NorthShore Echo Newspaper April 27, 11

Page 1

April 27, 2011 Volume 7 • Number 17 50¢ Newsstand Price

north shore


Kamloops in Top Ten – page 2

North Shore Sidewalk Sale Saturday, april 30 Tranquille Road


Enjoy the NSBIA Sidewalk Sale – page 5

open for business 250.376.2411

your neighbourhood. your newspaper.

Traditional fiddle music concert and contest When you think of fiddling, you immediately have thoughts of the east coast and their huge fiddling community. Fiddling and especially Old Time Fiddling is some of the oldest and most prominent forms of traditional music in the United States and Canada. Here in Kamloops, Old Time Fiddling is still going strong thanks in part to the Kamloops Branch of the B.C. Old Time Fiddlers’ Association, which is helping to keep the tradition and music alive. Although they play and gather all year long, the first week of May each year is where it comes all together. This is when the Kamloops Branch of the B.C. Old Time Fiddlers’ Association hosts their annual concert and contest at St. John Vianney Church Hall, 2826 Bank Road in Westsyde. “This is our 27th annual Old Time Fiddle Contest,” tells Florence Tellier, director of the B.C. Old Time Fiddlers. “This is something that the Kamloops Branch does every year. For the last 27 years, the first week in May has been reserved for it. The contest is always a lot of fun and is open to anyone who has a love of fiddling. There are many categories and age groups with trophies and prize money being handed out for each category.” On Friday May 6, the weekend will begin with a concert by legendary fiddler and musical prodigy Calvin Vollrath, who hails from St. Paul Alberta. Calvin is a world-class fiddler who spends much of his time performing and representing Alberta and Canada on the world stage. He has composed over 400 songs and recorded over 50 of his own albums. In August 2005 Calvin received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Grand






FinE CoFFEEs & tEAs

The Kamloops Branch of the B.C. Old Time Fiddlers Association is delighted to be bringing master fiddler Calvin Vollrath to Kamloops for a performance on May 6.

Masters Fiddling Championship in recognition and appreciation of his outstanding contribution to Old Time Fiddling. In 2007, for his contribution, support and dedicated years of promoting and playing country music, Calvin was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Alberta Men of Country Music and in 2009




NSBIA - lug A27.indd 1




he received the Bev Munro Award, sponsored by the Association of Canadian Country Music Legends. Calvin was commissioned to compose five fiddle tunes for the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010 Opening Ceremonies to represent the vari– continued on page 2


light lunChEs

449 Tranquille Road 250-376-0058 229 Victoria Street 250-372-3565 Royal Inland Hospital (Front Entrance) FoRmERly Cowboy CoFFEE

n April 27, 2011

North Shore echo

Secwepemc Nation part of Mica expansion project As part of the regeneration program to meet British Columbia’s growing need for electricity, BC Hydro has announced that Sexqeltkemc of the Secwepemc (Shuswap) Nation will develop a temporary “home away from home” for approximately 250 contractor employees as a result of the Mica Units 5 & 6 Construction Camp contract being awarded to Horizon North Camps and Catering Partnership. The contract is one of the largest ever awarded to a First Nations joint venture by BC Hydro. Contractor employees will work out of temporary modular dormitories as they prepare to install two 135-metric-tonne gen-

erating units into empty bays at the Mica Generating Station, resulting in the addition of 1,000 megawatts of capacity to BC Hydro’s system. The temporary housing and catering facilities will be fabricated in Kamloops by Horizon North’s subsidiary Northern Trailer and will be delivered beginning in June with the camp scheduled

to be in full operation by August 2011. In addition to single-room dormitories, the Mica camp facilities will include a service complex that will house recreation, administration, first aid, security, kitchen and dining, luggage storage and laundry facilities. Horizon has more than 30 years experience in providing camps,

camp management and catering to industry working in remote locations. The Mica Units 5 & 6 project is part of BC Hydro’s overall regeneration program over the next three years to invest in and renew the province’s electricity system by improving and replacing aging facilities built primarily between 1950 and 1980.

The Kamloops Chapter of the BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA) urges Kamloops residents to voice their opinions on the parkade proposed for Lorne Street.

Now is the time to let Kamloops City Council know what its citizens think of spending $10,025,000 with debt over 30 years for a three-level parking structure at Riverside Park.

