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Steve Bullock

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Laurie McKinnon #5

Laurie McKinnon #5


CURRENT OCCUPATION: Governor of Montana CAMPAIGN WEBSITE: www.stevebullock.com

Arrow-Circle-Right Briefly introduce yourself. I am a lifelong Montanan and I have worked throughout my career to protect Montana’s way of life. As Attorney General and Governor, I have fought to protect access to public lands and end the corrupting influence of money in politics. As Governor, I brought Republicans and Democrats together to save the state’s rural hospitals and expand affordable health care to more than 90,000 Montanans and the 57% of Montana businesses that have one or more employees who receive their healthcare through Medicaid expansion. I am committed to bringing people together to get things done and do what’s right for Montana families. During my two terms, I have worked across the aisle to strengthen Montana’s economy, invest in public schools, freeze college tuition, invest in infrastructure, and expand career training so that Montana’s kids can build a better future for themselves—all while maintaining a balanced budget and creating a fire fund and a budget stabilization reserve.

Arrow-Circle-Right What makes you the

pro-business candidate for

this office? As Governor, I worked hard to help Montana’s business community thrive. My Main Street Montana initiative—led by business leaders—bridged the gap between the public sector, private sector, and education community. I would note that much of the Chamber’s long range visioning project had similarities to our report and effort. I cut red tape by repealing hundreds of unnecessary rules and regulations, and expanded apprenticeship programs and tax credits to connect employers with the skilled workers they need. I eliminated the business equipment tax for two-thirds of Montana businesses, and reduced it for larger businesses. I secured major investments in infrastructure and ensured the future of economic development tools that have been successful for businesses all over the state. As Montana’s Senator, I will continue building on this record of working in partnership with Montana businesses to create an environment where opportunities for growth and innovation are available to everyone.

Arrow-Circle-Right US Senators carry a great

responsibility in confirming nominees to serve on the US Supreme Court. What will you look for in a nominee when

evaluating confirmation? Making decisions about lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court is among the most serious and impactful considerations a Senator will undertake. That’s why I am committed to carefully evaluating every nominee based on their own record and merits, not subscribing to litmus tests. Given that all of the current members of the Supreme Court are from the East, however, I would like to see a nominee from the Western United States, and would strongly encourage the President to advance such a nominee. As Senator, I will consider whether a nominee is committed to upholding the Constitution, protecting Montana values, and making decisions that create economic opportunity for all Americans.

Arrow-Circle-Right In your opinion, what is the

best indication of economic health (the stock market, unemployment

rate, income, etc.)? Why? A healthy economy is one that works for all Montanans, which means we need to look at multiple indicators to determine the strength of our economy. The door to the American dream is open to Montana families when median incomes are strong and wages are keeping pace with inflation. Hitting targets for the unemployment rate indicates a balance between supply and demand in the labor market. High consumer confidence points towards how much financial security families are feeling. When GDP is growing, businesses are experiencing success and families’ standard of living is improving overall. All of these factors are important to consider when determining whether the economy as a whole is strong, and whether all Montanans are experiencing the benefits of prosperity. stop

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