go 3. have sufficient communication methods in place, including a dedicated social media with at least 90% of members following and a dedicated email. all forms must be communicated to the su. Minimum of 1 active platform e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc. with correct group name

choose two host 1-2 fundraising events for charity Funds must be processed via SU procedures (RAG)

host a minimum of 5 meetings relevant members attend at least 2 councils/forums organise joint event with another group have 30% of members attend another groups event

how many successful events & activities have you hosted?

put in place a strategy for better communication to your stake holders (SU and EHU STudents) Example can be found on our website



you must complete all three 1. All members read & sign the Members code of conduct & submit to the su before end of term 1 (december) 2. Submit a group plan for the year before november 30th.

Including dates for meetings, fixtures, matches etc. Plan must include risk assessments, submitted to SU at least 5 days prior to event. Example can be found on our website

3. Host between 2-5 fundraising events for the group

Funds raised must be for direct use of the group, not for a charity. SU finance procedure must be followed.

is your group well organised?

choose two develop a constituion

Example can be found on our website

maintain an inventory of resources Create a yearly budget, outlining what costs might occur and how the group will raise funds hold an agm where group members can feed back ideas/concerns and submit minutes

Advisories: If the SU are privy to any previous issues your group has had regarding managing finances, resources, or poorly organised activities and/or events, this Stamp can be retracted/not granted upon first attempt.


CRITERIA you must complete all three 1. submit evidence of your groups continuous activity for the last 5 years

This could be list of previous members, active social media links etc.

2. create 2-3 year success strategy Example can be found on our website

3. Increased membership by 20% compared to last year Membership measured via members joined on SU website

choose two affiliated with outside organisation receive external recognition regionally Outside of SU publications

receive external recognition nationally

do you think your group is embedded into EHU's history?


CRITERIA you must complete all three 1. organise and run a campaign

A campaigns plan should be submitted to the relevant committee and approved. It must be in line with EHSU's visions and values. Example can be found on our website

2. submit an idea to SU Your Ideas and gain 10 likes by Decemeber 3. write a comprehensive handover for the new committee Example can be found on our website

choose two run 2 campaigns organise 2 guest speakers

Ensure correct process is followed as outlined in EHSU's Guest Speaker policy

be active in 2-5 su campaigns (exluding elections) evidence how your group has been influential in a campus based campaign

is your group dedicated to improving the student experience at EHU?


what happens when you earn a Stamp Stamp identifier

You'll be given the stamp icon to display on all promotional items, social media etc.

website update

Your page on our website will be amended to display the stamp, and how you've earned it.

social media declaration

Celebrating success Sports & Societies awards

We will post a recognition of your groups achievements from our official EHSU Facebook & Twitter. Please request specific Thanks/info if required. The more stamps you earn, the more likely your group is to be included in the Celebrating Success initiative, and displayed in the SU. The more stamps you earn, the more likely your group is to be nominated for a Society or Sports award.


Prize Draw

After you've earned your first stamp, you will be entered into a Prize Draw to win £50 for your group.

6 Stamps graphic designer

1 hour dedicated time with Graphic Designer to develop logo or 1 poster for 1 event.


other things

If you need help with any criteria, or if you need any information or have any questions, please get in touch with the Activities Centre. Pop in, email or call 01695 657307. Or you can contact your VP Activities on

Resources can be found at Criteria & Rewards are subject to change

The Big idea The idea behind this scheme is to make sure student groups are recognised for the amazing things you do, but to also support your group to develop to be the best it can be. If you have any ideas as to how we could do this better, please send all suggestions to


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