BCSEA’s vision is a sustainable community with clean air, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, low-cost transportation options for all and the resilience to thrive in a changing world. They support investment in transit to make the bus a convenient and affordable choice; they want safe bicycle and pedestrian access; and they support incentive programs that will encourage people to make the switch to these “greener” ways of getting around. Building expensive infrastructure to support our use of personal vehicles isn’t the answer. This is a very short consultation process, so BCSEA encourages residents to take action immediately. The deadline for public feedback is Wednesday April 27. The public can read more about the plan and take the online survey at: http://kamloops. ca/parkade/index.shtml

BCSEA urges public input on parkade



North Shore resident Trevor Dick was one of many citizens who attended the Kamloops Homelessness Action Plan Community Forum held earlier this month at the Alliance Church. – Photo courtesy of Dave Eagles.

Magic Show at Arthur Stevenson Elementary School at 2890 Bank Road on Apr. 29 at 7pm. Fundraiser for Parent Advisory Committee. Advanced tickets available by calling Kerry at 250-5799325. Tickets also at the door.

Legendary player headlines Oldtime Fiddle contest show – continued from page 1 ous styles of fiddling our country has to offer. When Calvin writes a tune for an individual, a place or an event, he has an uncanny sense of capturing their personality or expressing its atmosphere. “This is a very special performance,” continues Florence. “Calvin is a world class fiddling

sensation. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. at St. John Vianney Church Hall and tickets are only $15. Children 12 and under are free when accompanied by an adult. It is a show anyone who appreciates the fiddle will not want to miss and one that will instantly turn you into a fiddle lover if you weren’t before.”

The fun will continue all day Saturday May 7 at the same location, with the 27th Annual Fiddle Contest. Fiddlers of all ages will have the opportunity to compete in eight different categories, from nine years and under to 65 years and older.Tickets to the preliminaries, which start at 11:00 a.m., are $5 each. Admission is $10 for

the finals starting at approximately 6:00 p.m. and the evening dance. The dance will take place following the final presentation of awards with music by Old Time Fiddlers. For more information or tickets call 250-376-2330 or 250-3722809 or send an email to: tellier@ Tanya Orozco, freelance

North Shore echo April 27, 2011 n



Do you see the Canucks Kelly Spencer going all the Aprilway? 1st from 7-10pm

Inside Chances

Live Entertainment

1250 Halston Avenue 250-554-1030

Johnson Sandwich April 8th from 7-10pm

Inside Chances

Live Entertainment Rhonda Hayes

Shea Avenue Oram 1250 Halston 250-554-1030 Hansport


They are going all the way!

The Kamloops 2011 Western Canada Summer Games committee wants you to know that they are still looking for volunteers. Their goal is to have 2500 volunteers for the August 5 to 14 event. Already signed up and ready to roll are (L-R) Bob Haywood and Jim Jenkins. If you are interested in helping out at the Games go to their website at

Kamloops in top ten cities of the future

Kamloops, British Co- Foreign Direct Invest- deserved. Our growth in lumbia has received a ment Strategy and fifth infrastructure and busiprestigious recognition for its Cost Competitive- ness opportunities, our from Foreign Direct In- ness in their Micro Cities ideal location as a transvestment Magazine. categories. Micro cities portation hub as well as The first ever Ameri- have a population of less our superior quality of cas Cities of the Fu- than 100,000. life amenities all contribSix categories were ute to Kamloops being a ture 2010/11 competi$ tion, which publishes a evaluated: economic pogreat place to invest. ranking of the econom- tential, human resources, “Having such a prestiicPRINTED business finan-paper cost effectiveness, qual- 1000+ ON and 24lb laser 1-99 100-999 gious ranking will only cial strengths of 405 citity of life, infrastructure •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• enhance our efforts to 8 1/2” x 11”the full North colour posters 40¢ 38¢ ies across and and business44¢ friendli11” x 17” full colour posters 88¢ 80¢ 78¢ South American Con- ness, and foreign direct attract international inour com• • • • • has • • • •recognized • • • • • • • • •investment • • • • • • • • • •promotion • • • • • • • • •vestment • • • • • • into • tinents, munity,” said Dan Sulz, Kamloops as ninth over- strategy. all in their Micro Cities “This recognition of executive director of Category, second for its Kamloops’ efforts is well Venture Kamloops.

need posters?


need posters?


Yes! Go Canucks Go!

AJ Ellsay

April 15th from 7-10pm

Inside Chances

Live Entertainment

1250 Halston Avenue 250-554-1030

Marshall *prices Grayston per copy

Anna Turcott Henry Small & Friends

Videomart *pdf. or .jpg file must be suppliedQ-Phoria by customer and

April 7-10pm I say yes because Yes22nd I dofrom asrun. much as I must bethey’re same artwork throughout the Inside Chances a totally different team started to lose hope. I’m Live Entertainment 1250 Halston Avenue this year. a die-hard Canucks fan 250-554-1030 and really hope they make it all the way! Call or email us to book your printing

Dave Coalmine & 250-374-ECHO (3246) The Roadmap Bandits Inside Chances

1250 Halston Avenue 250-554-1030

April 29th from 7-10pm Live Entertainment

*prices per copy *pdf. or .jpg file must be supplied by customer and must be same artwork throughout the run.


BL - EA spon April 2011.indd 1

1-99 100-999 1000+ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 1/2” x 11” full colour posters 44¢ 40¢ 38¢ 11” x 17” full colour posters 88¢ 80¢ 78¢ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRINTED ON 24lb laser paper

Call or email us to book your printing 250-374-ECHO (3246)

n April 27, 2011 meet the LEADERS

North Shore echo



wenda Noonan Publisher Just Late-In

penny egyed

Advertising Consultant Harp-on Her

Erin Johnson Production Manager E. May I?

natasha lyndon Editor

Iggy Pop

tanya orozco, Freelance Writer CARRIE HARMAN, Administrator Delivery

Marilee Manning, wayne kuchyski, ian watt & cody braun

north shore The North Shore Echo is a weekly publication distributed throughout North Shore Kamloops. It is independently owned and operated by Edge Publishing Inc. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the contributors/writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the publisher. Pictures and written submissions are submitted at the owner’s risk and will not be returned unless a stamped, selfaddressed envelope is included. Disclaimer: The publisher will not be responsible for errors or ommissions. Due care and attention is used in checking advertising copy for accuracy and legitimacy, but no warranty is implied or given by the publishers. The publishers reserve the right to refuse any advertising or editorial submissions which they believe to be inconsistent with the concept of this publication.


North shore ECHO PHONE OUR OFFICE AT: 250-374-ECHO (3246) FAX: 250-374-3247 EMAIL US: OR WRITE US AT: #1 - 219 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A1

(L-R) Northills Mall First Choice Haircuts store manager Lynn Smith, with stylists Julia Wright and Robyn Kehler display their t-shirts for the fundraiser that is taking place at all First Choice Haircuts locations. All of First Choice stores in town are donating 50¢ from every haircut to the Help Kids Fight Cancer Cuts for Cancer fundraiser.

National Immunization Awareness Week

Are your shots up to date? Have all the people in your family received their vaccinations? Immunization is an important part of staying healthy for people of all ages, asserts the Interior Health Authority. April 23 to 30 is National Immunization Awareness Week, and this year, Interior Health would like to remind you to make sure everyone in your family is up-to-date with all the recommended vaccines. “Immunization doesn’t just protect you – it protects those around you,” says Dr. Rob Parker, Medical Health Officer with Interior Health. “When most people are vaccinated for a disease

it makes it harder for that disease to spread from person to person. Recent outbreaks in our region of measles and whooping cough (pertussis), occurring among un-immunized individuals, are close-to-home reminders of why it’s important to keep our immunization rates high and why we should protect ourselves and our children.” Keeping your shots up to date is important for people of all ages. In order for vaccinations to be most effective, infants and toddlers should be immunized at two, four, six, 12 and 18 months. School-aged children should receive vaccinations upon school entry (kindergarten) and

in grade six and grade nine. For adults, vaccinations and their timing will depend on a number of factors including medical conditions, travel plans, lifestyle and occupations that may put them at risk for certain diseases. For more information on immunizations includ-

ing a list of recommended vaccines for various age groups call your local public health office. A list of local offices is available at Offices are also listed under Health Authorities in the Blue Pages of your telephone directory.

Access Pro Bono and the Interior Indian Friendship Society (IIFS) are opening a free legal clinic to provide legal services to people of limited means throughout Kamloops and the surrounding areas. The clinic will be open to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peo-

ple. To celebrate the partnership and to increase awareness of the new legal clinic, the IIFS will be hosting a Kick Off BBQ on May 5, 5-7pm at the Interior Indian Friendship Centre at 125 Palm St. Everyone is welcome! Please RSVP to cjcook@

Legal clinic BBQ

did you miss an issue of the echo? Go to: to find the latest issues of the Downtown and North Shore ECHO newspapers. Updated every Friday!

North Shore echo April 27, 2011 n Business profile

Celebrate the North Shore at sidewalk sale

Jumping on the “I love North Shore� bandwagon, we have spent time thinking of all the reasons why we love the North Shore. One thing for certain is that the North Shore is home to some of the most interesting stores and shopping in the city, from the quaint and lovely Home, Hearth and Cottage all the way to the new Littlest Toy Shop in the Brock Shopping Centre. No one seems to know this better than the North Shore Business Improvement Association (NSBIA) and they want to reintroduce you to the multitude of unique shops along the Tranquille Market and are busy organizing a Spring Sidewalk Sale along the famous street. “We want you to come and walk the Tranquille Market,� explains Lynda Douglas, president of the NSBIA and owner/operator of PCT Computer School. “We have a diverse range of shops that will be offering great specials and deals all day long. It will be a great chance to come out, see and experience who is new and what is out this spring.� Diverse is right! The Tranquille Market is home to some of the most interesting shops and services around. New to the strip is the fabulous Heartland Foods that sell 100-mile approved, organic, and local foods from meats to cheeses, vegetables to coffee. Also new is Costsavers, which has relocated almost next door with expanded space and a new showroom. And there are still all your old favourites like Surplus Herbies, Interior Crafts, Light Your

Steel BuildingS

30x40, 50x100 - (Others)


Prices going up Source #1ED


& liquor store


'3&& 1*;;" TUBS ! QNUT

$)&$, 64 065 0/ '"$&#00,

Marla Ronnquist (L) of Heartland Quality Foods and Doris Dubois of 2Dz Boutique are working together to make their corner of Tranquille Road a must stop at the upcoming Sidewalk Sale!

World, Findlay’s Sewing, 2DZ and many more. The giant Sidewalk Sale is this Saturday, April 30 along the Tranquile Market from the 100 to 400 block. There will be sales and specials at each business and “I love North Shore� buttons to pick up. It is the perfect chance to get familiar with your neighbours and enjoy a great day. “Come and welcome spring,� says NSBIA general manager Peter Mutrie. “We ordered the

weather well ahead of time so it’s sure to be a nice day.� So take a leisurely stroll down the Tranquille Market, catch all the great sales and specials and see what’s happening. Don’t forget to take a break for lunch at one of the delicious cafes and restaurants along the strip. The Sidewalk Sale is happening Saturday, April 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. along the Tranquille Market. Tanya Orozco, freelance

)FCB 4VQFSNBSLFU Specialty East Indian Grocer y


BCP - V 3.8 Oct2010.indd 1

298 Lansdowne St. • 250.851.0588

at 8:00pm with michelle

wednesday & saturday with nan


5SBORVJMMF #30$, 4)011*/( $&/53&

wn Heart of downto e convenience stor d to for sale. Reduce $50,000 oBo. more Please call for information. . 250-214-4322

n April 27, 2011

North Shore echo

New members always welcome! Open everyday 11:00am - 8:00pm Fridays until midnight

Come in and see our bright new store! Yarn & Craft Centre


• Yarn • Beads • Needle Craft Supplies • Alterations • Teddy Bear Parts • One on One Classes

Meat Draws Friday at 7pm & Saturdays at 3pm

Loyal Order of Moose Lodge 1552

730 Cottonwood Avenue • 250-376-8022

may 2011 sunday 3:30pm Gospel Meeting




Elections Canada Polling Station 7:00am-7:00pm

3:30pm Gospel Meeting


Community Dinner 5pm

12:30pm Carpet Bowling 6:30pm Gentle Nia 7:00pm Line Dancing

3:30pm Gospel Meeting

12:30pm Carpet Bowling 6:30pm Gentle Nia

12:30pm Carpet Bowling 12:45pm Healing Touch 1:00pm Tai Chi Breathing 2:30pm Scrabble 6:00pm Chronic Disease 6:30pm Karobics 6:30pm Wood Carvers


9:00am Out of Eden 12:45pm Healing Touch 1:00pm Tai Chi Breathing 2:30pm Scrabble 6:00pm Pie Night 6:30pm Karobics 6:30pm Wood Carvers


12:00pm Rotary N. Lunch 12:30pm Carpet Bowling 5:00pm Weight Watchers 6:30pm Zumba 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge

12:30pm Carpet Bowling 1:00pm Cotton Pickers 5:00pm Weight Watchers 6:30pm Zumba 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge


9:00am 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm



Diabetic Clinic 10:15am Tai Chi Cribbage Breathing Line Dancing 10:30am Sing-a-long German Choir Practice Rotary Executive Duplicate Bridge VVO Lion’s Coffee

11 9:00am Cottonwood 12 Board 9:00am 1:00pm 1:30pm 7:00pm

Diabetic Clinic Cribbage Line Dancing Duplicate Bridge

10:15am Tai Chi Breathing 10:30am Sing-a-long


12:45pm Healing Touch 1:00pm Tai Chi Breathing 2:30pm Scrabble 6:30pm Karobics


9:00am Out of Eden 12:00pm Rotary N. Lunch 12:30pm Carpet Bowling 5:00pm Weight Watchers 6:30pm Zumba 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge

1:00pm Cotton Pickers 5:00pm Weight Watchers 6:30pm Zumba 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge 7:00pm Cottonwood Birthdays

Victoria Day 12:30pm Carpet Bowling 6:30pm Gentle Nia



12:45pm Healing Touch 1:00pm Tai Chi Breathing 2:30pm Scrabble 5:00pm Community Dinner 6:30pm Karobics 6:30pm Wood Carvers

TesTThedrive a new hybrid new open fit hearing aid that is available for the Broadest range of patients.




9:00am 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Mother’s Day Fashion Show, Bake Sale & Tea Bake Sale 1pm Fashion Show 1:30pm

13 8:00am

Weight Watchers




Diabetic Clinic Cribbage Line Dancing German Choir Practice Duplicate Bridge VVO Lion’s Dinner

1:30pm Line Dancing 7:00pm Duplicate Bridge 7:00pm VVO Lion’s Exec


8:00am Weight Watchers


Old Time Dance 2 pm All Welcome 10:15am Tai Chi Breathing 10:30am Sing-a-long 12:00pm BCGREA

9:00am Diabetic Clinic Seniors Archive 12:00pm Rotary N. Lunch Tai Chi 26 10:15am 24 12:30pm 23 10:00am Class Carpet Bowling 25 1:00pm Cribbage Breathing




9:00am Out of Eden

Class 12:45pm Healing Touch 1:00pm Tai Chi Breathing 2:30pm Scrabble 6:00pm Thomas Cook 6:00pm Chronic Disease 6:30pm Karobics

Mother’s Day



9:00am Out of Eden

Out of Eden 9 9:00am 10:00am Seniors Archive 10

Tickets $10 in advance Buffet Dinner Everyone welcome Live Entertainment • 50/50

3:30pm Gospel Meeting

north shore Community Centre #452 - 730 Cottonwood ave • 376-4777 • nsCCs@shaw.Ca


6:30pm Gentle Nia 6:30pm Blazers Boosters

Fortune Shopping Centre (Old Pizza Hut location) Open Monday - Saturday 10am-5pm • 250-376-3381

10:30am Sing-a-long 12:00pm BCRTA


8:00am Weight Watchers

27 8:00am

Weight Watchers 1:00pm Eckankar

FlEA MArkET 8am-1pm

Old Time Dance 2 pm All Welcome

Mother’s Day Fashion show, Bake sale & tea saturday, May 7

Bake Sale 1 pm • Fashion Show 1:30 pm Tickets $12 in advance at the front desk 703 Cottonwood Ave. 250-376-4777



North Shore echo April 27, 2011 n

Support NorKam’s dry grads The parents and students at NorKam are busy organizing some fun fundraising activities for Dry Grad 2011 that include a two-day river rafting adventure and an event at Fun Factor. Do you want to purchase an Ad a Grad Special Edition Keepsake? Call Karen 250-376-9903 for more information. The deadline is May 3. Plan to attend the NorKam

Grad Fashion Show with the theme “Through the Years.” It’s on May 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the NorKam Gym, 730 12th Street. Tickets are $10.00 each and are available by calling Tracey at 250-554-8998. And not to be missed is the Krispy Creme donut sale! Watch for NorKam grads selling them in and around town. Your support is much appreciated.


Special Edition

Central Vacuum System


• 600 Air Watts of Cleaning Power • Self-Cleaning Filter • Sound Insulation System • 10 year motor warranty




One booth that created quite a buzz at the recent Home Show at McArthur Island Sports Complex was the Kamloops and District Beekeepers display. There was an active beehive behind glass as well as local honey, beeswax candles, pollen, propolis and bulk beeswax. Tom Northcott, owner of Happy Honey is seen here with a container of his honey.

Arbor Day at Mac Park Residents and visitors are invited to celebrate the importance of trees in our community with Mayor Peter Milobar and councilors at the annual Arbor Day Celebration on Friday, April 29 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at McArthur Island Park, just west of the Boys and Girls Club. Mayor Milobar will discuss the Operation Re-Leaf initiative, which envisions Kamloops planting 20,000 trees in four years. In the past three years, 14,946 trees have been planted. At the event, the City will be handing out tree coupons valued at $20. Residents who are unable to attend the Arbor Day event but would like a tree coupon can pick one up at either City Hall or the Public Works

Centre Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tree coupons are available on a first come, first serve basis and are limited to one per household. The City has other tree planting incentives for residents. The Aspen Tree Program will restore visual screening where there has been a significant loss of trees due to pine beetle infestation and increasing wildfire protection to residential homes. The City will provide aspen trees to qualified homeowners if they agree to irrigate and care for these trees. The Boulevard Tree Planting Program allows neighbourhoods to apply for trees to be planted on their street if homeowners agree to be responsible for irrigating them. FV - 1.2v Apr27.indd 1














A Beam Central Vacuum System is a built-in cleaning appliance that provides a superior clean and results in healthier living

Ergospace GREEN Small. Compact. Built to be Green

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Findlay’s Vacuum and Sewing Machine World

251 Tranquille Rd., Kamloops, BC


Mon-Fri 9:30am to 5:30pm – Sat 9:30am to 5:00pm

n April 27, 2011

North Shore echo

Inaugural Chris Rose autism walk

Chateau-Madison-KaraMar (Northshore & Southshore Neighbourhoods)

• 1 & 2 bdrm Apartments from $650/mth • 3 bdrm Townhomes from $1099/mth • Spacious, secured, pet friendly building • Pro-active on-site building manager • Near transit, shopping & schools • On-site laundry & parking available • Seniors & long-term tenants preferred

Call today!


Find The Echo on Facebook It’s always good news!

The first Chris Rose Walk for Autism will be held Saturday, April 30, to raise awareness and funds to benefit children with autism. The event’s theme is “Step by Step We Can All Help,” and money raised will help the Chris Rose Therapy Centre for Autism continue to meet the needs of local children. The Centre’s teachers, therapists and consultants are dedicated to teaching children with autism life skills, social integration and pre-academic and academic training. The goal for all children is to prepare them for an integrated classroom setting in a regular school. Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that inhibits a person’s ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by behavioural challenges. People with this life-long developmental disability can see and hear well, but problems seem to arise in organizing and interpreting the information they receive from their eyes, ears and other senses. Children who cannot understand the world around them are cut off and isolated. The Autism Walk will begin at the NorKam High School parking lot and continue around MacArthur Island. The walkway is flat and paved, allowing easy access for participants of all abilities. Wheelchairs, walkers, strollers, and service animals are all welcome. Registration at the NorKam High School parking lot will begin at 9:00 a.m., with free coffee, treats, and fruit. The walk will start at 10:00 a.m. with a circuit around MacArthur Island. Fol-


SArunVdyEs Grind early bird #1 - 219 Victoria Street 374-ECHO (3246) email us at: echo@

Pledge and team downloaded from or from the Centre at quille Rd.

forms can www.chrispicked up 1111 Tran-


(L-R) Firefighters Kevin Cassidy, Cole Martin, and Westsyde Firehall Captain Troy Grant were out on a sunny spring day keeping the neighbourhood protected.

IHA invests in residential care Interior Health is pleased to announce that an additional $5.9 million will be available in 2011 to enhance the care provided to residents living in publicly funded residential care sites. The investment will standardize the delivery of residential care across Interior Health and will be directed to staffing, education and quality initiatives. Particular attention will go towards enhancing care for residential clients with the highest and most complex needs. Across Interior Health, the hours of direct care that residents receive at all residential care sites will now meet an average of 3.15 care hours per resident per day, and will include

the care provided by RNs, LPNs, care aides, and activity and rehab staff. Interior Health will be hiring additional educators to support frontline staff, as well as introducing four quality coordinator positions to ensure the highest quality of care standards are in place at all residential sites. This additional investment is made possible through the residential rate adjustments that took effect across British Columbia in Advertisers like to know January 2010 and 2011. Interior where you heard Health funds 5,185 bedsabout for residents requiring complex them, let them24/7 know you care through facilities owned saw their in the and operated by ad Interior Health and Downtown those operated by Echo contracted private partners.


It’s always good news!

lowing the walk, participants can enjoy entertainment and purchase lunch from the North Kamloops Lions and M & M Meat Shops.

G ds April 30th deadline en


• Beginner to Intermediate Players and Goaltenders Welcome • Fundamental Hockey Skills • Progressive Drills and Skill Sessions • On Ice Sessions, Dryland, Chalk Talk, Shooting Clinic,3/28/11 Educational Session 10:44:12 AM Full details and registration info at


girl’s Hockey skills and Training camp (ages 6-9 and 10-14) Also available: women’s Hockey camp

Advertisers like to know where you heard about them, let them know you saw their ad in the

north ShorE Echo

North Shore echo April 27, 2011 n

Be a spirit warrior

(L-R) Dot Shervey, Irene Keith, Evelyn Bradley, and Norman Bayres enjoying an afternoon of lawn bowling last season.

Lawn bowl club ready to roll

The greens are looking good and the members of the McArthur Island Lawn Bowling Club are getting anxious to get out there to bowl. New bowlers are invited to come out April 27 and 29 at 1:30 and 6:00 p.m. for a free training session. And on April 30 at 1:30 p.m. the club will host a Newcomers Open House at 1:30 p.m. to try new skills and have a friendly game or two. McArthur Park is a friendly club and this is a very bodyfriendly sport that only requires

flat-soled shoes and enthusiasm. The season will begin approximately May 1 with bowling at 6:30 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays until Oct. In the hotter summer days we will start later when it’s cooler. New teams are formed each night so you will meet everyone so no need to search for spares or attend every session. This game of lawn bowling is suitable for all ages and McArthur Park Lawn Bowling Club welcomes all new bowlers. For information call 250-376-0917.

Are you a breast cancer survivor looking for fun, fitness and friendship? The Spirit Warriors dragon boat team is a great group of women who meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 p.m. at the Pioneer Park boat launch starting in May. Lat June the Spirit Warriors participated in the International Dragon Boat Festival (for breast cancer survivor teams only). With 15 of their team members and some good friends from around B.C. and in Ontario, they paddled to a final placing of 17th among 74 teams from around the world, including South Africa, England, Italy, Australia,

New Zealand, US and Canada. Their team members stepped up to the challenge of competing with 1,628 other paddlers coming from different corners of the world. It is a sisterhood coming together to raise awareness that they have courage, they have fight, they have fun and most of all, they have the support of each other. The Spirit Warriors dragon boat team is always looking for new members. No experience required! Call Laima at 250377-1947 or Midge at 250-3742566 for information. You can also learn more at

write to us! Tell us what you think about the issues on the North Shore. Let us echo your thoughts and ideas with your neighbours. We are your newspaper in your neighbourhood. Organized by the BC Cowboy Heritage Society

de-clutter for a cause national Garage sale for shelter Donate your unwanted, gently used items to our Garage Sale and you’ll be helping women and children in our community safely escape violence. 100% of the proceeds go to the local YMCA-YWCA Women’s Shelter and to education and violence prevention programs in our community.

Join us on saturday, May 14 in the Hub International Barton Insurance parking lot next to our office at 322 Seymour Street

Mike Puhallo Benefit Concert

A fund raiser for Mike & his family to help with travel and medical costs with partial proceeds going to the Cancer Center for the Southern Interior (Kelowna)

Tickets $15 advance $20 at the door

Matt Johnston

Shirley Field

Gary Fjellgaard

Butch Falk Dave Longworth

Calvary Community Church 7:00 pm Friday, May 13th Hugh McLennan

Tim Hus & his band including Riley Tubbs and fiddle player extraordinaire Billy MacInnis

Donations will be accepted at the concert or online at:

Advance tickets $15 available by phone at: 1-888-763-2224 or at the Horse Barn in Kamloops Sponsored in part by:


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10 n April 27, 2011

North Shore echo

talk of the town

TALK of the Town

List your event. Email us at or fax 250-374-3247.

n Jam at the Westsyder Pub on Friday nights starting at 9pm hosted by Jim Cochran & friends. Bands, singers and musicians welcome. 3369 Westsyde Rd. For more info call 250-319-9957. n Kamloops Adult Learners Society Spring Social for seniors on April 28, 2-4pm at Calvary Community Church, 1205 Rogers Way. Guest speaker Ken Wou, “Digital Photography - Good, Better, Best.” For more info visit or phone 250-819-5153. n Dining Out for Life - April 28 at various Kamloops restaurants. Fundraiser for HIV/AIDS & SOS Children’s Village in Swaziland. For more info contact Cheryl Doolan at 778-220-8900 or visit n Spring Coffee Connections for Royal Inland Hospital retirees - April 28, 10am to 12noon. North Shore Community Center, 730 Cottonwood Ave. For more info call 250-374-2209 or visit n Auditions for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat” in Western Canada Theatre’s November production. Send application with cover letter, headshot & resume by April 29 to Auditions are May 19. For more info call Julian Michell at 250-372-3216. n Entertainment at Barside Lounge & Grill at Chances Gaming Entertainment 1250 Halston Ave. Fridays 7-10pm. Dave Coalmine & Roadmap Bandits April 29. n BIG Little Science Centre is

EASTER TREATERS – The Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church recently held their eagerly anticipated annual Easter Bake Sale, with delicious homemade baking, cabbage rolls and pyrogies. Pictured here are the hardworking ladies of the parish: (back row) Elsie Mychaluk, Elsie Kinaschuk Mary Emery, Bernice Usipuik, and (front row) Zonia Rurka, Mildred Kolody, Adelle Dmyterko, Judy Orichowski, Louise McGarvey

open for public drop-in Thurs. & Fri. 3-5pm, and Sat. 10am-4pm. Apr. 30, 1:30 pm: Air Pressure Craziness! n Inspirationz show by Deb Swain at Wilson House Gallery. Oil and acrylic painting. To Apr. 28 at 115 Tranquille Road. Gallery hours Mon. to Fri. 1-4pm. n Flea Markets - every Sundays, 8am-1pm at North Shore Community Centre, 730 Cottonwood Ave. Reserve table rentals at 250-376-4777. n Kamloops Family History

Guns, Antiques & Custom Knife Show April 30 & May 1 McArthur Island Sports Centre (South end of 12th Street)

Saturday, April 30 9:00-5:00 Sunday, May 1 9:00-3:00 Admission $6, Seniors $4

Accompanied children 12 and under free

ATM onsite • Free Parking For more information visit

Society meets 4th Thursday of each month at Heritage House, 100 Lorne St., Riverside Park, 7-9pm. AGM this month. Guests and new members welcome. For info call 250-579-2078. n Zumba Classes every Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm at the North Shore Community Centre, 730 Cottonwood Ave. For more information call 250-376-4777. n Weekly meditation on Thurs. and Mon. 7pm, Sat. 12pm. Shambhala Meditation Group, 433b Lansdowne. 250-376-4224.

n Kamloops’Happy Choristers invite you to join them if you are aged 55 and over for fun and singing a variety of songs. Meet Wed. from 9:30am to 11am at the Heritage House, 100 Lorne St. For more info contact Sharon at 579-9505. n Canadian Cancer Society Cancer Connection program matches you with a survivor who has gone through the same type of cancer and treatments. Call 1888-939-3333 for more info and to register.

North Shore echo April 27, 2011 n 11 horoscopes

Your Horoscope

ARIES (Mar 21-April 20)  Talk to someone with experience about budgets or consolidating debts. You will learn easily if you put forth an effort. Problems with in-laws may cause friction in your personal relationship. Don’t back down but don’t ignite the situation. TAURUS (Apr 21-May 21)  Difficulties with older females in your family may turn out to be quit trivial after all. You may be overreacting to personal problems. Avoid friends or acquaintances who drink too much. Travel will be most enticing. Consider a cruise. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Romantic opportunities may not be as they appear. You must not allow them to force you to rush. You must strive to get the most important projects completed properly, rather than doling everything in a half baked way. CANCER (June 22-July 22)  Past partners may try to come back into your life. You can bet officials will be waiting for you when you do. Be aware that a female you work with may be trying to hold you back. Someone you care about may let you down or criticize your methods. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Relationships will be emotional this week. Trips will be favorable for business as well as pleasure. Take a second look; difficulties with appliances, water, or electricity in your home may be evident. Romantic encounters will develop through colleagues. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 23) You can ask for favors and get sound advice from close friends or relatives. You may want to plan physical activities that will help burn off some of their excess energy. Sudden trips will take you by surprise. You will be able to get good advice if you listen to close friends or relatives you respect. LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23) Your ability to work with detail could help you achieve your goals. It’s time to let loose. Someone you care about may let you down or criticize your methods. You will do extremely well if you get involved in competitive activities this week. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22) Disputes on the home front may be hard to avoid. Do something constructive outside. You can make money, but try not to let it slip through your fingers. Find ways to make extra cash. Start making things or reusing rather than buying ready made. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21) Do your chores and get on with the things you enjoy doing. Spend some quality time with the one you love. Your talents will shine at work. You may want to get involved in some kind of creative group. Someone you care about may not be too well. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 20) Avoid friction with your mate. You need to get out and be an observer. This will be a very hectic day if you’ve made promises to too many people. You need to sit back and enjoy. AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 19) You can make the most headway if you put in some overtime. You’ve been in a rut and you need to do something that will help you break the pattern you’ve fallen into. Communication will be your best bet. Put your efforts into making constructive improvements to your environment and to your state of mind. PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20) Put all your energy into moneymaking ventures. You will impress new friends and acquaintances with your intellectual wit. You will have to control the way you feel. KALS 1.8 April 27 2011.inddFor 1 Horoscopes courtesy of astrologer Michael Thiessen. daily horoscopes go to

tournament city mayhem roller derby


Saturday, May 7

Tournament Capital Centre Doors at 6pm • Game at 7pm Tickets $10 in advance at On the Rocks or The Ruby Room. Tickets $12 at the door. Tri-Rom Oct 28.indd 1

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12 n April 27, 2011

North Shore echo

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